. /** * Defines classes used for plugins management * * This library provides a unified interface to various plugin types in * Moodle. It is mainly used by the plugins management admin page and the * plugins check page during the upgrade. * * @package core * @copyright 2011 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Singleton class providing general plugins management functionality. */ class core_plugin_manager { /** the plugin is shipped with standard Moodle distribution */ const PLUGIN_SOURCE_STANDARD = 'std'; /** the plugin is added extension */ const PLUGIN_SOURCE_EXTENSION = 'ext'; /** the plugin uses neither database nor capabilities, no versions */ const PLUGIN_STATUS_NODB = 'nodb'; /** the plugin is up-to-date */ const PLUGIN_STATUS_UPTODATE = 'uptodate'; /** the plugin is about to be installed */ const PLUGIN_STATUS_NEW = 'new'; /** the plugin is about to be upgraded */ const PLUGIN_STATUS_UPGRADE = 'upgrade'; /** the standard plugin is about to be deleted */ const PLUGIN_STATUS_DELETE = 'delete'; /** the version at the disk is lower than the one already installed */ const PLUGIN_STATUS_DOWNGRADE = 'downgrade'; /** the plugin is installed but missing from disk */ const PLUGIN_STATUS_MISSING = 'missing'; /** @var core_plugin_manager holds the singleton instance */ protected static $singletoninstance; /** @var array of raw plugins information */ protected $pluginsinfo = null; /** @var array of raw subplugins information */ protected $subpluginsinfo = null; /** @var array list of installed plugins $name=>$version */ protected $installedplugins = null; /** @var array list of all enabled plugins $name=>$name */ protected $enabledplugins = null; /** @var array list of all enabled plugins $name=>$diskversion */ protected $presentplugins = null; /** @var array reordered list of plugin types */ protected $plugintypes = null; /** * Direct initiation not allowed, use the factory method {@link self::instance()} */ protected function __construct() { } /** * Sorry, this is singleton */ protected function __clone() { } /** * Factory method for this class * * @return core_plugin_manager the singleton instance */ public static function instance() { if (is_null(self::$singletoninstance)) { self::$singletoninstance = new self(); } return self::$singletoninstance; } /** * Reset all caches. * @param bool $phpunitreset */ public static function reset_caches($phpunitreset = false) { if ($phpunitreset) { self::$singletoninstance = null; } else { if (self::$singletoninstance) { self::$singletoninstance->pluginsinfo = null; self::$singletoninstance->subpluginsinfo = null; self::$singletoninstance->installedplugins = null; self::$singletoninstance->enabledplugins = null; self::$singletoninstance->presentplugins = null; self::$singletoninstance->plugintypes = null; } } $cache = cache::make('core', 'plugin_manager'); $cache->purge(); } /** * Returns the result of {@link core_component::get_plugin_types()} ordered for humans * * @see self::reorder_plugin_types() * @return array (string)name => (string)location */ public function get_plugin_types() { if (func_num_args() > 0) { if (!func_get_arg(0)) { throw coding_exception('core_plugin_manager->get_plugin_types() does not support relative paths.'); } } if ($this->plugintypes) { return $this->plugintypes; } $this->plugintypes = $this->reorder_plugin_types(core_component::get_plugin_types()); return $this->plugintypes; } /** * Load list of installed plugins, * always call before using $this->installedplugins. * * This method is caching results for all plugins. */ protected function load_installed_plugins() { global $DB, $CFG; if ($this->installedplugins) { return; } if (empty($CFG->version)) { // Nothing installed yet. $this->installedplugins = array(); return; } $cache = cache::make('core', 'plugin_manager'); $installed = $cache->get('installed'); if (is_array($installed)) { $this->installedplugins = $installed; return; } $this->installedplugins = array(); // TODO: Delete this block once Moodle 2.6 or later becomes minimum required version to upgrade. if ($CFG->version < 2013092001.02) { // We did not upgrade the database yet. $modules = $DB->get_records('modules', array(), 'name ASC', 'id, name, version'); foreach ($modules as $module) { $this->installedplugins['mod'][$module->name] = $module->version; } $blocks = $DB->get_records('block', array(), 'name ASC', 