. /** * Upgrade helper functions * * This file is used for special upgrade functions - for example groups and gradebook. * These functions must use SQL and database related functions only- no other Moodle API, * because it might depend on db structures that are not yet present during upgrade. * (Do not use functions from accesslib.php, grades classes or group functions at all!) * * @package core_install * @category upgrade * @copyright 2007 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Returns all non-view and non-temp tables with sane names. * Prints list of non-supported tables using $OUTPUT->notification() * * @return array */ function upgrade_mysql_get_supported_tables() { global $OUTPUT, $DB; $tables = array(); $patprefix = str_replace('_', '\\_', $DB->get_prefix()); $pregprefix = preg_quote($DB->get_prefix(), '/'); $sql = "SHOW FULL TABLES LIKE '$patprefix%'"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($rs as $record) { $record = array_change_key_case((array)$record, CASE_LOWER); $type = $record['table_type']; unset($record['table_type']); $fullname = array_shift($record); if ($pregprefix === '') { $name = $fullname; } else { $count = null; $name = preg_replace("/^$pregprefix/", '', $fullname, -1, $count); if ($count !== 1) { continue; } } if (!preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/", $name)) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Database table with invalid name '$fullname' detected, skipping.", 'notifyproblem'); continue; } if ($type === 'VIEW') { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Unsupported database table view '$fullname' detected, skipping.", 'notifyproblem'); continue; } $tables[$name] = $name; } $rs->close(); return $tables; } /** * Remove all signed numbers from current database and change * text fields to long texts - mysql only. */ function upgrade_mysql_fix_unsigned_and_lob_columns() { // We are not using standard API for changes of column // because everything 'signed'-related will be removed soon. // If anybody already has numbers higher than signed limit the execution stops // and tables must be fixed manually before continuing upgrade. global $DB; if ($DB->get_dbfamily() !== 'mysql') { return; } $pbar = new progress_bar('mysqlconvertunsignedlobs', 500, true); $prefix = $DB->get_prefix(); $tables = upgrade_mysql_get_supported_tables(); $tablecount = count($tables); $i = 0; foreach ($tables as $table) { $i++; $changes = array(); $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{{$table}}`"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($rs as $column) { $column = (object)array_change_key_case((array)$column, CASE_LOWER); if (stripos($column->type, 'unsigned') !== false) { $maxvalue = 0; if (preg_match('/^int/i', $column->type)) { $maxvalue = 2147483647; } else if (preg_match('/^medium/i', $column->type)) { $maxvalue = 8388607; } else if (preg_match('/^smallint/i', $column->type)) { $maxvalue = 32767; } else if (preg_match('/^tinyint/i', $column->type)) { $maxvalue = 127; } if ($maxvalue) { // Make sure nobody is abusing our integer ranges - moodle int sizes are in digits, not bytes!!! $invalidcount = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT COUNT('x') FROM `{{$table}}` WHERE `$column->field` > :maxnumber", array('maxnumber'=>$maxvalue)); if ($invalidcount) { throw new moodle_exception('notlocalisederrormessage', 'error', new moodle_url('/admin/'), "Database table '{$table}'' contains unsigned column '{$column->field}' with $invalidcount values that are out of allowed range, upgrade can not continue."); } } $type = preg_replace('/unsigned/i', 'signed', $column->type); $notnull = ($column->null === 'NO') ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL'; $default = (!is_null($column->default) and $column->default !== '') ? "DEFAULT '$column->default'" : ''; $autoinc = (stripos($column->extra, 'auto_increment') !== false) ? 'AUTO_INCREMENT' : ''; // Primary and unique not necessary here, change_database_structure does not add prefix. $changes[] = "MODIFY COLUMN `$column->field` $type $notnull $default $autoinc"; } else if ($column->type === 'tinytext' or $column->type === 'mediumtext' or $column->type === 'text') { $notnull = ($column->null === 'NO') ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL'; $default = (!is_null($column->default) and $column->default !