. /** * Strings for the assignment upgrade tool * * @package tool_assignmentupgrade * @copyright 2012 NetSpot * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['areyousure'] = 'Are you sure?'; $string['areyousuremessage'] = 'Are you sure you want to upgrade the assignment "{$a->name}"?'; $string['assignmentid'] = 'Assignment ID'; $string['assignmentnotfound'] = 'Assignment could not be found (id={$a})'; $string['assignmentsperpage'] = 'Assignments per page'; $string['assignmenttype'] = 'Assignment type'; $string['backtoindex'] = 'Back to index'; $string['batchoperations'] = 'Batch operations'; $string['batchupgrade'] = 'Upgrade multiple assignments'; $string['confirmbatchupgrade'] = 'Confirm batch upgrade assignments'; $string['conversioncomplete'] = 'Assignment converted'; $string['conversionfailed'] = 'The assignment conversion was not successful. The log from the upgrade was:
{$a}'; $string['listnotupgraded'] = 'List assignments that have not been upgraded'; $string['listnotupgraded_desc'] = 'You can upgrade individual assignments from here'; $string['noassignmentsselected'] = 'No assignments selected'; $string['noassignmentstoupgrade'] = 'There are no assignments that require upgrading'; $string['notsupported'] = ''; $string['notupgradedintro'] = 'This page lists the assignments created with an older version of Moodle that have not been upgraded to the new assignment module in Moodle 2.3. Not all assignments can be upgraded - if they were created with a custom assignment subtype, then that subtype will need to be upgraded to the new assignment plugin format in order to complete the upgrade.'; $string['notupgradedtitle'] = 'Assignments not upgraded'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Assignment upgrade helper'; $string['select'] = 'Select'; $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions'; $string['supported'] = 'Upgrade'; $string['updatetable'] = 'Update table'; $string['unknown'] = 'Unknown'; $string['upgradeassignmentsummary'] = 'Upgrade assignment: {$a->name} (Course: {$a->shortname})'; $string['upgradeassignmentsuccess'] = 'Result: Upgrade successful'; $string['upgradeassignmentfailed'] = 'Result: Upgrade failed. The log from the upgrade was:
'; $string['upgradable'] = 'Upgradable'; $string['upgradeselected'] = 'Upgrade selected assignments'; $string['upgradeselectedcount'] = 'Upgrade {$a} selected assignments?'; $string['upgradeall'] = 'Upgrade all assignments'; $string['upgradeallconfirm'] = 'Upgrade all assignments?'; $string['upgradeprogress'] = 'Upgrade assignment {$a->current} of {$a->total}'; $string['upgradesingle'] = 'Upgrade single assignment'; $string['viewcourse'] = 'View the course with the converted assignment';