'id, name, version'); foreach ($blocks as $block) { $this->installedplugins['block'][$block->name] = $block->version; } } $versions = $DB->get_records('config_plugins', array('name'=>'version')); foreach ($versions as $version) { $parts = explode('_', $version->plugin, 2); if (!isset($parts[1])) { // Invalid component, there must be at least one "_". continue; } // Do not verify here if plugin type and name are valid. $this->installedplugins[$parts[0]][$parts[1]] = $version->value; } foreach ($this->installedplugins as $key => $value) { ksort($this->installedplugins[$key]); } $cache->set('installed', $this->installedplugins); } /** * Return list of installed plugins of given type. * @param string $type * @return array $name=>$version */ public function get_installed_plugins($type) { $this->load_installed_plugins(); if (isset($this->installedplugins[$type])) { return $this->installedplugins[$type]; } return array(); } /** * Load list of all enabled plugins, * call before using $this->enabledplugins. * * This method is caching results from individual plugin info classes. */ protected function load_enabled_plugins() { global $CFG; if ($this->enabledplugins) { return; } if (empty($CFG->version)) { $this->enabledplugins = array(); return; } $cache = cache::make('core', 'plugin_manager'); $enabled = $cache->get('enabled'); if (is_array($enabled)) { $this->enabledplugins = $enabled; return; } $this->enabledplugins = array(); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types(); foreach ($plugintypes as $plugintype => $fulldir) { $plugininfoclass = self::resolve_plugininfo_class($plugintype); if (class_exists($plugininfoclass)) { $enabled = $plugininfoclass::get_enabled_plugins(); if (!is_array($enabled)) { continue; } $this->enabledplugins[$plugintype] = $enabled; } } $cache->set('enabled', $this->enabledplugins); } /** * Get list of enabled plugins of given type, * the result may contain missing plugins. * * @param string $type * @return array|null list of enabled plugins of this type, null if unknown */ public function get_enabled_plugins($type) { $this->load_enabled_plugins(); if (isset($this->enabledplugins[$type])) { return $this->enabledplugins[$type]; } return null; } /** * Load list of all present plugins - call before using $this->presentplugins. */ protected function load_present_plugins() { if ($this->presentplugins) { return; } $cache = cache::make('core', 'plugin_manager'); $present = $cache->get('present'); if (is_array($present)) { $this->presentplugins = $present; return; } $this->presentplugins = array(); $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types(); foreach ($plugintypes as $type => $typedir) { $plugs = core_component::get_plugin_list($type); foreach ($plugs as $plug => $fullplug) { $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = null; $module = $plugin; @include($fullplug.'/version.php'); $this->presentplugins[$type][$plug] = $plugin; } } $cache->set('present', $this->presentplugins); } /** * Get list of present plugins of given type. * * @param string $type * @return array|null list of presnet plugins $name=>$diskversion, null if unknown */ public function get_present_plugins($type) { $this->load_present_plugins(); if (isset($this->presentplugins[$type])) { return $this->presentplugins[$type]; } return null; } /** * Returns a tree of known plugins and information about them * * @return array 2D array. The first keys are plugin type names (e.g. qtype); * the second keys are the plugin local name (e.g. multichoice); and * the values are the corresponding objects extending {@link \core\plugininfo\base} */ public function get_plugins() { $this->init_pluginsinfo_property(); // Make sure all types are initialised. foreach ($this->pluginsinfo as $plugintype => $list) { if ($list === null) { $this->get_plugins_of_type($plugintype); } } return $this->pluginsinfo; } /** * Returns list of known plugins of the given type. * * This method returns the subset of the tree returned by {@link self::get_plugins()}. * If the given type is not known, empty array is returned. * * @param string $type plugin type, e.g. 'mod' or 'workshopallocation' * @return \core\plugininfo\base[] (string)plugin name (e.g. 