== '') ? "DEFAULT '$column->default'" : ''; // Primary, unique and inc are not supported for texts. $changes[] = "MODIFY COLUMN `$column->field` LONGTEXT $notnull $default"; } else if ($column->type === 'tinyblob' or $column->type === 'mediumblob' or $column->type === 'blob') { $notnull = ($column->null === 'NO') ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL'; $default = (!is_null($column->default) and $column->default !== '') ? "DEFAULT '$column->default'" : ''; // Primary, unique and inc are not supported for blobs. $changes[] = "MODIFY COLUMN `$column->field` LONGBLOB $notnull $default"; } } $rs->close(); if ($changes) { // Set appropriate timeout - 1 minute per thousand of records should be enough, min 60 minutes just in case. $count = $DB->count_records($table, array()); $timeout = ($count/1000)*60; $timeout = ($timeout < 60*60) ? 60*60 : (int)$timeout; upgrade_set_timeout($timeout); $sql = "ALTER TABLE `{$prefix}$table` ".implode(', ', $changes); $DB->change_database_structure($sql); } $pbar->update($i, $tablecount, "Converted unsigned/lob columns in MySQL database - $i/$tablecount."); } } /** * Migrate NTEXT to NVARCHAR(MAX). */ function upgrade_mssql_nvarcharmax() { global $DB; if ($DB->get_dbfamily() !== 'mssql') { return; } $pbar = new progress_bar('mssqlconvertntext', 500, true); $prefix = $DB->get_prefix(); $tables = $DB->get_tables(false); $tablecount = count($tables); $i = 0; foreach ($tables as $table) { $i++; $columns = array(); $sql = "SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = '{{$table}}' AND UPPER(data_type) = 'NTEXT'"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($rs as $column) { $columns[] = $column->column_name; } $rs->close(); if ($columns) { // Set appropriate timeout - 1 minute per thousand of records should be enough, min 60 minutes just in case. $count = $DB->count_records($table, array()); $timeout = ($count/1000)*60; $timeout = ($timeout < 60*60) ? 60*60 : (int)$timeout; upgrade_set_timeout($timeout); $updates = array(); foreach ($columns as $column) { // Change the definition. $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}$table ALTER COLUMN $column NVARCHAR(MAX)"; $DB->change_database_structure($sql); $updates[] = "$column = $column"; } // Now force the migration of text data to new optimised storage. $sql = "UPDATE {{$table}} SET ".implode(', ', $updates); $DB->execute($sql); } $pbar->update($i, $tablecount, "Converted NTEXT to NVARCHAR(MAX) columns in MS SQL Server database - $i/$tablecount."); } } /** * Migrate IMAGE to VARBINARY(MAX). */ function upgrade_mssql_varbinarymax() { global $DB; if ($DB->get_dbfamily() !== 'mssql') { return; } $pbar = new progress_bar('mssqlconvertimage', 500, true); $prefix = $DB->get_prefix(); $tables = $DB->get_tables(false); $tablecount = count($tables); $i = 0; foreach ($tables as $table) { $i++; $columns = array(); $sql = "SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = '{{$table}}' AND UPPER(data_type) = 'IMAGE'"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($rs as $column) { $columns[] = $column->column_name; } $rs->close(); if ($columns) { // Set appropriate timeout - 1 minute per thousand of records should be enough, min 60 minutes just in case. $count = $DB->count_records($table, array()); $timeout = ($count/1000)*60; $timeout = ($timeout < 60*60) ? 60*60 : (int)$timeout; upgrade_set_timeout($timeout); foreach ($columns as $column) { // Change the definition. $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}$table ALTER COLUMN $column VARBINARY(MAX)"; $DB->change_database_structure($sql); } // Binary columns should not be used, do not waste time optimising the storage. } $pbar->update($i, $tablecount, "Converted IMAGE to VARBINARY(MAX) columns in MS SQL Server database - $i/$tablecount."); } } /** * This upgrade script fixes the mismatches between DB fields course_modules.section * and course_sections.sequence. It makes sure that each module is included * in the sequence of at least one section. * Note that this script is different from admin/cli/fix_course_sortorder.php * in the following ways: * 1. It does not fix the cases when module appears several times in section(s) sequence(s) - * it will be done automatically on the next viewing of the course. * 2. It does not remove non-existing modules from section sequences - administrator * has to run the CLI script to do it. * 3. When this script finds an orphaned module it adds it to the section but makes hidden * where CLI script does not change the visiblity specified in the course_modules table. */ function upgrade_course_modules_sequences() { global $DB; // Find all modules that point to the section which does not point back to this module. $sequenceconcat = $DB->sql_concat("','", "s.sequence", "','"); $moduleconcat = $DB->sql_concat("'%,'", "m.id", "',%'"); $sql = "SELECT m.id, m.course, m.section, s.sequence FROM {course_modules} m LEFT OUTER JOIN {course_sections} s ON m.course = s.course and m.section = s.id WHERE s.sequence IS NULL OR ($sequenceconcat NOT LIKE $moduleconcat) ORDER BY m.course"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); $sections = null; foreach ($rs as $cm) { if (!isset($sections[$cm->course])) { // Retrieve all sections for the course (only once for each corrupt course). $sections = array($cm->course => $DB->get_records('course_sections', array('course' => $cm->course), 'section', 'id, section, sequence, visible')); if (empty($sections[$cm->course])) { // Very odd - the course has a module in it but has no sections. Create 0-section. $newsection = array('sequence' => '', 'section' => 0, 'visible' => 1); $newsection['id'] = $DB->insert_record('course_sections', $newsection + array('course' => $cm->course, 'summary' => '', 'summaryformat' => FORMAT_HTML)); $sections[$cm->course] = array($newsection['id'] => (object)$newsection); } } // Attempt to find the section that has this module in it's sequence. // If there are several of them, pick the last because this is what get_fast_modinfo() does. $sectionid = null; foreach ($sections[$cm->course] as $section) { if (!empty($section->sequence) && in_array($cm->id, preg_split('/,/', $section->sequence))) { $sectionid = $section->id; } } if ($sectionid) { // Found the section. Update course_module to point to the correct section. $params = array('id' => $cm->id, 'section' => $sectionid); if (!$sections[$cm->course][$sectionid]->visible) { $params['visible'] = 0; } $DB->update_record('course_modules', $params); } else { // No section in the course has this module in it's sequence. if (isset($sections[$cm->course][$cm->section])) { // Try to add module to the section it points to (if it is valid). $sectionid = $cm->section; } else { // Section not found. Just add to the first available section. reset($sections[$cm->course]); $sectionid = key($sections[$cm->course]); } $newsequence = ltrim($sections[$cm->course][$sectionid]->sequence . ',' . $cm->id, ','); $sections[$cm->course][$sectionid]->sequence = $newsequence; $DB->update_record('course_sections', array('id' => $sectionid, 'sequence' => $newsequence)); // Make module invisible because it was not displayed at all before this upgrade script. $DB->update_record('course_modules', array('id' => $cm->id, 'section' => $sectionid, 'visible' => 0, 'visibleold' => 0)); } } $rs->close(); unset($sections); // Note that we don't need to reset course cache here because it is reset automatically after upgrade. } /** * Updates a single item (course module or course section) to transfer the * availability settings from the old to the new format. * * Note: We do not convert groupmembersonly for modules at present. If we did, * $groupmembersonly would be set to the groupmembersonly option for the * module. Since we don't, it will be set to 0 for modules, and 1 for sections * if they have a grouping. * * @param int $groupmembersonly 1 if activity has groupmembersonly option * @param int $groupingid Grouping id (0 = none) * @param int $availablefrom Available from time (0 = none) * @param int $availableuntil Available until time (0 = none) * @param int $showavailability Show availability (1) or hide activity entirely * @param array $availrecs Records from course_modules/sections_availability * @param array $fieldrecs Records from course_modules/sections_avail_fields */ function upgrade_availability_item($groupmembersonly, $groupingid, $availablefrom, $availableuntil, $showavailability, array $availrecs, array $fieldrecs) { global $CFG, $DB; $conditions = array(); $shows = array(); // Group members only condition (if enabled). if ($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly && $groupmembersonly) { if ($groupingid) { $conditions[] = '{"type":"grouping"' . ($groupingid ? ',"id":' . $groupingid : '') . '}'; } else { // No grouping specified, so allow any group. $conditions[] = '{"type":"group"}'; } // Group members only condition was not displayed to students. $shows[] = 'false'; // In the unlikely event that the site had enablegroupmembers only // but NOT enableavailability, we need to turn this on now. if (!