# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical # # Authors: # Didier Roche # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from oneconf.dbusconnect import DbusConnect from oneconf.enums import MIN_TIME_WITHOUT_ACTIVITY from softwarecenter.backend.login_sso import get_sso_backend from softwarecenter.backend.ubuntusso import get_ubuntu_sso_backend from softwarecenter.enums import SOFTWARE_CENTER_NAME_KEYRING import datetime from gi.repository import GObject import logging from gettext import gettext as _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OneConfHandler(GObject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { "show-oneconf-changed": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,), ), "last-time-sync-changed": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,), ), } def __init__(self, oneconfviewpickler): '''Controller of the installed pane''' LOG.debug("OneConf Handler init") super(OneConfHandler, self).__init__() # OneConf stuff self.oneconf = DbusConnect() self.oneconf.hosts_dbus_object.connect_to_signal('hostlist_changed', self.refresh_hosts) self.oneconf.hosts_dbus_object.connect_to_signal('packagelist_changed', self._on_store_packagelist_changed) self.oneconf.hosts_dbus_object.connect_to_signal('latestsync_changed', self.on_new_latest_oneconf_sync_timestamp) self.already_registered_hostids = [] self.is_current_registered = False self.oneconfviewpickler = oneconfviewpickler # refresh host list self._refreshing_hosts = False GObject.timeout_add_seconds(MIN_TIME_WITHOUT_ACTIVITY, self.get_latest_oneconf_sync) GObject.idle_add(self.refresh_hosts) def refresh_hosts(self): """refresh hosts list in the panel view""" LOG.debug('oneconf: refresh hosts') # this function can be called in different threads if self._refreshing_hosts: return self._refreshing_hosts = True #view_switcher = self.app.view_switcher #model = view_switcher.get_model() #previous_iter = model.installed_iter all_hosts = self.oneconf.get_all_hosts() for hostid in all_hosts: current, hostname, share_inventory = all_hosts[hostid] if not hostid in self.already_registered_hostids and not current: self.oneconfviewpickler.register_computer(hostid, hostname) self.already_registered_hostids.append(hostid) if current: is_current_registered = share_inventory # ensure we are logged to ubuntu sso to activate the view if self.is_current_registered != is_current_registered: self.sync_between_computers(is_current_registered) self._refreshing_hosts = False def get_latest_oneconf_sync(self): '''Get latest sync state in OneConf. This function is also the "ping" letting OneConf service alive''' LOG.debug("get latest sync state") timestamp = self.oneconf.get_last_sync_date() self.on_new_latest_oneconf_sync_timestamp(timestamp) return True def on_new_latest_oneconf_sync_timestamp(self, timestamp): '''Callback computing the right message for latest sync time''' try: last_sync = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp)) today = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(datetime.date.today()), '%Y-%m-%d') the_daybefore = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1) if last_sync > today: msg = _("Last sync %s") % last_sync.strftime('%H:%M') elif last_sync < today and last_sync > the_daybefore: msg = _("Last sync yesterday %s") % last_sync.strftime('%H:%M') else: msg = _("Last sync %s") % last_sync.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') except (TypeError, ValueError): msg = _("To sync with another computer, choose “Sync Between " "Computers” from that computer.") self.emit("last-time-sync-changed", msg) def _share_inventory(self, share_inventory): '''set oneconf state and emit signal for installed view to show or not oneconf ''' if share_inventory == self.is_current_registered: return self.is_current_registered = share_inventory LOG.debug("change share inventory state to %s", share_inventory) self.oneconf.set_share_inventory(share_inventory) self.get_latest_oneconf_sync() self.emit("show-oneconf-changed", share_inventory) def sync_between_computers(self, sync_on, hostid=None): '''toggle the sync on and off if needed between computers. If hostid is not None, sync_between_computer can be used to stop sharing for other computers''' LOG.debug("Toggle sync between computers: %s", sync_on) if sync_on: self._try_login() else: if hostid: self.oneconf.set_share_inventory(False, hostid=hostid) else: # localhost self._share_inventory(False) def _on_store_packagelist_changed(self, hostid): '''pass the message to the view controller''' self.oneconfviewpickler.store_packagelist_changed(hostid) # SSO login part def _try_login(self): '''Try to get the credential or login on ubuntu sso''' logging.debug("OneConf login()") help_text = _("With multiple Ubuntu computers, you can publish " "their inventories online to compare the software " "installed on each\nNo-one else will be able to see " "what you have installed.") self.sso = get_sso_backend( 0, SOFTWARE_CENTER_NAME_KEYRING, help_text) self.sso.connect("login-successful", self._maybe_login_successful) self.sso.connect("login-canceled", self._login_canceled) self.sso.login_or_register() def _login_canceled(self, sso): self._share_inventory(False) def _maybe_login_successful(self, sso, oauth_result): """called after we have the token, then we go and figure out our name """ logging.debug("_maybe_login_successful") self.ssoapi = get_ubuntu_sso_backend() self.ssoapi.connect("whoami", self._whoami_done) self.ssoapi.connect("error", self._whoami_error) # this will automatically verify the keyring token and retrigger # login (once) if its expired self.ssoapi.whoami() def _whoami_done(self, ssologin, result): logging.debug("_whoami_done") self._share_inventory(True) def _whoami_error(self, ssologin, e): logging.error("whoami error '%s'" % e) self._share_inventory(False)