/* SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2007-13 robs@users.sourceforge.net * Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1 See LICENCE for details. */ /* Example 5: Variable-rate resampling (N.B. experimental). A test signal * (held in a buffer) is resampled over a wide range of octaves. Resampled * data is sent to stdout as raw, float32 samples. Choices of 2 test-signals * and of 2 ways of varying the sample-rate are combined in a command-line * option: * * Usage: ./5-variable-rate [0|1|2|3] */ #include #include "examples-common.h" #define OCTAVES 5 /* Resampling range. ± */ #define OLEN 16 /* Output length in seconds. */ #define FS 44100 /* Output sampling rate in Hz. */ /* For output pos in [0,1], returns an ioratio in the 2^±OCTAVES range: */ static double ioratio(double pos, int fm) { if (fm) /* fm: non-0 for a fast-changing ioratio, 0 for a slow sweep. */ pos = .5 - cos(pos * 2 * M_PI) * .4 + sin(pos * OLEN * 20 * M_PI) * .05; return pow(2, 2 * OCTAVES * pos - OCTAVES); } int main(int argc, char *arg[]) { int opt = argc <= 1? 2 : (atoi(arg[1]) & 3), saw = opt & 1, fm = opt & 2; float ibuf[10 << OCTAVES], obuf[AL(ibuf)]; int i, wl = 2 << OCTAVES; size_t ilen = AL(ibuf), need_input = 1; size_t odone, total_odone, total_olen = OLEN * FS; size_t olen1 = fm? 10 : AL(obuf); /* Small block-len if fast-changing ratio */ soxr_error_t error; /* When creating a var-rate resampler, q_spec must be set as follows: */ soxr_quality_spec_t q_spec = soxr_quality_spec(SOXR_HQ, SOXR_VR); /* The ratio of the given input rate and output rates must equate to the * maximum I/O ratio that will be used: */ soxr_t soxr = soxr_create(1 << OCTAVES, 1, 1, &error, NULL, &q_spec, NULL); if (!error) { USE_STD_STDIO; /* Generate input signal, sine or saw, with wave-length = wl: */ for (i = 0; i < (int)ilen; ++i) ibuf[i] = (float)(saw? (i%wl)/(wl-1.)-.5 : .9 * sin(2 * M_PI * i / wl)); /* Set the initial resampling ratio (N.B. 3rd parameter = 0): */ soxr_set_io_ratio(soxr, ioratio(0, fm), 0); /* Resample in blocks of size olen1: */ for (total_odone = 0; !error && total_odone < total_olen;) { /* The last block might be shorter: */ size_t block_len = min(olen1, total_olen - total_odone); /* Determine the position in [0,1] of the end of the current block: */ double pos = (double)(total_odone + block_len) / (double)total_olen; /* Calculate an ioratio for this position and instruct the resampler to * move smoothly to the new value, over the course of outputting the next * 'block_len' samples (or give 0 for an instant change instead): */ soxr_set_io_ratio(soxr, ioratio(pos, fm), block_len); /* Output the block of samples, supplying input samples as needed: */ do { size_t len = need_input? ilen : 0; error = soxr_process(soxr, ibuf, len, NULL, obuf, block_len, &odone); fwrite(obuf, sizeof(float), odone, stdout); /* Update counters for the current block and for the total length: */ block_len -= odone; total_odone += odone; /* If soxr_process did not provide the complete block, we must call it * again, supplying more input samples: */ need_input = block_len != 0; } while (need_input && !error); /* Now that the block for the current ioratio is complete, go back * round the main `for' loop in order to process the next block. */ } soxr_delete(soxr); } /* Diagnostics: */ fprintf(stderr, "%-26s %s; I/O: %s\n", arg[0], soxr_strerror(error), errno? strerror(errno) : "no error"); return error || errno; }