linux-g++ { SUB_LIB = "linux" } linux-g++-32 { SUB_LIB = "linux" } linux-g++-64 { SUB_LIB = "linux" } macx { SUB_LIB = "macx" } win32 { SUB_LIB = "win32" } FREETYPE_DIR = "$PWD/freetype/freetype-2.4.6" LIBS += "-L$$PWD/freetype/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-lfreetype" # no INCLUDEPATH, freetype is not used directly QUAZIP_DIR = "$$PWD/quazip" LIBS += "-L$$QUAZIP_DIR/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-lquazip" INCLUDEPATH += "$$PWD/zlib/1.2.3/include" LIBS += "-L$$PWD/xpdf/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-lxpdf" XPDF_DIR = "$$PWD/xpdf/xpdf-3.03" INCLUDEPATH += "$$XPDF_DIR" INCLUDEPATH += "$$XPDF_DIR/goo" INCLUDEPATH += "$$XPDF_DIR/splash" linux-g++ { LIBS += -lpaper -lt1 } linux-g++-32 { LIBS += -lpaper -lt1 } linux-g++-64 { LIBS += -lpaper -lt1 } win32 { LIBS += "-L$$PWD/openssl/0.9.8i/lib/VC/static" "-llibeay32MD" INCLUDEPATH += "$$PWD/openssl/0.9.8i/include" LIBS += "-lWmvcore" LIBS += "-lWinmm" # need those link if we want to change default printer and print usind shell command LIBS += "-L$$PWD/microsoft/lib" "-lWinspool" LIBS += "-L$$PWD/microsoft/lib" "-lshell32" } macx { LIBS += "-framework QuickTime" LIBS += "-framework QuartzCore" LIBS += "-framework AudioToolbox" LIBS += "-framework CoreAudio" LIBS += "-framework ApplicationServices" LIBS += "-framework Carbon" LIBS += "-lcrypto" LIBS += "$$PWD/unsanity/ape/APELite.o" INCLUDEPATH += "$$PWD/unsanity/ape" }