/* user-list.c generated by valac 0.16.1, the Vala compiler
* generated from user-list.vala, do not modify */
/* -*- Mode: Vala; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2011,2012 Canonical Ltd
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Authors: Robert Ancell
* Michael Terry
#define TYPE_USER_ENTRY (user_entry_get_type ())
#define USER_ENTRY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_USER_ENTRY, UserEntryClass))
typedef struct _UserEntry UserEntry;
typedef struct _UserEntryClass UserEntryClass;
typedef struct _UserEntryPrivate UserEntryPrivate;
#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
#define __g_list_free__g_object_unref0_0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (_g_list_free__g_object_unref0_ (var), NULL)))
#define _cairo_surface_destroy0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (cairo_surface_destroy (var), NULL)))
typedef struct _ParamSpecUserEntry ParamSpecUserEntry;
#define TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE (authentication_message_get_type ())
typedef struct _AuthenticationMessage AuthenticationMessage;
typedef struct _AuthenticationMessageClass AuthenticationMessageClass;
typedef struct _AuthenticationMessagePrivate AuthenticationMessagePrivate;
typedef struct _ParamSpecAuthenticationMessage ParamSpecAuthenticationMessage;
#define TYPE_USER_LIST (user_list_get_type ())
#define USER_LIST_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_USER_LIST, UserListClass))
typedef struct _UserList UserList;
typedef struct _UserListClass UserListClass;
typedef struct _UserListPrivate UserListPrivate;
#define TYPE_BACKGROUND (background_get_type ())
#define BACKGROUND_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_BACKGROUND, BackgroundClass))
typedef struct _Background Background;
typedef struct _BackgroundClass BackgroundClass;
#define TYPE_MENU_BAR (menu_bar_get_type ())
#define MENU_BAR_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_MENU_BAR, MenuBarClass))
typedef struct _MenuBar MenuBar;
typedef struct _MenuBarClass MenuBarClass;
#define TYPE_ANIMATE_TIMER (animate_timer_get_type ())
typedef struct _AnimateTimer AnimateTimer;
typedef struct _AnimateTimerClass AnimateTimerClass;
#define TYPE_DASH_ENTRY (dash_entry_get_type ())
#define DASH_ENTRY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_DASH_ENTRY, DashEntryClass))
typedef struct _DashEntry DashEntry;
typedef struct _DashEntryClass DashEntryClass;
#define TYPE_DASH_BUTTON (dash_button_get_type ())
#define DASH_BUTTON_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_DASH_BUTTON, DashButtonClass))
typedef struct _DashButton DashButton;
typedef struct _DashButtonClass DashButtonClass;
#define TYPE_FADABLE (fadable_get_type ())
typedef struct _Fadable Fadable;
typedef struct _FadableIface FadableIface;
#define TYPE_FADE_TRACKER (fade_tracker_get_type ())
#define FADE_TRACKER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_FADE_TRACKER, FadeTrackerClass))
typedef struct _FadeTracker FadeTracker;
typedef struct _FadeTrackerClass FadeTrackerClass;
#define TYPE_CACHED_IMAGE (cached_image_get_type ())
#define CACHED_IMAGE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_CACHED_IMAGE, CachedImageClass))
typedef struct _CachedImage CachedImage;
typedef struct _CachedImageClass CachedImageClass;
#define TYPE_FADABLE_BOX (fadable_box_get_type ())
#define FADABLE_BOX_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_FADABLE_BOX, FadableBoxClass))
typedef struct _FadableBox FadableBox;
typedef struct _FadableBoxClass FadableBoxClass;
#define TYPE_SESSION_CHOOSER (session_chooser_get_type ())
typedef struct _SessionChooser SessionChooser;
typedef struct _SessionChooserClass SessionChooserClass;
#define USER_LIST_TYPE_MODE (user_list_mode_get_type ())
#define USER_LIST_TYPE_SCROLL_TARGET (user_list_scroll_target_get_type ())
#define USER_LIST_TYPE_NAME_LOCATION (user_list_name_location_get_type ())
#define _user_entry_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (user_entry_unref (var), NULL)))
#define __g_list_free__user_entry_unref0_0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (_g_list_free__user_entry_unref0_ (var), NULL)))
#define __g_list_free__authentication_message_unref0_0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (_g_list_free__authentication_message_unref0_ (var), NULL)))
#define TYPE_DASH_BOX (dash_box_get_type ())
#define DASH_BOX_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_DASH_BOX, DashBoxClass))
typedef struct _DashBox DashBox;
typedef struct _DashBoxClass DashBoxClass;
#define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL)))
#define _pango_font_description_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (pango_font_description_free (var), NULL)))
#define _cairo_pattern_destroy0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (cairo_pattern_destroy (var), NULL)))
#define _cairo_destroy0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (cairo_destroy (var), NULL)))
#define _g_list_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_list_free (var), NULL)))
#define _authentication_message_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (authentication_message_unref (var), NULL)))
struct _UserEntry {
GTypeInstance parent_instance;
volatile int ref_count;
UserEntryPrivate * priv;
gchar* name;
PangoLayout* layout;
gchar* background;
gboolean is_active;
gboolean has_messages;
GList* keyboard_layouts;
gchar* session;
cairo_surface_t* label_in_box_surface;
cairo_surface_t* label_out_of_box_surface;
struct _UserEntryClass {
GTypeClass parent_class;
void (*finalize) (UserEntry *self);
struct _ParamSpecUserEntry {
GParamSpec parent_instance;
struct _AuthenticationMessage {
GTypeInstance parent_instance;
volatile int ref_count;
AuthenticationMessagePrivate * priv;
PangoLayout* layout;
gboolean is_error;
struct _AuthenticationMessageClass {
GTypeClass parent_class;
void (*finalize) (AuthenticationMessage *self);
struct _ParamSpecAuthenticationMessage {
GParamSpec parent_instance;
struct _UserList {
GtkEventBox parent_instance;
UserListPrivate * priv;
Background* background;
MenuBar* menubar;
struct _UserListClass {
GtkEventBoxClass parent_class;
struct _FadableIface {
GTypeInterface parent_iface;
FadeTracker* (*get_fade_tracker) (Fadable* self);
void (*set_fade_tracker) (Fadable* self, FadeTracker* value);
typedef enum {
} UserListMode;
struct _UserListPrivate {
UserEntry* _selected_entry;
gboolean _offer_guest;
gboolean _always_show_manual;
GList* entries;
GdkPixbuf* message_pixbuf;
gdouble scroll_target_location;
gdouble scroll_start_location;
gdouble scroll_location;
gdouble scroll_direction;
AnimateTimer* scroll_timer;
GList* messages;
GtkFixed* fixed;
GtkBox* login_box;
DashEntry* prompt_entry;
DashButton* login_button;
Fadable* prompt_widget_to_show;
GtkButton* session_button;
CachedImage* session_image;
SessionChooser* session_chooser;
UserListMode mode;
gboolean complete;
gint border;
gint box_width;
guint n_above;
guint n_below;
gint box_height;
gchar* _manual_username;
gchar* _default_session;
gchar* _session;
GdkPixbuf* last_session_badge;
typedef enum {
} UserListScrollTarget;
typedef enum {
} UserListNameLocation;
typedef gdouble (*AnimateTimerEasingFunc) (gdouble x, void* user_data);
static gpointer user_entry_parent_class = NULL;
static gpointer authentication_message_parent_class = NULL;
static gpointer user_list_parent_class = NULL;
gint get_grid_offset (gint size);
#define grid_size 40
gpointer user_entry_ref (gpointer instance);
void user_entry_unref (gpointer instance);
GParamSpec* param_spec_user_entry (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
void value_set_user_entry (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
void value_take_user_entry (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
gpointer value_get_user_entry (const GValue* value);
GType user_entry_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
enum {
static void _g_object_unref0_ (gpointer var);
static void _g_list_free__g_object_unref0_ (GList* self);
UserEntry* user_entry_new (void);
UserEntry* user_entry_construct (GType object_type);
static void user_entry_finalize (UserEntry* obj);
gpointer authentication_message_ref (gpointer instance);
void authentication_message_unref (gpointer instance);
GParamSpec* param_spec_authentication_message (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
void value_set_authentication_message (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
void value_take_authentication_message (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
gpointer value_get_authentication_message (const GValue* value);
GType authentication_message_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
enum {
AuthenticationMessage* authentication_message_new (PangoLayout* layout, gboolean is_error);
AuthenticationMessage* authentication_message_construct (GType object_type, PangoLayout* layout, gboolean is_error);
static void authentication_message_finalize (AuthenticationMessage* obj);
GType user_list_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType background_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType menu_bar_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType animate_timer_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType dash_entry_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType dash_button_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType fade_tracker_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType fadable_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType cached_image_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType fadable_box_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
GType session_chooser_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
static GType user_list_mode_get_type (void) G_GNUC_UNUSED;
enum {
GType user_list_scroll_target_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
static GType user_list_name_location_get_type (void) G_GNUC_UNUSED;
static void _user_entry_unref0_ (gpointer var);
static void _g_list_free__user_entry_unref0_ (GList* self);
static void _authentication_message_unref0_ (gpointer var);
static void _g_list_free__authentication_message_unref0_ (GList* self);
UserList* user_list_new (Background* bg, MenuBar* mb);
UserList* user_list_construct (GType object_type, Background* bg, MenuBar* mb);
DashBox* dash_box_new (Background* bg);
DashBox* dash_box_construct (GType object_type, Background* bg);
GType dash_box_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
static void user_list_add_with_class (UserList* self, GtkWidget* widget);
SessionChooser* session_chooser_new (void);
SessionChooser* session_chooser_construct (GType object_type);
static void user_list_session_clicked_cb (UserList* self, const gchar* session);
static void _user_list_session_clicked_cb_session_chooser_session_clicked (SessionChooser* _sender, const gchar* session, gpointer self);
static void user_list_session_fade_done_cb (UserList* self);
static void _user_list_session_fade_done_cb_fadable_box_fade_done (FadableBox* _sender, gpointer self);
void unity_greeter_add_style_class (GtkWidget* widget);
DashEntry* dash_entry_new (void);
DashEntry* dash_entry_construct (GType object_type);
static void user_list_prompt_entry_activate_cb (UserList* self);
static void _user_list_prompt_entry_activate_cb_gtk_entry_activate (GtkEntry* _sender, gpointer self);
DashButton* dash_button_new (const gchar* text);
DashButton* dash_button_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* text);
static void user_list_login_button_clicked_cb (UserList* self);
static void _user_list_login_button_clicked_cb_gtk_button_clicked (GtkButton* _sender, gpointer self);
static GdkPixbuf* user_list_get_badge (UserList* self);
CachedImage* cached_image_new (GdkPixbuf* pixbuf);
CachedImage* cached_image_construct (GType object_type, GdkPixbuf* pixbuf);
static void user_list_session_button_clicked_cb (UserList* self);
static void _user_list_session_button_clicked_cb_gtk_button_clicked (GtkButton* _sender, gpointer self);
gdouble animate_timer_ease_out_quint (gdouble x);
static gdouble _animate_timer_ease_out_quint_animate_timer_easing_func (gdouble x, gpointer self);
AnimateTimer* animate_timer_new (AnimateTimerEasingFunc func, void* func_target, gint speed);
AnimateTimer* animate_timer_construct (GType object_type, AnimateTimerEasingFunc func, void* func_target, gint speed);
static void user_list_scroll_animate_cb (UserList* self, gdouble progress);
static void _user_list_scroll_animate_cb_animate_timer_animate (AnimateTimer* _sender, gdouble progress, gpointer self);
static void user_list_add_manual_entry (UserList* self);
void user_list_cancel_authentication (UserList* self);
UserEntry* user_list_get_selected_entry (UserList* self);
void user_list_scroll (UserList* self, UserListScrollTarget target);
static void user_list_select_entry (UserList* self, UserEntry* entry, gdouble direction);
static void user_list_redraw_user_list (UserList* self);
static gint user_list_get_box_y (UserList* self);
static gint user_list_get_box_x (UserList* self);
static void user_list_redraw_login_box (UserList* self);
void user_list_show_message (UserList* self, const gchar* text, gboolean is_error);
gboolean user_list_have_messages (UserList* self);
void user_list_clear_messages (UserList* self);
void user_list_show_prompt (UserList* self, const gchar* text, gboolean secret);
void dash_entry_set_constant_placeholder_text (DashEntry* self, const gchar* value);
void user_list_focus_prompt (UserList* self);
void user_list_show_authenticated (UserList* self, gboolean successful);
void dash_button_set_text (DashButton* self, const gchar* value);
void user_list_login_complete (UserList* self);
static UserEntry* user_list_find_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name);
void user_list_add_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name, const gchar* label, const gchar* background, GList* keyboard_layouts, gboolean is_active, gboolean has_messages, const gchar* session);
static gint user_list_compare_entry (UserEntry* a, UserEntry* b);
static gint _user_list_compare_entry_gcompare_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
static gboolean user_list_have_users (UserList* self);
gboolean user_list_get_always_show_manual (UserList* self);
void user_list_remove_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name);
const gchar* user_list_get_manual_username (UserList* self);
void user_list_set_active_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name);
void animate_timer_reset (AnimateTimer* self, gint temp_speed);
void fadable_fade_out (Fadable* self);
void user_list_set_session (UserList* self, const gchar* value);
static void user_list_animate_scrolling (UserList* self, gdouble progress);
static void user_list_animate_to_sessions_hide (UserList* self, gdouble progress);
static void user_list_animate_to_login (UserList* self, gdouble progress);
static void user_list_allocate_login_box (UserList* self);
static void user_list_finished_to_sessions_hide (UserList* self);
void fadable_fade_in (Fadable* self);
static void user_list_finished_to_login (UserList* self);
static void user_list_finished_scrolling (UserList* self);
static void user_list_set_selected_entry (UserList* self, UserEntry* value);
const gchar* user_list_get_session (UserList* self);
GdkPixbuf* session_chooser_get_badge (const gchar* session);
const gchar* user_list_get_default_session (UserList* self);
static void user_list_real_realize (GtkWidget* base);
static gint user_list_round_up_to_grid_size (UserList* self, gint size);
gdouble animate_timer_get_progress (AnimateTimer* self);
static void user_list_real_size_allocate (GtkWidget* base, GtkAllocation* allocation);
static cairo_surface_t* user_list_entry_ensure_label_surface (UserList* self, UserEntry* entry, cairo_t* orig_c, gboolean in_box);
static void user_list_draw_entry (UserList* self, cairo_t* c, UserEntry* entry, gdouble alpha, gboolean in_box, GdkPixbuf* badge);
gboolean menu_bar_get_high_contrast (MenuBar* self);
cairo_surface_t* cached_image_get_cached_surface (cairo_t* c, GdkPixbuf* pixbuf);
static void user_list_draw_entry_at_position (UserList* self, cairo_t* c, UserEntry* entry, gdouble position, gboolean in_box, GdkPixbuf* badge);
static gboolean user_list_real_draw (GtkWidget* base, cairo_t* c);
static void user_list_draw_names (UserList* self, cairo_t* c, UserListNameLocation where);
static void user_list_draw_box_contents (UserList* self, cairo_t* c);
static gboolean user_list_inside_entry (UserList* self, gdouble x, gdouble y, gdouble entry_y, UserEntry* entry);
static gboolean user_list_real_button_release_event (GtkWidget* base, GdkEventButton* event);
gboolean user_list_get_offer_guest (UserList* self);
