# Copyright (C) 2009 Canonical # # Authors: # Michael Vogt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import gettext from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk import logging import xapian import os import softwarecenter.utils import softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.dialogs as dialogs from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.models.appstore2 import AppListStore from gettext import gettext as _ from softwarecenter.enums import (ActionButtons, NavButtons, NonAppVisibility, DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT, TransactionTypes) from softwarecenter.paths import APP_INSTALL_PATH from softwarecenter.utils import (wait_for_apt_cache_ready, get_exec_line_from_desktop, is_no_display_desktop_file, get_file_path_from_iconname, convert_desktop_file_to_installed_location) from softwarecenter.db.appfilter import AppFilter from softwarecenter.db.database import Application from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.views.purchaseview import PurchaseView from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.views.catview_gtk import (LobbyViewGtk, SubCategoryViewGtk) from softwarepane import SoftwarePane from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.session.viewmanager import get_viewmanager from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.session.appmanager import get_appmanager from softwarecenter.backend.channel import SoftwareChannel from softwarecenter.backend.unitylauncher import (UnityLauncher, UnityLauncherInfo, TransactionDetails) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AvailablePane(SoftwarePane): """Widget that represents the available panel in software-center It contains a search entry and navigation buttons """ class Pages(): # page names, useful for debugging NAMES = ('lobby', 'subcategory', 'list', 'details', 'purchase', ) # actual page id's (LOBBY, SUBCATEGORY, LIST, DETAILS, PURCHASE) = range(5) # the default page HOME = LOBBY __gsignals__ = {'available-pane-created': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ())} def __init__(self, cache, db, distro, icons, datadir, navhistory_back_action, navhistory_forward_action): # parent SoftwarePane.__init__(self, cache, db, distro, icons, datadir) self.searchentry.set_sensitive(False) # navigation history actions self.navhistory_back_action = navhistory_back_action self.navhistory_forward_action = navhistory_forward_action # configure any initial state attrs self.state.filter = AppFilter(db, cache) # the spec says we mix installed/not installed #self.apps_filter.set_not_installed_only(True) self.current_app_by_category = {} self.current_app_by_subcategory = {} self.pane_name = _("Get Software") # views to be created in init_view self.cat_view = None self.subcategories_view = None # integrate with the Unity launcher self.unity_launcher = UnityLauncher() # keep track of applications that are queued to be added # to the Unity launcher self.unity_launcher_transaction_queue = {} # flag to indicate whether applications should be added to the # unity launcher when installed (this value is initialized by # the config load in app.py) self.add_to_launcher_enabled = True def init_view(self): if self.view_initialized: return self.show_appview_spinner() window = self.get_window() if window is not None: window.set_cursor(self.busy_cursor) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() SoftwarePane.init_view(self) # set the AppTreeView model, available pane uses list models liststore = AppListStore(self.db, self.cache, self.icons) #~ def on_appcount_changed(widget, appcount): #~ self.subcategories_view._append_appcount(appcount) #~ self.app_view._append_appcount(appcount) #~ liststore.connect('appcount-changed', on_appcount_changed) self.app_view.set_model(liststore) liststore.connect("needs-refresh", lambda helper, pkgname: self.app_view.queue_draw()) # purchase view self.purchase_view = PurchaseView() app_manager = get_appmanager() app_manager.connect("purchase-requested", self.on_purchase_requested) self.purchase_view.connect("purchase-succeeded", self.on_purchase_succeeded) self.purchase_view.connect("purchase-failed", self.on_purchase_failed) self.purchase_view.connect("purchase-cancelled-by-user", self.on_purchase_cancelled_by_user) self.purchase_view.connect("terms-of-service-declined", self.on_terms_of_service_declined) self.purchase_view.connect("purchase-needs-spinner", self.on_purchase_needs_spinner) # categories, appview and details into the notebook in the bottom self.scroll_categories = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.scroll_categories.