/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */ /*! \file plant.cpp ** \brief Implementation of the "Plant" layer ** ** $Id$ ** ** \legal ** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley ** Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Chris Moore ** Copyright (c) 2011 Carlos López ** ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ** the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** \endlegal */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */ #ifdef USING_PCH # include "pch.h" #else #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include "plant.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif using namespace etl; /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */ #define SAMPLES 300 #define ROUND_END_FACTOR (4) #define CUSP_THRESHOLD (0.15) #define NO_LOOP_COOKIE synfig::Vector(84951305,7836658) #define EPSILON (0.000000001) #define CUSP_TANGENT_ADJUST (0.025) /* === G L O B A L S ======================================================= */ SYNFIG_LAYER_INIT(Plant); SYNFIG_LAYER_SET_NAME(Plant,"plant"); SYNFIG_LAYER_SET_LOCAL_NAME(Plant,N_("Plant")); SYNFIG_LAYER_SET_CATEGORY(Plant,N_("Other")); SYNFIG_LAYER_SET_VERSION(Plant,"0.2"); SYNFIG_LAYER_SET_CVS_ID(Plant,"$Id$"); /* === P R O C E D U R E S ================================================= */ /* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */ Plant::Plant(): origin(0,0), split_angle(Angle::deg(10)), gravity(0,-0.1), velocity(0.3), perp_velocity(0.0), step(0.01), sprouts(10), version(version__), use_width(true) { bounding_rect=Rect::zero(); random_factor=0.2; random.set_seed(time(NULL)); bline.push_back(BLinePoint()); bline.push_back(BLinePoint()); bline.push_back(BLinePoint()); bline[0].set_vertex(Point(0,1)); bline[1].set_vertex(Point(0,-1)); bline[2].set_vertex(Point(1,0)); bline[0].set_tangent(bline[1].get_vertex()-bline[2].get_vertex()*0.5f); bline[1].set_tangent(bline[2].get_vertex()-bline[0].get_vertex()*0.5f); bline[2].set_tangent(bline[0].get_vertex()-bline[1].get_vertex()*0.5f); bline[0].set_width(1.0f); bline[1].set_width(1.0f); bline[2].set_width(1.0f); bline_loop=true; mass=(0.5); splits=5; drag=0.1; size=0.015; needs_sync_=true; sync(); size_as_alpha=false; reverse=true; Layer::Vocab voc(get_param_vocab()); Layer::fill_static(voc); } void Plant::branch(int n,int depth,float t, float stunt_growth, synfig::Point position,synfig::Vector vel)const { float next_split((1.0-t)/(splits-depth)+t/*+random_factor*random(40+depth,t*splits,0,0)/splits*/); for(;t=1.0-stunt_growth)return; synfig::Real sin_v=synfig::Angle::cos(split_angle).get(); synfig::Real cos_v=synfig::Angle::sin(split_angle).get(); synfig::Vector velocity1(vel[0]*sin_v - vel[1]*cos_v + random_factor*random(Random::SMOOTH_COSINE, 30+n+depth, t*splits, 0.0f, 0.0f), vel[0]*cos_v + vel[1]*sin_v + random_factor*random(Random::SMOOTH_COSINE, 32+n+depth, t*splits, 0.0f, 0.0f)); synfig::Vector velocity2(vel[0]*sin_v + vel[1]*cos_v + random_factor*random(Random::SMOOTH_COSINE, 31+n+depth, t*splits, 0.0f, 0.0f), -vel[0]*cos_v + vel[1]*sin_v + random_factor*random(Random::SMOOTH_COSINE, 33+n+depth, t*splits, 0.0f, 0.0f)); Plant::branch(n,depth+1,t,stunt_growth,position,velocity1); Plant::branch(n,depth+1,t,stunt_growth,position,velocity2); } void Plant::calc_bounding_rect()const { std::vector::const_iterator iter,next; bounding_rect=Rect::zero(); // Bline must have at least 2 points in it if(bline.size()<2) return; next=bline.begin(); if(bline_loop) iter=--bline.end(); else iter=next++; for(;next!