'workshop') => corresponding subclass of {@link \core\plugininfo\base} */ public function get_plugins_of_type($type) { global $CFG; $this->init_pluginsinfo_property(); if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->pluginsinfo)) { return array(); } if (is_array($this->pluginsinfo[$type])) { return $this->pluginsinfo[$type]; } $types = core_component::get_plugin_types(); if (!isset($types[$type])) { // Orphaned subplugins! $plugintypeclass = self::resolve_plugininfo_class($type); $this->pluginsinfo[$type] = $plugintypeclass::get_plugins($type, null, $plugintypeclass); return $this->pluginsinfo[$type]; } /** @var \core\plugininfo\base $plugintypeclass */ $plugintypeclass = self::resolve_plugininfo_class($type); $plugins = $plugintypeclass::get_plugins($type, $types[$type], $plugintypeclass); $this->pluginsinfo[$type] = $plugins; if (empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications) and !during_initial_install()) { // Append the information about available updates provided by {@link \core\update\checker()}. $provider = \core\update\checker::instance(); foreach ($plugins as $plugininfoholder) { $plugininfoholder->check_available_updates($provider); } } return $this->pluginsinfo[$type]; } /** * Init placeholder array for plugin infos. */ protected function init_pluginsinfo_property() { if (is_array($this->pluginsinfo)) { return; } $this->pluginsinfo = array(); $plugintypes = $this->get_plugin_types(); foreach ($plugintypes as $plugintype => $plugintyperootdir) { $this->pluginsinfo[$plugintype] = null; } // Add orphaned subplugin types. $this->load_installed_plugins(); foreach ($this->installedplugins as $plugintype => $unused) { if (!isset($plugintypes[$plugintype])) { $this->pluginsinfo[$plugintype] = null; } } } /** * Find the plugin info class for given type. * * @param string $type * @return string name of pluginfo class for give plugin type */ public static function resolve_plugininfo_class($type) { $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types(); if (!isset($plugintypes[$type])) { return '\core\plugininfo\orphaned'; } $parent = core_component::get_subtype_parent($type); if ($parent) { $class = '\\'.$parent.'\plugininfo\\' . $type; if (class_exists($class)) { $plugintypeclass = $class; } else { if ($dir = core_component::get_component_directory($parent)) { // BC only - use namespace instead! if (file_exists("$dir/adminlib.php")) { global $CFG; include_once("$dir/adminlib.php"); } if (class_exists('plugininfo_' . $type)) { $plugintypeclass = 'plugininfo_' . $type; debugging('Class "'.$plugintypeclass.'" is deprecated, migrate to "'.$class.'"', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } else { debugging('Subplugin type "'.$type.'" should define class "'.$class.'"', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $plugintypeclass = '\core\plugininfo\general'; } } else { $plugintypeclass = '\core\plugininfo\general'; } } } else { $class = '\core\plugininfo\\' . $type; if (class_exists($class)) { $plugintypeclass = $class; } else { debugging('All standard types including "'.$type.'" should have plugininfo class!', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $plugintypeclass = '\core\plugininfo\general'; } } if (!in_array('core\plugininfo\base', class_parents($plugintypeclass))) { throw new coding_exception('Class ' . $plugintypeclass . ' must extend \core\plugininfo\base'); } return $plugintypeclass; } /** * Returns list of all known subplugins of the given plugin. * * For plugins that do not provide subplugins (i.e. there is no support for it), * empty array is returned. * * @param string $component full component name, e.g. 'mod_workshop' * @return array (string) component name (e.g. 'workshopallocation_random') => subclass of {@link \core\plugininfo\base} */ public function get_subplugins_of_plugin($component) { $pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($pluginfo)) { return array(); } $subplugins = $this->get_subplugins(); if (!isset($subplugins[$pluginfo->component])) { return array(); } $list = array(); foreach ($subplugins[$pluginfo->component] as $subdata) { foreach ($this->get_plugins_of_type($subdata->type) as $subpluginfo) { $list[$subpluginfo->component] = $subpluginfo; } } return $list; } /** * Returns list of plugins that define their subplugins and the information * about them from the db/subplugins.php file. * * @return array with keys like 'mod_quiz', and values the data from the * corresponding db/subplugins.php file. */ public function get_subplugins() { if (is_array($this->subpluginsinfo)) { return $this->subpluginsinfo; } $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types(); $this->subpluginsinfo = array(); foreach (core_component::get_plugin_types_with_subplugins() as $type => $ignored) { foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list($type) as $plugin => $componentdir) { $component = $type.'