void user_list_set_offer_guest (UserList* self, gboolean value);
void user_list_set_always_show_manual (UserList* self, gboolean value);
const gchar* user_list_get_selected (UserList* self);
void user_list_set_manual_username (UserList* self, const gchar* value);
void user_list_set_default_session (UserList* self, const gchar* value);
static void user_list_finalize (GObject* obj);
static void _vala_user_list_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
static void _vala_user_list_set_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
gint get_grid_offset (gint size) {
gint result = 0;
gint _tmp0_;
_tmp0_ = size;
result = ((gint) (_tmp0_ % grid_size)) / 2;
return result;
static void _g_object_unref0_ (gpointer var) {
(var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL));
static void _g_list_free__g_object_unref0_ (GList* self) {
g_list_foreach (self, (GFunc) _g_object_unref0_, NULL);
g_list_free (self);
UserEntry* user_entry_construct (GType object_type) {
UserEntry* self = NULL;
self = (UserEntry*) g_type_create_instance (object_type);
return self;
UserEntry* user_entry_new (void) {
return user_entry_construct (TYPE_USER_ENTRY);
static void value_user_entry_init (GValue* value) {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
static void value_user_entry_free_value (GValue* value) {
if (value->data[0].v_pointer) {
user_entry_unref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
static void value_user_entry_copy_value (const GValue* src_value, GValue* dest_value) {
if (src_value->data[0].v_pointer) {
dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = user_entry_ref (src_value->data[0].v_pointer);
} else {
dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
static gpointer value_user_entry_peek_pointer (const GValue* value) {
return value->data[0].v_pointer;
static gchar* value_user_entry_collect_value (GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
if (collect_values[0].v_pointer) {
UserEntry* object;
object = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
if (object->parent_instance.g_class == NULL) {
return g_strconcat ("invalid unclassed object pointer for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
} else if (!g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))) {
return g_strconcat ("invalid object type `", g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)), "' for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
value->data[0].v_pointer = user_entry_ref (object);
} else {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
return NULL;
static gchar* value_user_entry_lcopy_value (const GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
UserEntry** object_p;
object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
if (!object_p) {
return g_strdup_printf ("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value));
if (!value->data[0].v_pointer) {
*object_p = NULL;
} else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) {
*object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer;
} else {
*object_p = user_entry_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
return NULL;
GParamSpec* param_spec_user_entry (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags) {
ParamSpecUserEntry* spec;
g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (object_type, TYPE_USER_ENTRY), NULL);
spec = g_param_spec_internal (G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT, name, nick, blurb, flags);
G_PARAM_SPEC (spec)->value_type = object_type;
return G_PARAM_SPEC (spec);
gpointer value_get_user_entry (const GValue* value) {
g_return_val_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_USER_ENTRY), NULL);
return value->data[0].v_pointer;
void value_set_user_entry (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
UserEntry* old;
g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_USER_ENTRY));
old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
if (v_object) {
g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, TYPE_USER_ENTRY));
g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
user_entry_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
} else {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
if (old) {
user_entry_unref (old);
void value_take_user_entry (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
UserEntry* old;
g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_USER_ENTRY));
old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
if (v_object) {
g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, TYPE_USER_ENTRY));
g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
} else {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
if (old) {
user_entry_unref (old);
static void user_entry_class_init (UserEntryClass * klass) {
user_entry_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
USER_ENTRY_CLASS (klass)->finalize = user_entry_finalize;
static void user_entry_instance_init (UserEntry * self) {
self->ref_count = 1;
static void user_entry_finalize (UserEntry* obj) {
UserEntry * self;
self = USER_ENTRY (obj);
_g_free0 (self->name);
_g_object_unref0 (self->layout);
_g_free0 (self->background);
__g_list_free__g_object_unref0_0 (self->keyboard_layouts);
_g_free0 (self->session);
_cairo_surface_destroy0 (self->label_in_box_surface);
_cairo_surface_destroy0 (self->label_out_of_box_surface);
GType user_entry_get_type (void) {
static volatile gsize user_entry_type_id__volatile = 0;
if (g_once_init_enter (&user_entry_type_id__volatile)) {
static const GTypeValueTable g_define_type_value_table = { value_user_entry_init, value_user_entry_free_value, value_user_entry_copy_value, value_user_entry_peek_pointer, "p", value_user_entry_collect_value, "p", value_user_entry_lcopy_value };
static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (UserEntryClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) user_entry_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (UserEntry), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) user_entry_instance_init, &g_define_type_value_table };
static const GTypeFundamentalInfo g_define_type_fundamental_info = { (G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED | G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE) };
GType user_entry_type_id;
user_entry_type_id = g_type_register_fundamental (g_type_fundamental_next (), "UserEntry", &g_define_type_info, &g_define_type_fundamental_info, 0);
g_once_init_leave (&user_entry_type_id__volatile, user_entry_type_id);
return user_entry_type_id__volatile;
gpointer user_entry_ref (gpointer instance) {
UserEntry* self;
self = instance;
g_atomic_int_inc (&self->ref_count);
return instance;
void user_entry_unref (gpointer instance) {
UserEntry* self;
self = instance;
if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&self->ref_count)) {
USER_ENTRY_GET_CLASS (self)->finalize (self);
g_type_free_instance ((GTypeInstance *) self);
static gpointer _g_object_ref0 (gpointer self) {
return self ? g_object_ref (self) : NULL;
AuthenticationMessage* authentication_message_construct (GType object_type, PangoLayout* layout, gboolean is_error) {
AuthenticationMessage* self = NULL;
PangoLayout* _tmp0_;
PangoLayout* _tmp1_;
gboolean _tmp2_;
g_return_val_if_fail (layout != NULL, NULL);
self = (AuthenticationMessage*) g_type_create_instance (object_type);
_tmp0_ = layout;
_tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->layout);
self->layout = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = is_error;
self->is_error = _tmp2_;
return self;
AuthenticationMessage* authentication_message_new (PangoLayout* layout, gboolean is_error) {
return authentication_message_construct (TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE, layout, is_error);
static void value_authentication_message_init (GValue* value) {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
static void value_authentication_message_free_value (GValue* value) {
if (value->data[0].v_pointer) {
authentication_message_unref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
static void value_authentication_message_copy_value (const GValue* src_value, GValue* dest_value) {
if (src_value->data[0].v_pointer) {
dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = authentication_message_ref (src_value->data[0].v_pointer);
} else {
dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
static gpointer value_authentication_message_peek_pointer (const GValue* value) {
return value->data[0].v_pointer;
static gchar* value_authentication_message_collect_value (GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
if (collect_values[0].v_pointer) {
AuthenticationMessage* object;
object = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
if (object->parent_instance.g_class == NULL) {
return g_strconcat ("invalid unclassed object pointer for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
} else if (!g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))) {
return g_strconcat ("invalid object type `", g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)), "' for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
value->data[0].v_pointer = authentication_message_ref (object);
} else {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
return NULL;
static gchar* value_authentication_message_lcopy_value (const GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
AuthenticationMessage** object_p;
object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
if (!object_p) {
return g_strdup_printf ("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value));
if (!value->data[0].v_pointer) {
*object_p = NULL;
} else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) {
*object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer;
} else {
*object_p = authentication_message_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
return NULL;
GParamSpec* param_spec_authentication_message (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags) {
ParamSpecAuthenticationMessage* spec;
g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (object_type, TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE), NULL);
spec = g_param_spec_internal (G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT, name, nick, blurb, flags);
G_PARAM_SPEC (spec)->value_type = object_type;
return G_PARAM_SPEC (spec);
gpointer value_get_authentication_message (const GValue* value) {
return value->data[0].v_pointer;
void value_set_authentication_message (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
AuthenticationMessage* old;
old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
if (v_object) {
g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
authentication_message_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
} else {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
if (old) {
authentication_message_unref (old);
void value_take_authentication_message (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
AuthenticationMessage* old;
old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
if (v_object) {
g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
} else {
value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
if (old) {
authentication_message_unref (old);
static void authentication_message_class_init (AuthenticationMessageClass * klass) {
authentication_message_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE_CLASS (klass)->finalize = authentication_message_finalize;
static void authentication_message_instance_init (AuthenticationMessage * self) {
self->ref_count = 1;
static void authentication_message_finalize (AuthenticationMessage* obj) {
AuthenticationMessage * self;
_g_object_unref0 (self->layout);
GType authentication_message_get_type (void) {
static volatile gsize authentication_message_type_id__volatile = 0;
if (g_once_init_enter (&authentication_message_type_id__volatile)) {
static const GTypeValueTable g_define_type_value_table = { value_authentication_message_init, value_authentication_message_free_value, value_authentication_message_copy_value, value_authentication_message_peek_pointer, "p", value_authentication_message_collect_value, "p", value_authentication_message_lcopy_value };
static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (AuthenticationMessageClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) authentication_message_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (AuthenticationMessage), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) authentication_message_instance_init, &g_define_type_value_table };
static const GTypeFundamentalInfo g_define_type_fundamental_info = { (G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED | G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE) };
GType authentication_message_type_id;
authentication_message_type_id = g_type_register_fundamental (g_type_fundamental_next (), "AuthenticationMessage", &g_define_type_info, &g_define_type_fundamental_info, 0);
g_once_init_leave (&authentication_message_type_id__volatile, authentication_message_type_id);
return authentication_message_type_id__volatile;
gpointer authentication_message_ref (gpointer instance) {
AuthenticationMessage* self;
self = instance;
g_atomic_int_inc (&self->ref_count);
return instance;
void authentication_message_unref (gpointer instance) {
AuthenticationMessage* self;
self = instance;
if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&self->ref_count)) {
g_type_free_instance ((GTypeInstance *) self);
static GType user_list_mode_get_type (void) {
static volatile gsize user_list_mode_type_id__volatile = 0;
if (g_once_init_enter (&user_list_mode_type_id__volatile)) {
GType user_list_mode_type_id;
user_list_mode_type_id = g_enum_register_static ("UserListMode", values);
g_once_init_leave (&user_list_mode_type_id__volatile, user_list_mode_type_id);
return user_list_mode_type_id__volatile;
GType user_list_scroll_target_get_type (void) {
static volatile gsize user_list_scroll_target_type_id__volatile = 0;
if (g_once_init_enter (&user_list_scroll_target_type_id__volatile)) {
GType user_list_scroll_target_type_id;
user_list_scroll_target_type_id = g_enum_register_static ("UserListScrollTarget", values);
g_once_init_leave (&user_list_scroll_target_type_id__volatile, user_list_scroll_target_type_id);
return user_list_scroll_target_type_id__volatile;
static GType user_list_name_location_get_type (void) {
static volatile gsize user_list_name_location_type_id__volatile = 0;
if (g_once_init_enter (&user_list_name_location_type_id__volatile)) {
GType user_list_name_location_type_id;
user_list_name_location_type_id = g_enum_register_static ("UserListNameLocation", values);
g_once_init_leave (&user_list_name_location_type_id__volatile, user_list_name_location_type_id);
return user_list_name_location_type_id__volatile;
static void _user_entry_unref0_ (gpointer var) {
(var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (user_entry_unref (var), NULL));
static void _g_list_free__user_entry_unref0_ (GList* self) {
g_list_foreach (self, (GFunc) _user_entry_unref0_, NULL);
g_list_free (self);
static void _authentication_message_unref0_ (gpointer var) {
(var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (authentication_message_unref (var), NULL));
static void _g_list_free__authentication_message_unref0_ (GList* self) {
g_list_foreach (self, (GFunc) _authentication_message_unref0_, NULL);
g_list_free (self);
static void _user_list_session_clicked_cb_session_chooser_session_clicked (SessionChooser* _sender, const gchar* session, gpointer self) {
user_list_session_clicked_cb (self, session);
static void _user_list_session_fade_done_cb_fadable_box_fade_done (FadableBox* _sender, gpointer self) {
user_list_session_fade_done_cb (self);
static void _user_list_prompt_entry_activate_cb_gtk_entry_activate (GtkEntry* _sender, gpointer self) {
user_list_prompt_entry_activate_cb (self);
static void _user_list_login_button_clicked_cb_gtk_button_clicked (GtkButton* _sender, gpointer self) {
user_list_login_button_clicked_cb (self);
static void _user_list_session_button_clicked_cb_gtk_button_clicked (GtkButton* _sender, gpointer self) {
user_list_session_button_clicked_cb (self);
static gdouble _animate_timer_ease_out_quint_animate_timer_easing_func (gdouble x, gpointer self) {
gdouble result;
result = animate_timer_ease_out_quint (x);
return result;
static void _user_list_scroll_animate_cb_animate_timer_animate (AnimateTimer* _sender, gdouble progress, gpointer self) {
user_list_scroll_animate_cb (self, progress);
UserList* user_list_construct (GType object_type, Background* bg, MenuBar* mb) {
UserList * self = NULL;
Background* _tmp0_;
Background* _tmp1_;
MenuBar* _tmp2_;
MenuBar* _tmp3_;
GtkFixed* _tmp4_;
GtkFixed* _tmp5_;
GtkFixed* _tmp6_;
GtkFixed* _tmp7_;
Background* _tmp8_;
DashBox* _tmp9_;
GtkBox* _tmp10_;
GtkBox* _tmp11_;
GtkBox* _tmp12_;
