/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor LegacyBlockFile.cpp Dominic Mazzoni ******************************************************************//** \class LegacyBlockFile \brief Audacity 1.1.0 block file format: - Header tag: 20 bytes "AudacityBlockFile110" - 64K summaries (min, max, RMS, each a 4-byte float) - 256 summaries (min, max, RMS, each a 4-byte float) *//******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LegacyBlockFile.h" #include "../FileFormats.h" #include "../Internat.h" #include "sndfile.h" void ComputeLegacySummaryInfo(wxFileName fileName, int summaryLen, sampleFormat format, SummaryInfo *info, bool noRMS,bool Silent, float *min, float *max, float *rms) { int fields = 3; /* min, max, rms */ if (noRMS) fields = 2; info->fields = fields; info->format = format; info->bytesPerFrame = SAMPLE_SIZE(info->format) * fields; info->totalSummaryBytes = summaryLen; info->offset64K = 20; /* legacy header tag len */ info->frames64K = (summaryLen-20) / (info->bytesPerFrame * 256); info->offset256 = info->offset64K + (info->frames64K * info->bytesPerFrame); info->frames256 = (summaryLen - 20 - (info->frames64K * info->bytesPerFrame)) / info->bytesPerFrame; // // Compute the min, max, and RMS of the block from the // 64K summary data // float *summary = new float[info->frames64K * fields]; samplePtr data = NewSamples(info->frames64K * fields, info->format); wxLogNull *silence=0; wxFFile summaryFile(fileName.GetFullPath(), wxT("rb")); int read; if(Silent)silence= new wxLogNull(); if( !summaryFile.IsOpened() ) { wxLogWarning(wxT("Unable to access summary file %s; substituting silence for remainder of session"), fileName.GetFullPath().c_str()); read=info->frames64K * info->bytesPerFrame; memset(data,0,read); }else{ summaryFile.Seek(info->offset64K); read = summaryFile.Read(data, info->frames64K * info->bytesPerFrame); } if(silence) delete silence; int count = read / info->bytesPerFrame; CopySamples(data, info->format, (samplePtr)summary, floatSample, count); (*min) = FLT_MAX; (*max) = FLT_MIN; float sumsq = 0; for(int i=0; i (*max)) (*max) = summary[fields*i+1]; if (fields >= 3) sumsq += summary[fields*i+2]*summary[fields*i+2]; } if (fields >= 3) (*rms) = sqrt(sumsq / count); else (*rms) = 0; DeleteSamples(data); delete[] summary; } /// Construct a LegacyBlockFile memory structure that will point to an /// existing block file. This file must exist and be a valid block file. /// /// @param existingFile The disk file this LegacyBlockFile should use. LegacyBlockFile::LegacyBlockFile(wxFileName existingFile, sampleFormat format, sampleCount summaryLen, sampleCount len, bool noRMS): BlockFile(existingFile, len), mFormat(format) { sampleFormat summaryFormat; if (noRMS) summaryFormat = int16Sample; else summaryFormat = floatSample; ComputeLegacySummaryInfo(existingFile, summaryLen, summaryFormat, &mSummaryInfo, noRMS, FALSE, &mMin, &mMax, &mRMS); } LegacyBlockFile::~LegacyBlockFile() { } /// Read the summary section of the disk file. /// /// @param *data The buffer to write the data to. It must be at least /// mSummaryinfo.totalSummaryBytes long. bool LegacyBlockFile::ReadSummary(void *data) { wxFFile summaryFile(mFileName.GetFullPath(), wxT("rb")); wxLogNull *silence=0; if(mSilentLog)silence= new wxLogNull(); if( !summaryFile.IsOpened() ){ memset(data,0,(size_t)mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes); if(silence) delete silence; mSilentLog=TRUE; return true; } int read = summaryFile.Read(data, (size_t)mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes); if(silence) delete silence; mSilentLog=FALSE; return (read == mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes); } /// Read the data portion of the block file using libsndfile. Convert it /// to the given format if it is not already. /// /// @param data The buffer where the data will be stored /// @param format The format the data will be stored in /// @param start The offset in this block file /// @param len The number of samples to read int LegacyBlockFile::ReadData(samplePtr data, sampleFormat format, sampleCount start, sampleCount len) { SF_INFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); switch(mFormat) { case int16Sample: info.format = SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 | SF_ENDIAN_CPU; break; default: case floatSample: info.format = SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT | SF_ENDIAN_CPU; break; case int24Sample: info.format = SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32 | SF_ENDIAN_CPU; break; } info.samplerate = 44100; // Doesn't matter info.channels = 1; info.frames = mLen + (mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes / SAMPLE_SIZE(mFormat)); wxFile f; // will be closed when it goes out of scope SNDFILE *sf = NULL; if (f.Open(mFileName.GetFullPath())) { // Even though there is an sf_open() that takes a filename, use the one that // takes a file descriptor since wxWidgets can open a file with a Unicode name and // libsndfile can't (under Windows). sf = sf_open_fd(f.fd(), SFM_READ, &info, FALSE); } wxLogNull *silence=0; if(mSilentLog)silence= new wxLogNull(); if (!sf){ memset(data,0,SAMPLE_SIZE(format)*len); if(silence) delete silence; mSilentLog=TRUE; return len; } if(silence) delete silence; mSilentLog=FALSE; sf_count_t seekstart = start + (mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes / SAMPLE_SIZE(mFormat)); sf_seek(sf, seekstart , SEEK_SET); samplePtr buffer = NewSamples(len, floatSample); int framesRead = 0; // If both the src and dest formats are integer formats, // read integers from the file (otherwise we would be // converting to float and back, which is unneccesary) if (format == int16Sample && sf_subtype_is_integer(info.format)) { framesRead = sf_readf_short(sf, (short *)data, len); }else if (format == int24Sample && sf_subtype_is_integer(info.format)) { framesRead = sf_readf_int(sf, (int *)data, len); // libsndfile gave us the 3 byte sample in the 3 most // significant bytes -- we want it in the 3 least // significant bytes. int *intPtr = (int *)data; for( int i = 0; i < framesRead; i++ ) intPtr[i] = intPtr[i] >> 8; } else { // Otherwise, let libsndfile handle the conversion and // scaling, and pass us normalized data as floats. We can // then convert to whatever format we want. framesRead = sf_readf_float(sf, (float *)buffer, len); CopySamples(buffer, floatSample, (samplePtr)data, format, framesRead); } sf_close(sf); DeleteSamples(buffer); return framesRead; } void LegacyBlockFile::SaveXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) { xmlFile.StartTag(wxT("legacyblockfile")); xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("name"), mFileName.GetFullName()); xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("len"), mLen); if (mSummaryInfo.fields < 3) xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("norms"), 1); xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("summarylen"), mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes); xmlFile.EndTag(wxT("legacyblockfile")); } // BuildFromXML methods should always return a BlockFile, not NULL, // even if the result is flawed (e.g., refers to nonexistent file), // as testing will be done in DirManager::ProjectFSCK(). /// static BlockFile *LegacyBlockFile::BuildFromXML(wxString projDir, const wxChar **attrs, sampleCount len, sampleFormat format) { wxFileName fileName; sampleCount summaryLen = 0; bool noRMS = false; long nValue; while(*attrs) { const wxChar *attr = *attrs++; const wxChar *value = *attrs++; if (!value) break; const wxString strValue = value; if (!wxStricmp(attr, wxT("name")) && XMLValueChecker::IsGoodFileName(strValue, projDir)) //v Should this be // dm.AssignFile(fileName, strValue, false); // as in PCMAliasBlockFile::BuildFromXML? Test with an old project. fileName.Assign(projDir, strValue); else if (XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt(strValue) && strValue.ToLong(&nValue)) { // integer parameters if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("len")) && (nValue >= 0)) len = nValue; else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("norms"))) noRMS = (nValue != 0); else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("format")) && XMLValueChecker::IsValidSampleFormat(nValue)) format = (sampleFormat)nValue; else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("summarylen")) && (nValue > 0)) summaryLen = nValue; } } return new LegacyBlockFile(fileName, format, summaryLen, len, noRMS); } /// Create a copy of this BlockFile, but using a different disk file. /// /// @param newFileName The name of the new file to use. BlockFile *LegacyBlockFile::Copy(wxFileName newFileName) { BlockFile *newBlockFile = new LegacyBlockFile(newFileName, mFormat, mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes, mLen, mSummaryInfo.fields < 3); return newBlockFile; } wxLongLong LegacyBlockFile::GetSpaceUsage() { wxFFile dataFile(mFileName.GetFullPath()); return dataFile.Length(); } void LegacyBlockFile::Recover() { }