_'.$plugin; $subplugins = core_component::get_subplugins($component); if (!$subplugins) { continue; } $this->subpluginsinfo[$component] = array(); foreach ($subplugins as $subplugintype => $ignored) { $subplugin = new stdClass(); $subplugin->type = $subplugintype; $subplugin->typerootdir = $plugintypes[$subplugintype]; $this->subpluginsinfo[$component][$subplugintype] = $subplugin; } } } return $this->subpluginsinfo; } /** * Returns the name of the plugin that defines the given subplugin type * * If the given subplugin type is not actually a subplugin, returns false. * * @param string $subplugintype the name of subplugin type, eg. workshopform or quiz * @return false|string the name of the parent plugin, eg. mod_workshop */ public function get_parent_of_subplugin($subplugintype) { $parent = core_component::get_subtype_parent($subplugintype); if (!$parent) { return false; } return $parent; } /** * Returns a localized name of a given plugin * * @param string $component name of the plugin, eg mod_workshop or auth_ldap * @return string */ public function plugin_name($component) { $pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($pluginfo)) { throw new moodle_exception('err_unknown_plugin', 'core_plugin', '', array('plugin' => $component)); } return $pluginfo->displayname; } /** * Returns a localized name of a plugin typed in singular form * * Most plugin types define their names in core_plugin lang file. In case of subplugins, * we try to ask the parent plugin for the name. In the worst case, we will return * the value of the passed $type parameter. * * @param string $type the type of the plugin, e.g. mod or workshopform * @return string */ public function plugintype_name($type) { if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('type_' . $type, 'core_plugin')) { // For most plugin types, their names are defined in core_plugin lang file. return get_string('type_' . $type, 'core_plugin'); } else if ($parent = $this->get_parent_of_subplugin($type)) { // If this is a subplugin, try to ask the parent plugin for the name. if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('subplugintype_' . $type, $parent)) { return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . get_string('subplugintype_' . $type, $parent); } else { return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . $type; } } else { return $type; } } /** * Returns a localized name of a plugin type in plural form * * Most plugin types define their names in core_plugin lang file. In case of subplugins, * we try to ask the parent plugin for the name. In the worst case, we will return * the value of the passed $type parameter. * * @param string $type the type of the plugin, e.g. mod or workshopform * @return string */ public function plugintype_name_plural($type) { if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('type_' . $type . '_plural', 'core_plugin')) { // For most plugin types, their names are defined in core_plugin lang file. return get_string('type_' . $type . '_plural', 'core_plugin'); } else if ($parent = $this->get_parent_of_subplugin($type)) { // If this is a subplugin, try to ask the parent plugin for the name. if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('subplugintype_' . $type . '_plural', $parent)) { return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . get_string('subplugintype_' . $type . '_plural', $parent); } else { return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . $type; } } else { return $type; } } /** * Returns information about the known plugin, or null * * @param string $component frankenstyle component name. * @return \core\plugininfo\base|null the corresponding plugin information. */ public function get_plugin_info($component) { list($type, $name) = core_component::normalize_component($component); $plugins = $this->get_plugins_of_type($type); if (isset($plugins[$name])) { return $plugins[$name]; } else { return null; } } /** * Check to see if the current version of the plugin seems to be a checkout of an external repository. * * @see \core\update\deployer::plugin_external_source() * @param string $component frankenstyle component name * @return false|string */ public function plugin_external_source($component) { $plugininfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($plugininfo)) { return false; } $pluginroot = $plugininfo->rootdir; if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/.git')) { return 'git'; } if (is_file($pluginroot.'