SessionChooser* _tmp13_;
SessionChooser* _tmp14_;
SessionChooser* _tmp15_;
SessionChooser* _tmp16_;
SessionChooser* _tmp17_;
SessionChooser* _tmp18_;
DashEntry* _tmp19_;
DashEntry* _tmp20_;
DashEntry* _tmp21_;
DashEntry* _tmp22_;
DashEntry* _tmp23_;
DashButton* _tmp24_;
DashButton* _tmp25_;
DashButton* _tmp26_;
DashButton* _tmp27_;
GtkButton* _tmp35_;
GtkButton* _tmp36_;
GtkButton* _tmp37_;
GtkButton* _tmp38_;
AtkObject* _tmp39_ = NULL;
const gchar* _tmp40_ = NULL;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp41_ = NULL;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp42_;
CachedImage* _tmp43_;
CachedImage* _tmp44_;
CachedImage* _tmp45_;
GtkButton* _tmp46_;
GtkButton* _tmp47_;
CachedImage* _tmp48_;
GtkButton* _tmp49_;
GtkButton* _tmp50_;
GtkButton* _tmp51_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp52_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp53_;
GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (bg != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (mb != NULL, NULL);
self = (UserList*) g_object_new (object_type, NULL);
_tmp0_ = bg;
_tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->background);
self->background = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = mb;
_tmp3_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp2_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->menubar);
self->menubar = _tmp3_;
g_object_set ((GtkWidget*) self, "can-focus", FALSE, NULL);
gtk_event_box_set_visible_window ((GtkEventBox*) self, FALSE);
_tmp4_ = (GtkFixed*) gtk_fixed_new ();
_tmp5_ = g_object_ref_sink (_tmp4_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->fixed);
self->priv->fixed = _tmp5_;
_tmp6_ = self->priv->fixed;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp6_);
_tmp7_ = self->priv->fixed;
gtk_container_add ((GtkContainer*) self, (GtkWidget*) _tmp7_);
_tmp8_ = self->background;
_tmp9_ = dash_box_new (_tmp8_);
_tmp10_ = (GtkBox*) g_object_ref_sink (_tmp9_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->login_box);
self->priv->login_box = _tmp10_;
_tmp11_ = self->priv->login_box;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp11_);
_tmp12_ = self->priv->login_box;
user_list_add_with_class (self, (GtkWidget*) _tmp12_);
_tmp13_ = session_chooser_new ();
_tmp14_ = g_object_ref_sink (_tmp13_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->session_chooser);
self->priv->session_chooser = _tmp14_;
_tmp15_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
g_signal_connect_object (_tmp15_, "session-clicked", (GCallback) _user_list_session_clicked_cb_session_chooser_session_clicked, self, 0);
_tmp16_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
g_signal_connect_object ((FadableBox*) _tmp16_, "fade-done", (GCallback) _user_list_session_fade_done_cb_fadable_box_fade_done, self, 0);
_tmp17_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp17_);
_tmp18_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
unity_greeter_add_style_class ((GtkWidget*) _tmp18_);
_tmp19_ = dash_entry_new ();
_tmp20_ = g_object_ref_sink (_tmp19_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_entry);
self->priv->prompt_entry = _tmp20_;
_tmp21_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
g_object_set ((GtkEntry*) _tmp21_, "caps-lock-warning", TRUE, NULL);
_tmp22_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
g_signal_connect_object ((GtkEntry*) _tmp22_, "activate", (GCallback) _user_list_prompt_entry_activate_cb_gtk_entry_activate, self, 0);
_tmp23_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
user_list_add_with_class (self, (GtkWidget*) _tmp23_);
_tmp24_ = dash_button_new ("");
_tmp25_ = g_object_ref_sink (_tmp24_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->login_button);
self->priv->login_button = _tmp25_;
_tmp26_ = self->priv->login_button;
g_signal_connect_object ((GtkButton*) _tmp26_, "clicked", (GCallback) _user_list_login_button_clicked_cb_gtk_button_clicked, self, 0);
_tmp27_ = self->priv->login_button;
user_list_add_with_class (self, (GtkWidget*) _tmp27_);
gchar* _tmp28_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp29_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp30_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp31_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp32_;
_tmp28_ = g_build_filename (PKGDATADIR, "message.png", NULL, NULL);
_tmp29_ = _tmp28_;
_tmp30_ = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (_tmp29_, &_inner_error_);
_tmp31_ = _tmp30_;
_g_free0 (_tmp29_);
_tmp32_ = _tmp31_;
if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
goto __catch21_g_error;
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->message_pixbuf);
self->priv->message_pixbuf = _tmp32_;
goto __finally21;
GError* e = NULL;
GError* _tmp33_;
const gchar* _tmp34_;
e = _inner_error_;
_inner_error_ = NULL;
_tmp33_ = e;
_tmp34_ = _tmp33_->message;
g_debug ("user-list.vala:249: Error loading message image: %s", _tmp34_);
_g_error_free0 (e);
if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
return NULL;
_tmp35_ = (GtkButton*) gtk_button_new ();
_tmp36_ = g_object_ref_sink (_tmp35_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->session_button);
self->priv->session_button = _tmp36_;
_tmp37_ = self->priv->session_button;
gtk_button_set_focus_on_click (_tmp37_, FALSE);
_tmp38_ = self->priv->session_button;
_tmp39_ = gtk_widget_get_accessible ((GtkWidget*) _tmp38_);
_tmp40_ = _ ("Session Options");
atk_object_set_name (_tmp39_, _tmp40_);
_tmp41_ = user_list_get_badge (self);
_tmp42_ = _tmp41_;
_tmp43_ = cached_image_new (_tmp42_);
_tmp44_ = g_object_ref_sink (_tmp43_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->session_image);
self->priv->session_image = _tmp44_;
_g_object_unref0 (_tmp42_);
_tmp45_ = self->priv->session_image;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp45_);
_tmp46_ = self->priv->session_button;
gtk_button_set_relief (_tmp46_, GTK_RELIEF_NONE);
_tmp47_ = self->priv->session_button;
_tmp48_ = self->priv->session_image;
gtk_container_add ((GtkContainer*) _tmp47_, (GtkWidget*) _tmp48_);
_tmp49_ = self->priv->session_button;
g_signal_connect_object (_tmp49_, "clicked", (GCallback) _user_list_session_button_clicked_cb_gtk_button_clicked, self, 0);
_tmp50_ = self->priv->session_button;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp50_);
_tmp51_ = self->priv->session_button;
user_list_add_with_class (self, (GtkWidget*) _tmp51_);
_tmp52_ = animate_timer_new (_animate_timer_ease_out_quint_animate_timer_easing_func, NULL, ANIMATE_TIMER_FAST);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->scroll_timer);
self->priv->scroll_timer = _tmp52_;
_tmp53_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
g_signal_connect_object (_tmp53_, "animate", (GCallback) _user_list_scroll_animate_cb_animate_timer_animate, self, 0);
user_list_add_manual_entry (self);
return self;
UserList* user_list_new (Background* bg, MenuBar* mb) {
return user_list_construct (TYPE_USER_LIST, bg, mb);
void user_list_cancel_authentication (UserList* self) {
UserEntry* _tmp0_;
const gchar* _tmp1_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp1_ = _tmp0_->name;
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "user-selected", _tmp1_);
void user_list_scroll (UserList* self, UserListScrollTarget target) {
gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE;
UserListMode _tmp1_;
gboolean _tmp3_;
UserListScrollTarget _tmp4_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->mode;
if (_tmp1_ != USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN) {
UserListMode _tmp2_;
_tmp2_ = self->priv->mode;
_tmp0_ = _tmp2_ != USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING;
} else {
_tmp0_ = FALSE;
_tmp3_ = _tmp0_;
if (_tmp3_) {
_tmp4_ = target;
switch (_tmp4_) {
GList* _tmp5_;
gconstpointer _tmp6_ = NULL;
_tmp5_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp6_ = g_list_nth_data (_tmp5_, (guint) 0);
user_list_select_entry (self, (UserEntry*) _tmp6_, -1.0);
GList* _tmp7_;
GList* _tmp8_;
guint _tmp9_ = 0U;
gconstpointer _tmp10_ = NULL;
_tmp7_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp8_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp9_ = g_list_length (_tmp8_);
_tmp10_ = g_list_nth_data (_tmp7_, _tmp9_ - 1);
user_list_select_entry (self, (UserEntry*) _tmp10_, 1.0);
GList* _tmp11_;
UserEntry* _tmp12_;
gint _tmp13_ = 0;
gint index;
gint _tmp14_;
GList* _tmp15_;
gint _tmp16_;
gconstpointer _tmp17_ = NULL;
_tmp11_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp12_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp13_ = g_list_index (_tmp11_, _tmp12_);
index = _tmp13_ - 1;
_tmp14_ = index;
if (_tmp14_ < 0) {
index = 0;
_tmp15_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp16_ = index;
_tmp17_ = g_list_nth_data (_tmp15_, (guint) _tmp16_);
user_list_select_entry (self, (UserEntry*) _tmp17_, -1.0);
GList* _tmp18_;
UserEntry* _tmp19_;
gint _tmp20_ = 0;
gint index;
gint _tmp21_;
GList* _tmp22_;
guint _tmp23_ = 0U;
GList* _tmp26_;
gint _tmp27_;
gconstpointer _tmp28_ = NULL;
_tmp18_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp19_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp20_ = g_list_index (_tmp18_, _tmp19_);
index = _tmp20_ + 1;
_tmp21_ = index;
_tmp22_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp23_ = g_list_length (_tmp22_);
if (_tmp21_ >= ((gint) _tmp23_)) {
GList* _tmp24_;
guint _tmp25_ = 0U;
_tmp24_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp25_ = g_list_length (_tmp24_);
index = ((gint) _tmp25_) - 1;
_tmp26_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp27_ = index;
_tmp28_ = g_list_nth_data (_tmp26_, (guint) _tmp27_);
user_list_select_entry (self, (UserEntry*) _tmp28_, 1.0);
static void user_list_add_with_class (UserList* self, GtkWidget* widget) {
GtkFixed* _tmp0_;
GtkWidget* _tmp1_;
GtkWidget* _tmp2_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->fixed;
_tmp1_ = widget;
gtk_container_add ((GtkContainer*) _tmp0_, _tmp1_);
_tmp2_ = widget;
unity_greeter_add_style_class (_tmp2_);
static void user_list_redraw_user_list (UserList* self) {
gint _tmp0_;
gint _tmp1_;
guint _tmp2_;
gint y;
guint _tmp3_;
gint _tmp4_;
guint _tmp5_;
gint height;
GtkAllocation allocation = {0};
GtkAllocation _tmp6_ = {0};
GtkAllocation _tmp7_;
gint _tmp8_;
gint _tmp9_;
gint _tmp10_;
GtkAllocation _tmp11_;
gint _tmp12_;
gint _tmp13_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = user_list_get_box_y (self);
_tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
_tmp2_ = self->priv->n_above;
y = _tmp1_ - (((gint) (_tmp2_ + 1)) * grid_size);
_tmp3_ = self->priv->n_above;
_tmp4_ = self->priv->box_height;
_tmp5_ = self->priv->n_below;
height = ((gint) ((((_tmp3_ + 1) + _tmp4_) + _tmp5_) + 1)) * grid_size;
gtk_widget_get_allocation ((GtkWidget*) self, &_tmp6_);
allocation = _tmp6_;
_tmp7_ = allocation;
_tmp8_ = _tmp7_.x;
_tmp9_ = user_list_get_box_x (self);
_tmp10_ = _tmp9_;
_tmp11_ = allocation;
_tmp12_ = _tmp11_.y;
_tmp13_ = self->priv->box_width;
gtk_widget_queue_draw_area ((GtkWidget*) self, _tmp8_ + _tmp10_, _tmp12_ + y, _tmp13_ * grid_size, height);
static void user_list_redraw_login_box (UserList* self) {
GtkAllocation allocation = {0};
GtkBox* _tmp0_;
GtkAllocation _tmp1_ = {0};
GtkAllocation _tmp2_;
gint _tmp3_;
GtkAllocation _tmp4_;
gint _tmp5_;
GtkAllocation _tmp6_;
gint _tmp7_;
GtkAllocation _tmp8_;
gint _tmp9_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->login_box;
gtk_widget_get_allocation ((GtkWidget*) _tmp0_, &_tmp1_);
allocation = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = allocation;
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_.x;
_tmp4_ = allocation;
_tmp5_ = _tmp4_.y;
_tmp6_ = allocation;
_tmp7_ = _tmp6_.width;
_tmp8_ = allocation;
_tmp9_ = _tmp8_.height;
gtk_widget_queue_draw_area ((GtkWidget*) self, _tmp3_, _tmp5_, _tmp7_, _tmp9_);
void user_list_show_message (UserList* self, const gchar* text, gboolean is_error) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
PangoLayout* _tmp1_ = NULL;
PangoLayout* layout;
PangoFontDescription* _tmp2_ = NULL;
PangoFontDescription* _tmp3_;
gboolean _tmp4_;
AuthenticationMessage* _tmp5_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (text != NULL);
_tmp0_ = text;
_tmp1_ = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout ((GtkWidget*) self, _tmp0_);
layout = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = pango_font_description_from_string ("Ubuntu 10");
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, _tmp3_);
_pango_font_description_free0 (_tmp3_);
_tmp4_ = is_error;
_tmp5_ = authentication_message_new (layout, _tmp4_);
self->priv->messages = g_list_append (self->priv->messages, _tmp5_);
user_list_redraw_login_box (self);
_g_object_unref0 (layout);
gboolean user_list_have_messages (UserList* self) {
gboolean result = FALSE;
GList* _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->messages;
result = _tmp0_ != NULL;
return result;
void user_list_clear_messages (UserList* self) {
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
__g_list_free__authentication_message_unref0_0 (self->priv->messages);
self->priv->messages = NULL;
user_list_redraw_login_box (self);
static gboolean string_contains (const gchar* self, const gchar* needle) {
gboolean result = FALSE;
const gchar* _tmp0_;
gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (needle != NULL, FALSE);
_tmp0_ = needle;
_tmp1_ = strstr ((gchar*) self, (gchar*) _tmp0_);
result = _tmp1_ != NULL;
return result;
static glong string_strnlen (gchar* str, glong maxlen) {
glong result = 0L;
gchar* _tmp0_;
glong _tmp1_;
gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
gchar* end;
gchar* _tmp3_;
_tmp0_ = str;
_tmp1_ = maxlen;
_tmp2_ = memchr (_tmp0_, 0, (gsize) _tmp1_);
end = _tmp2_;
_tmp3_ = end;
if (_tmp3_ == NULL) {
glong _tmp4_;
_tmp4_ = maxlen;
result = _tmp4_;
return result;
} else {
gchar* _tmp5_;
gchar* _tmp6_;
_tmp5_ = end;
_tmp6_ = str;
result = (glong) (_tmp5_ - _tmp6_);
return result;
static gchar* string_substring (const gchar* self, glong offset, glong len) {
gchar* result = NULL;
glong string_length = 0L;
gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE;
glong _tmp1_;
gboolean _tmp3_;
glong _tmp9_;
glong _tmp15_;
glong _tmp18_;
glong _tmp19_;
glong _tmp20_;
glong _tmp21_;
glong _tmp22_;
gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
_tmp1_ = offset;
if (_tmp1_ >= ((glong) 0)) {
glong _tmp2_;
_tmp2_ = len;
_tmp0_ = _tmp2_ >= ((glong) 0);
} else {
_tmp0_ = FALSE;
_tmp3_ = _tmp0_;
if (_tmp3_) {
glong _tmp4_;
glong _tmp5_;
glong _tmp6_ = 0L;
_tmp4_ = offset;
_tmp5_ = len;
_tmp6_ = string_strnlen ((gchar*) self, _tmp4_ + _tmp5_);
string_length = _tmp6_;
} else {
gint _tmp7_;
gint _tmp8_;
_tmp7_ = strlen (self);
_tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
string_length = (glong) _tmp8_;
_tmp9_ = offset;
if (_tmp9_ < ((glong) 0)) {
glong _tmp10_;
glong _tmp11_;
glong _tmp12_;
_tmp10_ = string_length;
_tmp11_ = offset;
offset = _tmp10_ + _tmp11_;
_tmp12_ = offset;
g_return_val_if_fail (_tmp12_ >= ((glong) 0), NULL);
} else {
glong _tmp13_;
glong _tmp14_;
_tmp13_ = offset;
_tmp14_ = string_length;
g_return_val_if_fail (_tmp13_ <= _tmp14_, NULL);
_tmp15_ = len;
if (_tmp15_ < ((glong) 0)) {
glong _tmp16_;
glong _tmp17_;
_tmp16_ = string_length;
_tmp17_ = offset;
len = _tmp16_ - _tmp17_;
_tmp18_ = offset;
_tmp19_ = len;
_tmp20_ = string_length;
g_return_val_if_fail ((_tmp18_ + _tmp19_) <= _tmp20_, NULL);
_tmp21_ = offset;
_tmp22_ = len;
_tmp23_ = g_strndup (((gchar*) self) + _tmp21_, (gsize) _tmp22_);
result = _tmp23_;
return result;
static gint string_index_of_nth_char (const gchar* self, glong c) {
gint result = 0;
glong _tmp0_;
gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0);
_tmp0_ = c;
_tmp1_ = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (self, _tmp0_);
result = (gint) (_tmp1_ - ((gchar*) self));
return result;
void user_list_show_prompt (UserList* self, const gchar* text, gboolean secret) {
DashButton* _tmp0_;
DashEntry* _tmp1_;
const gchar* _tmp2_;
gboolean _tmp3_ = FALSE;
DashEntry* _tmp23_;
DashEntry* _tmp24_;
DashEntry* _tmp25_;
gboolean _tmp26_;
UserListMode _tmp27_;
DashEntry* _tmp31_;
AtkObject* _tmp32_ = NULL;
AtkObject* _tmp33_;
AtkObject* accessible;
gboolean _tmp34_ = FALSE;
UserEntry* _tmp35_;
gboolean _tmp38_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (text != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp0_);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp1_);
_tmp2_ = text;
_tmp3_ = string_contains (_tmp2_, "\n");
if (_tmp3_) {
const gchar* _tmp4_;
DashEntry* _tmp5_;
_tmp4_ = text;
user_list_show_message (self, _tmp4_, FALSE);
_tmp5_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
dash_entry_set_constant_placeholder_text (_tmp5_, "");
} else {
const gchar* _tmp6_;
gchar* _tmp7_;
gchar* placeholder;
gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