=bline.end();iter=next++) { bounding_rect.expand(iter->get_vertex()); bounding_rect.expand(next->get_vertex()); bounding_rect.expand(iter->get_vertex()+iter->get_tangent2()*0.3333333333333); bounding_rect.expand(next->get_vertex()-next->get_tangent1()*0.3333333333333); bounding_rect.expand(next->get_vertex()+next->get_tangent2()*velocity); } bounding_rect.expand_x(gravity[0]); bounding_rect.expand_y(gravity[1]); bounding_rect.expand_x(size); bounding_rect.expand_y(size); } void Plant::sync()const { Mutex::Lock lock(mutex); if (!needs_sync_) return; time_t start_time; time(&start_time); particle_list.clear(); bounding_rect=Rect::zero(); // Bline must have at least 2 points in it if(bline.size()<2) { needs_sync_=false; return; } std::vector::const_iterator iter,next; etl::hermite curve; Real step(abs(this->step)); int seg(0); next=bline.begin(); if(bline_loop) iter=--bline.end(); // iter is the last bline in the list; next is the first bline in the list else iter=next++; // iter is the first bline in the list; next is the second bline in the list // loop through the bline; seg counts the blines as we do so; stop before iter is the last bline in the list for(;next!=bline.end();iter=next++,seg++) { float iterw=iter->get_width(); // the width value of the iter vertex float nextw=next->get_width(); // the width value of the next vertex float width; // the width at an intermediate position curve.p1()=iter->get_vertex(); curve.t1()=iter->get_tangent2(); curve.p2()=next->get_vertex(); curve.t2()=next->get_tangent1(); curve.sync(); etl::derivative > deriv(curve); Real f; int i=0, branch_count = 0, steps = round_to_int(1.0/step); if (steps < 1) steps = 1; for(f=0.0;f<1.0;f+=step,i++) { Point point(curve(f)); particle_list.push_back(Particle(point, gradient(0))); if (particle_list.size() % 1000000 == 0) synfig::info("constructed %d million particles...", particle_list.size()/1000000); bounding_rect.expand(point); Real stunt_growth(random_factor * (random(Random::SMOOTH_COSINE,i,f+seg,0.0f,0.0f)/2.0+0.5)); stunt_growth*=stunt_growth; if((((i+1)*sprouts + steps/2) / steps) > branch_count) { Vector branch_velocity(deriv(f).norm()*velocity + deriv(f).perp().norm()*perp_velocity); if (isnan(branch_velocity[0]) || isnan(branch_velocity[1])) continue; branch_velocity[0] += random_factor * random(Random::SMOOTH_COSINE, 1, f*splits, 0.0f, 0.0f); branch_velocity[1] += random_factor * random(Random::SMOOTH_COSINE, 2, f*splits, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (use_width) { width = iterw+(nextw-iterw)*f; // calculate the width based on the current position branch_velocity[0] *= width; // scale the velocity accordingly to the current width branch_velocity[1] *= width; } branch_count++; branch(i, 0, 0, // time stunt_growth, // stunt growth point, branch_velocity); } } } time_t end_time; time(&end_time); if (end_time-start_time > 4) synfig::info("Plant::sync() constructed %d particles in %d seconds\n", particle_list.size(), int(end_time-start_time)); needs_sync_=false; } bool Plant::set_param(const String & param, const ValueBase &value) { if(param=="bline" && value.get_type()==ValueBase::TYPE_LIST) { bline=value; bline_loop=value.get_loop(); needs_sync_=true; set_param_static(param, value.get_static()); return true; } if(param=="seed" && value.same_type_as(int())) { random.set_seed(value.get(int())); needs_sync_=true; set_param_static(param, value.get_static()); return true; } IMPORT(origin); IMPORT_PLUS(split_angle,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT_PLUS(gravity,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT_PLUS(gradient,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT_PLUS(velocity,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT_PLUS(perp_velocity,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT_PLUS(step,{ needs_sync_ = true; if (step <= 0) step=0.01; // user is probably clueless - give a good default else if (step < 0.00001) step=0.00001; // 100K should be