/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */ /*! \file trgt_mng.cpp ** \brief MNG Target Module ** ** $Id$ ** ** \legal ** Copyright (c) 2007 Paul Wise ** Copyright (c) 2007 Chris Moore ** ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ** the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** \endlegal ** ** === N O T E S =========================================================== ** ** You will need to read the PNG and MNG specs to understand this code ** ** ========================================================================= */ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */ #ifdef USING_PCH # include "pch.h" #else #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "trgt_mng.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */ using namespace synfig; using namespace std; using namespace etl; /* === G L O B A L S ======================================================= */ SYNFIG_TARGET_INIT(mng_trgt); SYNFIG_TARGET_SET_NAME(mng_trgt,"mng"); SYNFIG_TARGET_SET_EXT(mng_trgt,"mng"); SYNFIG_TARGET_SET_VERSION(mng_trgt,"0.1"); SYNFIG_TARGET_SET_CVS_ID(mng_trgt,"$Id$"); /* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */ static mng_ptr MNG_DECL mng_alloc_proc(mng_size_t size) { return (mng_ptr)calloc(1,size); } static void MNG_DECL mng_free_proc(mng_ptr ptr, mng_size_t size __attribute__ ((unused))) { free(ptr); return; } static mng_bool MNG_DECL mng_null_proc(mng_handle mng __attribute__ ((unused))) { // synfig::info("%s:%d mng_trgt::mng_null_proc was called", __FILE__, __LINE__); return MNG_TRUE; } static mng_bool MNG_DECL mng_write_proc(mng_handle mng, mng_ptr buf, mng_uint32 size, mng_uint32* written) { FILE* file = (FILE*)mng_get_userdata (mng); *written = fwrite(buf, 1, size, file); return MNG_TRUE; } static mng_bool MNG_DECL mng_error_proc(mng_handle mng __attribute__ ((unused)), mng_int32 error __attribute__ ((unused)), mng_int8 severity __attribute__ ((unused)), mng_chunkid chunkname __attribute__ ((unused)), mng_uint32 chunkseq __attribute__ ((unused)), mng_int32 extra1 __attribute__ ((unused)), mng_int32 extra2 __attribute__ ((unused)), mng_pchar errortext) { synfig::error("%s:%d mng_trgt: error: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, errortext); return MNG_TRUE; } mng_trgt::mng_trgt(const char *Filename, const synfig::TargetParam& /* params */) : filename(Filename) { file=NULL; buffer=NULL; color_buffer=NULL; zbuffer=NULL; zbuffer_len=0; ready=false; } mng_trgt::~mng_trgt() { synfig::info("mng_trgt: ~mng_trgt"); if (mng != MNG_NULL) { mng_putchunk_mend(mng); if (mng_write(mng) != 0) { mng_int8 severity; mng_chunkid chunkname; mng_uint32 chunkseq; mng_int32 extra1; mng_int32 extra2; mng_pchar errortext; mng_getlasterror(mng, &severity, &chunkname, &chunkseq, &extra1,&extra2, &errortext); synfig::error("mng_trgt: error: couldn't write mng: %s",errortext); } mng_cleanup (&mng); } if (file != NULL) fclose(file); file=NULL; if (buffer != NULL) { delete [] buffer; buffer = NULL; } if (color_buffer != NULL) { delete [] color_buffer; color_buffer = NULL; } if (zbuffer != NULL) { free(zbuffer); zbuffer = NULL; zbuffer_len = 0; } } bool mng_trgt::set_rend_desc(RendDesc *given_desc) { desc=*given_desc; imagecount=desc.get_frame_start(); if (desc.get_frame_end()-desc.get_frame_start()>0) multi_image=true; else multi_image=false; return true; } bool mng_trgt::init() { // synfig::info("%s:%d mng_trgt::init()", __FILE__, __LINE__); int frame_rate, num_frames, play_time; int num_layers = 1; if (multi_image) { frame_rate = int(desc.get_frame_rate()); printf("frame rt %d\n", frame_rate); num_frames = desc.get_frame_end()-desc.get_frame_start(); play_time = num_frames;// / frame_rate; } else { frame_rate = 0; num_frames = 1; play_time = 0; } time_t t = time (NULL); struct tm* gmt = gmtime(&t); w=desc.get_w(); h=desc.get_h(); file = fopen(filename.c_str(), POPEN_BINARY_WRITE_TYPE); if (file == NULL) goto cleanup_on_error; mng = mng_initialize((mng_ptr)file, mng_alloc_proc, mng_free_proc, MNG_NULL); if (mng == MNG_NULL) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_setcb_errorproc(mng, mng_error_proc) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_setcb_writedata(mng, mng_write_proc) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_setcb_openstream(mng, mng_null_proc) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_setcb_closestream(mng, mng_null_proc) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_create(mng) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_putchunk_mhdr(mng, w, h, frame_rate, num_layers, num_frames, play_time, MNG_SIMPLICITY_VALID|MNG_SIMPLICITY_SIMPLEFEATURES) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_putchunk_term(mng, MNG_TERMACTION_REPEAT, MNG_ITERACTION_LASTFRAME, 