Task-Per-Derivative: 1 Task-Section: user Task-Description: Ubuntu GNOME desktop Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the Ubuntu GNOME desktop environment. Task-Key: ubuntu-gnome-desktop Task-Seeds: desktop-common = Hardware and Architecture Support = == Architecture-independent == Bluetooth: * (gnome-bluetooth) # desktop bluetooth support = Network Services = Basic network services and Windows integration. * (avahi-autoipd) # IPv4 link-local interface configuration support * network-manager * (network-manager-pptp) * (network-manager-pptp-gnome) * (libproxy1-plugin-gsettings) * (libproxy1-plugin-networkmanager) = GUI infrastructure = * (xterm) # Provide a backup terminal and complete X env. * libnotify-bin # various scripts need notify-send (such as .bashrc's "alert") Extra fonts (should be common, but not so for space reasons): * (fonts-droid) * (fonts-nanum) * (fonts-liberation) Input methods: * (ibus) * (ibus-gtk3) * (ibus-table) * (ibus-pinyin) Games: We only ship a few by default. * (aisleriot) [!powerpc] * (gnome-mahjongg) [!powerpc] * (gnome-mines) [!powerpc] * (gnome-sudoku) [!powerpc] Settings: we have some settings overrides by default in an unique package. * ubuntu-gnome-default-settings Wallpapers: from the community wallpaper contest * (ubuntu-gnome-wallpapers) The gstreamer0.10 packages we want to install until no gstreamer1.0 packages are on default media: * gstreamer0.10-alsa * gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio The gstreamer1.0 packages we want to install: * gstreamer1.0-alsa * gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio Accessibility tools: * (gnome-accessibility-themes) * (gnome-orca) * (brltty) * (speech-dispatcher) * (mousetweaks) * at-spi2-core * libatk-adaptor * (libgail-common) = Other Desktop GUI Apps = * (libreoffice-gnome) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-writer) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-calc) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-impress) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-math) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-ogltrans) [!powerpc !armhf] * (libreoffice-pdfimport) [!powerpc !armhf !armel] * (libreoffice-presentation-minimizer) [!powerpc !armhf !armel] * (libreoffice-style-tango) [!powerpc !armhf] * simple-scan * (shotwell) * (usb-creator-gtk) [i386 amd64] * (deja-dup) * xdiagnose * (apport-gtk) * (whoopsie) # http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker - EvanDandrea * (telepathy-idle) # basic IRC support for empathy * (software-center) * (app-install-data-partner) * (transmission-gtk) # simple GNOME frontend for bittorrent downloads * (firefox) * (xul-ext-ubufox) # ubuntu firefox tweaks - AlexanderSack * (nautilus-share) * (rhythmbox-plugin-magnatune) * ssh-askpass-gnome * software-properties-gtk # default GUI sources.list editor / extra drivers * ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk * update-manager * update-notifier * (xdg-utils) # useful utilities * xdg-user-dirs * xdg-user-dirs-gtk * gnome-session-canberra # Needed to make login/logout sounds audible. * (libpam-gnome-keyring) GNOME Core Dependencies: http://git.gnome.org/browse/jhbuild/tree/modulesets * fonts-cantarell * gcr * gnome-video-effects * gjs * itstool * tracker * yelp-tools * yelp-xsl * zenity GNOME Core: * gnome-online-accounts * gnome-control-center * gnome-icon-theme-full * gnome-icon-theme-extras * gnome-icon-theme-symbolic * gnome-keyring * gnome-menus * gnome-session * gnome-settings-daemon * gnome-shell * gnome-shell-extensions * gnome-themes-standard * gsettings-desktop-schemas * gvfs-bin # mostly used as xdg-open backend * (gvfs-fuse) # let non-GNOME apps see GVFS via fuse * gvfs-backends-goa * mutter * pulseaudio * (pulseaudio-module-x11) * (pulseaudio-module-bluetooth) GNOME Core Utils: * baobab * brasero * (empathy) * (mcp-account-manager-goa) # Install GNOME Online Accounts provider not UOA * dconf-editor * eog * evince * gnome-calculator * gnome-contacts #* gnome-dictionary # Disabled as it requires web access and doesn't seem # useful enough to be installed for everyone * gnome-disk-utility * gnome-font-viewer * gnome-screenshot * gnome-sushi * gnome-system-log * gnome-system-monitor * gnome-terminal * gucharmap * nautilus * system-config-printer-gnome * (totem) * yelp GNOME Core Extras: * gnome-backgrounds * gnome-user-share * vino GNOME Core Services: * gdm Selected GNOME Apps: * (cheese) * (evolution) * file-roller * gedit # Disabling gnome-boxes; it's not really ready yet, maybe we should consider remmina # * (gnome-boxes) [i386 amd64] * gnome-color-manager * gnome-documents [!armhf] # Pulls in all of LibreOffice * gnome-tweak-tool * nautilus-sendto * (rhythmbox) * seahorse = Development = Here we provide a minimal development environment sufficient to build kernel drivers, so that this is possible on the live CD and in scenarios where it is problematic to get these packages onto the installed system in order to compile a driver. -mdz * (gcc) * (make) = Other = * ubuntu-gnome-desktop # metapackage for everything here * (libwmf0.2-7-gtk) * (python3-aptdaemon.pkcompat) # needed to keep packagekit off the images * (plymouth-theme-ubuntu-gnome-logo) * (plymouth-theme-ubuntu-gnome-text) * (deja-dup-backend-cloudfiles) * (deja-dup-backend-s3) * libnss-myhostname # needed for hostnamed to work http://pad.lv/1162478 * zsync # small command line tool to download & update Ubuntu iso's * xserver-xorg-lts-vivid * libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-vivid * xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-vivid * xserver-xorg-video-geode-lts-vivid [i386]