const gchar* _tmp9_;
gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp13_;
DashEntry* _tmp21_;
const gchar* _tmp22_;
_tmp6_ = text;
_tmp7_ = g_strdup (_tmp6_);
placeholder = _tmp7_;
_tmp9_ = placeholder;
_tmp10_ = g_str_has_suffix (_tmp9_, ":");
if (_tmp10_) {
_tmp8_ = TRUE;
} else {
const gchar* _tmp11_;
gboolean _tmp12_ = FALSE;
_tmp11_ = placeholder;
_tmp12_ = g_str_has_suffix (_tmp11_, ":");
_tmp8_ = _tmp12_;
_tmp13_ = _tmp8_;
if (_tmp13_) {
const gchar* _tmp14_;
gint _tmp15_ = 0;
gint len;
const gchar* _tmp16_;
const gchar* _tmp17_;
gint _tmp18_;
gint _tmp19_ = 0;
gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
_tmp14_ = placeholder;
_tmp15_ = g_utf8_strlen (_tmp14_, (gssize) (-1));
len = _tmp15_;
_tmp16_ = placeholder;
_tmp17_ = placeholder;
_tmp18_ = len;
_tmp19_ = string_index_of_nth_char (_tmp17_, (glong) (_tmp18_ - 1));
_tmp20_ = string_substring (_tmp16_, (glong) 0, (glong) _tmp19_);
_g_free0 (placeholder);
placeholder = _tmp20_;
_tmp21_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp22_ = placeholder;
dash_entry_set_constant_placeholder_text (_tmp21_, _tmp22_);
_g_free0 (placeholder);
_tmp23_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_entry_set_text ((GtkEntry*) _tmp23_, "");
_tmp24_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_set_sensitive ((GtkWidget*) _tmp24_, TRUE);
_tmp25_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp26_ = secret;
gtk_entry_set_visibility ((GtkEntry*) _tmp25_, !_tmp26_);
_tmp27_ = self->priv->mode;
if (_tmp27_ == USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING) {
DashEntry* _tmp28_;
Fadable* _tmp29_;
_tmp28_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp29_ = _g_object_ref0 ((Fadable*) _tmp28_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show = _tmp29_;
} else {
DashEntry* _tmp30_;
_tmp30_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp30_);
_tmp31_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp32_ = gtk_widget_get_accessible ((GtkWidget*) _tmp31_);
_tmp33_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp32_);
accessible = _tmp33_;
_tmp35_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
if (_tmp35_ != NULL) {
UserEntry* _tmp36_;
const gchar* _tmp37_;
_tmp36_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp37_ = _tmp36_->name;
_tmp34_ = _tmp37_ != NULL;
} else {
_tmp34_ = FALSE;
_tmp38_ = _tmp34_;
if (_tmp38_) {
AtkObject* _tmp39_;
const gchar* _tmp40_ = NULL;
UserEntry* _tmp41_;
PangoLayout* _tmp42_;
const gchar* _tmp43_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp44_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp45_;
_tmp39_ = accessible;
_tmp40_ = _ ("Enter password for %s");
_tmp41_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp42_ = _tmp41_->layout;
_tmp43_ = pango_layout_get_text (_tmp42_);
_tmp44_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp40_, _tmp43_);
_tmp45_ = _tmp44_;
atk_object_set_name (_tmp39_, _tmp45_);
_g_free0 (_tmp45_);
} else {
DashEntry* _tmp46_;
gboolean _tmp47_;
gboolean _tmp48_;
_tmp46_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp47_ = gtk_entry_get_visibility ((GtkEntry*) _tmp46_);
_tmp48_ = _tmp47_;
if (_tmp48_) {
AtkObject* _tmp49_;
const gchar* _tmp50_ = NULL;
_tmp49_ = accessible;
_tmp50_ = _ ("Enter username");
atk_object_set_name (_tmp49_, _tmp50_);
} else {
AtkObject* _tmp51_;
const gchar* _tmp52_ = NULL;
_tmp51_ = accessible;
_tmp52_ = _ ("Enter password");
atk_object_set_name (_tmp51_, _tmp52_);
user_list_focus_prompt (self);
user_list_redraw_login_box (self);
_g_object_unref0 (accessible);
void user_list_focus_prompt (UserList* self) {
DashEntry* _tmp0_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_grab_focus ((GtkWidget*) _tmp0_);
void user_list_show_authenticated (UserList* self, gboolean successful) {
DashEntry* _tmp0_;
DashButton* _tmp1_;
DashButton* _tmp2_;
AtkObject* _tmp3_ = NULL;
AtkObject* _tmp4_;
AtkObject* accessible;
gboolean _tmp5_;
UserListMode _tmp24_;
DashButton* _tmp28_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp0_);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp1_);
_tmp2_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp3_ = gtk_widget_get_accessible ((GtkWidget*) _tmp2_);
_tmp4_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp3_);
accessible = _tmp4_;
_tmp5_ = successful;
if (_tmp5_) {
AtkObject* _tmp6_;
const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
UserEntry* _tmp8_;
PangoLayout* _tmp9_;
const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp12_;
DashButton* _tmp13_;
const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
_tmp6_ = accessible;
_tmp7_ = _ ("Login as %s");
_tmp8_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp9_ = _tmp8_->layout;
_tmp10_ = pango_layout_get_text (_tmp9_);
_tmp11_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp7_, _tmp10_);
_tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
atk_object_set_name (_tmp6_, _tmp12_);
_g_free0 (_tmp12_);
_tmp13_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp14_ = _ ("Log In");
dash_button_set_text (_tmp13_, _tmp14_);
} else {
AtkObject* _tmp15_;
const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
UserEntry* _tmp17_;
PangoLayout* _tmp18_;
const gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp21_;
DashButton* _tmp22_;
const gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
_tmp15_ = accessible;
_tmp16_ = _ ("Retry");
_tmp17_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp18_ = _tmp17_->layout;
_tmp19_ = pango_layout_get_text (_tmp18_);
_tmp20_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp16_, _tmp19_);
_tmp21_ = _tmp20_;
atk_object_set_name (_tmp15_, _tmp21_);
_g_free0 (_tmp21_);
_tmp22_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp23_ = _ ("Retry");
dash_button_set_text (_tmp22_, _tmp23_);
_tmp24_ = self->priv->mode;
if (_tmp24_ == USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING) {
DashButton* _tmp25_;
Fadable* _tmp26_;
_tmp25_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp26_ = _g_object_ref0 ((Fadable*) _tmp25_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show = _tmp26_;
} else {
DashButton* _tmp27_;
_tmp27_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp27_);
_tmp28_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_grab_focus ((GtkWidget*) _tmp28_);
user_list_redraw_login_box (self);
_g_object_unref0 (accessible);
void user_list_login_complete (UserList* self) {
const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
DashButton* _tmp1_;
DashEntry* _tmp2_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
self->priv->complete = TRUE;
gtk_widget_set_sensitive ((GtkWidget*) self, FALSE);
user_list_clear_messages (self);
_tmp0_ = _ ("Logging in...");
user_list_show_message (self, _tmp0_, FALSE);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp1_);
_tmp2_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp2_);
user_list_redraw_login_box (self);
static gpointer _user_entry_ref0 (gpointer self) {
return self ? user_entry_ref (self) : NULL;
static UserEntry* user_list_find_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name) {
UserEntry* result = NULL;
GList* _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->entries;
GList* entry_collection = NULL;
GList* entry_it = NULL;
entry_collection = _tmp0_;
for (entry_it = entry_collection; entry_it != NULL; entry_it = entry_it->next) {
UserEntry* _tmp1_;
UserEntry* entry = NULL;
_tmp1_ = _user_entry_ref0 ((UserEntry*) entry_it->data);
entry = _tmp1_;
UserEntry* _tmp2_;
const gchar* _tmp3_;
const gchar* _tmp4_;
_tmp2_ = entry;
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_->name;
_tmp4_ = name;
if (g_strcmp0 (_tmp3_, _tmp4_) == 0) {
result = entry;
return result;
_user_entry_unref0 (entry);
result = NULL;
return result;
static gint _user_list_compare_entry_gcompare_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) {
gint result;
result = user_list_compare_entry (a, b);
return result;
void user_list_add_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name, const gchar* label, const gchar* background, GList* keyboard_layouts, gboolean is_active, gboolean has_messages, const gchar* session) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
UserEntry* _tmp1_ = NULL;
UserEntry* e;
UserEntry* _tmp2_;
UserEntry* _tmp8_;
const gchar* _tmp9_;
PangoLayout* _tmp10_ = NULL;
UserEntry* _tmp11_;
PangoLayout* _tmp12_;
PangoFontDescription* _tmp13_ = NULL;
PangoFontDescription* _tmp14_;
UserEntry* _tmp15_;
const gchar* _tmp16_;
gchar* _tmp17_;
UserEntry* _tmp18_;
GList* _tmp19_;
GList* _tmp20_ = NULL;
UserEntry* _tmp21_;
gboolean _tmp22_;
UserEntry* _tmp23_;
gboolean _tmp24_;
UserEntry* _tmp25_;
const gchar* _tmp26_;
gchar* _tmp27_;
UserEntry* _tmp28_;
UserEntry* _tmp29_;
UserEntry* _tmp30_;
gboolean _tmp33_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp34_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp37_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (label != NULL);
_tmp0_ = name;
_tmp1_ = user_list_find_entry (self, _tmp0_);
e = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = e;
if (_tmp2_ == NULL) {
UserEntry* _tmp3_;
UserEntry* _tmp4_;
const gchar* _tmp5_;
gchar* _tmp6_;
_tmp3_ = user_entry_new ();
_user_entry_unref0 (e);
e = _tmp3_;
_tmp4_ = e;
_tmp5_ = name;
_tmp6_ = g_strdup (_tmp5_);
_g_free0 (_tmp4_->name);
_tmp4_->name = _tmp6_;
} else {
UserEntry* _tmp7_;
_tmp7_ = e;
self->priv->entries = g_list_remove (self->priv->entries, _tmp7_);
_tmp8_ = e;
_tmp9_ = label;
_tmp10_ = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout ((GtkWidget*) self, _tmp9_);
_g_object_unref0 (_tmp8_->layout);
_tmp8_->layout = _tmp10_;
_tmp11_ = e;
_tmp12_ = _tmp11_->layout;
_tmp13_ = pango_font_description_from_string ("Ubuntu 16");
_tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
pango_layout_set_font_description (_tmp12_, _tmp14_);
_pango_font_description_free0 (_tmp14_);
_tmp15_ = e;
_tmp16_ = background;
_tmp17_ = g_strdup (_tmp16_);
_g_free0 (_tmp15_->background);
_tmp15_->background = _tmp17_;
_tmp18_ = e;
_tmp19_ = keyboard_layouts;
_tmp20_ = g_list_copy (_tmp19_);
__g_list_free__g_object_unref0_0 (_tmp18_->keyboard_layouts);
_tmp18_->keyboard_layouts = _tmp20_;
_tmp21_ = e;
_tmp22_ = is_active;
_tmp21_->is_active = _tmp22_;
_tmp23_ = e;
_tmp24_ = has_messages;
_tmp23_->has_messages = _tmp24_;
_tmp25_ = e;
_tmp26_ = session;
_tmp27_ = g_strdup (_tmp26_);
_g_free0 (_tmp25_->session);
_tmp25_->session = _tmp27_;
_tmp28_ = e;
_tmp29_ = _user_entry_ref0 (_tmp28_);
self->priv->entries = g_list_insert_sorted (self->priv->entries, _tmp29_, _user_list_compare_entry_gcompare_func);
_tmp30_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
if (_tmp30_ == NULL) {
UserEntry* _tmp31_;
_tmp31_ = e;
user_list_select_entry (self, _tmp31_, 1.0);
} else {
UserEntry* _tmp32_;
_tmp32_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
user_list_select_entry (self, _tmp32_, 1.0);
_tmp34_ = user_list_have_users (self);
if (_tmp34_) {
gboolean _tmp35_;
gboolean _tmp36_;
_tmp35_ = user_list_get_always_show_manual (self);
_tmp36_ = _tmp35_;
_tmp33_ = !_tmp36_;
} else {
_tmp33_ = FALSE;
_tmp37_ = _tmp33_;
if (_tmp37_) {
user_list_remove_entry (self, "*other");
user_list_redraw_user_list (self);
_user_entry_unref0 (e);
static gint user_list_compare_entry (UserEntry* a, UserEntry* b) {
gint result = 0;
gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE;
UserEntry* _tmp1_;
const gchar* _tmp2_;
gboolean _tmp3_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp7_;
UserEntry* _tmp18_;
PangoLayout* _tmp19_;
const gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
UserEntry* _tmp21_;
PangoLayout* _tmp22_;
const gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
gint _tmp24_ = 0;
g_return_val_if_fail (a != NULL, 0);
g_return_val_if_fail (b != NULL, 0);
_tmp1_ = a;
_tmp2_ = _tmp1_->name;
_tmp3_ = g_str_has_prefix (_tmp2_, "*");
if (_tmp3_) {
_tmp0_ = TRUE;
} else {
UserEntry* _tmp4_;
const gchar* _tmp5_;
gboolean _tmp6_ = FALSE;
_tmp4_ = b;
_tmp5_ = _tmp4_->name;
_tmp6_ = g_str_has_prefix (_tmp5_, "*");
_tmp0_ = _tmp6_;
_tmp7_ = _tmp0_;
if (_tmp7_) {
UserEntry* _tmp8_;
const gchar* _tmp9_;
gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE;
UserEntry* _tmp11_;
const gchar* _tmp12_;
gboolean _tmp13_ = FALSE;
UserEntry* _tmp14_;
const gchar* _tmp15_;
UserEntry* _tmp16_;
const gchar* _tmp17_;
_tmp8_ = a;
_tmp9_ = _tmp8_->name;
_tmp10_ = g_str_has_prefix (_tmp9_, "*");
if (!_tmp10_) {
result = -1;
return result;
_tmp11_ = b;
_tmp12_ = _tmp11_->name;
_tmp13_ = g_str_has_prefix (_tmp12_, "*");
if (!_tmp13_) {
result = 1;
return result;
_tmp14_ = a;
_tmp15_ = _tmp14_->name;
if (g_strcmp0 (_tmp15_, "*other") == 0) {
result = -1;
return result;
_tmp16_ = a;
_tmp17_ = _tmp16_->name;
if (g_strcmp0 (_tmp17_, "*guest") == 0) {
result = 1;
return result;
_tmp18_ = a;
_tmp19_ = _tmp18_->layout;
_tmp20_ = pango_layout_get_text (_tmp19_);
_tmp21_ = b;
_tmp22_ = _tmp21_->layout;
_tmp23_ = pango_layout_get_text (_tmp22_);
_tmp24_ = g_ascii_strcasecmp (_tmp20_, _tmp23_);
result = _tmp24_;
return result;
static gboolean user_list_have_users (UserList* self) {
gboolean result = FALSE;
GList* _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->entries;
GList* e_collection = NULL;
GList* e_it = NULL;
e_collection = _tmp0_;
for (e_it = e_collection; e_it != NULL; e_it = e_it->next) {
UserEntry* _tmp1_;
UserEntry* e = NULL;
_tmp1_ = _user_entry_ref0 ((UserEntry*) e_it->data);
e = _tmp1_;
UserEntry* _tmp2_;
const gchar* _tmp3_;
gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE;
_tmp2_ = e;
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_->name;
_tmp4_ = g_str_has_prefix (_tmp3_, "*");
if (!_tmp4_) {
result = TRUE;
_user_entry_unref0 (e);
return result;
_user_entry_unref0 (e);
result = FALSE;
return result;
static void user_list_add_manual_entry (UserList* self) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
const gchar* _tmp1_;
gchar* _tmp2_;
gchar* text;
const gchar* _tmp3_;
const gchar* _tmp6_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = user_list_get_manual_username (self);
_tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
_tmp2_ = g_strdup (_tmp1_);
text = _tmp2_;
_tmp3_ = text;
if (_tmp3_ == NULL) {
const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
gchar* _tmp5_;
_tmp4_ = _ ("Login");
_tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
_g_free0 (text);
text = _tmp5_;
_tmp6_ = text;
user_list_add_entry (self, "*other", _tmp6_, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
_g_free0 (text);
void user_list_set_active_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
UserEntry* _tmp1_ = NULL;
UserEntry* e;
UserEntry* _tmp2_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = name;
_tmp1_ = user_list_find_entry (self, _tmp0_);
e = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = e;
if (_tmp2_ != NULL) {
UserEntry* _tmp3_;
_tmp3_ = e;
user_list_select_entry (self, _tmp3_, 1.0);
_user_entry_unref0 (e);
void user_list_remove_entry (UserList* self, const gchar* name) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
UserEntry* _tmp1_ = NULL;
UserEntry* entry;
UserEntry* _tmp2_;
GList* _tmp3_;
UserEntry* _tmp4_;
gint _tmp5_ = 0;
gint index;
UserEntry* _tmp6_;
gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE;
UserEntry* _tmp8_;
UserEntry* _tmp9_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = name;
_tmp1_ = user_list_find_entry (self, _tmp0_);
entry = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = entry;
if (_tmp2_ == NULL) {
_user_entry_unref0 (entry);
_tmp3_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp4_ = entry;
_tmp5_ = g_list_index (_tmp3_, _tmp4_);
index = _tmp5_;
_tmp6_ = entry;
self->priv->entries = g_list_remove (self->priv->entries, _tmp6_);
_tmp7_ = user_list_have_users (self);
if (!_tmp7_) {
user_list_add_manual_entry (self);
_tmp8_ = entry;
_tmp9_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
if (_tmp8_ == _tmp9_) {
gint _tmp10_;
GList* _tmp11_;
guint _tmp12_ = 0U;
GList* _tmp14_;
gint _tmp15_;
gconstpointer _tmp16_ = NULL;
_tmp10_ = index;
_tmp11_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp12_ = g_list_length (_tmp11_);
if (((guint) _tmp10_) >= _tmp12_) {
gint _tmp13_;
_tmp13_ = index;
index = _tmp13_ - 1;
_tmp14_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp15_ = index;
_tmp16_ = g_list_nth_data (_tmp14_, (guint) _tmp15_);
user_list_select_entry (self, (UserEntry*) _tmp16_, -1.0);
user_list_redraw_user_list (self);
_user_entry_unref0 (entry);
static void user_list_prompt_entry_activate_cb (UserList* self) {
DashEntry* _tmp0_;
DashEntry* _tmp1_;
const gchar* _tmp2_;
const gchar* _tmp3_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_set_sensitive ((GtkWidget*) _tmp0_, FALSE);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp2_ = gtk_entry_get_text ((GtkEntry*) _tmp1_);
