. /** * Strings for component 'atto_equation', language 'en'. * * @package atto_equation * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['editequation'] = 'Edit equation using TeX'; $string['librarygroup1'] = 'Operators'; $string['librarygroup1_desc'] = 'TeX commands listed on the operators tab.'; $string['librarygroup2'] = 'Arrows'; $string['librarygroup2_desc'] = 'TeX commands listed on the arrows tab.'; $string['librarygroup3'] = 'Greek Symbols'; $string['librarygroup3_desc'] = 'TeX commands listed on the Greek symbols tab.'; $string['librarygroup4'] = 'Advanced'; $string['librarygroup4_desc'] = 'TeX commands listed on the advanced tab.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Equation editor'; $string['preview'] = 'Equation preview'; $string['cursorinfo'] = 'An arrow indicates the position that new elements from the element library will be inserted.'; $string['saveequation'] = 'Save equation'; $string['settings'] = 'Equation editor settings'; $string['update'] = 'Update';