@core @core_admin Feature: Display extended course names In order to display more info about the courses As an admin I need to display courses short names along with courses full names Background: Given the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | category | | Course fullname | C_shortname | 0 | And I log in as "admin" Scenario: Courses list without extended course names (default value) Then I should see "Course fullname" And I should not see "C_shortname Course fullname" Scenario: Courses list with extended course names Given I expand "Site administration" node And I click on "Courses" "link" in the "//div[@id='settingsnav']/descendant::li[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' type_setting ')][contains(., 'Appearance')]" "xpath_element" And I set the field "Display extended course names" to "1" When I press "Save changes" And I am on homepage Then I should see "C_shortname Course fullname"