. /** * Lang strings for course_overview block * * @package block_course_overview * @copyright 2012 Adam Olley * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['activityoverview'] = 'You have {$a}s that need attention'; $string['alwaysshowall'] = 'Always show all'; $string['collapseall'] = 'Collapse all course lists'; $string['configotherexpanded'] = 'If enabled, other courses will be expanded by default unless overriden by user preferences.'; $string['configpreservestates'] = 'If enabled, the collapsed/expanded states set by the user are stored and used on each load.'; $string['course_overview:addinstance'] = 'Add a new course overview block'; $string['course_overview:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new course overview block to My home'; $string['defaultmaxcourses'] = 'Default maximum courses'; $string['defaultmaxcoursesdesc'] = 'Maximum courses which should be displayed on course overview block, 0 will show all courses'; $string['expandall'] = 'Expand all course lists'; $string['forcedefaultmaxcourses'] = 'Force maximum courses'; $string['forcedefaultmaxcoursesdesc'] = 'If set then user will not be able to change his/her personal setting'; $string['fullpath'] = 'All categories and subcategories'; $string['hiddencoursecount'] = 'You have {$a} hidden course'; $string['hiddencoursecountplural'] = 'You have {$a} hidden courses'; $string['hiddencoursecountwithshowall'] = 'You have {$a->coursecount} hidden course ({$a->showalllink})'; $string['hiddencoursecountwithshowallplural'] = 'You have {$a->coursecount} hidden courses ({$a->showalllink})'; $string['message'] = 'message'; $string['messages'] = 'messages'; $string['movecourse'] = 'Move course: {$a}'; $string['movecoursehere'] = 'Move course here'; $string['movetofirst'] = 'Move {$a} course to top'; $string['moveafterhere'] = 'Move {$a->movingcoursename} course after {$a->currentcoursename}'; $string['movingcourse'] = 'You are moving: {$a->fullname} ({$a->cancellink})'; $string['none'] = 'None'; $string['numtodisplay'] = 'Number of courses to display: '; $string['onlyparentname'] = 'Parent category only'; $string['otherexpanded'] = 'Other courses expanded'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Course overview'; $string['preservestates'] = 'Preserve expanded states'; $string['shortnameprefix'] = 'Includes {$a}'; $string['shortnamesufixsingular'] = ' (and {$a} other)'; $string['shortnamesufixprural'] = ' (and {$a} others)'; $string['showcategories'] = 'Categories to show'; $string['showcategoriesdesc'] = 'Should course categories be displayed below each course?'; $string['showchildren'] = 'Show children'; $string['showchildrendesc'] = 'Should child courses be listed underneath the main course title?'; $string['showwelcomearea'] = 'Show welcome area'; $string['showwelcomeareadesc'] = 'Show the welcome area above the course list?'; $string['view_edit_profile'] = '(View and edit your profile.)'; $string['welcome'] = 'Welcome {$a}'; $string['youhavemessages'] = 'You have {$a} unread '; $string['youhavenomessages'] = 'You have no unread ';