/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor ODComputeSummaryTask.cpp Created by Michael Chinen (mchinen) on 8/10/08. Audacity(R) is copyright (c) 1999-2008 Audacity Team. License: GPL v2. See License.txt. ******************************************************************//** \class ODComputeSummaryTask \brief Computes the summary data for a PCM (WAV) file and writes it to disk, updating the ODPCMAliasBlockFile and the GUI of the newly available data. *//*******************************************************************/ #include "ODDecodeTask.h" #include "../blockfile/ODDecodeBlockFile.h" #include ///Creates a new task that computes summaries for a wavetrack that needs to be specified through SetWaveTrack() ODDecodeTask::ODDecodeTask() { mMaxBlockFiles = 0; mComputedBlockFiles = 0; } ///Computes and writes the data for one BlockFile if it still has a refcount. void ODDecodeTask::DoSomeInternal() { if(mBlockFiles.size()<=0) { mPercentCompleteMutex.Lock(); mPercentComplete = 1.0; mPercentCompleteMutex.Unlock(); return; } ODDecodeBlockFile* bf; ODFileDecoder* decoder; sampleCount blockStartSample = 0; sampleCount blockEndSample = 0; bool success =false; for(size_t i=0; i < mWaveTracks.size() && mBlockFiles.size();i++) { bf = mBlockFiles[0]; int ret = 1; //first check to see if the ref count is at least 2. It should have one //from when we added it to this instance's mBlockFiles array, and one from //the Wavetrack/sequence. If it doesn't it has been deleted and we should forget it. if(bf->RefCount()>=2) { //OD TODO: somehow pass the bf a reference to the decoder that manages it's file. //we need to ensure that the filename won't change or be moved. We do this by calling LockRead(), //which the dirmanager::EnsureSafeFilename also does. bf->LockRead(); //Get the decoder. If the file was moved, we need to create another one and init it. decoder=GetOrCreateMatchingFileDecoder(bf); if(!decoder->IsInitialized()) decoder->Init(); bf->SetODFileDecoder(decoder); ret = bf->DoWriteBlockFile(); bf->UnlockRead(); if(ret >= 0) { success = true; blockStartSample = bf->GetStart(); blockEndSample = blockStartSample + bf->GetLength(); mComputedBlockFiles++; } } else { //the waveform in the wavetrack now is shorter, so we need to update mMaxBlockFiles //because now there is less work to do. mMaxBlockFiles--; } //Release the refcount we placed on it if we are successful if(ret >= 0 ) { bf->Deref(); //take it out of the array - we are done with it. mBlockFiles.erase(mBlockFiles.begin()); //upddate the gui for all associated blocks. It doesn't matter that we're hitting more wavetracks then we should //because this loop runs a number of times equal to the number of tracks, they probably are getting processed in //the next iteration at the same sample window. mWaveTrackMutex.Lock(); for(size_t i=0;iAddInvalidRegion(blockStartSample,blockEndSample); } mWaveTrackMutex.Unlock(); } } //update percentage complete. CalculatePercentComplete(); } void ODDecodeTask::CalculatePercentComplete() { mPercentCompleteMutex.Lock(); mPercentComplete = (float) 1.0 - ((float)mBlockFiles.size() / (mMaxBlockFiles+1)); mPercentCompleteMutex.Unlock(); } bool ODDecodeTask::SeekingAllowed() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDecoders.size(); i++) { if(!mDecoders[i]->SeekingAllowed()) return false; } return true; } ///by default creates the order of the wavetrack to load. void ODDecodeTask::Update() { std::vector tempBlocks; mWaveTrackMutex.Lock(); for(size_t j=0;jGetClipIterator(); while(node) { clip = node->GetData(); seq = clip->GetSequence(); //TODO:this lock is way to big since the whole file is one sequence. find a way to break it down. seq->LockDeleteUpdateMutex(); //See Sequence::Delete() for why need this for now.. blocks = clip->GetSequenceBlockArray(); int i; int insertCursor; insertCursor =0;//OD TODO:see if this works, removed from inner loop (bfore was n*n) for(i=0; i<(int)blocks->GetCount(); i++) { //since we have more than one ODBlockFile, we will need type flags to cast. if(!blocks->Item(i)->f->IsDataAvailable() && ((ODDecodeBlockFile*)blocks->Item(i)->f)->GetDecodeType()==this->GetODType()) { blocks->Item(i)->f->Ref(); ((ODDecodeBlockFile*)blocks->Item(i)->f)->SetStart(blocks->Item(i)->start); ((ODDecodeBlockFile*)blocks->Item(i)->f)->SetClipOffset((sampleCount)(clip->GetStartTime()*clip->GetRate())); //these will always be linear within a sequence-lets take advantage of this by keeping a