enough for anyone else if (step > 1) step=1; }); IMPORT_PLUS(splits,{ needs_sync_=true; if (splits < 1) splits = 1; }); IMPORT_PLUS(sprouts,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT_PLUS(random_factor,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT_PLUS(drag,needs_sync_=true); IMPORT(size); IMPORT(size_as_alpha); IMPORT(reverse); IMPORT(use_width); IMPORT_AS(origin,"offset"); return Layer_Composite::set_param(param,value); } /* void Plant::set_time(Context context, Time time)const { if(needs_sync==true) { sync(); needs_sync_=false; } //const_cast(this)->sync(); context.set_time(time); } void Plant::set_time(Context context, Time time, Vector pos)const { if(needs_sync==true) { sync(); needs_sync_=false; } //const_cast(this)->sync(); context.set_time(time,pos); } */ ValueBase Plant::get_param(const String& param)const { if(param=="seed") { ValueBase ret(random.get_seed()); ret.set_static(get_param_static(param)); return ret; } EXPORT(bline); EXPORT(origin); EXPORT(split_angle); EXPORT(gravity); EXPORT(velocity); EXPORT(perp_velocity); EXPORT(step); EXPORT(gradient); EXPORT(splits); EXPORT(sprouts); EXPORT(random_factor); EXPORT(drag); EXPORT(size); EXPORT(size_as_alpha); EXPORT(reverse); EXPORT(use_width); EXPORT_NAME(); if(param=="Version" || param=="version" || param=="version__") return version; return Layer_Composite::get_param(param); } Layer::Vocab Plant::get_param_vocab()const { Layer::Vocab ret(Layer_Composite::get_param_vocab()); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("bline") .set_local_name(_("Vertices")) .set_description(_("A list of BLine Points")) .set_origin("origin") .set_hint("width") ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("origin") .set_local_name(_("Origin")) .set_description(_("Offset for the Vertices List")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("gradient") .set_local_name(_("Gradient")) .set_description(_("Gradient to be used for coloring the plant")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("split_angle") .set_local_name(_("Split Angle")) .set_description(_("Angle by which each split deviates from its parent")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("gravity") .set_local_name(_("Gravity")) .set_description(_("Direction in which the shoots tend to face")) .set_is_distance() ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("velocity") .set_local_name(_("Tangential Velocity")) .set_description(_("Amount to which shoots tend to grow along the tangent to the BLine")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("perp_velocity") .set_local_name(_("Perpendicular Velocity")) .set_description(_("Amount to which shoots tend to grow perpendicular to the tangent to the BLine")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("size") .set_local_name(_("Stem Size")) .set_description(_("Size of the stem")) .set_is_distance() ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("size_as_alpha") .set_local_name(_("Size As Alpha")) .set_description(_("If enabled, the alpha channel from the gradient is multiplied by the stem size, and an alpha of 1.0 is used when rendering")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("reverse") .set_local_name(_("Reverse")) .set_description(_("If enabled, render the plant in the opposite direction")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("step") .set_local_name(_("Step")) .set_description(_("Measure of the distance between points when rendering")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("seed") .set_local_name(_("Seed")) .set_description(_("Used to seed the pseudo-random number generator")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("splits") .set_local_name(_("Splits")) .set_description(_("Maximum number of