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "respond-to-prompt", _tmp3_);
static void user_list_login_button_clicked_cb (UserList* self) {
UserEntry* _tmp0_;
const gchar* _tmp1_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp1_ = _tmp0_->name;
g_debug ("user-list.vala:558: Start session for %s", _tmp1_);
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "start-session");
static void user_list_session_button_clicked_cb (UserList* self) {
UserListMode _tmp0_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp1_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->mode;
g_return_if_fail (_tmp0_ == USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
animate_timer_reset (_tmp1_, ANIMATE_TIMER_INSTANT);
static void user_list_session_clicked_cb (UserList* self, const gchar* session) {
UserListMode _tmp0_;
SessionChooser* _tmp1_;
const gchar* _tmp2_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->mode;
g_return_if_fail (_tmp0_ == USER_LIST_MODE_SESSIONS);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
fadable_fade_out ((Fadable*) _tmp1_);
_tmp2_ = session;
if (_tmp2_ != NULL) {
const gchar* _tmp3_;
_tmp3_ = session;
user_list_set_session (self, _tmp3_);
static void user_list_session_fade_done_cb (UserList* self) {
UserListMode _tmp0_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->mode;
GtkBox* _tmp1_;
SessionChooser* _tmp2_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp3_;
Fadable* _tmp4_;
GtkButton* _tmp7_;
_tmp1_ = self->priv->login_box;
_tmp2_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
gtk_container_remove ((GtkContainer*) _tmp1_, (GtkWidget*) _tmp2_);
_tmp3_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
animate_timer_reset (_tmp3_, ANIMATE_TIMER_INSTANT);
_tmp4_ = self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show;
if (_tmp4_ != NULL) {
Fadable* _tmp5_;
Fadable* _tmp6_;
_tmp5_ = self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp5_);
_tmp6_ = self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show;
gtk_widget_grab_focus ((GtkWidget*) _tmp6_);
_tmp7_ = self->priv->session_button;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp7_);
static void user_list_scroll_animate_cb (UserList* self, gdouble progress) {
UserListMode _tmp0_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->mode;
switch (_tmp0_) {
gdouble _tmp1_;
_tmp1_ = progress;
user_list_animate_scrolling (self, _tmp1_);
gdouble _tmp2_;
_tmp2_ = progress;
user_list_animate_to_sessions_hide (self, _tmp2_);
gdouble _tmp3_;
_tmp3_ = progress;
user_list_animate_to_login (self, _tmp3_);
static void user_list_animate_to_sessions_hide (UserList* self, gdouble progress) {
gdouble _tmp0_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
user_list_allocate_login_box (self);
_tmp0_ = progress;
if (_tmp0_ >= 1.0) {
user_list_finished_to_sessions_hide (self);
user_list_redraw_user_list (self);
static void user_list_finished_to_sessions_hide (UserList* self) {
GtkBox* _tmp0_;
SessionChooser* _tmp1_;
DashEntry* _tmp2_;
gboolean _tmp3_;
gboolean _tmp4_;
DashEntry* _tmp12_;
DashButton* _tmp13_;
GtkButton* _tmp14_;
SessionChooser* _tmp15_;
SessionChooser* _tmp16_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->login_box;
_tmp1_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
gtk_container_add ((GtkContainer*) _tmp0_, (GtkWidget*) _tmp1_);
_tmp2_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp3_ = gtk_widget_get_visible ((GtkWidget*) _tmp2_);
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
if (_tmp4_) {
DashEntry* _tmp5_;
Fadable* _tmp6_;
_tmp5_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp6_ = _g_object_ref0 ((Fadable*) _tmp5_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show = _tmp6_;
} else {
DashButton* _tmp7_;
gboolean _tmp8_;
gboolean _tmp9_;
_tmp7_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp8_ = gtk_widget_get_visible ((GtkWidget*) _tmp7_);
_tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
if (_tmp9_) {
DashButton* _tmp10_;
Fadable* _tmp11_;
_tmp10_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp11_ = _g_object_ref0 ((Fadable*) _tmp10_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show = _tmp11_;
_tmp12_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp12_);
_tmp13_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp13_);
_tmp14_ = self->priv->session_button;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp14_);
_tmp15_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
fadable_fade_in ((Fadable*) _tmp15_);
_tmp16_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
gtk_widget_child_focus ((GtkWidget*) _tmp16_, GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD);
self->priv->mode = USER_LIST_MODE_SESSIONS;
static void user_list_animate_to_login (UserList* self, gdouble progress) {
gdouble _tmp0_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
user_list_allocate_login_box (self);
_tmp0_ = progress;
if (_tmp0_ >= 1.0) {
user_list_finished_to_login (self);
user_list_redraw_user_list (self);
static void user_list_finished_to_login (UserList* self) {
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
self->priv->mode = USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN;
static void user_list_animate_scrolling (UserList* self, gdouble progress) {
GList* _tmp0_;
guint _tmp1_ = 0U;
guint h;
gdouble _tmp2_;
gdouble _tmp3_;
gdouble distance;
gdouble _tmp4_;
gdouble _tmp5_;
gdouble _tmp9_;
gdouble _tmp10_;
gdouble _tmp11_;
gdouble _tmp12_;
gdouble _tmp13_;
guint _tmp14_;
gdouble _tmp17_;
gboolean _tmp20_ = FALSE;
gdouble _tmp21_;
gboolean _tmp23_;
gdouble _tmp25_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp1_ = g_list_length (_tmp0_);
h = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = self->priv->scroll_target_location;
_tmp3_ = self->priv->scroll_start_location;
distance = _tmp2_ - _tmp3_;
_tmp4_ = self->priv->scroll_direction;
_tmp5_ = distance;
if ((_tmp4_ * _tmp5_) < ((gdouble) 0)) {
gdouble _tmp6_;
gdouble _tmp7_;
guint _tmp8_;
_tmp6_ = distance;
_tmp7_ = self->priv->scroll_direction;
_tmp8_ = h;
distance = _tmp6_ + (_tmp7_ * _tmp8_);
_tmp9_ = distance;
_tmp10_ = progress;
distance = _tmp9_ * _tmp10_;
_tmp11_ = self->priv->scroll_start_location;
_tmp12_ = distance;
self->priv->scroll_location = _tmp11_ + _tmp12_;
_tmp13_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
_tmp14_ = h;
if (_tmp13_ > ((gdouble) _tmp14_)) {
gdouble _tmp15_;
guint _tmp16_;
_tmp15_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
_tmp16_ = h;
self->priv->scroll_location = _tmp15_ - _tmp16_;
_tmp17_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
if (_tmp17_ < ((gdouble) 0)) {
gdouble _tmp18_;
guint _tmp19_;
_tmp18_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
_tmp19_ = h;
self->priv->scroll_location = _tmp18_ + _tmp19_;
user_list_redraw_user_list (self);
_tmp21_ = progress;
if (_tmp21_ >= 0.975) {
Fadable* _tmp22_;
_tmp22_ = self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show;
_tmp20_ = _tmp22_ != NULL;
} else {
_tmp20_ = FALSE;
_tmp23_ = _tmp20_;
if (_tmp23_) {
Fadable* _tmp24_;
_tmp24_ = self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show;
fadable_fade_in (_tmp24_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show = NULL;
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "user-displayed-start");
_tmp25_ = progress;
if (_tmp25_ >= 1.0) {
user_list_finished_scrolling (self);
static void user_list_finished_scrolling (UserList* self) {
GtkButton* _tmp0_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->session_button;
gtk_widget_show ((GtkWidget*) _tmp0_);
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "user-displayed-done");
self->priv->mode = USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN;
static void user_list_select_entry (UserList* self, UserEntry* entry, gdouble direction) {
GdkPixbuf* _tmp0_ = NULL;
gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE;
gdouble _tmp5_;
GList* _tmp6_;
UserEntry* _tmp7_;
gint _tmp8_ = 0;
UserEntry* _tmp38_;
UserEntry* _tmp39_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (entry != NULL);
_tmp0_ = user_list_get_badge (self);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->last_session_badge);
self->priv->last_session_badge = _tmp0_;
_tmp1_ = gtk_widget_get_realized ((GtkWidget*) self);
if (!_tmp1_) {
UserEntry* _tmp2_;
UserEntry* _tmp3_;
const gchar* _tmp4_;
_tmp2_ = entry;
user_list_set_selected_entry (self, _tmp2_);
_tmp3_ = entry;
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_->session;
user_list_set_session (self, _tmp4_);
_tmp5_ = self->priv->scroll_target_location;
_tmp6_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp7_ = entry;
_tmp8_ = g_list_index (_tmp6_, _tmp7_);
if (_tmp5_ != ((gdouble) _tmp8_)) {
GList* _tmp9_;
UserEntry* _tmp10_;
gint _tmp11_ = 0;
gint new_target;
gdouble _tmp12_;
gdouble new_direction;
gdouble _tmp13_;
gdouble new_start;
gdouble _tmp14_;
gint _tmp15_;
gint _tmp35_;
gdouble _tmp36_;
gdouble _tmp37_;
_tmp9_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp10_ = entry;
_tmp11_ = g_list_index (_tmp9_, _tmp10_);
new_target = _tmp11_;
_tmp12_ = direction;
new_direction = _tmp12_;
_tmp13_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
new_start = _tmp13_;
_tmp14_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
_tmp15_ = new_target;
if (_tmp14_ != ((gdouble) _tmp15_)) {
gdouble _tmp16_;
gint _tmp17_;
gdouble _tmp18_;
gdouble new_distance;
AnimateTimer* _tmp19_;
gdouble _tmp20_;
gint _tmp21_ = 0;
DashEntry* _tmp22_;
gboolean _tmp23_;
gboolean _tmp24_;
DashEntry* _tmp32_;
DashButton* _tmp33_;
GtkButton* _tmp34_;
_tmp16_ = new_direction;
_tmp17_ = new_target;
_tmp18_ = new_start;
new_distance = _tmp16_ * (_tmp17_ - _tmp18_);
_tmp19_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
_tmp20_ = new_distance;
_tmp21_ = MIN ((gint) (100 * _tmp20_), 500);
animate_timer_reset (_tmp19_, 250 + _tmp21_);
_tmp22_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp23_ = gtk_widget_get_visible ((GtkWidget*) _tmp22_);
_tmp24_ = _tmp23_;
if (_tmp24_) {
DashEntry* _tmp25_;
Fadable* _tmp26_;
_tmp25_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp26_ = _g_object_ref0 ((Fadable*) _tmp25_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show = _tmp26_;
} else {
DashButton* _tmp27_;
gboolean _tmp28_;
gboolean _tmp29_;
_tmp27_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp28_ = gtk_widget_get_visible ((GtkWidget*) _tmp27_);
_tmp29_ = _tmp28_;
if (_tmp29_) {
DashButton* _tmp30_;
Fadable* _tmp31_;
_tmp30_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp31_ = _g_object_ref0 ((Fadable*) _tmp30_);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show = _tmp31_;
_tmp32_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp32_);
_tmp33_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp33_);
_tmp34_ = self->priv->session_button;
gtk_widget_hide ((GtkWidget*) _tmp34_);
self->priv->mode = USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING;
_tmp35_ = new_target;
self->priv->scroll_target_location = (gdouble) _tmp35_;
_tmp36_ = new_direction;
self->priv->scroll_direction = _tmp36_;
_tmp37_ = new_start;
self->priv->scroll_start_location = _tmp37_;
_tmp38_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp39_ = entry;
if (_tmp38_ != _tmp39_) {
UserEntry* _tmp40_;
UserEntry* _tmp41_;
const gchar* _tmp42_;
UserEntry* _tmp43_;
const gchar* _tmp44_;
UserListMode _tmp45_;
_tmp40_ = entry;
user_list_set_selected_entry (self, _tmp40_);
_tmp41_ = entry;
_tmp42_ = _tmp41_->session;
user_list_set_session (self, _tmp42_);
_tmp43_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp44_ = _tmp43_->name;
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "user-selected", _tmp44_);
_tmp45_ = self->priv->mode;
if (_tmp45_ == USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN) {
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "user-displayed-done");
static GdkPixbuf* user_list_get_badge (UserList* self) {
GdkPixbuf* result = NULL;
const gchar* _tmp0_;
const gchar* _tmp1_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
_tmp0_ = user_list_get_session (self);
_tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
if (_tmp1_ == NULL) {
const gchar* _tmp2_;
const gchar* _tmp3_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp4_ = NULL;
_tmp2_ = user_list_get_default_session (self);
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
_tmp4_ = session_chooser_get_badge (_tmp3_);
result = _tmp4_;
return result;
} else {
const gchar* _tmp5_;
const gchar* _tmp6_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp7_ = NULL;
_tmp5_ = user_list_get_session (self);
_tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
_tmp7_ = session_chooser_get_badge (_tmp6_);
result = _tmp7_;
return result;
static void user_list_real_realize (GtkWidget* base) {
UserList * self;
UserEntry* _tmp0_;
UserEntry* _tmp1_;
UserEntry* saved_entry;
self = (UserList*) base;
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (user_list_parent_class)->realize ((GtkWidget*) GTK_EVENT_BOX (self));
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp1_ = _user_entry_ref0 (_tmp0_);
saved_entry = _tmp1_;
user_list_set_selected_entry (self, NULL);
user_list_select_entry (self, saved_entry, (gdouble) 1);
_user_entry_unref0 (saved_entry);
static gint user_list_round_up_to_grid_size (UserList* self, gint size) {
gint result = 0;
gint _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0);
_tmp0_ = size;
if ((_tmp0_ % grid_size) == 0) {
gint _tmp1_;
_tmp1_ = size;
result = _tmp1_;
return result;
} else {
gint _tmp2_;
_tmp2_ = size;
result = ((_tmp2_ / grid_size) + 1) * grid_size;
return result;
static void user_list_allocate_login_box (UserList* self) {
GtkAllocation allocation = {0};
GtkAllocation _tmp0_ = {0};
GtkAllocation child_allocation = {0};
GtkAllocation _tmp1_;
gint _tmp2_;
gint _tmp3_;
gint _tmp4_;
GtkAllocation _tmp5_;
gint _tmp6_;
gint _tmp7_;
gint _tmp8_;
gint _tmp9_;
gint _tmp10_;
GtkRequisition session_request = {0};
SessionChooser* _tmp11_;
GtkRequisition _tmp12_ = {0};
GtkRequisition _tmp13_;
gint _tmp14_;
gint _tmp15_ = 0;
gint session_height;
gint _tmp16_;
gint _tmp18_;
gint _tmp19_;
GtkAllocation _tmp20_;
gint _tmp21_;
gint _tmp22_ = 0;
gint _tmp23_;
GtkAllocation _tmp24_;
gint _tmp25_;
gint session_distance;
UserListMode _tmp26_;
GtkBox* _tmp50_;
GtkAllocation _tmp51_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
gtk_widget_get_allocation ((GtkWidget*) self, &_tmp0_);
allocation = _tmp0_;
memset (&child_allocation, 0, sizeof (GtkAllocation));
_tmp1_ = allocation;
_tmp2_ = _tmp1_.x;
_tmp3_ = user_list_get_box_x (self);
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
child_allocation.x = (_tmp2_ + _tmp4_) + 6;
_tmp5_ = allocation;
_tmp6_ = _tmp5_.y;
_tmp7_ = user_list_get_box_y (self);
_tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
child_allocation.y = (_tmp6_ + _tmp8_) + 6;
_tmp9_ = self->priv->box_width;
child_allocation.width = (grid_size * _tmp9_) - 12;
_tmp10_ = self->priv->box_height;
child_allocation.height = (grid_size * _tmp10_) - 6;
_tmp11_ = self->priv->session_chooser;
gtk_widget_get_preferred_size ((GtkWidget*) _tmp11_, NULL, &_tmp12_);
session_request = _tmp12_;
_tmp13_ = session_request;
_tmp14_ = _tmp13_.height;
_tmp15_ = user_list_round_up_to_grid_size (self, _tmp14_ + 12);
session_height = _tmp15_;
_tmp16_ = session_height;
if (((_tmp16_ / grid_size) % 2) == 0) {
gint _tmp17_;
_tmp17_ = session_height;
session_height = _tmp17_ + grid_size;
_tmp18_ = session_height;
session_height = _tmp18_ - 12;
_tmp19_ = session_height;
_tmp20_ = child_allocation;
_tmp21_ = _tmp20_.height;
_tmp22_ = MAX (_tmp19_, _tmp21_);
session_height = _tmp22_;
_tmp23_ = session_height;
_tmp24_ = child_allocation;
_tmp25_ = _tmp24_.height;
session_distance = _tmp23_ - _tmp25_;
_tmp26_ = self->priv->mode;
switch (_tmp26_) {
gint _tmp27_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp28_;
gdouble _tmp29_;
gdouble _tmp30_;
gint _tmp31_;
gint _tmp32_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp33_;
gdouble _tmp34_;
gdouble _tmp35_;
gint _tmp36_;
_tmp27_ = child_allocation.height;
_tmp28_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
_tmp29_ = animate_timer_get_progress (_tmp28_);
_tmp30_ = _tmp29_;
_tmp31_ = session_distance;
child_allocation.height = _tmp27_ + ((gint) (_tmp30_ * _tmp31_));
_tmp32_ = child_allocation.y;
_tmp33_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
_tmp34_ = animate_timer_get_progress (_tmp33_);
_tmp35_ = _tmp34_;
_tmp36_ = session_distance;
child_allocation.y = _tmp32_ - (((gint) (_tmp35_ * _tmp36_)) / 2);
gint _tmp37_;
gint _tmp38_;
gint _tmp39_;
_tmp37_ = session_height;
child_allocation.height = _tmp37_;
_tmp38_ = child_allocation.y;
_tmp39_ = session_distance;
child_allocation.y = _tmp38_ - (_tmp39_ / 2);
gint _tmp40_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp41_;