/.git')) { return 'git-submodule'; } if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/CVS')) { return 'cvs'; } if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/.svn')) { return 'svn'; } if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/.hg')) { return 'mercurial'; } return false; } /** * Get a list of any other plugins that require this one. * @param string $component frankenstyle component name. * @return array of frankensyle component names that require this one. */ public function other_plugins_that_require($component) { $others = array(); foreach ($this->get_plugins() as $type => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $required = $plugin->get_other_required_plugins(); if (isset($required[$component])) { $others[] = $plugin->component; } } } return $others; } /** * Check a dependencies list against the list of installed plugins. * @param array $dependencies compenent name to required version or ANY_VERSION. * @return bool true if all the dependencies are satisfied. */ public function are_dependencies_satisfied($dependencies) { foreach ($dependencies as $component => $requiredversion) { $otherplugin = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($otherplugin)) { return false; } if ($requiredversion != ANY_VERSION and $otherplugin->versiondisk < $requiredversion) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks all dependencies for all installed plugins * * This is used by install and upgrade. The array passed by reference as the second * argument is populated with the list of plugins that have failed dependencies (note that * a single plugin can appear multiple times in the $failedplugins). * * @param int $moodleversion the version from version.php. * @param array $failedplugins to return the list of plugins with non-satisfied dependencies * @return bool true if all the dependencies are satisfied for all plugins. */ public function all_plugins_ok($moodleversion, &$failedplugins = array()) { $return = true; foreach ($this->get_plugins() as $type => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (!$plugin->is_core_dependency_satisfied($moodleversion)) { $return = false; $failedplugins[] = $plugin->component; } if (!$this->are_dependencies_satisfied($plugin->get_other_required_plugins())) { $return = false; $failedplugins[] = $plugin->component; } } } return $return; } /** * Is it possible to uninstall the given plugin? * * False is returned if the plugininfo subclass declares the uninstall should * not be allowed via {@link \core\plugininfo\base::is_uninstall_allowed()} or if the * core vetoes it (e.g. becase the plugin or some of its subplugins is required * by some other installed plugin). * * @param string $component full frankenstyle name, e.g. mod_foobar * @return bool */ public function can_uninstall_plugin($component) { $pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($pluginfo)) { return false; } if (!$this->common_uninstall_check($pluginfo)) { return false; } // Verify only if something else requires the subplugins, do not verify their common_uninstall_check()! $subplugins = $this->get_subplugins_of_plugin($pluginfo->component); foreach ($subplugins as $subpluginfo) { // Check if there are some other plugins requiring this subplugin // (but the parent and siblings). foreach ($this->other_plugins_that_require($subpluginfo->component) as $requiresme) { $ismyparent = ($pluginfo->component === $requiresme); $ismysibling = in_array($requiresme, array_keys($subplugins)); if (!$ismyparent and !$ismysibling) { return false; } } } // Check if there are some other plugins requiring this plugin // (but its subplugins). foreach ($this->other_plugins_that_require($pluginfo->component) as $requiresme) { $ismysubplugin = in_array($requiresme, array_keys($subplugins)); if (!$ismysubplugin) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns uninstall URL if exists. * * @param string $component * @param string $return either 'overview' or 'manage' * @return moodle_url uninstall URL, null if uninstall not supported */ public function get_uninstall_url($component, $return = 'overview') { if (!