from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject import logging from gettext import gettext as _ from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.session.appmanager import get_appmanager from cellrenderers import (CellRendererAppView, CellButtonRenderer, CellButtonIDs) from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.em import em, StockEms from softwarecenter.enums import (AppActions, Icons) from softwarecenter.utils import ExecutionTime from softwarecenter.backend import get_install_backend from softwarecenter.netstatus import (get_network_watcher, network_state_is_connected) from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.models.appstore2 import ( AppGenericStore, CategoryRowReference) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AppTreeView(Gtk.TreeView): """Treeview based view component that takes a AppStore and displays it""" VARIANT_INFO = 0 VARIANT_REMOVE = 1 VARIANT_INSTALL = 2 VARIANT_PURCHASE = 3 ACTION_BTNS = (VARIANT_REMOVE, VARIANT_INSTALL, VARIANT_PURCHASE) def __init__(self, app_view, db, icons, show_ratings, store=None): Gtk.TreeView.__init__(self) self._logger = logging.getLogger("softwarecenter.view.appview") self.app_view = app_view self.db = db self.pressed = False self.focal_btn = None self._action_block_list = [] self._needs_collapse = [] self.expanded_path = None self.selected_row_renderer = None # pixbuf for the icon that is displayed in the selected row self.selected_row_icon = None #~ # if this hacked mode is available everything will be fast #~ # and we can set fixed_height mode and still have growing rows #~ # (see upstream gnome #607447) try: self.set_property("ubuntu-almost-fixed-height-mode", True) self.set_fixed_height_mode(True) except: self._logger.warn( "ubuntu-almost-fixed-height-mode extension not available") self.set_headers_visible(False) # our custom renderer self._renderer = CellRendererAppView(icons, self.create_pango_layout(''), show_ratings, Icons.INSTALLED_OVERLAY) self._renderer.set_pixbuf_width(32) self._renderer.set_button_spacing(em(0.3)) # create buttons and set initial strings info = CellButtonRenderer(self, name=CellButtonIDs.INFO) info.set_markup_variants( {self.VARIANT_INFO: _('More Info')}) action = CellButtonRenderer(self, name=CellButtonIDs.ACTION) action.set_markup_variants( {self.VARIANT_INSTALL: _('Install'), self.VARIANT_REMOVE: _('Remove'), self.VARIANT_PURCHASE: _(u'Buy\u2026')}) self._renderer.button_pack_start(info) self._renderer.button_pack_end(action) self._column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn( "Applications", self._renderer, application=AppGenericStore.COL_ROW_DATA) self._column.set_cell_data_func( self._renderer, self._cell_data_func_cb) self._column.set_fixed_width(200) self._column.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.FIXED) self.append_column(self._column) # network status watcher watcher = get_network_watcher() watcher.connect("changed", self._on_net_state_changed, self._renderer) # custom cursor self._cursor_hand = self.connect("style-updated", self._on_style_updated, self._renderer) # button and motion are "special" self.connect("button-press-event", self._on_button_press_event, self._renderer) self.connect("button-release-event", self._on_button_release_event, self._renderer) self.connect("key-press-event", self._on_key_press_event, self._renderer) self.connect("key-release-event", self._on_key_release_event, self._renderer) self.connect("motion-notify-event", self._on_motion, self._renderer) self.connect("cursor-changed", self._on_cursor_changed, self._renderer) # our own "activate" handler self.connect("row-activated", self._on_row_activated, self._renderer) self.backend = get_install_backend() self._transactions_connected = False self.connect('realize', self._on_realize, self._renderer) @property def appmodel(self): model = self.get_model() # FIXME: would be nice if that would be less ugly, # because we use a treefilter we need to get the "real" # model first if isinstance(model, Gtk.TreeModelFilter): return model.get_model() return model def clear_model(self): vadjustment = self.get_scrolled_window_vadjustment() if vadjustment: vadjustment.set_value(0) self.expanded_path = None self._needs_collapse = [] if self.appmodel: # before clearing the model, disconnect it from the view. this # avoids that the model gets a "cursor_changed" signal for each # removed row and consequently that _update_selected_row is called # for rows that are not really selected (LP: #969050) model = self.get_model() self.set_model(None) model.clear() self.set_model(model) def set_model(self, model): # the set_cell_data_func() calls here are a workaround for bug # LP: #986186 - once that is fixed upstream we can revert this # and remove the entire "set_model" again self._column.set_cell_data_func(self._renderer, None) Gtk.TreeView.set_model(self, model) self._column.set_cell_data_func( self._renderer, self._cell_data_func_cb) def expand_path(self, path): if path is not None and not