@javascript @tool @tool_monitor @tool_monitor_subscriptions Feature: tool_monitor_subscriptions In order to monitor events and receive notifications As an user I need to create a new rule, subscribe to it, receive notification and delete subscription Background: Given the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | | Course 1 | C1 | | Course 2 | C2 | And the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@asd.com | | teacher2 | Teacher | 2 | teacher2@asd.com | And the following "course enrolments" exist: | user | course | role | | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher | | teacher1 | C2 | teacher | | teacher2 | C1 | teacher | | teacher2 | C2 | editingteacher | And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Event monitoring rules" node in "Site administration > Reports" And I click on "Enable" "link" And I am on homepage And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring rules" node in "Course administration > Reports" And I press "Add a new rule" And I set the following fields to these values: | name | New rule course level | | plugin | Core | | eventname | Course viewed | | id_description | I want a rule to monitor when a course is viewed. | | frequency | 1 | | minutes | 1 | | Notification message | The course was viewed. {modulelink} | And I press "Save changes" And I navigate to "Event monitoring rules" node in "Site administration > Reports" And I press "Add a new rule" And I set the following fields to these values: | name | New rule site level | | plugin | Core | | eventname | Course viewed | | id_description | I want a rule to monitor when a course is viewed. | | frequency | 1 | | minutes | 1 | | Notification message | The course was viewed. {modulelink} | And I press "Save changes" And I navigate to "Define roles" node in "Site administration > Users > Permissions" And I follow "Non-editing teacher" And I press "Edit" And I click on "tool/monitor:managerules" "checkbox" And I press "Save changes" And I log out Scenario: Subscribe to a rule on course level Given I log in as "teacher1" And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I set the field "Select a course" to "Course 1" When I follow "Subscribe to rule \"New rule course level\"" Then I should see "Subscription successfully created" And "#toolmonitorsubs_r0" "css_element" should exist Scenario: Delete a subscription on course level Given I log in as "teacher1" And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I set the field "Select a course" to "Course 1" And I follow "Subscribe to rule \"New rule course level\"" And I should see "Subscription successfully created" When I click on "Delete subscription" "link" in the "New rule course level" "table_row" And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the rule \"New rule course level\"?" And I press "Continue" Then I should see "Subscription successfully removed" And "#toolmonitorsubs_r0" "css_element" should not exist Scenario: Subscribe to a rule on site level Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I set the field "Select a course" to "Site" When I follow "Subscribe to rule \"New rule site level\"" Then I should see "Subscription successfully created" And "#toolmonitorsubs_r0" "css_element" should exist Scenario: Delete a subscription on site level Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I set the field "Select a course" to "Site" And I follow "Subscribe to rule \"New rule site level\"" And I should see "Subscription successfully created" And "#toolmonitorsubs_r0" "css_element" should exist When I click on "Delete subscription" "link" in the "New rule site level" "table_row" And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the rule \"New rule site level\"?" And I press "Continue" Then I should see "Subscription successfully removed" And "#toolmonitorsubs_r0" "css_element" should not exist Scenario: Receiving notification on site level Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Messaging" node in "My profile settings" And I click on "input[name^=tool_monitor_notification_loggedin]" "css_element" And I press "Update profile" And I am on homepage And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I set the field "Select a course" to "Site" And I follow "Subscribe to rule \"New rule site level\"" And I should see "Subscription successfully created" And "#toolmonitorsubs_r0" "css_element" should exist And I am on homepage And I trigger cron And I am on homepage When I navigate to "Messages" node in "My profile" And I follow "Do not reply to this email (1)" Then I should see "The course was viewed." Scenario: Receiving notification on course level Given I log in as "teacher1" And I navigate to "Messaging" node in "My profile settings" And I click on "input[name^=tool_monitor_notification_loggedin]" "css_element" And I press "Update profile" And I am on homepage And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I set the field "Select a course" to "Course 1" And I follow "Subscribe to rule \"New rule course level\"" And I should see "Subscription successfully created" And "#toolmonitorsubs_r0" "css_element" should exist And I am on homepage And I follow "Course 1" And I trigger cron And I am on homepage When I navigate to "Messages" node in "My profile" And I follow "Do not reply to this email (1)" Then I should see "The course was viewed." Scenario: Navigating via quick link to rules Given I log in as "admin" When I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" Then I should see "You can manage rules from the Event monitoring rules page." And I follow "Event monitoring rules" And I should see "You can subscribe to rules from the Event monitoring page." And I log out And I log in as "teacher1" And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I should see "You can manage rules from the Event monitoring rules page." And I follow "Event monitoring rules" And I should see "You can subscribe to rules from the Event monitoring page." And I click on "//a[text()='Event monitoring']" "xpath_element" And the field "courseid" matches value "Course 1" And I set the field "courseid" to "Site" And I should not see "You can manage rules from the Event monitoring rules page." And I log out And I log in as "teacher2" And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I should not see "You can manage rules the from the Event monitoring rules page." Scenario: No manage rules link when user does not have permission Given I log in as "teacher1" When I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" Then I should see "You can manage rules from the Event monitoring rules page." And I log out And I log in as "teacher2" And I follow "Course 1" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I should not see "You can manage rules from the Event monitoring rules page." And I follow "Home" And I follow "Course 2" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I should see "You can manage rules from the Event monitoring rules page." And I log out And I log in as "teacher1" And I follow "Course 2" And I navigate to "Event monitoring" node in "My profile settings" And I should not see "You can manage rules from the Event monitoring rules page."