gdouble _tmp42_;
gdouble _tmp43_;
gint _tmp44_;
gint _tmp45_;
AnimateTimer* _tmp46_;
gdouble _tmp47_;
gdouble _tmp48_;
gint _tmp49_;
_tmp40_ = session_height;
_tmp41_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
_tmp42_ = animate_timer_get_progress (_tmp41_);
_tmp43_ = _tmp42_;
_tmp44_ = session_distance;
child_allocation.height = _tmp40_ - ((gint) (_tmp43_ * _tmp44_));
_tmp45_ = child_allocation.y;
_tmp46_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
_tmp47_ = animate_timer_get_progress (_tmp46_);
_tmp48_ = _tmp47_;
_tmp49_ = session_distance;
child_allocation.y = _tmp45_ - (((gint) ((1.0 - _tmp48_) * _tmp49_)) / 2);
_tmp50_ = self->priv->login_box;
_tmp51_ = child_allocation;
gtk_widget_size_allocate ((GtkWidget*) _tmp50_, &_tmp51_);
static void user_list_real_size_allocate (GtkWidget* base, GtkAllocation* allocation) {
UserList * self;
GtkAllocation _tmp0_;
gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE;
GtkAllocation child_allocation = {0};
GtkAllocation _tmp2_;
gint _tmp3_;
gint _tmp4_;
gint _tmp5_;
GtkAllocation _tmp6_;
gint _tmp7_;
gint _tmp8_;
gint _tmp9_;
gint _tmp10_;
DashEntry* _tmp11_;
gint _tmp12_ = 0;
DashEntry* _tmp13_;
GtkAllocation _tmp14_;
DashButton* _tmp15_;
gint _tmp16_ = 0;
DashButton* _tmp17_;
GtkAllocation _tmp18_;
GtkAllocation _tmp19_;
gint _tmp20_;
gint _tmp21_;
gint _tmp22_;
gint _tmp23_;
GtkAllocation _tmp24_;
gint _tmp25_;
gint _tmp26_;
gint _tmp27_;
GtkButton* _tmp28_;
GtkAllocation _tmp29_;
self = (UserList*) base;
g_return_if_fail (allocation != NULL);
_tmp0_ = *allocation;
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (user_list_parent_class)->size_allocate ((GtkWidget*) GTK_EVENT_BOX (self), &_tmp0_);
_tmp1_ = gtk_widget_get_realized ((GtkWidget*) self);
if (!_tmp1_) {
user_list_allocate_login_box (self);
memset (&child_allocation, 0, sizeof (GtkAllocation));
_tmp2_ = *allocation;
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_.x;
_tmp4_ = user_list_get_box_x (self);
_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
child_allocation.x = (_tmp3_ + _tmp5_) + (grid_size / 2);
_tmp6_ = *allocation;
_tmp7_ = _tmp6_.y;
_tmp8_ = user_list_get_box_y (self);
_tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
child_allocation.y = ((_tmp7_ + _tmp9_) + (grid_size * 2)) - (grid_size / 4);
_tmp10_ = self->priv->box_width;
child_allocation.width = grid_size * (_tmp10_ - 1);
_tmp11_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
gtk_widget_get_preferred_height ((GtkWidget*) _tmp11_, NULL, &_tmp12_);
child_allocation.height = _tmp12_;
_tmp13_ = self->priv->prompt_entry;
_tmp14_ = child_allocation;
gtk_widget_size_allocate ((GtkWidget*) _tmp13_, &_tmp14_);
_tmp15_ = self->priv->login_button;
gtk_widget_get_preferred_height ((GtkWidget*) _tmp15_, NULL, &_tmp16_);
child_allocation.height = _tmp16_;
_tmp17_ = self->priv->login_button;
_tmp18_ = child_allocation;
gtk_widget_size_allocate ((GtkWidget*) _tmp17_, &_tmp18_);
_tmp19_ = *allocation;
_tmp20_ = _tmp19_.x;
_tmp21_ = user_list_get_box_x (self);
_tmp22_ = _tmp21_;
_tmp23_ = self->priv->box_width;
child_allocation.x = (((_tmp20_ + _tmp22_) + (_tmp23_ * grid_size)) - grid_size) - (grid_size / 4);
_tmp24_ = *allocation;
_tmp25_ = _tmp24_.y;
_tmp26_ = user_list_get_box_y (self);
_tmp27_ = _tmp26_;
child_allocation.y = (_tmp25_ + _tmp27_) + (grid_size / 4);
child_allocation.width = grid_size;
child_allocation.height = grid_size;
_tmp28_ = self->priv->session_button;
_tmp29_ = child_allocation;
gtk_widget_size_allocate ((GtkWidget*) _tmp28_, &_tmp29_);
static gpointer _cairo_surface_reference0 (gpointer self) {
return self ? cairo_surface_reference (self) : NULL;
static cairo_surface_t* user_list_entry_ensure_label_surface (UserList* self, UserEntry* entry, cairo_t* orig_c, gboolean in_box) {
cairo_surface_t* result = NULL;
gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp1_;
gboolean _tmp4_;
gint w = 0;
gint h = 0;
UserEntry* _tmp16_;
PangoLayout* _tmp17_;
gint _tmp18_ = 0;
gint _tmp19_ = 0;
gdouble _tmp20_ = 0.0;
gboolean _tmp21_;
gint _tmp22_;
gdouble _tmp23_;
gdouble bw;
cairo_t* _tmp24_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp25_ = NULL;
gdouble _tmp26_;
gint _tmp27_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp28_;
cairo_surface_t* surface;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp29_;
cairo_t* _tmp30_;
cairo_t* c;
gint _tmp31_;
gdouble _tmp32_;
cairo_t* _tmp46_;
UserEntry* _tmp47_;
PangoLayout* _tmp48_;
gboolean _tmp49_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (entry != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (orig_c != NULL, NULL);
_tmp1_ = in_box;
if (_tmp1_) {
UserEntry* _tmp2_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp3_;
_tmp2_ = entry;
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_->label_in_box_surface;
_tmp0_ = _tmp3_ != NULL;
} else {
_tmp0_ = FALSE;
_tmp4_ = _tmp0_;
if (_tmp4_) {
UserEntry* _tmp5_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp6_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp7_;
_tmp5_ = entry;
_tmp6_ = _tmp5_->label_in_box_surface;
_tmp7_ = _cairo_surface_reference0 (_tmp6_);
result = _tmp7_;
return result;
} else {
gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp9_;
gboolean _tmp12_;
_tmp9_ = in_box;
if (!_tmp9_) {
UserEntry* _tmp10_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp11_;
_tmp10_ = entry;
_tmp11_ = _tmp10_->label_out_of_box_surface;
_tmp8_ = _tmp11_ != NULL;
} else {
_tmp8_ = FALSE;
_tmp12_ = _tmp8_;
if (_tmp12_) {
UserEntry* _tmp13_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp14_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp15_;
_tmp13_ = entry;
_tmp14_ = _tmp13_->label_out_of_box_surface;
_tmp15_ = _cairo_surface_reference0 (_tmp14_);
result = _tmp15_;
return result;
_tmp16_ = entry;
_tmp17_ = _tmp16_->layout;
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (_tmp17_, &_tmp18_, &_tmp19_);
w = _tmp18_;
h = _tmp19_;
_tmp21_ = in_box;
if (_tmp21_) {
_tmp20_ = 1.5;
} else {
_tmp20_ = 0.5;
_tmp22_ = self->priv->box_width;
_tmp23_ = _tmp20_;
bw = (_tmp22_ - _tmp23_) * grid_size;
_tmp24_ = orig_c;
_tmp25_ = cairo_get_target (_tmp24_);
_tmp26_ = bw;
_tmp27_ = h;
_tmp28_ = cairo_surface_create_similar (_tmp25_, CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, (gint) (_tmp26_ + 1), _tmp27_);
surface = _tmp28_;
_tmp29_ = surface;
_tmp30_ = cairo_create (_tmp29_);
c = _tmp30_;
_tmp31_ = w;
_tmp32_ = bw;
if (((gdouble) _tmp31_) > _tmp32_) {
gdouble _tmp33_;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp34_;
cairo_pattern_t* mask;
gboolean _tmp35_;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp42_;
cairo_t* _tmp43_;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp44_;
_tmp33_ = bw;
_tmp34_ = cairo_pattern_create_linear ((gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0, _tmp33_, (gdouble) 0);
mask = _tmp34_;
_tmp35_ = in_box;
if (_tmp35_) {
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp36_;
gdouble _tmp37_;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp38_;
gdouble _tmp39_;
_tmp36_ = mask;
_tmp37_ = bw;
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (_tmp36_, 1.0 - (27.0 / _tmp37_), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
_tmp38_ = mask;
_tmp39_ = bw;
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (_tmp38_, 1.0 - (21.6 / _tmp39_), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
} else {
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp40_;
gdouble _tmp41_;
_tmp40_ = mask;
_tmp41_ = bw;
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (_tmp40_, 1.0 - (64.0 / _tmp41_), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
_tmp42_ = mask;
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (_tmp42_, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
_tmp43_ = c;
_tmp44_ = mask;
cairo_set_source (_tmp43_, _tmp44_);
_cairo_pattern_destroy0 (mask);
} else {
cairo_t* _tmp45_;
_tmp45_ = c;
cairo_set_source_rgba (_tmp45_, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
_tmp46_ = c;
_tmp47_ = entry;
_tmp48_ = _tmp47_->layout;
pango_cairo_show_layout (_tmp46_, _tmp48_);
_tmp49_ = in_box;
if (_tmp49_) {
UserEntry* _tmp50_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp51_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp52_;
_tmp50_ = entry;
_tmp51_ = surface;
_tmp52_ = _cairo_surface_reference0 (_tmp51_);
_cairo_surface_destroy0 (_tmp50_->label_in_box_surface);
_tmp50_->label_in_box_surface = _tmp52_;
} else {
UserEntry* _tmp53_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp54_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp55_;
_tmp53_ = entry;
_tmp54_ = surface;
_tmp55_ = _cairo_surface_reference0 (_tmp54_);
_cairo_surface_destroy0 (_tmp53_->label_out_of_box_surface);
_tmp53_->label_out_of_box_surface = _tmp55_;
result = surface;
_cairo_destroy0 (c);
return result;
static void user_list_draw_entry (UserList* self, cairo_t* c, UserEntry* entry, gdouble alpha, gboolean in_box, GdkPixbuf* badge) {
cairo_t* _tmp0_;
gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE;
MenuBar* _tmp2_;
gboolean _tmp3_;
gboolean _tmp4_;
gboolean _tmp6_;
UserEntry* _tmp7_;
gboolean _tmp8_;
gint w = 0;
gint h = 0;
UserEntry* _tmp17_;
PangoLayout* _tmp18_;
gint _tmp19_ = 0;
gint _tmp20_ = 0;
gint label_x;
gint _tmp21_;
gint label_y;
UserEntry* _tmp22_;
cairo_t* _tmp23_;
gboolean _tmp24_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp25_ = NULL;
cairo_surface_t* label_surface;
cairo_t* _tmp26_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp27_;
gint _tmp28_;
gint _tmp29_;
cairo_t* _tmp30_;
gdouble _tmp31_;
gdouble _tmp32_ = 0.0;
gboolean _tmp33_;
gint _tmp34_;
gdouble _tmp35_;
gint bw;
gboolean _tmp36_ = FALSE;
UserEntry* _tmp37_;
gboolean _tmp38_;
gboolean _tmp47_;
cairo_t* _tmp62_;
gboolean _tmp63_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp64_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp65_;
gboolean _tmp67_;
gboolean _tmp69_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (c != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (entry != NULL);
_tmp0_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp0_);
_tmp2_ = self->menubar;
_tmp3_ = menu_bar_get_high_contrast (_tmp2_);
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
if (_tmp4_) {
_tmp1_ = TRUE;
} else {
gboolean _tmp5_;
_tmp5_ = in_box;
_tmp1_ = _tmp5_;
_tmp6_ = _tmp1_;
if (_tmp6_) {
alpha = 1.0;
_tmp7_ = entry;
_tmp8_ = _tmp7_->is_active;
if (_tmp8_) {
cairo_t* _tmp9_;
gint _tmp10_;
cairo_t* _tmp11_;
cairo_t* _tmp12_;
cairo_t* _tmp13_;
cairo_t* _tmp14_;
gdouble _tmp15_;
cairo_t* _tmp16_;
_tmp9_ = c;
_tmp10_ = self->priv->border;
cairo_move_to (_tmp9_, (gdouble) 8, (((grid_size / 2) + 0.5) - 4) + _tmp10_);
_tmp11_ = c;
cairo_rel_line_to (_tmp11_, (gdouble) 5, (gdouble) 4);
_tmp12_ = c;
cairo_rel_line_to (_tmp12_, (gdouble) (-5), (gdouble) 4);
_tmp13_ = c;
cairo_close_path (_tmp13_);
_tmp14_ = c;
_tmp15_ = alpha;
cairo_set_source_rgba (_tmp14_, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, _tmp15_);
_tmp16_ = c;
cairo_fill (_tmp16_);
_tmp17_ = entry;
_tmp18_ = _tmp17_->layout;
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (_tmp18_, &_tmp19_, &_tmp20_);
w = _tmp19_;
h = _tmp20_;
label_x = grid_size / 2;
_tmp21_ = self->priv->border;
label_y = (grid_size / 4) + _tmp21_;
_tmp22_ = entry;
_tmp23_ = c;
_tmp24_ = in_box;
_tmp25_ = user_list_entry_ensure_label_surface (self, _tmp22_, _tmp23_, _tmp24_);
label_surface = _tmp25_;
_tmp26_ = c;
_tmp27_ = label_surface;
_tmp28_ = label_x;
_tmp29_ = label_y;
cairo_set_source_surface (_tmp26_, _tmp27_, (gdouble) _tmp28_, (gdouble) _tmp29_);
_tmp30_ = c;
_tmp31_ = alpha;
cairo_paint_with_alpha (_tmp30_, _tmp31_);
_tmp33_ = in_box;
if (_tmp33_) {
_tmp32_ = 1.5;
} else {
_tmp32_ = 0.5;
_tmp34_ = self->priv->box_width;
_tmp35_ = _tmp32_;
bw = (gint) ((_tmp34_ - _tmp35_) * grid_size);
_tmp37_ = entry;
_tmp38_ = _tmp37_->has_messages;
if (_tmp38_) {
gboolean _tmp39_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp40_;
gboolean _tmp46_;
_tmp40_ = in_box;
if (!_tmp40_) {
_tmp39_ = TRUE;
} else {
gint _tmp41_;
gint _tmp42_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp43_;
gint _tmp44_ = 0;
gint _tmp45_;
_tmp41_ = label_x;
_tmp42_ = w;
_tmp43_ = self->priv->message_pixbuf;
_tmp44_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (_tmp43_);
_tmp45_ = bw;
_tmp39_ = (((_tmp41_ + _tmp42_) + 6) + _tmp44_) < _tmp45_;
_tmp46_ = _tmp39_;
_tmp36_ = _tmp46_;
} else {
_tmp36_ = FALSE;
_tmp47_ = _tmp36_;
if (_tmp47_) {
cairo_t* _tmp48_;
gint _tmp49_;
gint _tmp50_;
gint _tmp51_;
gint _tmp52_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp53_;
gint _tmp54_ = 0;
cairo_t* _tmp55_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp56_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp57_ = NULL;
cairo_surface_t* surface;
cairo_t* _tmp58_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp59_;
cairo_t* _tmp60_;
gdouble _tmp61_;
_tmp48_ = c;
_tmp49_ = label_x;
_tmp50_ = w;
_tmp51_ = label_y;
_tmp52_ = h;
_tmp53_ = self->priv->message_pixbuf;
_tmp54_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (_tmp53_);
cairo_translate (_tmp48_, (gdouble) ((_tmp49_ + _tmp50_) + 6), (gdouble) (_tmp51_ + ((_tmp52_ - _tmp54_) / 2)));
_tmp55_ = c;
_tmp56_ = self->priv->message_pixbuf;
_tmp57_ = cached_image_get_cached_surface (_tmp55_, _tmp56_);
surface = _tmp57_;
_tmp58_ = c;
_tmp59_ = surface;
cairo_set_source_surface (_tmp58_, _tmp59_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0);
_tmp60_ = c;
_tmp61_ = alpha;
cairo_paint_with_alpha (_tmp60_, _tmp61_);
_cairo_surface_destroy0 (surface);
_tmp62_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp62_);
_tmp65_ = in_box;
if (_tmp65_) {
UserListMode _tmp66_;
_tmp66_ = self->priv->mode;
_tmp64_ = _tmp66_ == USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING;
} else {
_tmp64_ = FALSE;
_tmp67_ = _tmp64_;
if (_tmp67_) {
GdkPixbuf* _tmp68_;
_tmp68_ = badge;
_tmp63_ = _tmp68_ != NULL;
} else {
_tmp63_ = FALSE;
_tmp69_ = _tmp63_;
if (_tmp69_) {
cairo_t* _tmp70_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp71_;
gint _tmp72_;
gint _tmp73_;
gint xpadding;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp74_;
gint _tmp75_;
gint _tmp76_;
gint ypadding;
cairo_t* _tmp77_;
gint _tmp78_;
gint _tmp79_;
gint _tmp80_;
gint _tmp81_;
cairo_t* _tmp82_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp83_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp84_ = NULL;
cairo_surface_t* surface;
cairo_t* _tmp85_;
cairo_surface_t* _tmp86_;
cairo_t* _tmp87_;
cairo_t* _tmp88_;
_tmp70_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp70_);
_tmp71_ = badge;
_tmp72_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (_tmp71_);
_tmp73_ = _tmp72_;
xpadding = (grid_size - _tmp73_) / 2;
_tmp74_ = badge;
_tmp75_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (_tmp74_);
_tmp76_ = _tmp75_;
ypadding = ((grid_size - _tmp76_) / 2) - 18;
_tmp77_ = c;
_tmp78_ = self->priv->box_width;
_tmp79_ = xpadding;
_tmp80_ = ypadding;
_tmp81_ = self->priv->border;
cairo_translate (_tmp77_, (gdouble) ((((_tmp78_ * grid_size) - grid_size) - (grid_size / 4)) + _tmp79_), (gdouble) (((grid_size / 4) - _tmp80_) - _tmp81_));
_tmp82_ = c;
_tmp83_ = badge;
_tmp84_ = cached_image_get_cached_surface (_tmp82_, _tmp83_);
surface = _tmp84_;
_tmp85_ = c;
_tmp86_ = surface;
cairo_set_source_surface (_tmp85_, _tmp86_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0);
_tmp87_ = c;
cairo_paint (_tmp87_);
_tmp88_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp88_);
_cairo_surface_destroy0 (surface);
_cairo_surface_destroy0 (label_surface);
static void user_list_draw_entry_at_position (UserList* self, cairo_t* c, UserEntry* entry, gdouble position, gboolean in_box, GdkPixbuf* badge) {
cairo_t* _tmp0_;
cairo_t* _tmp1_;
gdouble _tmp2_;
gdouble alpha;
gdouble _tmp3_;
cairo_t* _tmp8_;
UserEntry* _tmp9_;
gdouble _tmp10_;
gboolean _tmp11_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp12_;
cairo_t* _tmp13_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (c != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (entry != NULL);
_tmp0_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp0_);
_tmp1_ = c;
_tmp2_ = position;
cairo_translate (_tmp1_, (gdouble) 0, _tmp2_ * grid_size);
alpha = 1.0;
_tmp3_ = position;
if (_tmp3_ < ((gdouble) 0)) {
gdouble _tmp4_;
guint _tmp5_;
_tmp4_ = position;
_tmp5_ = self->priv->n_above;
alpha = 1.0 + (_tmp4_ / (_tmp5_ + 1));
} else {
gdouble _tmp6_;
guint _tmp7_;
_tmp6_ = position;
_tmp7_ = self->priv->n_below;
alpha = 1.0 - ((_tmp6_ - 2) / (_tmp7_ + 1));
_tmp8_ = c;
_tmp9_ = entry;
_tmp10_ = alpha;
_tmp11_ = in_box;
_tmp12_ = badge;
user_list_draw_entry (self, _tmp8_, _tmp9_, _tmp10_, _tmp11_, _tmp12_);
_tmp13_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp13_);
static gboolean user_list_real_draw (GtkWidget* base, cairo_t* c) {
UserList * self;
