. /** * IMS Enterprise enrolment tests. * * @package enrol_imsenterprise * @category test * @copyright 2012 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/imsenterprise/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/imsenterprise/lib.php'); /** * IMS Enterprise test case * * @package enrol_imsenterprise * @category test * @copyright 2012 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class enrol_imsenterprise_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * @var $imsplugin enrol_imsenterprise_plugin IMS plugin instance. */ public $imsplugin; /** * Setup required for all tests. */ protected function setUp() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->imsplugin = enrol_get_plugin('imsenterprise'); $this->set_test_config(); } /** * With an empty IMS enterprise file */ public function test_emptyfile() { global $DB; $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course'); $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user'); $this->set_xml_file(false, false); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $this->assertEquals($prevncourses, $DB->count_records('course')); $this->assertEquals($prevnusers, $DB->count_records('user')); } /** * Existing users are not created again */ public function test_users_existing() { global $DB; $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user'); $users = array($user1, $user2); $this->set_xml_file($users); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $this->assertEquals($prevnusers, $DB->count_records('user')); } /** * Add new users */ public function test_users_add() { global $DB; $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user'); $user1 = new StdClass(); $user1->username = 'u1'; $user1->email = 'u1@u1.org'; $user1->firstname = 'U'; $user1->lastname = '1'; $users = array($user1); $this->set_xml_file($users); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $this->assertEquals(($prevnusers + 1), $DB->count_records('user')); } /** * Existing courses are not created again */ public function test_courses_existing() { global $DB; $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('idnumber' => 'id1')); $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('idnumber' => 'id2')); // Default mapping according to default course attributes - IMS description tags mapping. $course1->imsshort = $course1->fullname; $course2->imsshort = $course2->fullname; $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course'); $courses = array($course1, $course2); $this->set_xml_file(false, $courses); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $this->assertEquals($prevncourses, $DB->count_records('course')); } /** * Add new courses */ public function test_courses_add() { global $DB; $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course'); $course1 = new StdClass(); $course1->idnumber = 'id1'; $course1->imsshort = 'id1'; $course1->category = 'DEFAULT CATNAME'; $course2 = new StdClass(); $course2->idnumber = 'id2'; $course2->imsshort = 'id2'; $course2->category = 'DEFAULT CATNAME'; $courses = array($course1, $course2); $this->set_xml_file(false, $courses); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $this->assertEquals(($prevncourses + 2), $DB->count_records('course')); } /** * Add new course without a category. */ public function test_course_add_default_category() { global $DB, $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/coursecatlib.php'); $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewcategories', false); // Delete the default category, to ensure the plugin handles this gracefully. $defaultcat = coursecat::get_default(); $defaultcat->delete_full(false); // Create an course with the IMS plugin without a category. $course1 = new stdClass(); $course1->idnumber = 'id1'; $course1->imsshort = 'id1'; $course1->category = ''; $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1)); $this->imsplugin->cron(); // Check the course has been created. $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course1->idnumber), '*', MUST_EXIST); // Check that it belongs to a category which exists. $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('course_categories', array('id' => $dbcourse->category))); } /** * Course attributes mapping to IMS enterprise group description tags */ public function test_courses_attrmapping() { global $DB; // Setting a all = coursecode (idnumber) mapping. $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapshortname', 'coursecode'); $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapfullname', 'coursecode'); $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapsummary', 'coursecode'); $course1 = new StdClass(); $course1->idnumber = 'id1'; $course1->imsshort = 'description_short1'; $course1->imslong = 'description_long'; $course1->imsfull = 'description_full'; $course1->category = 'DEFAULT CATNAME'; $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1)); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course1->idnumber)); $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->shortname, $course1->idnumber); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->fullname, $course1->idnumber); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->summary, $course1->idnumber); // Setting a mapping using all the description tags. $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapshortname', 'short'); $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapfullname', 'long'); $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapsummary', 'full'); $course2 = new StdClass(); $course2->idnumber = 'id2'; $course2->imsshort = 'description_short2'; $course2->imslong = 'description_long'; $course2->imsfull = 'description_full'; $course2->category = 'DEFAULT CATNAME'; $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course2)); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course2->idnumber)); $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->shortname, $course2->imsshort); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->fullname, $course2->imslong); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->summary, $course2->imsfull); // Setting a mapping where the specified description tags doesn't exist in the XML file (must delegate into idnumber). $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapshortname', 'short'); $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapfullname', 'long'); $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapsummary', 'full'); $course3 = new StdClass(); $course3->idnumber = 'id3'; $course3->imsshort = 'description_short3'; $course3->category = 'DEFAULT CATNAME'; $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course3)); $this->imsplugin->cron(); $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course3->idnumber)); $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->shortname, $course3->imsshort); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->fullname, $course3->idnumber); $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->summary, $course3->idnumber); } /** * Sets the plugin configuration for testing */ public function set_test_config() { $this->imsplugin->set_config('mailadmins', false); $this->imsplugin->set_config('prev_path', ''); $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewusers', true); $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewcourses', true); $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewcategories', true); } /** * Creates an IMS enterprise XML file and adds it's path to config settings. * * @param bool|array $users false or array of users StdClass * @param bool|array $courses false or of courses StdClass */ public function set_xml_file($users = false, $courses = false) { $xmlcontent = ''; // Users. if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $xmlcontent .= ' TestSource '.$user->username.' '.$user->username.' '.$user->firstname.' '.$user->lastname.' '.$user->lastname.' '.$user->firstname.' '.$user->email.' '; } } // Courses. // Mapping based on default course attributes - IMS group tags mapping. if (!empty($courses)) { foreach ($courses as $course) { $xmlcontent .= ' TestSource '.$course->idnumber.' '; // Optional to test course attributes mappings. if (!empty($course->imsshort)) { $xmlcontent .= ' '.$course->imsshort.''; } // Optional to test course attributes mappings. if (!empty($course->imslong)) { $xmlcontent .= ' '.$course->imslong.''; } // Optional to test course attributes mappings. if (!empty($course->imsfull)) { $xmlcontent .= ' '.$course->imsfull.''; } // The orgunit tag value is used by moodle as category name. $xmlcontent .= ' '.$course->category.' '; } } $xmlcontent .= ' '; // Creating the XML file. $filename = 'ims_' . rand(1000, 9999) . '.xml'; $tmpdir = make_temp_directory('enrol_imsenterprise'); $xmlfilepath = $tmpdir . '/' . $filename; file_put_contents($xmlfilepath, $xmlcontent); // Setting the file path in CFG. $this->imsplugin->set_config('imsfilelocation', $xmlfilepath); } /** * IMS Enterprise enrolment task test. */ public function test_imsenterprise_cron_task() { global $DB; $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user'); $user1 = new StdClass(); $user1->username = 'u1'; $user1->email = 'u1@u1.org'; $user1->firstname = 'U'; $user1->lastname = '1'; $users = array($user1); $this->set_xml_file($users); $task = new enrol_imsenterprise\task\cron_task(); $task->execute(); $this->assertEquals(($prevnusers + 1), $DB->count_records('user')); } }