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) self.cat_view = LobbyViewGtk(self.datadir, APP_INSTALL_PATH, self.cache, self.db, self.icons, self.apps_filter) self.scroll_categories.add(self.cat_view) self.notebook.append_page(self.scroll_categories, Gtk.Label(label="categories")) # sub-categories view self.subcategories_view = SubCategoryViewGtk(self.datadir, APP_INSTALL_PATH, self.cache, self.db, self.icons, self.apps_filter, root_category=self.cat_view.categories[0]) self.subcategories_view.connect( "category-selected", self.on_subcategory_activated) self.subcategories_view.connect( "application-activated", self.on_application_activated) self.subcategories_view.connect( "show-category-applist", self.on_show_category_applist) # FIXME: why do we have two application-{selected,activated] ?!? self.subcategories_view.connect( "application-selected", self.on_application_selected) self.subcategories_view.connect( "application-activated", self.on_application_activated) self.scroll_subcategories = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.scroll_subcategories.set_policy( Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) self.scroll_subcategories.add(self.subcategories_view) self.notebook.append_page(self.scroll_subcategories, Gtk.Label(label=NavButtons.SUBCAT)) # app list self.notebook.append_page(self.box_app_list, Gtk.Label(label=NavButtons.LIST)) self.cat_view.connect( "category-selected", self.on_category_activated) self.cat_view.connect( "application-selected", self.on_application_selected) self.cat_view.connect( "application-activated", self.on_application_activated) # details self.notebook.append_page(self.scroll_details, Gtk.Label(label=NavButtons.DETAILS)) # purchase view self.notebook.append_page(self.purchase_view, Gtk.Label(label=NavButtons.PURCHASE)) # install backend self.backend.connect("transaction-started", self.on_transaction_started) self.backend.connect("transactions-changed", self.on_transactions_changed) self.backend.connect("transaction-finished", self.on_transaction_complete) self.backend.connect("transaction-cancelled", self.on_transaction_cancelled) # a transaction error is treated the same as a cancellation self.backend.connect("transaction-stopped", self.on_transaction_cancelled) # now we are initialized self.searchentry.set_sensitive(True) self.emit("available-pane-created") self.show_all() self.hide_appview_spinner() # consider the view initialized here already as display_page() # may run into a endless recurison otherwise (it will call init_view()) # again (LP: #851671) self.view_initialized = True # important to "seed" the initial history stack (LP: #1005104) vm = get_viewmanager() vm.display_page( self, AvailablePane.Pages.LOBBY, self.state, self.display_lobby_page) if window is not None: window.set_cursor(None) def on_purchase_requested(self, appmanager, app, iconname, url): if self.purchase_view.initiate_purchase(app, iconname, url): vm = get_viewmanager() vm.display_page( self, AvailablePane.Pages.PURCHASE, self.state, self.display_purchase) def on_purchase_needs_spinner(self, appmanager, active): vm = get_viewmanager() vm.set_spinner_active(active) def on_purchase_succeeded(self, widget): # switch to the details page to display the transaction is in progress self._return_to_appdetails_view() def on_purchase_failed(self, widget): self._return_to_appdetails_view() dialogs.error(None, _("Failure in the purchase process."), _("Sorry, something went wrong. Your payment " "has been cancelled.")) def on_purchase_cancelled_by_user(self, widget): self._return_to_appdetails_view() def on_terms_of_service_declined(self, widget): """ The Terms of Service dialog was declined by the user, so we just reset the purchase button in case they want another chance """ if self.is_app_details_view_showing(): self.app_details_view.pkg_statusbar.button.set_sensitive(True) elif self.is_applist_view_showing(): self.app_view.tree_view.reset_action_button() def _return_to_appdetails_view(self): vm = get_viewmanager() vm.nav_back() # don't keep the purchase view in navigation history # as its contents are no longer valid vm.clear_forward_history() window = self.get_window() if window is not None: window.set_cursor(None) def get_query(self): """helper that gets the query for the current category/search mode""" # NoDisplay is a specal case if self._in_no_display_category(): return xapian.Query() # get current sub-category (or category, but sub-category wins) query = None if self.state.channel and self.state.channel.query: query = self.state.channel.query elif self.state.subcategory: query = self.state.subcategory.query elif self.state.category: query = self.state.category.query # mix channel/category with the search terms and return query return