. /** * Drop down form element to select the grade * * Contains HTML class for a drop down element to select the grade for an activity, * used in mod update form * * @package core_form * @copyright 2006 Jamie Pratt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ global $CFG; require_once "$CFG->libdir/form/select.php"; require_once("HTML/QuickForm/element.php"); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/form/group.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/grade/grade_scale.php'); /** * Drop down form element to select the grade * * HTML class for a drop down element to select the grade for an activity, * used in mod update form * * @package core_form * @category form * @copyright 2006 Jamie Pratt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class MoodleQuickForm_modgrade extends MoodleQuickForm_group{ /** * Constructor * * @param string $elementname Element's name * @param mixed $elementlabel Label(s) for an element * @param array $options Options to control the element's display. Not used. * @param mixed $attributes Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array */ public function MoodleQuickForm_modgrade($elementname = null, $elementlabel = null, $options = array(), $attributes = null) { $this->HTML_QuickForm_element($elementname, $elementlabel, $attributes); $this->_persistantFreeze = true; $this->_appendName = true; $this->_type = 'modgrade'; } /** * Create elements for this group. */ public function _createElements() { global $COURSE, $CFG; $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); if (is_null($attributes)) { $attributes = array(); } $this->_elements = array(); // Create main elements // We have to create the scale and point elements first, as we need their IDs. // Grade scale select box. $scales = get_scales_menu($COURSE->id); $langscale = get_string('modgradetypescale', 'grades'); $scaleselect = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('select', 'modgrade_scale', $langscale, $scales, $attributes); $scaleselect->setHiddenLabel = false; $scaleselect->_generateId(); $scaleselectid = $scaleselect->getAttribute('id'); // Maximum grade textbox. $langmaxgrade = get_string('modgrademaxgrade', 'grades'); $maxgrade = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('text', 'modgrade_point', $langmaxgrade, array()); $maxgrade->setHiddenLabel = false; $maxgrade->_generateId(); $maxgradeid = $maxgrade->getAttribute('id'); // Grade type select box. $gradetype = array( 'none' => get_string('modgradetypenone', 'grades'), 'scale' => get_string('modgradetypescale', 'grades'), 'point' => get_string('modgradetypepoint', 'grades'), ); $langtype = get_string('modgradetype', 'grades'); $typeselect = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('select', 'modgrade_type', $langtype, $gradetype, $attributes, true); $typeselect->setHiddenLabel = false; $typeselect->_generateId(); // Add elements. // Grade type select box. $label = html_writer::tag('label', $typeselect->getLabel(), array('for' => $typeselect->getAttribute('id'))); $this->_elements[] = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('static', 'gradetypelabel', '', ' '.$label); $this->_elements[] = $typeselect; $this->_elements[] = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('static', 'gradetypespacer', '', '
'); // Grade scale select box. $label = html_writer::tag('label', $scaleselect->getLabel(), array('for' => $scaleselectid)); $this->_elements[] = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('static', 'scalelabel', '', $label); $this->_elements[] = $scaleselect; $this->_elements[] = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('static', 'scalespacer', '', '
'); // Maximum grade textbox. $label = html_writer::tag('label', $maxgrade->getLabel(), array('for' => $maxgradeid)); $this->_elements[] = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('static', 'pointlabel', '', $label); $this->_elements[] = $maxgrade; $this->_elements[] = @MoodleQuickForm::createElement('static', 'pointspacer', '', '
'); } /** * Calculate the output value for the element as a whole. * * @param array $submitvalues The incoming values from the form. * @param bool $notused Not used. * @return array Return value for the element, formatted like field name => value. */ public function exportValue(&$submitvalues, $notused = false) { global $COURSE; // Get the values from all the child elements. $vals = array(); foreach ($this->_elements as $element) { $thisexport = $element->exportValue($submitvalues[$this->getName()], true); if (!is_null($thisexport)) { $vals += $thisexport; } } $type = (isset($vals['modgrade_type'])) ? $vals['modgrade_type'] : 'none'; $point = (isset($vals['modgrade_point'])) ? $vals['modgrade_point'] : null; $scale = (isset($vals['modgrade_scale'])) ? $vals['modgrade_scale'] : null; $return = $this->process_value($type, $scale, $point); return array($this->getName() => $return); } /** * Process the value for the group based on the selected grade type, and the input for the scale and point elements. * * @param string $type The value of the grade type select box. Can be 'none', 'scale', or 'point' * @param string|int $scale The value