gboolean result = FALSE;
gdouble max_alpha;
UserListMode _tmp0_;
cairo_t* _tmp8_;
GtkFixed* _tmp9_;
GtkBox* _tmp10_;
cairo_t* _tmp11_;
cairo_t* _tmp12_;
gboolean _tmp13_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp14_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp15_ = FALSE;
UserListMode _tmp16_;
gboolean _tmp18_;
gboolean _tmp20_;
gboolean _tmp22_;
self = (UserList*) base;
g_return_val_if_fail (c != NULL, FALSE);
max_alpha = 1.0;
_tmp0_ = self->priv->mode;
AnimateTimer* _tmp1_;
gdouble _tmp2_;
gdouble _tmp3_;
_tmp1_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
_tmp2_ = animate_timer_get_progress (_tmp1_);
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
max_alpha = 1.0 - _tmp3_;
} else {
UserListMode _tmp4_;
_tmp4_ = self->priv->mode;
AnimateTimer* _tmp5_;
gdouble _tmp6_;
gdouble _tmp7_;
_tmp5_ = self->priv->scroll_timer;
_tmp6_ = animate_timer_get_progress (_tmp5_);
_tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
max_alpha = _tmp7_;
_tmp8_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp8_);
_tmp9_ = self->priv->fixed;
_tmp10_ = self->priv->login_box;
_tmp11_ = c;
gtk_container_propagate_draw ((GtkContainer*) _tmp9_, (GtkWidget*) _tmp10_, _tmp11_);
_tmp12_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp12_);
_tmp16_ = self->priv->mode;
if (_tmp16_ == USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN) {
_tmp15_ = TRUE;
} else {
UserListMode _tmp17_;
_tmp17_ = self->priv->mode;
_tmp15_ = _tmp17_ == USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING;
_tmp18_ = _tmp15_;
if (_tmp18_) {
_tmp14_ = TRUE;
} else {
UserListMode _tmp19_;
_tmp19_ = self->priv->mode;
_tmp20_ = _tmp14_;
if (_tmp20_) {
_tmp13_ = TRUE;
} else {
UserListMode _tmp21_;
_tmp21_ = self->priv->mode;
_tmp22_ = _tmp13_;
if (_tmp22_) {
cairo_t* _tmp23_;
cairo_t* _tmp24_;
cairo_t* _tmp25_;
cairo_t* _tmp26_;
cairo_t* _tmp27_;
cairo_t* _tmp28_;
cairo_t* _tmp29_;
gdouble _tmp30_;
cairo_t* _tmp31_;
_tmp23_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp23_);
_tmp24_ = c;
cairo_push_group (_tmp24_);
_tmp25_ = c;
user_list_draw_names (self, _tmp25_, USER_LIST_NAME_LOCATION_OUTSIDE_BOX);
_tmp26_ = c;
user_list_draw_box_contents (self, _tmp26_);
_tmp27_ = c;
user_list_draw_names (self, _tmp27_, USER_LIST_NAME_LOCATION_INSIDE_BOX);
_tmp28_ = c;
cairo_pop_group_to_source (_tmp28_);
_tmp29_ = c;
_tmp30_ = max_alpha;
cairo_paint_with_alpha (_tmp29_, _tmp30_);
_tmp31_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp31_);
result = FALSE;
return result;
static void user_list_draw_names (UserList* self, cairo_t* c, UserListNameLocation where) {
cairo_t* _tmp0_;
cairo_t* _tmp1_;
gint _tmp2_;
gint _tmp3_;
gint _tmp4_;
gint _tmp5_;
gint index;
GList* _tmp6_;
cairo_t* _tmp87_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (c != NULL);
_tmp0_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp0_);
_tmp1_ = c;
_tmp2_ = user_list_get_box_x (self);
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
_tmp4_ = user_list_get_box_y (self);
_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
cairo_translate (_tmp1_, (gdouble) _tmp3_, (gdouble) _tmp5_);
index = 0;
_tmp6_ = self->priv->entries;
GList* entry_collection = NULL;
GList* entry_it = NULL;
entry_collection = _tmp6_;
for (entry_it = entry_collection; entry_it != NULL; entry_it = entry_it->next) {
UserEntry* _tmp7_;
UserEntry* entry = NULL;
_tmp7_ = _user_entry_ref0 ((UserEntry*) entry_it->data);
entry = _tmp7_;
gint _tmp8_;
gdouble _tmp9_;
gdouble position;
gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp11_ = FALSE;
UserListNameLocation _tmp12_;
gboolean _tmp14_;
gboolean _tmp17_;
gboolean _tmp29_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp30_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp31_ = FALSE;
UserListNameLocation _tmp32_;
gboolean _tmp34_;
gboolean _tmp36_;
gboolean _tmp38_;
gboolean _tmp66_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp67_ = FALSE;
UserListNameLocation _tmp68_;
gboolean _tmp70_;
gboolean _tmp73_;
gint _tmp86_;
_tmp8_ = index;
_tmp9_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
position = _tmp8_ - _tmp9_;
_tmp12_ = where;
gdouble _tmp13_;
_tmp13_ = position;
_tmp11_ = _tmp13_ < ((gdouble) 0);
} else {
_tmp11_ = FALSE;
_tmp14_ = _tmp11_;
if (_tmp14_) {
gdouble _tmp15_;
guint _tmp16_;
_tmp15_ = position;
_tmp16_ = self->priv->n_above;
_tmp10_ = _tmp15_ > ((gdouble) ((-1) * ((gint) (_tmp16_ + 1))));
} else {
_tmp10_ = FALSE;
_tmp17_ = _tmp10_;
if (_tmp17_) {
guint _tmp18_;
gdouble h_above;
cairo_t* _tmp19_;
cairo_t* _tmp20_;
gdouble _tmp21_;
gint _tmp22_;
gdouble _tmp23_;
cairo_t* _tmp24_;
cairo_t* _tmp25_;
UserEntry* _tmp26_;
gdouble _tmp27_;
cairo_t* _tmp28_;
_tmp18_ = self->priv->n_above;
h_above = ((gdouble) (_tmp18_ + 1)) * grid_size;
_tmp19_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp19_);
_tmp20_ = c;
_tmp21_ = h_above;
_tmp22_ = self->priv->box_width;
_tmp23_ = h_above;
cairo_rectangle (_tmp20_, (gdouble) 0, -_tmp21_, (gdouble) (_tmp22_ * grid_size), _tmp23_);
_tmp24_ = c;
cairo_clip (_tmp24_);
_tmp25_ = c;
_tmp26_ = entry;
_tmp27_ = position;
user_list_draw_entry_at_position (self, _tmp25_, _tmp26_, _tmp27_, FALSE, NULL);
_tmp28_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp28_);
_tmp32_ = where;
gdouble _tmp33_;
_tmp33_ = position;
_tmp31_ = _tmp33_ > ((gdouble) (-1));
} else {
_tmp31_ = FALSE;
_tmp34_ = _tmp31_;
if (_tmp34_) {
gdouble _tmp35_;
_tmp35_ = position;
_tmp30_ = _tmp35_ < ((gdouble) 1);
} else {
_tmp30_ = FALSE;
_tmp36_ = _tmp30_;
if (_tmp36_) {
UserListMode _tmp37_;
_tmp37_ = self->priv->mode;
_tmp29_ = _tmp37_ == USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING;
} else {
_tmp29_ = FALSE;
_tmp38_ = _tmp29_;
if (_tmp38_) {
cairo_t* _tmp39_;
cairo_t* _tmp40_;
gint _tmp41_;
cairo_t* _tmp42_;
gint _tmp43_;
gint _tmp44_;
gint _tmp45_;
gint _tmp46_;
gint _tmp47_;
gint _tmp48_;
cairo_t* _tmp49_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp50_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp51_;
GdkPixbuf* badge;
UserEntry* _tmp52_;
UserEntry* _tmp53_;
gdouble _tmp55_;
cairo_t* _tmp65_;
_tmp39_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp39_);
_tmp40_ = c;
_tmp41_ = self->priv->border;
cairo_translate (_tmp40_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) _tmp41_);
_tmp42_ = c;
_tmp43_ = self->priv->border;
_tmp44_ = self->priv->border;
_tmp45_ = self->priv->box_width;
_tmp46_ = self->priv->border;
_tmp47_ = self->priv->box_height;
_tmp48_ = self->priv->border;
cairo_rectangle (_tmp42_, (gdouble) _tmp43_, (gdouble) (_tmp44_ * 2), (gdouble) ((_tmp45_ * grid_size) - (_tmp46_ * 2)), (gdouble) ((_tmp47_ * grid_size) - (_tmp48_ * 2)));
_tmp49_ = c;
cairo_clip (_tmp49_);
_tmp50_ = self->priv->last_session_badge;
_tmp51_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp50_);
badge = _tmp51_;
_tmp52_ = entry;
_tmp53_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
if (_tmp52_ == _tmp53_) {
GdkPixbuf* _tmp54_ = NULL;
_tmp54_ = user_list_get_badge (self);
_g_object_unref0 (badge);
badge = _tmp54_;
_tmp55_ = position;
if (_tmp55_ <= ((gdouble) 0)) {
cairo_t* _tmp56_;
UserEntry* _tmp57_;
gdouble _tmp58_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp59_;
_tmp56_ = c;
_tmp57_ = entry;
_tmp58_ = position;
_tmp59_ = badge;
user_list_draw_entry_at_position (self, _tmp56_, _tmp57_, _tmp58_, TRUE, _tmp59_);
} else {
cairo_t* _tmp60_;
UserEntry* _tmp61_;
gdouble _tmp62_;
gint _tmp63_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp64_;
_tmp60_ = c;
_tmp61_ = entry;
_tmp62_ = position;
_tmp63_ = self->priv->box_height;
_tmp64_ = badge;
user_list_draw_entry_at_position (self, _tmp60_, _tmp61_, (_tmp62_ * _tmp63_) * 2, TRUE, _tmp64_);
_tmp65_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp65_);
_g_object_unref0 (badge);
_tmp68_ = where;
gdouble _tmp69_;
_tmp69_ = position;
_tmp67_ = _tmp69_ > ((gdouble) 0);
} else {
_tmp67_ = FALSE;
_tmp70_ = _tmp67_;
if (_tmp70_) {
gdouble _tmp71_;
guint _tmp72_;
_tmp71_ = position;
_tmp72_ = self->priv->n_below;
_tmp66_ = _tmp71_ < ((gdouble) (_tmp72_ + 1));
} else {
_tmp66_ = FALSE;
_tmp73_ = _tmp66_;
if (_tmp73_) {
guint _tmp74_;
gdouble h_below;
cairo_t* _tmp75_;
cairo_t* _tmp76_;
gint _tmp77_;
gint _tmp78_;
gdouble _tmp79_;
cairo_t* _tmp80_;
cairo_t* _tmp81_;
UserEntry* _tmp82_;
gdouble _tmp83_;
gint _tmp84_;
cairo_t* _tmp85_;
_tmp74_ = self->priv->n_below;
h_below = ((gdouble) (_tmp74_ + 1)) * grid_size;
_tmp75_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp75_);
_tmp76_ = c;
_tmp77_ = self->priv->box_height;
_tmp78_ = self->priv->box_width;
_tmp79_ = h_below;
cairo_rectangle (_tmp76_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) (_tmp77_ * grid_size), (gdouble) (_tmp78_ * grid_size), _tmp79_);
_tmp80_ = c;
cairo_clip (_tmp80_);
_tmp81_ = c;
_tmp82_ = entry;
_tmp83_ = position;
_tmp84_ = self->priv->box_height;
user_list_draw_entry_at_position (self, _tmp81_, _tmp82_, (_tmp83_ + _tmp84_) - 1, FALSE, NULL);
_tmp85_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp85_);
_tmp86_ = index;
index = _tmp86_ + 1;
_user_entry_unref0 (entry);
_tmp87_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp87_);
static gpointer _authentication_message_ref0 (gpointer self) {
return self ? authentication_message_ref (self) : NULL;
static void user_list_draw_box_contents (UserList* self, cairo_t* c) {
GtkFixed* _tmp0_;
GList* _tmp1_ = NULL;
cairo_t* _tmp7_;
cairo_t* _tmp8_;
gint _tmp9_;
gint _tmp10_;
gint _tmp11_;
gint _tmp12_;
gboolean _tmp13_ = FALSE;
UserEntry* _tmp14_;
gboolean _tmp16_;
UserListMode _tmp31_;
cairo_t* _tmp76_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (c != NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->fixed;
_tmp1_ = gtk_container_get_children ((GtkContainer*) _tmp0_);
GList* child_collection = NULL;
GList* child_it = NULL;
child_collection = _tmp1_;
for (child_it = child_collection; child_it != NULL; child_it = child_it->next) {
GtkWidget* child = NULL;
child = (GtkWidget*) child_it->data;
GtkWidget* _tmp2_;
GtkBox* _tmp3_;
_tmp2_ = child;
_tmp3_ = self->priv->login_box;
if (_tmp2_ != GTK_WIDGET (_tmp3_)) {
GtkFixed* _tmp4_;
GtkWidget* _tmp5_;
cairo_t* _tmp6_;
_tmp4_ = self->priv->fixed;
_tmp5_ = child;
_tmp6_ = c;
gtk_container_propagate_draw ((GtkContainer*) _tmp4_, _tmp5_, _tmp6_);
_g_list_free0 (child_collection);
_tmp7_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp7_);
_tmp8_ = c;
_tmp9_ = user_list_get_box_x (self);
_tmp10_ = _tmp9_;
_tmp11_ = user_list_get_box_y (self);
_tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
cairo_translate (_tmp8_, (gdouble) _tmp10_, (gdouble) _tmp12_);
_tmp14_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
if (_tmp14_ != NULL) {
UserListMode _tmp15_;
_tmp15_ = self->priv->mode;
_tmp13_ = _tmp15_ != USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING;
} else {
_tmp13_ = FALSE;
_tmp16_ = _tmp13_;
if (_tmp16_) {
cairo_t* _tmp17_;
cairo_t* _tmp18_;
gint _tmp19_;
gint _tmp20_;
gint _tmp21_;
gint _tmp22_;
gint _tmp23_;
gint _tmp24_;
cairo_t* _tmp25_;
cairo_t* _tmp26_;
gint _tmp27_;
cairo_t* _tmp28_;
UserEntry* _tmp29_;
cairo_t* _tmp30_;
_tmp17_ = c;
cairo_save (_tmp17_);
_tmp18_ = c;
_tmp19_ = self->priv->border;
_tmp20_ = self->priv->border;
_tmp21_ = self->priv->box_width;
_tmp22_ = self->priv->border;
_tmp23_ = self->priv->box_height;
_tmp24_ = self->priv->border;
cairo_rectangle (_tmp18_, (gdouble) _tmp19_, (gdouble) _tmp20_, (gdouble) ((_tmp21_ * grid_size) - (_tmp22_ * 2)), (gdouble) ((_tmp23_ * grid_size) - (_tmp24_ * 2)));
_tmp25_ = c;
cairo_clip (_tmp25_);
_tmp26_ = c;
_tmp27_ = self->priv->border;
cairo_translate (_tmp26_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) _tmp27_);
_tmp28_ = c;
_tmp29_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
user_list_draw_entry (self, _tmp28_, _tmp29_, 1.0, TRUE, NULL);
_tmp30_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp30_);
_tmp31_ = self->priv->mode;
if (_tmp31_ != USER_LIST_MODE_SCROLLING) {
gdouble vertical_offset;
GList* _tmp32_;
GList* _tmp40_;
vertical_offset = 0.0;
_tmp32_ = self->priv->messages;
GList* m_collection = NULL;
GList* m_it = NULL;
m_collection = _tmp32_;
for (m_it = m_collection; m_it != NULL; m_it = m_it->next) {
AuthenticationMessage* _tmp33_;
AuthenticationMessage* m = NULL;
_tmp33_ = _authentication_message_ref0 ((AuthenticationMessage*) m_it->data);
m = _tmp33_;
gint w = 0;
gint h = 0;
AuthenticationMessage* _tmp34_;
PangoLayout* _tmp35_;
gint _tmp36_ = 0;
gint _tmp37_ = 0;
gdouble _tmp38_;
gint _tmp39_;
_tmp34_ = m;
_tmp35_ = _tmp34_->layout;
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (_tmp35_, &_tmp36_, &_tmp37_);
w = _tmp36_;
h = _tmp37_;
_tmp38_ = vertical_offset;
_tmp39_ = h;
vertical_offset = _tmp38_ + _tmp39_;
_authentication_message_unref0 (m);
_tmp40_ = self->priv->messages;
GList* m_collection = NULL;
GList* m_it = NULL;
m_collection = _tmp40_;
for (m_it = m_collection; m_it != NULL; m_it = m_it->next) {
AuthenticationMessage* _tmp41_;
AuthenticationMessage* m = NULL;
_tmp41_ = _authentication_message_ref0 ((AuthenticationMessage*) m_it->data);
m = _tmp41_;
gint w = 0;
gint h = 0;
AuthenticationMessage* _tmp42_;
PangoLayout* _tmp43_;
gint _tmp44_ = 0;
gint _tmp45_ = 0;
cairo_t* _tmp46_;
gdouble _tmp47_;
gint _tmp48_;
gdouble _tmp49_;
gint _tmp50_;
gdouble r;
gdouble g;
gdouble b;
AuthenticationMessage* _tmp51_;
gboolean _tmp52_;
gint _tmp53_;
gdouble bw;
gint _tmp54_;
gdouble _tmp55_;
cairo_t* _tmp73_;
AuthenticationMessage* _tmp74_;
PangoLayout* _tmp75_;
_tmp42_ = m;
_tmp43_ = _tmp42_->layout;
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (_tmp43_, &_tmp44_, &_tmp45_);
w = _tmp44_;
h = _tmp45_;
_tmp46_ = c;
_tmp47_ = vertical_offset;
_tmp48_ = self->priv->border;
cairo_move_to (_tmp46_, (gdouble) (grid_size / 2), ((grid_size * 1.5) - _tmp47_) + _tmp48_);
_tmp49_ = vertical_offset;
_tmp50_ = h;
vertical_offset = _tmp49_ - _tmp50_;
r = 1.0;
g = 1.0;
b = 1.0;
_tmp51_ = m;
_tmp52_ = _tmp51_->is_error;
if (_tmp52_) {
r = 1.0;
g = 0.0;
b = 0.0;
_tmp53_ = self->priv->box_width;
bw = (_tmp53_ - 0.5) * grid_size;
_tmp54_ = w;
_tmp55_ = bw;
if (((gdouble) _tmp54_) > _tmp55_) {
gdouble _tmp56_;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp57_;
cairo_pattern_t* mask;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp58_;
gdouble _tmp59_;
gdouble _tmp60_;
gdouble _tmp61_;
gdouble _tmp62_;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp63_;
gdouble _tmp64_;
gdouble _tmp65_;
gdouble _tmp66_;
cairo_t* _tmp67_;
cairo_pattern_t* _tmp68_;
_tmp56_ = bw;
_tmp57_ = cairo_pattern_create_linear ((gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0, _tmp56_, (gdouble) 0);
mask = _tmp57_;
_tmp58_ = mask;
_tmp59_ = bw;
_tmp60_ = r;
_tmp61_ = g;
_tmp62_ = b;
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (_tmp58_, 1.0 - ((0.5 * grid_size) / _tmp59_), _tmp60_, _tmp61_, _tmp62_, 1.0);
_tmp63_ = mask;
_tmp64_ = r;
_tmp65_ = g;
_tmp66_ = b;
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (_tmp63_, 1.0, _tmp64_, _tmp65_, _tmp66_, 0.0);
_tmp67_ = c;
_tmp68_ = mask;
cairo_set_source (_tmp67_, _tmp68_);
_cairo_pattern_destroy0 (mask);
} else {
cairo_t* _tmp69_;
gdouble _tmp70_;
gdouble _tmp71_;
gdouble _tmp72_;
_tmp69_ = c;
_tmp70_ = r;
_tmp71_ = g;
_tmp72_ = b;
cairo_set_source_rgb (_tmp69_, _tmp70_, _tmp71_, _tmp72_);
_tmp73_ = c;
_tmp74_ = m;
_tmp75_ = _tmp74_->layout;
pango_cairo_show_layout (_tmp73_, _tmp75_);
_authentication_message_unref0 (m);
_tmp76_ = c;
cairo_restore (_tmp76_);
static gboolean user_list_inside_entry (UserList* self, gdouble x, gdouble y, gdouble entry_y, UserEntry* entry) {
gboolean result = FALSE;
gint w = 0;
gint h = 0;
UserEntry* _tmp0_;
PangoLayout* _tmp1_;
gint _tmp2_ = 0;
gint _tmp3_ = 0;
gint _tmp4_;
gint _tmp5_;
gboolean _tmp6_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
gdouble _tmp9_;
gboolean _tmp12_;
gboolean _tmp15_;
gboolean _tmp19_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (entry != NULL, FALSE);
_tmp0_ = entry;
_tmp1_ = _tmp0_->layout;
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (_tmp1_, &_tmp2_, &_tmp3_);
w = _tmp2_;
h = _tmp3_;
_tmp4_ = w;
w = _tmp4_ + (grid_size / 2);
h = grid_size;
_tmp5_ = w;
w = (((gint) (_tmp5_ + grid_size)) / grid_size) * grid_size;
_tmp9_ = x;
if (_tmp9_ >= ((gdouble) 0)) {
gdouble _tmp10_;
gint _tmp11_;
_tmp10_ = x;
_tmp11_ = w;
_tmp8_ = _tmp10_ <= ((gdouble) _tmp11_);
} else {
_tmp8_ = FALSE;
_tmp12_ = _tmp8_;
if (_tmp12_) {
gdouble _tmp13_;
gdouble _tmp14_;
_tmp13_ = y;
_tmp14_ = entry_y;
_tmp7_ = _tmp13_ >= _tmp14_;
} else {
_tmp7_ = FALSE;
_tmp15_ = _tmp7_;
if (_tmp15_) {
gdouble _tmp16_;
gdouble _tmp17_;
gint _tmp18_;
_tmp16_ = y;
_tmp17_ = entry_y;
_tmp18_ = h;
_tmp6_ = _tmp16_ <= (_tmp17_ + _tmp18_);
} else {
_tmp6_ = FALSE;
_tmp19_ = _tmp6_;
result = _tmp19_;
return result;
static gboolean user_list_real_button_release_event (GtkWidget* base, GdkEventButton* event) {