cursor. while(insertCursor<(int)tempBlocks.size()&& (sampleCount)(tempBlocks[insertCursor]->GetStart()+tempBlocks[insertCursor]->GetClipOffset()) < (sampleCount)(((ODDecodeBlockFile*)blocks->Item(i)->f)->GetStart()+((ODDecodeBlockFile*)blocks->Item(i)->f)->GetClipOffset())) insertCursor++; tempBlocks.insert(tempBlocks.begin()+insertCursor++,(ODDecodeBlockFile*)blocks->Item(i)->f); } } seq->UnlockDeleteUpdateMutex(); node = node->GetNext(); } } } mWaveTrackMutex.Unlock(); //get the new order. OrderBlockFiles(tempBlocks); } ///Orders the input as either On-Demand or default layered order. void ODDecodeTask::OrderBlockFiles(std::vector &unorderedBlocks) { //we are going to take things out of the array. But first deref them since we ref them when we put them in. for(unsigned int i=0;iDeref(); mBlockFiles.clear(); //TODO:order the blockfiles into our queue in a fancy convenient way. (this could be user-prefs) //for now just put them in linear. We start the order from the first block that includes the ondemand sample //(which the user sets by clicking.) note that this code is pretty hacky - it assumes that the array is sorted in time. //find the startpoint sampleCount processStartSample = GetDemandSample(); for(int i= ((int)unorderedBlocks.size())-1;i>= 0;i--) { //check to see if the refcount is at least two before we add it to the list. //There should be one Ref() from the one added by this ODTask, and one from the track. //If there isn't, then the block was deleted for some reason and we should ignore it. if(unorderedBlocks[i]->RefCount()>=2) { //test if the blockfiles are near the task cursor. we use the last mBlockFiles[0] as our point of reference //and add ones that are closer. //since the order is linear right to left, this will add blocks so that the ones on the right side of the target //are processed first, with the ones closer being processed earlier. Then the ones on the left side get processed. if(mBlockFiles.size() && unorderedBlocks[i]->GetGlobalEnd() >= processStartSample && ( mBlockFiles[0]->GetGlobalEnd() < processStartSample || unorderedBlocks[i]->GetGlobalStart() <= mBlockFiles[0]->GetGlobalStart()) ) { //insert at the front of the list if we get blockfiles that are after the demand sample mBlockFiles.insert(mBlockFiles.begin()+0,unorderedBlocks[i]); } else { //otherwise no priority mBlockFiles.push_back(unorderedBlocks[i]); } if(mMaxBlockFiles< (int) mBlockFiles.size()) mMaxBlockFiles = mBlockFiles.size(); } else { //Otherwise, let it be deleted and forget about it. unorderedBlocks[i]->Deref(); } } } ///changes the tasks associated with this Waveform to process the task from a different point in the track ///this is overridden from ODTask because certain classes don't allow users to seek sometimes, or not at all. void ODDecodeTask::DemandTrackUpdate(WaveTrack* track, double seconds) { //only update if the subclass says we can seek. if(SeekingAllowed()) ODTask::DemandTrackUpdate(track,seconds); } ///there could be the ODBlockFiles of several FLACs in one track (after copy and pasting) ///so we keep a list of decoders that keep track of the file names, etc, and check the blocks against them. ///Blocks that have IsDataAvailable()==false are blockfiles to be decoded. if BlockFile::GetDecodeType()==ODDecodeTask::GetODType() then ///this decoder should handle it. Decoders are accessible with the methods below. These aren't thread-safe and should only ///be called from the decoding thread. ODFileDecoder* ODDecodeTask::GetOrCreateMatchingFileDecoder(ODDecodeBlockFile* blockFile) { ODFileDecoder* ret=NULL; //see if the filename matches any of our decoders, if so, return it. for(int i=0;i<(int)mDecoders.size();i++) { //we check filename and decode type, since two types of ODDecoders might work with the same filetype //e.g., FFmpeg and LibMad import both do MP3s. TODO: is this necessary? in theory we filter this when //updating our list of blockfiles. if(mDecoders[i]->GetFileName()==blockFile->GetAudioFileName().GetFullPath() && GetODType() == blockFile->GetDecodeType() ) { ret = mDecoders[i]; break; } } //otherwise, create and add one, and return it. if(!ret) { ret=CreateFileDecoder(blockFile->GetAudioFileName().GetFullPath()); } return ret; } int ODDecodeTask::GetNumFileDecoders() { return mDecoders.size(); } ///This should handle unicode converted to UTF-8 on mac/linux, but OD TODO:check on windows ODFileDecoder::ODFileDecoder(const wxString & fName) { mFName = fName; mInited = false; } ODFileDecoder::~ODFileDecoder() { } bool ODFileDecoder::IsInitialized() { bool ret; mInitedLock.Lock(); ret = mInited; mInitedLock.Unlock(); return ret; } ///Derived classes should call this after they have parsed the header. void ODFileDecoder::MarkInitialized() { mInitedLock.Lock(); mInited=true; mInitedLock.Unlock(); }