times that each sprout can sprout recursively")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("sprouts") .set_local_name(_("Sprouts")) .set_description(_("Number of places that growth occurs on each bline section")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("random_factor") .set_local_name(_("Random Factor")) .set_description(_("Used to scale down all random effects. Set to zero to disable randomness")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("drag") .set_local_name(_("Drag")) .set_description(_("Drag slows the growth")) ); ret.push_back(ParamDesc("use_width") .set_local_name(_("Use Width")) .set_description(_("Scale the velocity by the bline's width")) ); return ret; } bool Plant::set_version(const String &ver) { version = ver; if (version == "0.1") use_width = false; return true; } bool Plant::accelerated_render(Context context,Surface *surface,int quality, const RendDesc &renddesc, ProgressCallback *cb)const { bool ret(context.accelerated_render(surface,quality,renddesc,cb)); if(is_disabled() || !ret) return ret; Surface dest_surface; dest_surface.set_wh(surface->get_w(),surface->get_h()); dest_surface.clear(); const Point tl(renddesc.get_tl()-origin); const Point br(renddesc.get_br()-origin); const int w(renddesc.get_w()); const int h(renddesc.get_h()); const int surface_width(surface->get_w()); const int surface_height(surface->get_h()); // Width and Height of a pixel const Real pw = (br[0] - tl[0]) / w; const Real ph = (br[1] - tl[1]) / h; if (isinf(pw) || isinf(ph)) return true; if(needs_sync_==true) sync(); if (particle_list.begin() != particle_list.end()) { std::vector::iterator iter; Particle *particle; float radius(size*sqrt(1.0f/(abs(pw)*abs(ph)))); int x1,y1,x2,y2; if (reverse) iter = particle_list.end(); else iter = particle_list.begin(); while (true) { if (reverse) particle = &(*(iter-1)); else particle = &(*iter); float scaled_radius(radius); Color color(particle->color); if(size_as_alpha) { scaled_radius*=color.get_a(); color.set_a(1); } // previously, radius was multiplied by sqrt(step)*12 only if // the radius came out at less than 1 (pixel): // if (radius<=1.0f) radius*=sqrt(step)*12.0f; // seems a little arbitrary - does it help? // calculate the box that this particle will be drawn as float x1f=(particle->point[0]-tl[0])/pw-(scaled_radius*0.5); float x2f=(particle->point[0]-tl[0])/pw+(scaled_radius*0.5); float y1f=(particle->point[1]-tl[1])/ph-(scaled_radius*0.5); float y2f=(particle->point[1]-tl[1])/ph+(scaled_radius*0.5); x1=ceil_to_int(x1f); x2=ceil_to_int(x2f)-1; y1=ceil_to_int(y1f); y2=ceil_to_int(y2f)-1; // if the box isn't entirely off the canvas, draw it if(x1<=surface_width && y1<=surface_height && x2>=0 && y2>=0) { float x1e=x1-x1f, x2e=x2f-x2, y1e=y1-y1f, y2e=y2f-y2; // printf("x1e %.4f x2e %.4f y1e %.4f y2e %.4f\n", x1e, x2e, y1e, y2e); // adjust the box so it's entirely on the canvas if(x1<=0) { x1=0; x1e=0; } if(y1<=0) { y1=0; y1e=0; } if(x2>=surface_width) { x2=surface_width; x2e=0; } if(y2>=surface_height) { y2=surface_height; y2e=0; } int w(x2-x1), h(y2-y1); Surface::alpha_pen surface_pen(dest_surface.get_pen(x1,y1),1.0f); if(w>0 && h>0) dest_surface.fill(color,surface_pen,w,h); /* the rectangle doesn't cross any vertical pixel boundaries so we don't * need to draw any top or bottom edges */ if(x2get_pen(0,0),get_amount(),get_blend_method()); dest_surface.blit_to(pen); return true; } Rect Plant::get_bounding_rect(Context context)const { if(needs_sync_==true) sync(); if(is_disabled()) return Rect::zero(); if(Color::is_onto(get_blend_method())) return context.get_full_bounding_rect() & bounding_rect; //if(get_blend_method()==Color::BLEND_BEHIND) // return context.get_full_bounding_rect() | bounding_rect; return bounding_rect; }