UserList * self;
gboolean result = FALSE;
UserListMode _tmp0_;
GdkEventButton _tmp1_;
gdouble _tmp2_;
gint _tmp3_;
gint _tmp4_;
gdouble x;
GdkEventButton _tmp5_;
gdouble _tmp6_;
gint _tmp7_;
gint _tmp8_;
gdouble y;
GList* _tmp9_;
guint _tmp10_ = 0U;
gdouble h;
gdouble offset;
GList* _tmp11_;
self = (UserList*) base;
g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->mode;
if (_tmp0_ != USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN) {
result = FALSE;
return result;
_tmp1_ = *event;
_tmp2_ = _tmp1_.x;
_tmp3_ = user_list_get_box_x (self);
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
x = _tmp2_ - _tmp4_;
_tmp5_ = *event;
_tmp6_ = _tmp5_.y;
_tmp7_ = user_list_get_box_y (self);
_tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
y = _tmp6_ - _tmp8_;
_tmp9_ = self->priv->entries;
_tmp10_ = g_list_length (_tmp9_);
h = ((gdouble) _tmp10_) * grid_size;
offset = 0.0;
_tmp11_ = self->priv->entries;
GList* entry_collection = NULL;
GList* entry_it = NULL;
entry_collection = _tmp11_;
for (entry_it = entry_collection; entry_it != NULL; entry_it = entry_it->next) {
UserEntry* _tmp12_;
UserEntry* entry = NULL;
_tmp12_ = _user_entry_ref0 ((UserEntry*) entry_it->data);
entry = _tmp12_;
gdouble _tmp13_;
gdouble _tmp14_;
gdouble entry_y;
guint _tmp15_;
gdouble h_above;
gboolean _tmp16_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp17_ = FALSE;
gdouble _tmp18_;
gboolean _tmp20_;
gboolean _tmp23_;
gdouble _tmp38_;
gint _tmp39_;
gdouble below_y;
guint _tmp40_;
gdouble h_below;
gboolean _tmp41_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp42_ = FALSE;
gdouble _tmp43_;
gboolean _tmp45_;
gboolean _tmp48_;
gdouble _tmp63_;
_tmp13_ = self->priv->scroll_location;
_tmp14_ = offset;
entry_y = ((-_tmp13_) * grid_size) + _tmp14_;
_tmp15_ = self->priv->n_above;
h_above = ((gdouble) _tmp15_) * grid_size;
_tmp18_ = entry_y;
if (_tmp18_ < ((gdouble) 0)) {
gdouble _tmp19_;
_tmp19_ = y;
_tmp17_ = _tmp19_ < ((gdouble) 0);
} else {
_tmp17_ = FALSE;
_tmp20_ = _tmp17_;
if (_tmp20_) {
gdouble _tmp21_;
gdouble _tmp22_;
_tmp21_ = y;
_tmp22_ = h_above;
_tmp16_ = _tmp21_ > (-_tmp22_);
} else {
_tmp16_ = FALSE;
_tmp23_ = _tmp16_;
if (_tmp23_) {
gboolean _tmp24_ = FALSE;
gdouble _tmp25_;
gdouble _tmp26_;
gdouble _tmp27_;
UserEntry* _tmp28_;
gboolean _tmp29_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp36_;
_tmp25_ = x;
_tmp26_ = y;
_tmp27_ = entry_y;
_tmp28_ = entry;
_tmp29_ = user_list_inside_entry (self, _tmp25_, _tmp26_, _tmp27_, _tmp28_);
if (_tmp29_) {
_tmp24_ = TRUE;
} else {
gdouble _tmp30_;
gdouble _tmp31_;
gdouble _tmp32_;
gdouble _tmp33_;
UserEntry* _tmp34_;
gboolean _tmp35_ = FALSE;
_tmp30_ = x;
_tmp31_ = y;
_tmp32_ = entry_y;
_tmp33_ = h;
_tmp34_ = entry;
_tmp35_ = user_list_inside_entry (self, _tmp30_, _tmp31_, _tmp32_ - _tmp33_, _tmp34_);
_tmp24_ = _tmp35_;
_tmp36_ = _tmp24_;
if (_tmp36_) {
UserEntry* _tmp37_;
_tmp37_ = entry;
user_list_select_entry (self, _tmp37_, -1.0);
result = TRUE;
_user_entry_unref0 (entry);
return result;
_tmp38_ = y;
_tmp39_ = self->priv->box_height;
below_y = _tmp38_ - (_tmp39_ * grid_size);
_tmp40_ = self->priv->n_below;
h_below = ((gdouble) _tmp40_) * grid_size;
_tmp43_ = entry_y;
if (_tmp43_ > ((gdouble) 0)) {
gdouble _tmp44_;
_tmp44_ = below_y;
_tmp42_ = _tmp44_ > ((gdouble) 0);
} else {
_tmp42_ = FALSE;
_tmp45_ = _tmp42_;
if (_tmp45_) {
gdouble _tmp46_;
gdouble _tmp47_;
_tmp46_ = below_y;
_tmp47_ = h_below;
_tmp41_ = _tmp46_ < _tmp47_;
} else {
_tmp41_ = FALSE;
_tmp48_ = _tmp41_;
if (_tmp48_) {
gboolean _tmp49_ = FALSE;
gdouble _tmp50_;
gdouble _tmp51_;
gdouble _tmp52_;
UserEntry* _tmp53_;
gboolean _tmp54_ = FALSE;
gboolean _tmp61_;
_tmp50_ = x;
_tmp51_ = below_y;
_tmp52_ = entry_y;
_tmp53_ = entry;
_tmp54_ = user_list_inside_entry (self, _tmp50_, _tmp51_, _tmp52_ - grid_size, _tmp53_);
if (_tmp54_) {
_tmp49_ = TRUE;
} else {
gdouble _tmp55_;
gdouble _tmp56_;
gdouble _tmp57_;
gdouble _tmp58_;
UserEntry* _tmp59_;
gboolean _tmp60_ = FALSE;
_tmp55_ = x;
_tmp56_ = below_y;
_tmp57_ = entry_y;
_tmp58_ = h;
_tmp59_ = entry;
_tmp60_ = user_list_inside_entry (self, _tmp55_, _tmp56_, (_tmp57_ - grid_size) + _tmp58_, _tmp59_);
_tmp49_ = _tmp60_;
_tmp61_ = _tmp49_;
if (_tmp61_) {
UserEntry* _tmp62_;
_tmp62_ = entry;
user_list_select_entry (self, _tmp62_, 1.0);
result = TRUE;
_user_entry_unref0 (entry);
return result;
_tmp63_ = offset;
offset = _tmp63_ + grid_size;
_user_entry_unref0 (entry);
result = FALSE;
return result;
UserEntry* user_list_get_selected_entry (UserList* self) {
UserEntry* result;
UserEntry* _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
result = _tmp0_;
return result;
static void user_list_set_selected_entry (UserList* self, UserEntry* value) {
UserEntry* _tmp0_;
UserEntry* _tmp1_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = value;
_tmp1_ = _user_entry_ref0 (_tmp0_);
_user_entry_unref0 (self->priv->_selected_entry);
self->priv->_selected_entry = _tmp1_;
g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "selected-entry");
gboolean user_list_get_offer_guest (UserList* self) {
gboolean result;
gboolean _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_offer_guest;
result = _tmp0_;
return result;
void user_list_set_offer_guest (UserList* self, gboolean value) {
gboolean _tmp0_;
gboolean _tmp1_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = value;
self->priv->_offer_guest = _tmp0_;
_tmp1_ = value;
if (_tmp1_) {
const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
_tmp2_ = _ ("Guest Session");
user_list_add_entry (self, "*guest", _tmp2_, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
} else {
user_list_remove_entry (self, "*guest");
g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "offer-guest");
gboolean user_list_get_always_show_manual (UserList* self) {
gboolean result;
gboolean _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_always_show_manual;
result = _tmp0_;
return result;
void user_list_set_always_show_manual (UserList* self, gboolean value) {
gboolean _tmp0_;
gboolean _tmp1_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = value;
self->priv->_always_show_manual = _tmp0_;
_tmp1_ = value;
if (_tmp1_) {
user_list_add_manual_entry (self);
} else {
gboolean _tmp2_ = FALSE;
_tmp2_ = user_list_have_users (self);
if (_tmp2_) {
user_list_remove_entry (self, "*other");
g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "always-show-manual");
static gint user_list_get_box_x (UserList* self) {
gint result;
gint _tmp0_ = 0;
gint _tmp1_ = 0;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0);
_tmp0_ = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width ((GtkWidget*) self);
_tmp1_ = get_grid_offset (_tmp0_);
result = _tmp1_ + grid_size;
return result;
static gint user_list_get_box_y (UserList* self) {
gint result;
gint _tmp0_ = 0;
gint _tmp1_;
gint row;
gint _tmp2_ = 0;
gint _tmp3_ = 0;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0);
_tmp0_ = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height ((GtkWidget*) self);
_tmp1_ = self->priv->box_height;
row = ((gint) ((_tmp0_ / grid_size) - _tmp1_)) / 2;
_tmp2_ = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height ((GtkWidget*) self);
_tmp3_ = get_grid_offset (_tmp2_);
result = _tmp3_ + (row * grid_size);
return result;
const gchar* user_list_get_selected (UserList* self) {
const gchar* result;
UserEntry* _tmp0_;
UserEntry* _tmp1_;
const gchar* _tmp2_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
if (_tmp0_ == NULL) {
result = NULL;
return result;
_tmp1_ = self->priv->_selected_entry;
_tmp2_ = _tmp1_->name;
result = _tmp2_;
return result;
const gchar* user_list_get_manual_username (UserList* self) {
const gchar* result;
const gchar* _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_manual_username;
result = _tmp0_;
return result;
void user_list_set_manual_username (UserList* self, const gchar* value) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
gchar* _tmp1_;
UserEntry* _tmp2_ = NULL;
UserEntry* _tmp3_;
gboolean _tmp4_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = value;
_tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
_g_free0 (self->priv->_manual_username);
self->priv->_manual_username = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = user_list_find_entry (self, "*other");
_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_ != NULL;
_user_entry_unref0 (_tmp3_);
if (_tmp4_) {
user_list_add_manual_entry (self);
g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "manual-username");
const gchar* user_list_get_default_session (UserList* self) {
const gchar* result;
const gchar* _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_default_session;
result = _tmp0_;
return result;
void user_list_set_default_session (UserList* self, const gchar* value) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
gchar* _tmp1_;
CachedImage* _tmp2_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp3_ = NULL;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp4_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = value;
_tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
_g_free0 (self->priv->_default_session);
self->priv->_default_session = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = self->priv->session_image;
_tmp3_ = user_list_get_badge (self);
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf ((GtkImage*) _tmp2_, _tmp4_);
_g_object_unref0 (_tmp4_);
g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "default-session");
const gchar* user_list_get_session (UserList* self) {
const gchar* result;
const gchar* _tmp0_;
g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
_tmp0_ = self->priv->_session;
result = _tmp0_;
return result;
void user_list_set_session (UserList* self, const gchar* value) {
const gchar* _tmp0_;
gchar* _tmp1_;
CachedImage* _tmp2_;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp3_ = NULL;
GdkPixbuf* _tmp4_;
g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
_tmp0_ = value;
_tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
_g_free0 (self->priv->_session);
self->priv->_session = _tmp1_;
_tmp2_ = self->priv->session_image;
_tmp3_ = user_list_get_badge (self);
_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf ((GtkImage*) _tmp2_, _tmp4_);
_g_object_unref0 (_tmp4_);
g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "session");
static void user_list_class_init (UserListClass * klass) {
user_list_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (UserListPrivate));
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->realize = user_list_real_realize;
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->size_allocate = user_list_real_size_allocate;
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->draw = user_list_real_draw;
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->button_release_event = user_list_real_button_release_event;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->get_property = _vala_user_list_get_property;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->set_property = _vala_user_list_set_property;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = user_list_finalize;
g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), USER_LIST_SELECTED_ENTRY, param_spec_user_entry ("selected-entry", "selected-entry", "selected-entry", TYPE_USER_ENTRY, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE));
g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), USER_LIST_OFFER_GUEST, g_param_spec_boolean ("offer-guest", "offer-guest", "offer-guest", FALSE, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), USER_LIST_ALWAYS_SHOW_MANUAL, g_param_spec_boolean ("always-show-manual", "always-show-manual", "always-show-manual", FALSE, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), USER_LIST_SELECTED, g_param_spec_string ("selected", "selected", "selected", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE));
g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), USER_LIST_MANUAL_USERNAME, g_param_spec_string ("manual-username", "manual-username", "manual-username", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), USER_LIST_DEFAULT_SESSION, g_param_spec_string ("default-session", "default-session", "default-session", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), USER_LIST_SESSION, g_param_spec_string ("session", "session", "session", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
g_signal_new ("user_selected", TYPE_USER_LIST, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);
g_signal_new ("user_displayed_start", TYPE_USER_LIST, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
g_signal_new ("user_displayed_done", TYPE_USER_LIST, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
g_signal_new ("respond_to_prompt", TYPE_USER_LIST, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);
g_signal_new ("start_session", TYPE_USER_LIST, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
static void user_list_instance_init (UserList * self) {
gchar* _tmp0_;
self->priv = USER_LIST_GET_PRIVATE (self);
self->priv->_selected_entry = NULL;
self->priv->_offer_guest = FALSE;
self->priv->_always_show_manual = FALSE;
self->priv->entries = NULL;
self->priv->messages = NULL;
self->priv->mode = USER_LIST_MODE_LOGIN;
self->priv->complete = FALSE;
self->priv->border = 4;
self->priv->box_width = 7;
self->priv->n_above = (guint) 4;
self->priv->n_below = (guint) 4;
self->priv->box_height = 3;
self->priv->_manual_username = NULL;
_tmp0_ = g_strdup ("ubuntu");
self->priv->_default_session = _tmp0_;
self->priv->_session = NULL;
self->priv->last_session_badge = NULL;
static void user_list_finalize (GObject* obj) {
UserList * self;
self = USER_LIST (obj);
_g_object_unref0 (self->background);
_g_object_unref0 (self->menubar);
_user_entry_unref0 (self->priv->_selected_entry);
__g_list_free__user_entry_unref0_0 (self->priv->entries);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->message_pixbuf);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->scroll_timer);
__g_list_free__authentication_message_unref0_0 (self->priv->messages);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->fixed);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->login_box);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_entry);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->login_button);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->prompt_widget_to_show);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->session_button);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->session_image);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->session_chooser);
_g_free0 (self->priv->_manual_username);
_g_free0 (self->priv->_default_session);
_g_free0 (self->priv->_session);
_g_object_unref0 (self->priv->last_session_badge);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (user_list_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
GType user_list_get_type (void) {
static volatile gsize user_list_type_id__volatile = 0;
if (g_once_init_enter (&user_list_type_id__volatile)) {
static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (UserListClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) user_list_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (UserList), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) user_list_instance_init, NULL };
GType user_list_type_id;
user_list_type_id = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_EVENT_BOX, "UserList", &g_define_type_info, 0);
g_once_init_leave (&user_list_type_id__volatile, user_list_type_id);
return user_list_type_id__volatile;
static void _vala_user_list_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) {
UserList * self;
self = USER_LIST (object);
switch (property_id) {
value_set_user_entry (value, user_list_get_selected_entry (self));
g_value_set_boolean (value, user_list_get_offer_guest (self));
g_value_set_boolean (value, user_list_get_always_show_manual (self));
g_value_set_string (value, user_list_get_selected (self));
g_value_set_string (value, user_list_get_manual_username (self));
g_value_set_string (value, user_list_get_default_session (self));
g_value_set_string (value, user_list_get_session (self));
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
static void _vala_user_list_set_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) {
UserList * self;
self = USER_LIST (object);
switch (property_id) {
user_list_set_selected_entry (self, value_get_user_entry (value));
user_list_set_offer_guest (self, g_value_get_boolean (value));
user_list_set_always_show_manual (self, g_value_get_boolean (value));
user_list_set_manual_username (self, g_value_get_string (value));
user_list_set_default_session (self, g_value_get_string (value));
user_list_set_session (self, g_value_get_string (value));
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);