of the scale select box. * @param string|int $point The value of the point grade textbox. * @return int The resulting value */ protected function process_value($type='none', $scale=null, $point=null) { global $COURSE; $val = 0; switch ($type) { case 'point': if ($this->validate_point($point) === true) { $val = (int)$point; } break; case 'scale': if ($this->validate_scale($scale)) { $val = (int)(-$scale); } break; } return $val; } /** * Determines whether a given value is a valid scale selection. * * @param string|int $val The value to test. * @return bool Valid or invalid */ protected function validate_scale($val) { global $COURSE; $scales = get_scales_menu($COURSE->id); return (!empty($val) && isset($scales[(int)$val])) ? true : false; } /** * Determines whether a given value is a valid point selection. * * @param string|int $val The value to test. * @return bool Valid or invalid */ protected function validate_point($val) { if (empty($val)) { return false; } $maxgrade = (int)get_config('core', 'gradepointmax'); $isintlike = ((string)(int)$val === $val) ? true : false; return ($isintlike === true && $val > 0 && $val <= $maxgrade) ? true : false; } /** * Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element. * * @param string $event Name of event * @param mixed $arg event arguments * @param moodleform $caller calling object * @return mixed */ public function onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, &$caller) { switch ($event) { case 'createElement': // The first argument is the name. $name = $arg[0]; // Set disable actions. $caller->disabledIf($name.'[modgrade_scale]', $name.'[modgrade_type]', 'neq', 'scale'); $caller->disabledIf($name.'[modgrade_point]', $name.'[modgrade_type]', 'neq', 'point'); // Set validation rules for the sub-elements belonging to this element. // A handy note: the parent scope of a closure is the function in which the closure was declared. // Because of this using $this is safe despite the closures being called statically. // A nasty magic hack! $checkmaxgrade = function($val) { // Closure to validate a max points value. See the note above about scope if this confuses you. if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] === 'point') { if (!isset($val['modgrade_point'])) { return false; } return $this->validate_point($val['modgrade_point']); } return true; }; $checkvalidscale = function($val) { // Closure to validate a scale value. See the note above about scope if this confuses you. if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] === 'scale') { if (!isset($val['modgrade_scale'])) { return false; } return $this->validate_scale($val['modgrade_scale']); } return true; }; $maxgradeexceeded = get_string('modgradeerrorbadpoint', 'grades', get_config('core', 'gradepointmax')); $invalidscale = get_string('modgradeerrorbadscale', 'grades'); // When creating the rules the sixth arg is $force, we set it to true because otherwise the form // will attempt to validate the existence of the element, we don't want this because the element // is being created right now and doesn't actually exist as a registered element yet. $caller->addRule($name, $maxgradeexceeded, 'callback', $checkmaxgrade, 'server', false, true); $caller->addRule($name, $invalidscale, 'callback', $checkvalidscale, 'server', false, true); break; case 'updateValue': // As this is a group element with no value of its own we are only interested in situations where the // default value or a constant value are being provided to the actual element. // In this case we expect an int that is going to translate to a scale if negative, or to max points // if positive. // A constant value should be given as an int. // The default value should be an int and should really be $CFG->gradepointdefault. $value = $this->_findValue($caller->_constantValues); if (null === $value) { if ($caller->isSubmitted()) { break; } $value = $this->_findValue($caller->_defaultValues); } if (!is_null($value) && !is_scalar($value)) { // Something unexpected (likely an array of subelement values) has been given - this will be dealt // with somewhere else - where exactly... likely the subelements. debugging('An invalid value (type '.gettype($value).') has arrived at '.__METHOD__, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); break; } // Set element state for existing data. // This is really a pretty hacky thing to do, when data is being set the group element is called // with the data first and the subelements called afterwards. // This means that the subelements data (inc const and default values) can be overridden by form code. // So - when we call this code really we can't be sure that will be the end value for the element. if (!empty($this->_elements)) { if (!empty($value)) { if ($value < 0) { $this->_elements[1]->setValue('scale'); $this->_elements[4]->setValue(($value * -1)); } else if ($value > 0) { $this->_elements[1]->setValue('point'); $this->_elements[7]->setValue($value); } } else { $this->_elements[1]->setValue('none'); $this->_elements[7]->setValue(''); } } break; } // Always let the parent do its thing! return parent::onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, $caller); } }