isinstance(path, Gtk.TreePath): raise TypeError("Expects Gtk.TreePath or None, got %s" % type(path)) model = self.get_model() old = self.expanded_path self.expanded_path = path if old is not None: start, end = self.get_visible_range() or (None, None) if ((start and != -1) or (end and != 1)): self._needs_collapse.append(old) else: try: # try... a lazy solution to Bug #846204 model.row_changed(old, model.get_iter(old)) except: LOG.exception( "apptreeview.expand_path: Supplied 'old' " "path is an invalid tree path: '%s'" % old) if path == None: return model.row_changed(path, model.get_iter(path)) def get_scrolled_window_vadjustment(self): ancestor = self.get_ancestor(Gtk.ScrolledWindow) if ancestor: return ancestor.get_vadjustment() def get_rowref(self, model, path): if path is not None: return model[path][AppGenericStore.COL_ROW_DATA] def rowref_is_category(self, rowref): return isinstance(rowref, CategoryRowReference) def reset_action_button(self): """ Set the current row's action button sensitivity to the specified value """ if self.selected_row_renderer: action_btn = self.selected_row_renderer.get_button_by_name( CellButtonIDs.ACTION) if action_btn: action_btn.set_sensitive(True) pkgname = self.db.get_pkgname(self.selected_doc) self._check_remove_pkg_from_blocklist(pkgname) def _on_realize(self, widget, tr): # connect to backend events once self is realized so handlers # have access to the TreeView's initialised Gdk.Window if self._transactions_connected: return self.backend.connect("transaction-started", self._on_transaction_started, tr) self.backend.connect("transaction-finished", self._on_transaction_finished, tr) self.backend.connect("transaction-stopped", self._on_transaction_stopped, tr) self._transactions_connected = True def _calc_row_heights(self, tr): ypad = StockEms.SMALL tr.set_property('xpad', StockEms.MEDIUM) tr.set_property('ypad', ypad) for btn in tr.get_buttons(): # recalc button geometry and cache btn.configure_geometry(self.create_pango_layout("")) btn_h = btn.height tr.normal_height = max(32 + 2 * ypad, em(2.5) + ypad) tr.selected_height = tr.normal_height + btn_h + StockEms.MEDIUM def _on_style_updated(self, widget, tr): self._calc_row_heights(tr) def _on_motion(self, tree, event, tr): window = self.get_window() x, y = int(event.x), int(event.y) if not self._xy_is_over_focal_row(x, y): window.set_cursor(None) return path = tree.get_path_at_pos(x, y) if not path: window.set_cursor(None) return rowref = self.get_rowref(tree.get_model(), path[0]) if not rowref: return if self.rowref_is_category(rowref): window.set_cursor(None) return model = tree.get_model() app = model[path[0]][AppGenericStore.COL_ROW_DATA] if (not network_state_is_connected() and not self.appmodel.is_installed(app)): for btn_id in self.ACTION_BTNS: btn_id = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.ACTION) btn_id.set_sensitive(False) use_hand = False for btn in tr.get_buttons(): if btn.state == Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE: continue if btn.point_in(x, y): use_hand = True if self.focal_btn is btn: btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.ACTIVE) elif not self.pressed: btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.PRELIGHT) else: if btn.state != Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL: btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL) if use_hand: window.set_cursor(self._cursor_hand) else: window.set_cursor(None) def _on_cursor_changed(self, view, tr): model = view.get_model() sel = view.get_selection() path = view.get_cursor()[0] rowref = self.get_rowref(model, path) if not rowref: return if self.has_focus(): self.grab_focus() if self.rowref_is_category(rowref): self.expand_path(None) return sel.select_path(path) self._update_selected_row(view, tr, path) def _update_selected_row(self, view, tr, path=None): # keep track of the currently selected row renderer and associated # doc for use when updating the widgets and for use with the Unity # integration feature self.selected_row_renderer = tr self.selected_doc = tr.application sel = view.get_selection() if not sel: return False model, rows = sel.get_selected_rows() if not rows: return False row = rows[0] if self.rowref_is_category(row): return False # update active app, use row-ref as argument self.expand_path(row) app = model[row][AppGenericStore.COL_ROW_DATA] # make sure this is not a category (LP: #848085) if self.rowref_is_category(app): return False action_btn = tr.get_button_by_name( CellButtonIDs.ACTION) #if not action_btn: return False if self.appmodel.is_installed(app): action_btn.set_variant(self.VARIANT_REMOVE) action_btn.set_sensitive(True) elif self.appmodel.is_available(app): if self.appmodel.is_purchasable(app): action_btn.set_variant(self.VARIANT_PURCHASE) else: action_btn.set_variant(self.VARIANT_INSTALL) action_btn.set_sensitive(True) if not network_state_is_connected(): action_btn.set_sensitive(False) self.app_view.emit("application-selected", self.appmodel.get_application(app)) return else: action_btn.set_sensitive(False) action_btn.hide() self.app_view.emit("application-selected", self.appmodel.get_application(app)) return if self.appmodel.get_transaction_progress(app) > 0: action_btn.set_sensitive(False) elif self.pressed and self.focal_btn == action_btn: action_btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.ACTIVE) else: action_btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL) self.app_view.emit( "application-selected", self.appmodel.get_application(app)) return False def _on_row_activated(self, view, path, column, tr): rowref = self.get_rowref(view.get_model(), path) if not rowref: return elif self.rowref_is_category(rowref): return x, y = self.get_pointer() for btn in tr.get_buttons(): if btn.point_in(x, y): return app = self.appmodel.get_application(rowref) if app: self.app_view.emit("application-activated", app) def _on_button_event_get_path(self, view, event, allow_categories=False): if event.button != 1: return False res = view.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y)) if not res: return False # check the path is valid and is not a category row path = res[0] is_cat = self.rowref_is_category( self.get_rowref(view.get_model(), path)) if path is None: return False if is_cat: if allow_categories: return path else: return False # only act when the selection is already there selection = view.get_selection() if not selection.path_is_selected(path): return False return path def _on_button_press_event(self, view, event, tr): path = self._on_button_event_get_path(view, event, allow_categories=False) if not path: path = self._on_button_event_get_path(view, event, allow_categories=True) if path: if view.row_expanded(path): view.collapse_row(path) else: view.expand_row(path, True) return True # swallow event to avoid double action when # clicking on the expander arrow itself return self.pressed = True x, y = int(event.x), int(event.y) for btn in tr.get_buttons(): if (btn.point_in(x, y) and (btn.state != Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE)): self.focal_btn = btn btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.ACTIVE) view.queue_draw() return self.focal_btn = None def _on_button_release_event(self, view, event, tr): path = self._on_button_event_get_path(view, event) if not path: return self.pressed = False x, y = int(event.x), int(event.y) for btn in tr.get_buttons(): if (btn.point_in(x, y) and (btn.state != Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE)): btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL) self.get_window().set_cursor(self._cursor_hand) if self.focal_btn is not btn: break self._init_activated(btn, view.get_model(), path) view.queue_draw() break self.focal_btn = None def _on_key_press_event(self, widget, event, tr): kv = event.keyval #print kv r = False if kv == Gdk.KEY_Right: # right-key btn = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.ACTION) if btn is None: return # Bug #846779 if btn.state != Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE: btn.has_focus = True btn = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.INFO) btn.has_focus = False elif kv == Gdk.KEY_Left: # left-key btn = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.ACTION) if btn is None: return # Bug #846779 btn.has_focus = False btn = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.INFO) btn.has_focus = True elif kv == Gdk.KEY_space: # spacebar for btn in tr.get_buttons(): if (btn is not None and btn.has_focus and btn.state != Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE): btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.ACTIVE) sel = self.get_selection() model, it = sel.get_selected() path = model.get_path(it) if path: #self._init_activated(btn, self.get_model(), path) r = True break self.queue_draw() return r def _on_key_release_event(self, widget, event, tr): kv = event.keyval r = False if kv == 32: # spacebar for btn in tr.get_buttons(): if btn.has_focus and btn.state != Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE: btn.set_state(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL) sel = self.get_selection() model, it = sel.get_selected() path = model.get_path(it) if path: self._init_activated(btn, model, path) btn.has_focus = False r = True break self.queue_draw() return r def _init_activated(self, btn, model, path): app = model[path][AppGenericStore.COL_ROW_DATA] s = Gtk.Settings.get_default() GObject.timeout_add(s.get_property("gtk-timeout-initial"), self._app_activated_cb, btn,, app, path) def _cell_data_func_cb(self, col, cell, model, it, user_data): path = model.get_path(it) # this will pre-load data *only* on a AppListStore, it has # no effect with a AppTreeStore if model[path][0] is None: indices = path.get_indices() model.load_range(indices, 5) if path in self._needs_collapse: # collapse rows that were outside the visible range and # thus not immediately collapsed when expand_path was called cell.set_property('isactive', False) i = self._needs_collapse.index(path) del self._needs_collapse[i] model.row_changed(path, it) return # update