. /** * Filter management page. * * @package core * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'); $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA); $filterpath = optional_param('filterpath', '', PARAM_PLUGIN); require_login(); $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); require_capability('moodle/site:config', $systemcontext); admin_externalpage_setup('managefilters'); // Clean up bogus filter states first. $plugininfos = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_plugins_of_type('filter'); $filters = array(); $states = filter_get_global_states(); foreach ($states as $state) { if (!isset($plugininfos[$state->filter]) and !get_config('filter_'.$state->filter, 'version')) { // Purge messy leftovers after incorrectly uninstalled plugins and unfinished installs. $DB->delete_records('filter_active', array('filter' => $state->filter)); $DB->delete_records('filter_config', array('filter' => $state->filter)); error_log('Deleted bogus "filter_'.$state->filter.'" states and config data.'); } else { $filters[$state->filter] = $state; } } // Add properly installed and upgraded filters to the global states table. foreach ($plugininfos as $filter => $info) { if (isset($filters[$filter])) { continue; } /** @var \core\plugininfo\base $info */ if ($info->is_installed_and_upgraded()) { filter_set_global_state($filter, TEXTFILTER_DISABLED); $states = filter_get_global_states(); foreach ($states as $state) { if ($state->filter === $filter) { $filters[$filter] = $state; break; } } } } if ($action) { require_sesskey(); } // Process actions. switch ($action) { case 'setstate': if (isset($filters[$filterpath]) and $newstate = optional_param('newstate', '', PARAM_INT)) { filter_set_global_state($filterpath, $newstate); if ($newstate == TEXTFILTER_DISABLED) { filter_set_applies_to_strings($filterpath, false); } } break; case 'setapplyto': if (isset($filters[$filterpath])) { $applytostrings = optional_param('stringstoo', false, PARAM_BOOL); filter_set_applies_to_strings($filterpath, $applytostrings); } break; case 'down': if (isset($filters[$filterpath])) { filter_set_global_state($filterpath, $filters[$filterpath]->active, 1); } break; case 'up': if (isset($filters[$filterpath])) { $oldpos = $filters[$filterpath]->sortorder; filter_set_global_state($filterpath, $filters[$filterpath]->active, -1); } break; } // Reset caches and return. if ($action) { reset_text_filters_cache(); core_plugin_manager::reset_caches(); redirect(new moodle_url('/admin/filters.php')); } // Print the page heading. echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('filtersettings', 'admin')); $states = filter_get_global_states(); $stringfilters = filter_get_string_filters(); $table = new html_table(); $table->head = array(get_string('filter'), get_string('isactive', 'filters'), get_string('order'), get_string('applyto', 'filters'), get_string('settings'), get_string('uninstallplugin', 'core_admin')); $table->colclasses = array ('leftalign', 'leftalign', 'centeralign', 'leftalign', 'leftalign', 'leftalign'); $table->attributes['class'] = 'admintable generaltable'; $table->id = 'filterssetting'; $table->data = array(); $lastactive = null; foreach ($states as $state) { if ($state->active != TEXTFILTER_DISABLED) { $lastactive = $state->filter; } } // Iterate through filters adding to display table. $firstrow = true; foreach ($states as $state) { $filter = $state->filter; if (!isset($plugininfos[$filter])) { continue; } $plugininfo = $plugininfos[$filter]; $applytostrings = isset($stringfilters[$filter]) && $state->active != TEXTFILTER_DISABLED; $row = get_table_row($plugininfo, $state, $firstrow, $filter == $lastactive, $applytostrings); $table->data[] = $row; if ($state->active == TEXTFILTER_DISABLED) { $table->rowclasses[] = 'dimmed_text'; } else { $table->rowclasses[] = ''; } $firstrow = false; } echo html_writer::table($table); echo '
' . get_string('filterallwarning', 'filters') . '
'; echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; /** * Return action URL. * * @param string $filterpath * @param string $action * @return moodle_url */ function filters_action_url($filterpath, $action) { if ($action === 'delete') { return core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_uninstall_url('filter_'.$filterpath, 'manage'); } return new moodle_url('/admin/filters.php', array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'filterpath'=>$filterpath, 'action'=>$action)); } /** * Construct table record. * * @param \core\plugininfo\filter $plugininfo * @param stdClass $state * @param bool $isfirstrow * @param bool $islastactive * @param bool $applytostrings * @return array data */ function get_table_row(\core\plugininfo\filter $plugininfo, $state, $isfirstrow, $islastactive, $applytostrings) { global $OUTPUT; $row = array(); $filter = $state->filter; $active = $plugininfo->is_installed_and_upgraded(); static $activechoices; static $applytochoices; if (!isset($activechoices)) { $activechoices = array( TEXTFILTER_DISABLED => get_string('disabled', 'core_filters'), TEXTFILTER_OFF => get_string('offbutavailable', 'core_filters'), TEXTFILTER_ON => get_string('on', 'core_filters'), ); $applytochoices = array( 0 => get_string('content', 'core_filters'), 1 => get_string('contentandheadings', 'core_filters'), ); } // Filter name. $displayname = $plugininfo->displayname; if (!$plugininfo->rootdir) { $displayname = '' . $displayname . ' - ' . get_string('status_missing', 'core_plugin') . ''; } else if (!$active) { $displayname = '' . $displayname . ' - ' . get_string('error') . ''; } $row[] = $displayname; // Disable/off/on. $select = new single_select(filters_action_url($filter, 'setstate'), 'newstate', $activechoices, $state->active, null, 'active' . $filter); $select->set_label(get_string('isactive', 'filters'), array('class' => 'accesshide')); $row[] = $OUTPUT->render($select); // Re-order. $updown = ''; $spacer = ''; if ($state->active != TEXTFILTER_DISABLED) { if (!$isfirstrow) { $updown .= $OUTPUT->action_icon(filters_action_url($filter, 'up'), new pix_icon('t/up', get_string('up'), '', array('class' => 'iconsmall'))); } else { $updown .= $spacer; } if (!$islastactive) { $updown .= $OUTPUT->action_icon(filters_action_url($filter, 'down'), new pix_icon('t/down', get_string('down'), '', array('class' => 'iconsmall'))); } else { $updown .= $spacer; } } $row[] = $updown; // Apply to strings. $select = new single_select(filters_action_url($filter, 'setapplyto'), 'stringstoo', $applytochoices, $applytostrings, null, 'applyto' . $filter); $select->set_label(get_string('applyto', 'filters'), array('class' => 'accesshide')); $select->disabled = ($state->active == TEXTFILTER_DISABLED); $row[] = $OUTPUT->render($select); // Settings link, if required. if ($active and filter_has_global_settings($filter)) { $row[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section'=>'filtersetting'.$filter)), get_string('settings')); } else { $row[] = ''; } // Uninstall. $row[] = html_writer::link(filters_action_url($filter, 'delete'), get_string('uninstallplugin', 'core_admin')); return $row; }