self.db.get_query_list_from_search_entry( self.state.search_term, query) def _in_no_display_category(self): """return True if we are in a category with NoDisplay set in the XML""" return (self.state.category and self.state.category.dont_display and not self.state.subcategory and not self.state.search_term) def _get_header_for_view_state(self, view_state): channel = view_state.channel category = view_state.category subcategory = view_state.subcategory line1 = None line2 = None if channel is not None: name = channel.display_name or channel.name line1 = GObject.markup_escape_text(name) elif subcategory is not None: line1 = GObject.markup_escape_text(category.name) line2 = GObject.markup_escape_text(subcategory.name) elif category is not None: line1 = GObject.markup_escape_text(category.name) else: line1 = _("All Software") return line1, line2 #~ def _show_hide_subcategories(self, show_category_applist=False): #~ # check if have subcategories and are not in a subcategory #~ # view - if so, show it #~ current_page = self.notebook.get_current_page() #~ if (current_page == AvailablePane.Pages.LOBBY or #~ current_page == AvailablePane.Pages.DETAILS): #~ return #~ if (not show_category_applist and #~ self.state.category and #~ self.state.category.subcategories and #~ not (self.state.search_term or self.state.subcategory)): #~ self.subcategories_view.set_subcategory(self.state.category, #~ num_items=len(self.app_view.get_model())) #~ self.notebook.set_current_page(AvailablePane.Pages.SUBCATEGORY) #~ else: #~ self.notebook.set_current_page(AvailablePane.Pages.LIST) def get_current_app(self): """return the current active application object""" if self.is_category_view_showing(): return None else: if self.state.subcategory: return self.current_app_by_subcategory.get( self.state.subcategory) else: return self.current_app_by_category.get(self.state.category) def get_current_category(self): """ return the current category that is in use or None """ if self.state.subcategory: return self.state.subcategory elif self.state.category: return self.state.category def unset_current_category(self): """ unset the current showing category, but keep e.g. the current search """ self.state.category = None self.state.subcategory = None # reset the non-global filters see (LP: #985389) if self.state.filter: self.state.filter.reset() def on_transaction_started(self, backend, pkgname, appname, trans_id, trans_type): self._register_unity_launcher_transaction_started(pkgname, appname, trans_id, trans_type) def on_transactions_changed(self, backend, pending_transactions): """internal helper that keeps the action bar up-to-date by keeping track of the transaction-started signals """ if self._is_custom_list_search(self.state.search_term): self._update_action_bar() def on_transaction_complete(self, backend, result): """ handle a transaction that has completed successfully """ if result.pkgname in self.unity_launcher_transaction_queue: transaction_details = ( self.unity_launcher_transaction_queue.pop(result.pkgname)) self._add_application_to_unity_launcher(transaction_details) def on_transaction_cancelled(self, backend, result): """ handle a transaction that has been cancelled """ if result.pkgname in self.unity_launcher_transaction_queue: self.unity_launcher_transaction_queue.pop(result.pkgname) def _register_unity_launcher_transaction_started(self, pkgname, appname, trans_id, trans_type): # at the start of the transaction, we gather details for use later # when it is time to add the installed app to the Unity launcher, # (see #972710). we only care about installs for the launcher # mvo: use softwarecenter.utils explicitly here so that we can monkey # patch it in the test if (trans_type == TransactionTypes.INSTALL and self.add_to_launcher_enabled and softwarecenter.utils.is_unity_running()): transaction_details = TransactionDetails( pkgname, appname, trans_id, trans_type) self.unity_launcher_transaction_queue[pkgname] = ( transaction_details) def _add_application_to_unity_launcher(self, transaction_details): app = Application(pkgname=transaction_details.pkgname, appname=transaction_details.appname) appdetails = app.get_details(self.db) # convert the app-install desktop file location to the actual installed # desktop file location (or in the case of a purchased item from the # agent, generate the correct installed desktop file location) installed_desktop_file_path = ( convert_desktop_file_to_installed_location(appdetails.desktop_file, app.pkgname)) # we only add items to the launcher that have a desktop file if not installed_desktop_file_path: return # do not add apps that have no Exec entry in their desktop file # (e.g. wine, see LP: #848437 or ubuntu-restricted-extras, # see