#!/usr/bin/env python import zipfile import shutil import os import re import unicodedata from tempfile import mkstemp from os import remove, close import sys from time import sleep name_zip=str(sys.argv[1]) #name_zip="/home/lliurex/essent.jclic.zip" extract_dir="/net/server-sync/share/jclic-aula/jclic_uploads" dir_jclic_orig="/net/server-sync/share/jclic-aula/jclic_uploads/0rig_jclic" #extract_dir="/tmp/jclic-aula" index="index.html" jclic_js="http://server/jclic-aula/jclic.min.js" jclic_plugin="http://server/jclic-aula/jclicplugin.js" jar_path_lib="http://server/jclic-aula/jars" sufix=".lock" #sys.exit() def title_file(line): try: line = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(line, 'utf8')) line = line.encode('ascii', 'ignore') line = line.decode("utf-8") clean=re.compile('<.*?>') title=re.sub(clean, '', line) title=title.lstrip() title=unicode(title.strip('\n')) title=re.sub('\W+',' ', title ) print "Titulo: %s"%title return [True, title] except Exception as e: return [False,str(e)] #def title_file def remove_utf8(s): try: char="" if type(s) == str: s=s.decode("utf-8") for c in unicodedata.normalize("NFD",s): c = c.encode('ascii', 'ignore') c=c.lower() c=c.decode() c=c.replace("-", "_") #if len(c) > 0 and unicodedata.category(c) not in ['Mn','Ps','Pc',"Pe","Z","C","S"] : if len(c) > 0 and unicodedata.category(c) in ["Ll","Nd"] or c==".": char+=c else: if len(c)>0: char+="_" return char except Exception as e: print e return [False,str(e)] def media_line (linea): try: linea = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(linea, 'utf8')) linea = linea.encode('ascii', 'ignore') linea = linea.decode("utf-8") finded = re.search(r'(%s\3'%ruta, linea) new_text2 = re.sub(r'(file=")([\s\S\d]*?)(")', r'\g<1>%s\3'%ruta, new_text) return [True, new_text2] except Exception as e: print e return [False,str(e)] #def media_line def image_line (linea): try: linea = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(linea, 'utf8')) linea = linea.encode('ascii', 'ignore') linea = linea.decode("utf-8") finded = re.search(r'(image=")([\s\S]*?)(")', linea) ruta=finded.group(2) head, tail = os.path.split(ruta) ruta=remove_utf8(tail) new_text = re.sub(r'(image=")([\s\S]*?)(")', r'\g<1>%s\3'%ruta, linea) return [True, new_text] except Exception as e: return [False,str(e)] #def media_line def sound_line (linea): try: linea = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(linea, 'utf8')) linea = linea.encode('ascii', 'ignore') linea = linea.decode("utf-8") finded = re.search(r'(file=")([\s\S]*?)(")', linea) ruta=finded.group(2) head, tail = os.path.split(ruta) ruta=remove_utf8(tail) new_text = re.sub(r'(file=")([\s\S]*?)(")', r'\g<1>%s\3'%ruta, linea) return [True, new_text] except Exception as e: return [False,str(e)] #def sound_line def index_write(extract_dira,indexa,title_in,jclic_plugin_path,jar_path,name_jclic_used): try: index_path=os.path.join(extract_dira, indexa) print index_path print "dentro con %s %s %s %s"%(title_in,jclic_plugin_path,jar_path,name_jclic_used) html_str=""" %s """%(title_in,jclic_plugin_path,jar_path,name_jclic_used) print "fin" print "abriendo index path para escribir fichero en %s"%index_path html_index=open(index_path, "w") html_index.write(html_str) html_index.close() print "Created index.html in: %s"%index_path except Exception as e: print e return [False,str(e)] # def index_write def index_create (jclic_file): try: tilte="No Exist edit index.html" with open(jclic_file) as f: for line in f: #obtengo el titulo del index if "" in line or "<Title>" in line: title=title_file(line)[1] return [True,title] except Exception as e: return [False,str(e)] #def index_create def jclic_review (jclic_filer): try: fh, jclic_tmp=mkstemp() with open(jclic_tmp,'w') as new_file: with open(jclic_filer) as f: for line in f: #Modifico las rutas de los ficheros... if "<media name" in line: line=media_line(line)[1] if "image=" in line: line=image_line(line)[1] if "sound id=" in line: line=sound_line(line)[1] new_file.write(line) close(fh) remove(jclic_filer) shutil.move(jclic_tmp, jclic_filer) print "New jclic file created in: %s"%jclic_filer return [True] except Exception as e: return [False,str(e)] def isNotEmpty(s): return bool(s and s.strip()) #def_isNotEmpty # ######################################################## # ###################MAIN PROGRAM###################### try: print name_zip if not os.path.exists(dir_jclic_orig): os.makedirs(dir_jclic_orig) if not os.path.exists(dir_jclic_orig): print print "Your system cannot permit to www-data write in: %s"%extract_dir print sys.exit() #Comprueba que el fichero que se le pasa existe y no es un fantasma if not os.path.exists(name_zip): print print "File not find in: %s"%name_zip print sys.exit() #Creo un lock y bloqueo la transformacion para que solo un usuario la haga, sino saldra sin hacer nada. orig_name_file=os.path.basename(name_zip) name_zip_lock=os.path.join(dir_jclic_orig,orig_name_file+sufix) print name_zip_lock if os.path.exists(name_zip_lock): print print "File %s is blocked because other user is transforming it, please wait"%name_zip print sys.exit() else: os.mknod(name_zip_lock) #Inicializo unas variables html5=False orig_name_file=os.path.basename(name_zip) if orig_name_file.endswith(".jclic"): #es un jclic_solito, le genero un index sin mas y obtengo el titulo tilte="Untiled" with open(name_zip) as f: for line in f: #obtengo el titulo del index if "<title>" in line or "<Title>" in line: title=title_file(line)[1] extract_dir=os.path.dirname(name_zip) else: dir_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name_zip))[0] #orig_name_file if dir_name.endswith(".jclic"): dir_name=os.path.splitext(dir_name)[0] extract_dir=os.path.join(extract_dir, dir_name) print "-----------------------------------" print "Generating index.html for %s"%name_zip print "-----------------------------------" #Test directory to extract and directory to save older file if not os.path.exists (extract_dir): os.makedirs(extract_dir) os.system("setfacl -m group:www-data:rwx %s"%extract_dir) os.system("setfacl -m default:group:www-data:rwx %s"%extract_dir) if not os.path.exists (dir_jclic_orig): os.makedirs(dir_jclic_orig) #Busco el ficero jclic para saber el nombre real with zipfile.ZipFile(name_zip,"r") as zip_file: for member in zip_file.namelist(): filename=os.path.basename(member) #Me aseguro que no es una linea en blanco if filename.endswith(".jclic"): #print "tengo el fichero jclic: %s"%filename tilte="Untiled" with zip_file.open(filename) as f: for line in f: #obtengo el titulo del index if "<title>" in line or "<Title>" in line: title=title_file(line)[1] if (title.lower()).strip() in ["","sin nombre", "sense nom"]: title=dir_name print "Titulo sin nombre" print "Jclic Titulo: %s"%title #Creacion del index.html jclic_filename=os.path.basename(name_zip) print "genero el index con extract_dir: %s -index: %s - title: %s - jclic_js: %s - jar_path_lib: %s - name_zip: %s "%(extract_dir,index,title,jclic_plugin,jar_path_lib,jclic_filename) index_write(extract_dir,index,title,jclic_plugin,jar_path_lib,jclic_filename) new_name=os.path.join(extract_dir, jclic_filename) shutil.move(name_zip,new_name) os.remove(name_zip_lock) #sleep(4) sys.exit() except Exception as e: print e sys.exit()