name = $name; $this->value = ($value instanceof Less_Tree_Value || $value instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset) ? $value : new Less_Tree_Value(array($value)); $this->important = $important ? ' ' . trim($important) : ''; $this->merge = $merge; $this->index = $index; $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; $this->inline = $inline; $this->variable = ( is_string($name) && $name[0] === '@'); } function accept($visitor) { $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); } /** * @see Less_Tree::genCSS */ function genCSS( $output ){ $output->add( $this->name . Less_Environment::$_outputMap[': '], $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); try{ $this->value->genCSS( $output); }catch( Less_Exception_Parser $e ){ $e->index = $this->index; $e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo; throw $e; } $output->add( $this->important . (($this->inline || (Less_Environment::$lastRule && Less_Parser::$options['compress'])) ? "" : ";"), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); } public function compile ($env){ $name = $this->name; if( is_array($name) ){ // expand 'primitive' name directly to get // things faster (~10% for benchmark.less): if( count($name) === 1 && $name[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ){ $name = $name[0]->value; }else{ $name = $this->CompileName($env,$name); } } $strictMathBypass = Less_Parser::$options['strictMath']; if( $name === "font" && !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] ){ Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = true; } try { $evaldValue = $this->value->compile($env); if( !$this->variable && $evaldValue->type === "DetachedRuleset") { throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Rulesets cannot be evaluated on a property.", null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); } if( Less_Environment::$mixin_stack ){ $return = new Less_Tree_Rule($name, $evaldValue, $this->important, $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline); }else{ $this->name = $name; $this->value = $evaldValue; $return = $this; } }catch( Less_Exception_Parser $e ){ if( !is_numeric($e->index) ){ $e->index = $this->index; $e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo; } throw $e; } Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = $strictMathBypass; return $return; } function CompileName( $env, $name ){ $output = new Less_Output(); foreach($name as $n){ $n->compile($env)->genCSS($output); } return $output->toString(); } function makeImportant(){ return new Less_Tree_Rule($this->name, $this->value, '!important', $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline); } }