LP: #913756), also, don't add the item if NoDisplay is # specified (see LP: #1006483) if (os.path.exists(installed_desktop_file_path) and (not get_exec_line_from_desktop(installed_desktop_file_path) or is_no_display_desktop_file(installed_desktop_file_path))): return # now gather up the unity launcher info items and send the app to the # launcher service launcher_info = self._get_unity_launcher_info(app, appdetails, installed_desktop_file_path, transaction_details.trans_id) self.unity_launcher.send_application_to_launcher( transaction_details.pkgname, launcher_info) def _get_unity_launcher_info( self, app, appdetails, installed_desktop_file_path, trans_id): (icon_size, icon_x, icon_y) = ( self._get_onscreen_icon_details_for_launcher_service(app)) icon_path = get_file_path_from_iconname( self.icons, iconname=appdetails.icon) # Note that the transaction ID is not specified because we are firing # the dbus signal at the very end of the installation now, and the # corresponding fix in Unity is expecting this value to be empty (it # would not be useful to the Unity launcher at this point anyway, # as the corresponding transaction would be complete). # Please see bug LP: #925014 and corresponding Unity branch for # further details. # TODO: If and when we re-implement firing the dbus signal at the # start of the transaction, at that time we will need to replace # the empty string below with the trans_id value. launcher_info = UnityLauncherInfo(app.name, appdetails.icon, icon_path, icon_x, icon_y, icon_size, installed_desktop_file_path, "") return launcher_info def _get_onscreen_icon_details_for_launcher_service(self, app): if self.is_app_details_view_showing(): return self.app_details_view.get_app_icon_details() elif self.is_applist_view_showing(): return self.app_view.get_app_icon_details() else: # set a default, even though we cannot install from the other panes return (0, 0, 0) def on_app_list_changed(self, pane, length): """internal helper that keeps the status text and the action bar up-to-date by keeping track of the app-list-changed signals """ LOG.debug("applist-changed %s %s" % (pane, length)) super(AvailablePane, self).on_app_list_changed(pane, length) self._update_action_bar() def _update_action_bar(self): self._update_action_bar_buttons() def _update_action_bar_buttons(self): """Update buttons in the action bar to implement the custom package lists feature, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Custom%20package%20lists """ if self._is_custom_list_search(self.state.search_term): installable = [] for doc in self.enquirer.get_documents(): pkgname = self.db.get_pkgname(doc) if (pkgname in self.cache and not self.cache[pkgname].is_installed and not len(self.backend.pending_transactions) > 0): app = Application(pkgname=pkgname) installable.append(app) button_text = gettext.ngettext( "Install %(amount)s Item", "Install %(amount)s Items", len(installable)) % {'amount': len(installable)} button = self.action_bar.get_button(ActionButtons.INSTALL) if button and installable: # Install all already offered. Update offer. if button.get_label() != button_text: button.set_label(button_text) elif installable: # Install all not yet offered. Offer. self.action_bar.add_button(ActionButtons.INSTALL, button_text, self._install_current_appstore) else: # Install offered, but nothing to install. Clear offer. self.action_bar.remove_button(ActionButtons.INSTALL) else: # Ensure button is removed. self.action_bar.remove_button(ActionButtons.INSTALL) def _install_current_appstore(self): ''' Function that installs all applications displayed in the pane. ''' apps = [] iconnames = [] self.action_bar.remove_button(ActionButtons.INSTALL) for doc in self.enquirer.get_documents(): pkgname = self.db.get_pkgname(doc) if (pkgname in self.cache and not self.cache[pkgname].is_installed and pkgname not in self.backend.pending_transactions): apps.append(self.db.get_application(doc)) # add iconnames iconnames.append(self.db.get_iconname(doc)) self.backend.install_multiple(apps, iconnames) def _show_or_hide_search_combo_box(self, view_state): # show/hide the sort combobox headers if the category forces a # custom sort mode category = view_state.category allow_user_sort = category is None or not category.is_forced_sort_mode self.app_view.set_allow_user_sorting(allow_user_sort) def set_state(self, nav_item): pass def _clear_search(self): self.searchentry.clear_with_no_signal() self.apps_limit = 0 self.apps_search_term = "" self.state.search_term = "" def _is_custom_list_search(self, search_term): return (search_term and ',' in search_term) # callbacks def on_cache_ready(self, cache): """ refresh the application list when the cache is