$CFG->enableavailability) { set_config('enableavailability', 1); } } // Date conditions. if ($availablefrom) { $conditions[] = '{"type":"date","d":">=","t":' . $availablefrom . '}'; $shows[] = $showavailability ? 'true' : 'false'; } if ($availableuntil) { $conditions[] = '{"type":"date","d":"<","t":' . $availableuntil . '}'; // Until dates never showed to students. $shows[] = 'false'; } // Conditions from _availability table. foreach ($availrecs as $rec) { if (!empty($rec->sourcecmid)) { // Completion condition. $conditions[] = '{"type":"completion","cm":' . $rec->sourcecmid . ',"e":' . $rec->requiredcompletion . '}'; } else { // Grade condition. $minmax = ''; if (!empty($rec->grademin)) { $minmax .= ',"min":' . sprintf('%.5f', $rec->grademin); } if (!empty($rec->grademax)) { $minmax .= ',"max":' . sprintf('%.5f', $rec->grademax); } $conditions[] = '{"type":"grade","id":' . $rec->gradeitemid . $minmax . '}'; } $shows[] = $showavailability ? 'true' : 'false'; } // Conditions from _fields table. foreach ($fieldrecs as $rec) { if (isset($rec->userfield)) { // Standard field. $fieldbit = ',"sf":' . json_encode($rec->userfield); } else { // Custom field. $fieldbit = ',"cf":' . json_encode($rec->shortname); } // Value is not included for certain operators. switch($rec->operator) { case 'isempty': case 'isnotempty': $valuebit = ''; break; default: $valuebit = ',"v":' . json_encode($rec->value); break; } $conditions[] = '{"type":"profile","op":"' . $rec->operator . '"' . $fieldbit . $valuebit . '}'; $shows[] = $showavailability ? 'true' : 'false'; } // If there are some conditions, set them into database. if ($conditions) { return '{"op":"&","showc":[' . implode(',', $shows) . '],' . '"c":[' . implode(',', $conditions) . ']}'; } else { return null; } } /** * Using data for a single course-module that has groupmembersonly enabled, * returns the new availability value that incorporates the correct * groupmembersonly option. * * Included as a function so that it can be shared between upgrade and restore, * and unit-tested. * * @param int $groupingid Grouping id for the course-module (0 if none) * @param string $availability Availability JSON data for the module (null if none) * @return string New value for availability for the module */ function upgrade_group_members_only($groupingid, $availability) { // Work out the new JSON object representing this option. if ($groupingid) { // Require specific grouping. $condition = (object)array('type' => 'grouping', 'id' => (int)$groupingid); } else { // No grouping specified, so require membership of any group. $condition = (object)array('type' => 'group'); } if (is_null($availability)) { // If there are no conditions using the new API then just set it. $tree = (object)array('op' => '&', 'c' => array($condition), 'showc' => array(false)); } else { // There are existing conditions. $tree = json_decode($availability); switch ($tree->op) { case '&' : // For & conditions we can just add this one. $tree->c[] = $condition; $tree->showc[] = false; break; case '!|' : // For 'not or' conditions we can add this one // but negated. $tree->c[] = (object)array('op' => '!&', 'c' => array($condition)); $tree->showc[] = false; break; default: // For the other two (OR and NOT AND) we have to add // an extra level to the tree. $tree = (object)array('op' => '&', 'c' => array($tree, $condition), 'showc' => array($tree->show, false)); // Inner trees do not have a show option, so remove it. unset($tree->c[0]->show); break; } } return json_encode($tree); } /** * Updates the mime-types for files that exist in the database, based on their * file extension. * * @param array $filetypes Array with file extension as the key, and mimetype as the value */ function upgrade_mimetypes($filetypes) { global $DB; $select = $DB->sql_like('filename', '?', false); foreach ($filetypes as $extension=>$mimetype) { $DB->set_field_select( 'files', 'mimetype', $mimetype, $select, array($extension) ); } }