0, 0x7fffffff) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; { char title[] = MNG_TEXT_TITLE; if (mng_putchunk_text(mng, sizeof(title), title, get_canvas()->get_name().length(), const_cast(get_canvas()->get_name().c_str())) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; char description[] = MNG_TEXT_DESCRIPTION; if (mng_putchunk_text(mng, sizeof(description), description, get_canvas()->get_description().length(), const_cast(get_canvas()->get_description().c_str())) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; char software[] = MNG_TEXT_SOFTWARE; char synfig[] = "SYNFIG"; if (mng_putchunk_text(mng, sizeof(software), software, sizeof(synfig), synfig) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; } if (mng_putchunk_gama(mng, MNG_FALSE, (int)(gamma().get_gamma()*100000)) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_putchunk_phys(mng, MNG_FALSE, round_to_int(desc.get_x_res()),round_to_int(desc.get_y_res()), MNG_UNIT_METER) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; if (mng_putchunk_time(mng, gmt->tm_year + 1900, gmt->tm_mon + 1, gmt->tm_mday, gmt->tm_hour, gmt->tm_min, gmt->tm_sec) != 0) goto cleanup_on_error; buffer=new unsigned char[(4*w)+1]; if (buffer == NULL) goto cleanup_on_error; color_buffer=new Color[w]; if (color_buffer == NULL) goto cleanup_on_error; return true; cleanup_on_error: ready=false; if (mng != MNG_NULL) { mng_int8 severity; mng_chunkid chunkname; mng_uint32 chunkseq; mng_int32 extra1; mng_int32 extra2; mng_pchar errortext; mng_getlasterror (mng, &severity, &chunkname, &chunkseq, &extra1,&extra2, &errortext); synfig::error("mng_trgt: libmng: %s",errortext); mng_cleanup (&mng); } if (file && file!=stdout) fclose(file); file=NULL; if (buffer != NULL) { delete [] buffer; buffer = NULL; } if (color_buffer != NULL) { delete [] color_buffer; color_buffer = NULL; } return false; } void mng_trgt::end_frame() { // synfig::info("%s:%d mng_trgt::end_frame()", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (deflate(&zstream,Z_FINISH) != Z_STREAM_END) { synfig::error("%s:%d deflate()", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (deflateEnd(&zstream) != Z_OK) { synfig::error("%s:%d deflateEnd()", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (mng != MNG_NULL) { mng_putchunk_idat(mng, zstream.next_out-zbuffer, zbuffer); mng_putchunk_iend(mng); } imagecount++; ready=false; } bool mng_trgt::start_frame(synfig::ProgressCallback *callback __attribute__ ((unused))) { // synfig::info("%s:%d mng_trgt::start_frame()", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mng == MNG_NULL) { synfig::error("%s:%d mng == MNG_NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (mng_putchunk_ihdr(mng, w, h, MNG_BITDEPTH_8, MNG_COLORTYPE_RGBA, MNG_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE, MNG_FILTER_ADAPTIVE, MNG_INTERLACE_NONE) != 0) { synfig::error("%s:%d mng_putchunk_ihdr()", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL; zstream.zfree = Z_NULL; zstream.opaque = Z_NULL; if (deflateInit(&zstream, /* Z_BEST_COMPRESSION */ Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) != Z_OK) { synfig::error("%s:%d deflateInit()", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (zbuffer == NULL) { zbuffer_len = deflateBound(&zstream,((4*w)+1)*h); // don't forget the 'filter' byte - one per scanline zbuffer = (unsigned char*)realloc(zbuffer, zbuffer_len); } zstream.avail_out = zbuffer_len; zstream.next_out = zbuffer; ready=true; return true; } Color* mng_trgt::start_scanline(int scanline __attribute__ ((unused))) { return color_buffer; } bool mng_trgt::end_scanline() { if (!file || !ready) { synfig::error("%s:%d !file or !ready", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } *buffer = MNG_FILTER_NONE; convert_color_format(buffer+1, color_buffer, desc.get_w(), PF_RGB|PF_A, gamma()); zstream.next_in = buffer; zstream.avail_in = (4*w)+1; if (deflate(&zstream,Z_NO_FLUSH) != Z_OK) { synfig::error("%s:%d deflate()", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } return true; }