$this->can_uninstall_plugin($component)) { return null; } $pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($pluginfo)) { return null; } if (method_exists($pluginfo, 'get_uninstall_url')) { debugging('plugininfo method get_uninstall_url() is deprecated, all plugins should be uninstalled via standard URL only.'); return $pluginfo->get_uninstall_url($return); } return $pluginfo->get_default_uninstall_url($return); } /** * Uninstall the given plugin. * * Automatically cleans-up all remaining configuration data, log records, events, * files from the file pool etc. * * In the future, the functionality of {@link uninstall_plugin()} function may be moved * into this method and all the code should be refactored to use it. At the moment, we * mimic this future behaviour by wrapping that function call. * * @param string $component * @param progress_trace $progress traces the process * @return bool true on success, false on errors/problems */ public function uninstall_plugin($component, progress_trace $progress) { $pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($pluginfo)) { return false; } // Give the pluginfo class a chance to execute some steps. $result = $pluginfo->uninstall($progress); if (!$result) { return false; } // Call the legacy core function to uninstall the plugin. ob_start(); uninstall_plugin($pluginfo->type, $pluginfo->name); $progress->output(ob_get_clean()); return true; } /** * Checks if there are some plugins with a known available update * * @return bool true if there is at least one available update */ public function some_plugins_updatable() { foreach ($this->get_plugins() as $type => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin->available_updates()) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Check to see if the given plugin folder can be removed by the web server process. * * @param string $component full frankenstyle component * @return bool */ public function is_plugin_folder_removable($component) { $pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($pluginfo)) { return false; } // To be able to remove the plugin folder, its parent must be writable, too. if (!is_writable(dirname($pluginfo->rootdir))) { return false; } // Check that the folder and all its content is writable (thence removable). return $this->is_directory_removable($pluginfo->rootdir); } /** * Defines a list of all plugins that were originally shipped in the standard Moodle distribution, * but are not anymore and are deleted during upgrades. * * The main purpose of this list is to hide missing plugins during upgrade. * * @param string $type plugin type * @param string $name plugin name * @return bool */ public static function is_deleted_standard_plugin($type, $name) { // Do not include plugins that were removed during upgrades to versions that are // not supported as source versions for upgrade any more. For example, at MOODLE_23_STABLE // branch, listed should be no plugins that were removed at 1.9.x - 2.1.x versions as // Moodle 2.3 supports upgrades from 2.2.x only. $plugins = array( 'qformat' => array('blackboard', 'learnwise'), 'enrol' => array('authorize'), 'tinymce' => array('dragmath'), 'tool' => array('bloglevelupgrade', 'qeupgradehelper'), 'theme' => array('mymobile', 'afterburner', 'anomaly', 'arialist', 'binarius', 'boxxie', 'brick', 'formal_white', 'formfactor', 'fusion', 'leatherbound', 'magazine', 'nimble', 'nonzero', 'overlay', 'serenity', 'sky_high', 'splash', 'standard', 'standardold'), ); if (!isset($plugins[$type])) { return false; } return in_array($name, $plugins[$type]); } /** * Defines a white list of all plugins shipped in the standard Moodle distribution * * @param string $type * @return false|array array of standard plugins or false if the type is unknown */ public static function standard_plugins_list($type) { $standard_plugins = array( 'atto' => array( 'accessibilitychecker', 'accessibilityhelper', 'align', 'backcolor', 'bold', 'charmap', 'clear', 'collapse', 'emoticon', 'equation', 'fontcolor', 'html', 'image', 'indent', 'italic', 'link', 'managefiles', 'media', 'noautolink', 'orderedlist', 'rtl', 'strike', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'table', 'title', 'underline', 'undo', 'unorderedlist' ), 