. /** * Database driver test case. * * @package core * @category phpunit * @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Special test case for testing of DML drivers and DDL layer. * * Note: Use only 'test_table*' names when creating new tables. * * For DML/DDL developers: you can add following settings to config.php if you want to test different driver than the main one, * the reason is to allow testing of incomplete drivers that do not allow full PHPUnit environment * initialisation (the database can be empty). * $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers = array( * 1=>array('dbtype'=>'mysqli', 'dbhost'=>'localhost', 'dbname'=>'moodle', 'dbuser'=>'root', 'dbpass'=>'', 'prefix'=>'phpu2_'), * 2=>array('dbtype'=>'pgsql', 'dbhost'=>'localhost', 'dbname'=>'moodle', 'dbuser'=>'postgres', 'dbpass'=>'', 'prefix'=>'phpu2_'), * 3=>array('dbtype'=>'sqlsrv', 'dbhost'=>'', 'dbname'=>'moodle', 'dbuser'=>'sa', 'dbpass'=>'', 'prefix'=>'phpu2_'), * 4=>array('dbtype'=>'oci', 'dbhost'=>'', 'dbname'=>'XE', 'dbuser'=>'sa', 'dbpass'=>'', 'prefix'=>'t_'), * ); * define('PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER')=1; //number is index in the previous array * * @package core * @category phpunit * @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class database_driver_testcase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** @var moodle_database connection to extra database */ private static $extradb = null; /** @var moodle_database used in these tests*/ protected $tdb; /** * Constructs a test case with the given name. * * @param string $name * @param array $data * @param string $dataName */ final public function __construct($name = null, array $data = array(), $dataName = '') { parent::__construct($name, $data, $dataName); $this->setBackupGlobals(false); $this->setBackupStaticAttributes(false); $this->setRunTestInSeparateProcess(false); } public static function setUpBeforeClass() { global $CFG; parent::setUpBeforeClass(); if (!defined('PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER')) { // use normal $DB return; } if (!isset($CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER])) { throw new exception('Can not find driver configuration options with index: '.PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER); } $dblibrary = empty($CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dblibrary']) ? 'native' : $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dblibrary']; $dbtype = $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dbtype']; $dbhost = $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dbhost']; $dbname = $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dbname']; $dbuser = $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dbuser']; $dbpass = $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dbpass']; $prefix = $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['prefix']; $dboptions = empty($CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dboptions']) ? array() : $CFG->phpunit_extra_drivers[PHPUNIT_TEST_DRIVER]['dboptions']; $classname = "{$dbtype}_{$dblibrary}_moodle_database"; require_once("$CFG->libdir/dml/$classname.php"); $d = new $classname(); if (!$d->driver_installed()) { throw new exception('Database driver for '.$classname.' is not installed'); } $d->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $prefix, $dboptions); self::$extradb = $d; } protected function setUp() { global $DB; parent::setUp(); if (self::$extradb) { $this->tdb = self::$extradb; } else { $this->tdb = $DB; } } protected function tearDown() { // delete all test tables $dbman = $this->tdb->get_manager(); $tables = $this->tdb->get_tables(false); foreach($tables as $tablename) { if (strpos($tablename, 'test_table') === 0) { $table = new xmldb_table($tablename); $dbman->drop_table($table); } } parent::tearDown(); } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { if (self::$extradb) { self::$extradb->dispose(); self::$extradb = null; } phpunit_util::reset_all_data(null); parent::tearDownAfterClass(); } /** * Runs the bare test sequence. * @return void */ public function runBare() { try { parent::runBare(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->tdb->is_transaction_started()) { $this->tdb->force_transaction_rollback(); } $this->tearDown(); throw $e; } } /** * Return debugging messages from the current test. * @return array with instances having 'message', 'level' and 'stacktrace' property. */ public function getDebuggingMessages() { return phpunit_util::get_debugging_messages(); } /** * Clear all previous debugging messages in current test. */ public function resetDebugging() { phpunit_util::reset_debugging(); } /** * Assert that exactly debugging was just called once. * * Discards the debugging message if successful. * * @param null|string $debugmessage null means any * @param null|string $debuglevel null means any * @param string $message */ public function assertDebuggingCalled($debugmessage = null, $debuglevel = null, $message = '') { $debugging = phpunit_util::get_debugging_messages(); $count = count($debugging); if ($count == 0) { if ($message === '') { $message = 'Expectation failed, debugging() not triggered.'; } $this->fail($message); } if ($count > 1) { if ($message === '') { $message = 'Expectation failed, debugging() triggered '.$count.' times.'; } $this->fail($message); } $this->assertEquals(1, $count); $debug = reset($debugging); if ($debugmessage !== null) { $this->assertSame($debugmessage, $debug->message, $message); } if ($debuglevel !== null) { $this->assertSame($debuglevel, $debug->level, $message); } phpunit_util::reset_debugging(); } /** * Call when no debugging() messages expected. * @param string $message */ public function assertDebuggingNotCalled($message = '') { $debugging = phpunit_util::get_debugging_messages(); $count = count($debugging); if ($message === '') { $message = 'Expectation failed, debugging() was triggered.'; } $this->assertEquals(0, $count, $message); } }