re-opened """ # just re-draw in the available pane, nothing but the # "is-installed" overlay icon will change when something # is installed or removed in the available pane self.app_view.queue_draw() def on_search_terms_changed(self, widget, new_text): """callback when the search entry widget changes""" LOG.debug("on_search_terms_changed: %s" % new_text) # reset the flag in the app_view because each new search should # reset the sort criteria self.app_view.reset_default_sort_mode() self.state.search_term = new_text # do not hide technical items for a custom list search if self._is_custom_list_search(self.state.search_term): self.nonapps_visible = NonAppVisibility.ALWAYS_VISIBLE vm = get_viewmanager() adj = self.app_view.tree_view_scroll.get_vadjustment() if adj: adj.set_value(0.0) # yeah for special cases - as discussed on irc, mpt # wants this to return to the category screen *if* # we are searching but we are not in any category or channel if not self.state.category and not self.state.channel and not new_text: # category activate will clear search etc self.state.reset() vm.display_page(self, AvailablePane.Pages.LOBBY, self.state, self.display_lobby_page) return False elif (self.state.subcategory and not new_text): vm.display_page(self, AvailablePane.Pages.LIST, self.state, self.display_app_view_page) return False elif (self.state.category and self.state.category.subcategories and not new_text): vm.display_page(self, AvailablePane.Pages.SUBCATEGORY, self.state, self.display_subcategory_page) return False vm.display_page(self, AvailablePane.Pages.LIST, self.state, self.display_search_page) def on_db_reopen(self, db): """Called when the database is reopened.""" super(AvailablePane, self).on_db_reopen(db) self.refresh_apps() if self.app_details_view: self.app_details_view.refresh_app() def get_callback_for_page(self, page, state): if page == AvailablePane.Pages.LOBBY: return self.display_lobby_page elif page == AvailablePane.Pages.LIST: if state.search_term: return self.display_search_page else: return self.display_app_view_page elif page == AvailablePane.Pages.SUBCATEGORY: return self.display_subcategory_page elif page == AvailablePane.Pages.DETAILS: return self.display_details_page return self.display_lobby_page def display_lobby_page(self, page, view_state): self.state.reset() self.hide_appview_spinner() self.emit("app-list-changed", len(self.db)) self._clear_search() self.action_bar.clear() return True def display_search_page(self, page, view_state): new_text = view_state.search_term # DTRT if the search is reseted if not new_text: self._clear_search() else: self.state.limit = DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT header_strings = self._get_header_for_view_state(view_state) self.app_view.set_header_labels(*header_strings) self._show_or_hide_search_combo_box(view_state) self.app_view.vadj = view_state.vadjustment self.refresh_apps() self.cat_view.stop_carousels() return True def display_subcategory_page(self, page, view_state): category = view_state.category self.set_category(category) if self.state.search_term or self.searchentry.get_text(): self._clear_search() self.refresh_apps() query = self.get_query() n_matches = self.quick_query_len(query) self.subcategories_view.set_subcategory(category, n_matches) self.action_bar.clear() self.cat_view.stop_carousels() return True def display_app_view_page(self, page, view_state): category = view_state.category self.set_category(category) header_strings = self._get_header_for_view_state(view_state) self.app_view.set_header_labels(*header_strings) self._show_or_hide_search_combo_box(view_state) if view_state.search_term: self._clear_search() self.app_view.vadj = view_state.vadjustment self.refresh_apps() self.cat_view.stop_carousels() return True def display_details_page(self, page, view_state): if self.searchentry.get_text() != self.state.search_term: self.searchentry.set_text_with_no_signal( self.state.search_term) self.action_bar.clear() SoftwarePane.display_details_page(self, page, view_state) self.cat_view.stop_carousels() return True def display_purchase(self, page, view_state): self.notebook.set_current_page(AvailablePane.Pages.PURCHASE) self.action_bar.clear() self.cat_view.stop_carousels() def display_previous_purchases(self, page, view_state): self.nonapps_visible = NonAppVisibility.ALWAYS_VISIBLE header_strings = self._get_header_for_view_state(view_state) self.app_view.set_header_labels(*header_strings) self.notebook.set_current_page(AvailablePane.Pages.LIST) # clear any search terms self._clear_search() self.refresh_apps() self.action_bar.clear() self.cat_view.stop_carousels() return True def on_subcategory_activated(self, subcat_view, category): LOG.debug("on_subcategory_activated: %s %s" % ( category.name, category)) self.state.subcategory = category self.state.application = None page = AvailablePane.Pages.LIST vm = get_viewmanager() vm.display_page(self, page, self.state, self.display_app_view_page) def on_category_activated(self, lobby_view, category): """ callback when a category is selected """ LOG.debug("on_category_activated: %s %s" % ( category.name, category)) if category.subcategories: page = AvailablePane.Pages.SUBCATEGORY callback = self.display_subcategory_page else: page = AvailablePane.Pages.LIST callback = self.display_app_view_page self.state.category = category self.state.subcategory = None self.state.application = None vm = get_viewmanager() vm.display_page(self, page, self.state, callback) def on_application_selected(self, appview, app): """callback when an app is selected""" LOG.debug("on_application_selected: '%s'" % app) if self.state.subcategory: self.current_app_by_subcategory[self.state.subcategory] = app else: self.current_app_by_category[self.state.category] = app @wait_for_apt_cache_ready def on_application_activated(self, appview, app): """callback when an app is clicked""" LOG.debug("on_application_activated: '%s'" % app) self.state.application = app vm = get_viewmanager() vm.display_page(self, AvailablePane.Pages.DETAILS, self.state, self.display_details_page) def on_show_category_applist(self, widget): self._show_hide_subcategories(show_category_applist=True) def on_previous_purchases_activated(self, query): """ called to activate the previous purchases view """ #print cat_view, name, query LOG.debug("on_previous_purchases_activated with query: %s" % query) self.state.channel = SoftwareChannel("Previous Purchases", "software-center-agent", None, channel_query=query) vm = get_viewmanager() vm.display_page(self, AvailablePane.Pages.LIST, self.state, self.display_previous_purchases) def is_category_view_showing(self): """ Return True if we are in the category page or if we display a sub-category page """ current_page = self.notebook.get_current_page() return (current_page == AvailablePane.Pages.LOBBY or current_page == AvailablePane.Pages.SUBCATEGORY) def is_applist_view_showing(self): """Return True if we are in the applist view """ return self.notebook.get_current_page() == AvailablePane.Pages.LIST def is_app_details_view_showing(self): """Return True if we are in the app_details view """ return self.notebook.get_current_page() == AvailablePane.Pages.DETAILS def set_category(self, category): LOG.debug('set_category: %s' % category) self.state.category = category # apply flags if category: if 'nonapps-visible' in category.flags: self.nonapps_visible = NonAppVisibility.ALWAYS_VISIBLE else: self.nonapps_visible = NonAppVisibility.MAYBE_VISIBLE # apply any category based filters if not self.state.filter: self.state.filter = AppFilter(self.db, self.cache) if (category and category.flags and 'available-only' in category.flags): self.state.filter.set_available_only(True) else: self.state.filter.set_available_only(False) if (category and category.flags and 'not-installed-only' in category.flags): self.state.filter.set_not_installed_only(True) else: self.state.filter.set_not_installed_only(False) def refresh_apps(self, query=None): SoftwarePane.refresh_apps(self, query) # tell the lobby to update its content if self.cat_view: self.cat_view.refresh_apps() # and the subcat view as well... if self.subcategories_view: self.subcategories_view.refresh_apps() def get_test_window(): from softwarecenter.testutils import (get_test_db, get_test_datadir, get_test_install_backend, get_test_gtk3_viewmanager, get_test_pkg_info, get_test_gtk3_icon_cache, ) # needed because available pane will try to get it vm = get_test_gtk3_viewmanager() vm # make pyflakes happy db = get_test_db() cache = get_test_pkg_info() datadir = get_test_datadir() icons = get_test_gtk3_icon_cache() backend = get_test_install_backend() # create global AppManager instance from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.session.appmanager import ApplicationManager ApplicationManager(db, backend, icons) navhistory_back_action = Gtk.Action("navhistory_back_action", "Back", "Back", None) navhistory_forward_action = Gtk.Action("navhistory_forward_action", "Forward", "Forward", None) w = AvailablePane(cache, db, 'Ubuntu', icons, datadir, navhistory_back_action, navhistory_forward_action) w.init_view() w.show() win = Gtk.Window() win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit) win.add(w) win.set_size_request(800, 600) win.show_all() # this is used later in tests win.set_data("pane", w) return win if __name__ == "__main__": win = get_test_window() Gtk.main()