'assignment' => array( 'offline', 'online', 'upload', 'uploadsingle' ), 'assignsubmission' => array( 'comments', 'file', 'onlinetext' ), 'assignfeedback' => array( 'comments', 'file', 'offline', 'editpdf' ), 'auth' => array( 'cas', 'db', 'email', 'fc', 'imap', 'ldap', 'manual', 'mnet', 'nntp', 'nologin', 'none', 'pam', 'pop3', 'radius', 'shibboleth', 'webservice' ), 'availability' => array( 'completion', 'date', 'grade', 'group', 'grouping', 'profile' ), 'block' => array( 'activity_modules', 'admin_bookmarks', 'badges', 'blog_menu', 'blog_recent', 'blog_tags', 'calendar_month', 'calendar_upcoming', 'comments', 'community', 'completionstatus', 'course_list', 'course_overview', 'course_summary', 'feedback', 'glossary_random', 'html', 'login', 'mentees', 'messages', 'mnet_hosts', 'myprofile', 'navigation', 'news_items', 'online_users', 'participants', 'private_files', 'quiz_results', 'recent_activity', 'rss_client', 'search_forums', 'section_links', 'selfcompletion', 'settings', 'site_main_menu', 'social_activities', 'tag_flickr', 'tag_youtube', 'tags' ), 'booktool' => array( 'exportimscp', 'importhtml', 'print' ), 'cachelock' => array( 'file' ), 'cachestore' => array( 'file', 'memcache', 'memcached', 'mongodb', 'session', 'static' ), 'calendartype' => array( 'gregorian' ), 'coursereport' => array( // Deprecated! ), 'datafield' => array( 'checkbox', 'date', 'file', 'latlong', 'menu', 'multimenu', 'number', 'picture', 'radiobutton', 'text', 'textarea', 'url' ), 'datapreset' => array( 'imagegallery' ), 'editor' => array( 'atto', 'textarea', 'tinymce' ), 'enrol' => array( 'category', 'cohort', 'database', 'flatfile', 'guest', 'imsenterprise', 'ldap', 'manual', 'meta', 'mnet', 'paypal', 'self' ), 'filter' => array( 'activitynames', 'algebra', 'censor', 'emailprotect', 'emoticon', 'mathjaxloader', 'mediaplugin', 'multilang', 'tex', 'tidy', 'urltolink', 'data', 'glossary' ), 'format' => array( 'singleactivity', 'social', 'topics', 'weeks' ), 'gradeexport' => array( 'ods', 'txt', 'xls', 'xml' ), 'gradeimport' => array( 'csv', 'direct', 'xml' ), 'gradereport' => array( 'grader', 'history', 'outcomes', 'overview', 'user', 'singleview' ), 'gradingform' => array( 'rubric', 'guide' ), 'local' => array( ), 'logstore' => array( 'database', 'legacy', 'standard', ), 'ltiservice' => array( 'profile', 'toolproxy', 'toolsettings' ), 'message' => array( 'airnotifier', 'email', 'jabber', 'popup' ), 'mnetservice' => array( 'enrol' ), 'mod' => array( 'assign', 'assignment', 'book', 'chat', 'choice', 'data', 'feedback', 'folder', 'forum', 'glossary', 'imscp', 'label', 'lesson', 'lti', 'page', 'quiz', 'resource', 'scorm', 'survey', 'url', 'wiki', 'workshop' ), 'plagiarism' => array( ), 'portfolio' => array( 'boxnet', 'download', 'flickr', 'googledocs', 'mahara', 'picasa' ), 'profilefield' => array( 'checkbox', 'datetime', 'menu', 'text', 'textarea' ), 'qbehaviour' => array( 'adaptive', 'adaptivenopenalty', 'deferredcbm', 'deferredfeedback', 'immediatecbm', 'immediatefeedback', 'informationitem', 'interactive', 'interactivecountback', 'manualgraded', 'missing' ), 'qformat' => array( 'aiken', 'blackboard_six', 'examview', 'gift', 'missingword', 'multianswer', 'webct', 'xhtml', 'xml' ), 'qtype' => array( 'calculated', 'calculatedmulti', 'calculatedsimple', 'description', 'essay', 'match', 'missingtype', 'multianswer', 'multichoice', 'numerical', 'random', 'randomsamatch', 'shortanswer', 'truefalse' ), 'quiz' => array( 'grading', 'overview', 'responses', 'statistics' ), 'quizaccess' => array( 'delaybetweenattempts', 'ipaddress', 'numattempts', 'openclosedate', 'password', 'safebrowser', 'securewindow', 'timelimit' ), 'report' => array( 'backups', 'completion', 'configlog', 'courseoverview', 'eventlist', 'log', 'loglive', 'outline', 'participation', 'progress', 'questioninstances', 'security', 'stats', 'performance' ), 'repository' => array( 'alfresco', 'areafiles', 'boxnet', 'coursefiles', 'dropbox', 'equella', 'filesystem', 'flickr', 'flickr_public', 'googledocs', 'local', 'merlot', 'picasa', 'recent', 'skydrive', 's3', 'upload', 'url', 'user', 'webdav', 'wikimedia', 'youtube' ), 'scormreport' => array( 'basic', 'interactions', 'graphs', 'objectives' ), 'tinymce' => array( 'ctrlhelp', 'managefiles', 'moodleemoticon', 'moodleimage', 'moodlemedia', 'moodlenolink', 'pdw', 'spellchecker', 'wrap' ), 'theme' => array( 'base', 