active property cell.set_property('isactive', path == self.expanded_path) # update "text" property for a11y raw = model[path][AppGenericStore.COL_ROW_DATA] if self.rowref_is_category(raw): text = raw.display_name elif raw: text = self.db.get_pkgname(raw) else: # this can happen for empty/not-yet-loaded row, LP: #981992 text = "" cell.set_property('text', text) def _app_activated_cb(self, btn, btn_id, app, path): if self.rowref_is_category(app): return model = self.appmodel # don't continue if we don't have a valid model (LP: #969907) if not model: return pkgname = model.get_pkgname(app) if btn_id == CellButtonIDs.INFO: self.app_view.emit("application-activated", model.get_application(app)) elif btn_id == CellButtonIDs.ACTION: btn.set_sensitive(False) model.row_changed(path, model.get_iter(path)) app_manager = get_appmanager() # be sure we dont request an action for a pkg with # pre-existing actions if pkgname in self._action_block_list: logging.debug("Action already in progress for package:" " '%s'" % pkgname) return False self._action_block_list.append(pkgname) if model.is_installed(app): action = AppActions.REMOVE elif model.is_purchasable(app): app_manager.buy_app(model.get_application(app)) model.notify_action_request(app, path) return else: action = AppActions.INSTALL model.notify_action_request(app, path) app_manager.request_action( model.get_application(app), [], [], action) return False def _set_cursor(self, btn, cursor): # make sure we have a window instance (LP: #617004) window = self.get_window() if isinstance(window, Gdk.Window): x, y = self.get_pointer() if btn.point_in(x, y): window.set_cursor(cursor) def _on_transaction_started(self, backend, pkgname, appname, trans_id, trans_type, tr): """callback when an application install/remove transaction has started """ action_btn = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.ACTION) if action_btn: action_btn.set_sensitive(False) self._set_cursor(action_btn, None) def _on_transaction_finished(self, backend, result, tr): """callback when an application install/remove transaction has finished """ # need to send a cursor-changed so the row button is properly updated self.emit("cursor-changed") # remove pkg from the block list self._check_remove_pkg_from_blocklist(result.pkgname) action_btn = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.ACTION) if action_btn: action_btn.set_sensitive(True) self._set_cursor(action_btn, self._cursor_hand) def _on_transaction_stopped(self, backend, result, tr): """callback when an application install/remove transaction has stopped """ # remove pkg from the block list self._check_remove_pkg_from_blocklist(result.pkgname) action_btn = tr.get_button_by_name(CellButtonIDs.ACTION) if action_btn: # this should be a function that decides action button state label if action_btn.current_variant == self.VARIANT_INSTALL: action_btn.set_markup(self.VARIANT_REMOVE) action_btn.set_sensitive(True) self._set_cursor(action_btn, self._cursor_hand) def _on_net_state_changed(self, watcher, state, tr): self._update_selected_row(self, tr) # queue a draw just to be sure the view is looking right self.queue_draw() def _check_remove_pkg_from_blocklist(self, pkgname): if pkgname in self._action_block_list: i = self._action_block_list.index(pkgname) del self._action_block_list[i] def _xy_is_over_focal_row(self, x, y): res = self.get_path_at_pos(x, y) #cur = self.get_cursor() if not res: return False return self.get_path_at_pos(x, y)[0] == self.get_cursor()[0] def get_test_window(): import softwarecenter.log softwarecenter.log.root.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) softwarecenter.log.add_filters_from_string("performance") fmt = logging.Formatter("%(name)s - %(message)s", None) softwarecenter.log.handler.setFormatter(fmt) from softwarecenter.testutils import ( get_test_db, get_test_pkg_info, get_test_gtk3_icon_cache, get_test_categories) cache = get_test_pkg_info() db = get_test_db() icons = get_test_gtk3_icon_cache() # create a filter from softwarecenter.db.appfilter import AppFilter filter = AppFilter(db, cache) filter.set_supported_only(False) filter.set_installed_only(True) # get the TREEstore from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.models.appstore2 import AppTreeStore store = AppTreeStore(db, cache, icons) # populate from data cats = get_test_categories(db) for cat in cats[:3]: with ExecutionTime("query cat '%s'" % docs = db.get_docs_from_query(cat.query) store.set_category_documents(cat, docs) # ok, this is confusing - the AppView contains the AppTreeView that # is a tree or list depending on the model from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.views.appview import AppView app_view = AppView(db, cache, icons, show_ratings=True) app_view.set_model(store) box = Gtk.VBox() box.pack_start(app_view, True, True, 0) win = Gtk.Window() win.add(box) win.connect("destroy", lambda x: Gtk.main_quit()) win.set_size_request(600, 400) win.show_all() return win if __name__ == "__main__": win = get_test_window() Gtk.main()