* Strings for component 'dbtransfer', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
* @package dbtransfer
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['copyingtable'] = 'Copying table {$a}';
$string['copyingtables'] = 'Copying table contents';
$string['creatingtargettables'] = 'Creating the tables in the target database';
$string['dbexport'] = 'Database export';
$string['dbtransfer'] = 'Database transfer';
$string['differenttableexception'] = 'Table {$a} structure does not match.';
$string['done'] = 'Done';
$string['exportschemaexception'] = 'Current database structure does not match all install.xml files.
$string['checkingsourcetables'] = 'Checking source table structure';
$string['importschemaexception'] = 'Current database structure does not match all install.xml files.
$string['importversionmismatchexception'] = 'Current version {$a->currentver} does not match exported version {$a->schemaver}.';
$string['malformedxmlexception'] = 'Malformed XML found, can not continue.';
$string['tablex'] = 'Table {$a}:';
$string['unknowntableexception'] = 'Unknown table {$a} found in export file.';