'bootstrapbase', 'canvas', 'clean', 'more' ), 'tool' => array( 'assignmentupgrade', 'availabilityconditions', 'behat', 'capability', 'customlang', 'dbtransfer', 'generator', 'health', 'innodb', 'installaddon', 'langimport', 'log', 'messageinbound', 'multilangupgrade', 'monitor', 'phpunit', 'profiling', 'replace', 'spamcleaner', 'task', 'timezoneimport', 'unittest', 'uploadcourse', 'uploaduser', 'unsuproles', 'xmldb' ), 'webservice' => array( 'amf', 'rest', 'soap', 'xmlrpc' ), 'workshopallocation' => array( 'manual', 'random', 'scheduled' ), 'workshopeval' => array( 'best' ), 'workshopform' => array( 'accumulative', 'comments', 'numerrors', 'rubric' ) ); if (isset($standard_plugins[$type])) { return $standard_plugins[$type]; } else { return false; } } /** * Reorders plugin types into a sequence to be displayed * * For technical reasons, plugin types returned by {@link core_component::get_plugin_types()} are * in a certain order that does not need to fit the expected order for the display. * Particularly, activity modules should be displayed first as they represent the * real heart of Moodle. They should be followed by other plugin types that are * used to build the courses (as that is what one expects from LMS). After that, * other supportive plugin types follow. * * @param array $types associative array * @return array same array with altered order of items */ protected function reorder_plugin_types(array $types) { $fix = array('mod' => $types['mod']); foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list('mod') as $plugin => $fulldir) { if (!$subtypes = core_component::get_subplugins('mod_'.$plugin)) { continue; } foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $ignored) { $fix[$subtype] = $types[$subtype]; } } $fix['mod'] = $types['mod']; $fix['block'] = $types['block']; $fix['qtype'] = $types['qtype']; $fix['qbehaviour'] = $types['qbehaviour']; $fix['qformat'] = $types['qformat']; $fix['filter'] = $types['filter']; $fix['editor'] = $types['editor']; foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list('editor') as $plugin => $fulldir) { if (!$subtypes = core_component::get_subplugins('editor_'.$plugin)) { continue; } foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $ignored) { $fix[$subtype] = $types[$subtype]; } } $fix['enrol'] = $types['enrol']; $fix['auth'] = $types['auth']; $fix['tool'] = $types['tool']; foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list('tool') as $plugin => $fulldir) { if (!$subtypes = core_component::get_subplugins('tool_'.$plugin)) { continue; } foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $ignored) { $fix[$subtype] = $types[$subtype]; } } foreach ($types as $type => $path) { if (!isset($fix[$type])) { $fix[$type] = $path; } } return $fix; } /** * Check if the given directory can be removed by the web server process. * * This recursively checks that the given directory and all its contents * it writable. * * @param string $fullpath * @return boolean */ protected function is_directory_removable($fullpath) { if (!is_writable($fullpath)) { return false; } if (is_dir($fullpath)) { $handle = opendir($fullpath); } else { return false; } $result = true; while ($filename = readdir($handle)) { if ($filename === '.' or $filename === '..') { continue; } $subfilepath = $fullpath.'/'.$filename; if (is_dir($subfilepath)) { $result = $result && $this->is_directory_removable($subfilepath); } else { $result = $result && is_writable($subfilepath); } } closedir($handle); return $result; } /** * Helper method that implements common uninstall prerequisites * * @param \core\plugininfo\base $pluginfo * @return bool */ protected function common_uninstall_check(\core\plugininfo\base $pluginfo) { if (!$pluginfo->is_uninstall_allowed()) { // The plugin's plugininfo class declares it should not be uninstalled. return false; } if ($pluginfo->get_status() === self::PLUGIN_STATUS_NEW) { // The plugin is not installed. It should be either installed or removed from the disk. // Relying on this temporary state may be tricky. return false; } if (method_exists($pluginfo, 'get_uninstall_url') and is_null($pluginfo->get_uninstall_url())) { // Backwards compatibility. debugging('\core\plugininfo\base subclasses should use is_uninstall_allowed() instead of returning null in get_uninstall_url()', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return false; } return true; } }