/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor FindClipping.cpp Leland Lucius *******************************************************************//** \class EffectFindClipping \brief Locates clipping and inserts labels when found *//****************************************************************//** \class FindClippingDialog \brief FindClippingDialog used with EffectFindClipping *//*******************************************************************/ #include "../Audacity.h" #include #include #include "../AudacityApp.h" #include "../widgets/valnum.h" #include "FindClipping.h" // Define keys, defaults, minimums, and maximums for the effect parameters // // Name Type Key Def Min Max Scale Param( Start, int, XO("Duty Cycle"), 3, 1, INT_MAX, 1 ); Param( Stop, int, XO("Duty Cycle"), 3, 1, INT_MAX, 1 ); EffectFindClipping::EffectFindClipping() { mStart = DEF_Start; mStop = DEF_Stop; } EffectFindClipping::~EffectFindClipping() { } // IdentInterface implementation wxString EffectFindClipping::GetSymbol() { return FINDCLIPPING_PLUGIN_SYMBOL; } wxString EffectFindClipping::GetDescription() { return XO("This displays runs of clipped samples in a Label Track"); } // EffectIdentInterface implementation EffectType EffectFindClipping::GetType() { return EffectTypeAnalyze; } // EffectClientInterface implementation bool EffectFindClipping::GetAutomationParameters(EffectAutomationParameters & parms) { parms.Write(KEY_Start, mStart); parms.Write(KEY_Stop, mStop); return true; } bool EffectFindClipping::SetAutomationParameters(EffectAutomationParameters & parms) { ReadAndVerifyInt(Start); ReadAndVerifyInt(Stop); mStart = Start; mStop = Stop; return true; } // Effect implementation bool EffectFindClipping::Process() { LabelTrack *l = NULL; Track *original = NULL; TrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Label, mTracks); for (Track *t = iter.First(); t; t = iter.Next()) { if (t->GetName() == wxT("Clipping")) { l = (LabelTrack *) t; // copy LabelTrack here, so it can be undone on cancel l->Copy(l->GetStartTime(), l->GetEndTime(), &original); original->SetOffset(l->GetStartTime()); original->SetName(wxT("Clipping")); break; } } if (!l) { l = mFactory->NewLabelTrack(); l->SetName(_("Clipping")); mTracks->Add((Track *) l); } int count = 0; // JC: Only process selected tracks. SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator waves(Track::Wave, mTracks); WaveTrack *t = (WaveTrack *) waves.First(); while (t) { double trackStart = t->GetStartTime(); double trackEnd = t->GetEndTime(); double t0 = mT0 < trackStart ? trackStart : mT0; double t1 = mT1 > trackEnd ? trackEnd : mT1; if (t1 > t0) { sampleCount start = t->TimeToLongSamples(t0); sampleCount end = t->TimeToLongSamples(t1); sampleCount len = (sampleCount)(end - start); if (!ProcessOne(l, count, t, start, len)) { //put it back how it was mTracks->Remove((Track *) l); if(original) { mTracks->Add((Track *) original); } return false; } } count++; t = (WaveTrack *) waves.Next(); } return true; } bool EffectFindClipping::ProcessOne(LabelTrack * l, int count, WaveTrack * t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len) { bool bGoodResult = true; sampleCount s = 0; sampleCount blockSize = (sampleCount) (mStart * 1000); if (len < mStart) { return true; } float *buffer = new float[blockSize]; float *ptr = buffer; sampleCount startrun = 0; sampleCount stoprun = 0; sampleCount samps = 0; sampleCount block = 0; double startTime = -1.0; while (s < len) { if (block == 0) { if (TrackProgress(count, s / (double) len)) { bGoodResult = false; break; } block = s + blockSize > len ? len - s : blockSize; t->Get((samplePtr)buffer, floatSample, start + s, block); ptr = buffer; } float v = fabs(*ptr++); if (v >= MAX_AUDIO) { if (startrun == 0) { startTime = t->LongSamplesToTime(start + s); samps = 0; } else { stoprun = 0; } startrun++; samps++; } else { if (startrun >= mStart) { stoprun++; samps++; if (stoprun >= mStop) { l->AddLabel(SelectedRegion(startTime, t->LongSamplesToTime(start + s - mStop)), wxString::Format(wxT("%lld of %lld"), (long long) startrun, (long long) (samps - mStop))); startrun = 0; stoprun = 0; samps = 0; } } else { startrun = 0; } } s++; block--; } delete [] buffer; return bGoodResult; } void EffectFindClipping::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S) { S.StartMultiColumn(2, wxALIGN_CENTER); { IntegerValidator vldStart(&mStart); vldStart.SetMin(MIN_Start); S.TieTextBox(_("Start threshold (samples):"), mStart, 10)->SetValidator(vldStart); IntegerValidator vldStop(&mStop); vldStop.SetMin(MIN_Stop); S.TieTextBox(_("Stop threshold (samples):"), mStop, 10)->SetValidator(vldStop); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } bool EffectFindClipping::TransferDataToWindow() { ShuttleGui S(mUIParent, eIsSettingToDialog); PopulateOrExchange(S); return true; } bool EffectFindClipping::TransferDataFromWindow() { if (!mUIParent->Validate()) { return false; } ShuttleGui S(mUIParent, eIsGettingFromDialog); PopulateOrExchange(S); return true; }