Task-Per-Derivative: 1 Task-Section: user Task-Description: Ubuntu desktop Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the Ubuntu desktop environment. Task-Key: ubuntu-desktop Task-Seeds: desktop-common = Hardware and Architecture Support = == Architecture-independent == Bluetooth: * (gnome-bluetooth) # desktop bluetooth support = Network Services = Basic network services and Windows integration. * (avahi-autoipd) # IPv4 link-local interface configuration support * (network-manager-gnome) # see NetworkRoaming spec * (network-manager-pptp) * (network-manager-pptp-gnome) * (libproxy1-plugin-gsettings) * (libproxy1-plugin-networkmanager) = GUI infrastructure = * (xterm) # Provide a backup terminal and complete X env. * libnotify-bin # various scripts need notify-send (such as .bashrc's "alert") Extra fonts (should be common, but not so for space reasons): * (fonts-droid) * (fonts-nanum) * (fonts-liberation) Input methods: * (im-config) * (ibus) * (ibus-gtk3) * (ibus-table) * (ibus-pinyin) = Desktop GNOME Apps = We've chosen GNOME as our desktop user interface of choice. Rather than using the meta-packages they are deliberately expanded so that we can select things a bit better. * (apport-gtk) * (whoopsie) # http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker - EvanDandrea * eog * (thunderbird) [!armhf] * (thunderbird-gnome-support) [!armhf] * file-roller * (empathy) * (telepathy-idle) # basic IRC support for empathy * gnome-calculator * lightdm # Proposed GDM replacement for Oneiric, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-lightdm * gedit * software-center * (app-install-data-partner) * (transmission-gtk) # simple GNOME frontend for bittorrent downloads * unity-settings-daemon * unity-control-center * system-config-printer-gnome * gnome-menus * ubuntu-session * seahorse * (libpam-gnome-keyring) * gnome-system-monitor # SebastienBacher * gnome-power-manager # OliverGrawert finally ready for shipment * (gnome-terminal) * baobab * gnome-screenshot * gnome-system-log * gnome-font-viewer * gucharmap # SebastienBacher * checkbox-gui * language-selector-gnome # MichaelVogt * (firefox) * (xul-ext-ubufox) # ubuntu firefox tweaks - AlexanderSack * nautilus # SebastienBacher * nautilus-sendto * (nautilus-share) * (rhythmbox) * (rhythmbox-plugin-magnatune) * (brasero) # Oliver Grawert * (cheese) * ssh-askpass-gnome * software-properties-gtk # default GUI sources.list editor / extra drivers * (totem) * (totem-mozilla) * ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk * ubuntu-sso-client-qt # because software-center uses it for comments/purchases/oneconf, and there is no GTK+ edition * update-manager * update-notifier * (vino) # vnc server * yelp * zenity * (xdg-utils) # useful utilities * xdg-user-dirs * xdg-user-dirs-gtk * pulseaudio * (pulseaudio-module-x11) * (pulseaudio-module-bluetooth) * gvfs-bin # mostly used as xdg-open backend * (gvfs-fuse) # let non-GNOME apps see GVFS via fuse * (gnome-disk-utility) * (overlay-scrollbar) Games: We only ship a few by default. * (aisleriot) [!powerpc] * (gnome-mahjongg) [!powerpc] * (gnomine) [!powerpc] * (gnome-sudoku) [!powerpc] * (branding-ubuntu) [!powerpc] # Ubuntu branding for some games Themes: we will ship only the very best looking themes. We won't ship everything that Debian ships, just a custom package that includes the themes we want. These packages are included for size guidance until we have Ubuntu-specific packages. * ubuntu-artwork * ubuntu-sounds * gnome-session-canberra # Needed to make login/logout sounds audible. * dmz-cursor-theme Settings: we have some settings overrides by default in an unique package. * ubuntu-settings The gstreamer0.10 packages we want to install until no gstreamer1.0 packages are on default media: * gstreamer0.10-alsa * gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps * gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio The gstreamer1.0 packages we want to install: * gstreamer1.0-alsa * gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps * gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio Accessibility tools: * (gnome-accessibility-themes) * (gnome-orca) * (onboard) * (brltty) * (xcursor-themes) * (speech-dispatcher) * (mousetweaks) * at-spi2-core * libatk-adaptor * (libgail-common) * (qt-at-spi) = Other Desktop GUI Apps = * (libreoffice-style-human) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-gnome) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-writer) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-calc) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-impress) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-math) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-ogltrans) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-pdfimport) [!powerpc !armhf !armel] * (libreoffice-presentation-minimizer) [!powerpc !armhf !armel] * (simple-scan) * evince * (gnome-screensaver) # recommends to allow for xscreensaver to be used * (remmina) * (shotwell) * (usb-creator-gtk) [i386 amd64] * (deja-dup) * xdiagnose Desktop Experience: * unity * unity-greeter # lightdm greeter for unity * notify-osd # backend for libnotify * (sni-qt) * (activity-log-manager-control-center) * (xul-ext-unity) * (unity-webapps-common) * (xul-ext-webaccounts) libqt4-sql recommends libqt4-sql-mysql | ...; lets pull in the smallest alternative to avoid pulling in the large MySQL bits * (libqt4-sql-sqlite) Online Services: * (landscape-client-ui-install) = Documentation = * doc-base # integrates with scrollkeeper * (ubuntu-docs) = Development = Here we provide a minimal development environment sufficient to build kernel drivers, so that this is possible on the live CD and in scenarios where it is problematic to get these packages onto the installed system in order to compile a driver. -mdz * (gcc) * (make) = Other = * ubuntu-desktop # metapackage for everything here * (example-content) # dholbach: dapper feature goal (wiki.ubuntu.com/ExampleContent) * (libwmf0.2-7-gtk) * (plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo) * (python3-aptdaemon.pkcompat) # needed to keep packagekit off the images * xserver-xorg-lts-vivid * xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-vivid