* Strings for component 'feedback', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
* @package mod_feedback
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['add_item'] = 'Add question to activity';
$string['add_pagebreak'] = 'Add a page break';
$string['adjustment'] = 'Adjustment';
$string['after_submit'] = 'After submission';
$string['allowfullanonymous'] = 'Allow full anonymous';
$string['analysis'] = 'Analysis';
$string['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
$string['anonymous_edit'] = 'Record user names';
$string['anonymous_entries'] = 'Anonymous entries';
$string['anonymous_user'] = 'Anonymous user';
$string['append_new_items'] = 'Append new items';
$string['autonumbering'] = 'Auto number questions';
$string['autonumbering_help'] = 'Enables or disables automated numbers for each question';
$string['average'] = 'Average';
$string['bold'] = 'Bold';
$string['cancel_moving'] = 'Cancel moving';
$string['cannotmapfeedback'] = 'Database problem, unable to map feedback to course';
$string['cannotsavetempl'] = 'saving templates is not allowed';
$string['cannotunmap'] = 'Database problem, unable to unmap';
$string['captcha'] = 'Captcha';
$string['captchanotset'] = 'Captcha hasn\'t been set.';
$string['completed'] = 'completed';
$string['completed_feedbacks'] = 'Submitted answers';
$string['complete_the_form'] = 'Answer the questions...';
$string['completionsubmit'] = 'View as completed if the feedback is submitted';
$string['configallowfullanonymous'] = 'If set to \'yes\', users can complete a feedback activity on the front page without being required to log in.';
$string['confirmdeleteentry'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?';
$string['confirmdeleteitem'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this element?';
$string['confirmdeletetemplate'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this template?';
$string['confirmusetemplate'] = 'Are you sure you want to use this template?';
$string['continue_the_form'] = 'Continue the form';
$string['count_of_nums'] = 'Count of numbers';
$string['courseid'] = 'courseid';
$string['creating_templates'] = 'Save these questions as a new template';
$string['delete_entry'] = 'Delete entry';
$string['delete_item'] = 'Delete question';
$string['delete_old_items'] = 'Delete old items';
$string['delete_template'] = 'Delete template';
$string['delete_templates'] = 'Delete template...';
$string['depending'] = 'Dependencies';
$string['depending_help'] = 'It is possible to show an item depending on the value of another item.
Here is an example.
{$a->username} has completed feedback activity : \'{$a->feedback}\'.
It is available on the site.
'; $string['entries_saved'] = 'Your answers have been saved. Thank you.'; $string['export_questions'] = 'Export questions'; $string['export_to_excel'] = 'Export to Excel'; $string['eventresponsedeleted'] = 'Response deleted'; $string['eventresponsesubmitted'] = 'Response submitted'; $string['feedback:addinstance'] = 'Add a new feedback'; $string['feedbackclose'] = 'Allow answers to'; $string['feedback:complete'] = 'Complete a feedback'; $string['feedback:createprivatetemplate'] = 'Create private template'; $string['feedback:createpublictemplate'] = 'Create public template'; $string['feedback:deletesubmissions'] = 'Delete completed submissions'; $string['feedback:deletetemplate'] = 'Delete template'; $string['feedback:edititems'] = 'Edit items'; $string['feedback_is_not_for_anonymous'] = 'feedback is not for anonymous'; $string['feedback_is_not_open'] = 'The feedback is not open'; $string['feedback:mapcourse'] = 'Map courses to global feedbacks'; $string['feedbackopen'] = 'Allow answers from'; $string['feedback:receivemail'] = 'Receive email notification'; $string['feedback:view'] = 'View a feedback'; $string['feedback:viewanalysepage'] = 'View the analysis page after submit'; $string['feedback:viewreports'] = 'View reports'; $string['file'] = 'File'; $string['filter_by_course'] = 'Filter by course'; $string['handling_error'] = 'Error occurred in feedback module action handling'; $string['hide_no_select_option'] = 'Hide the "Not selected" option'; $string['horizontal'] = 'horizontal'; $string['check'] = 'Multiple choice - multiple answers'; $string['checkbox'] = 'Multiple choice - multiple answers allowed (check boxes)'; $string['check_values'] = 'Possible responses'; $string['choosefile'] = 'Choose a file'; $string['chosen_feedback_response'] = 'chosen feedback response'; $string['importfromthisfile'] = 'Import from this file'; $string['import_questions'] = 'Import questions'; $string['import_successfully'] = 'Import successfully'; $string['info'] = 'Information'; $string['infotype'] = 'Information-Type'; $string['insufficient_responses_for_this_group'] = 'There are insufficient responses for this group'; $string['insufficient_responses'] = 'insufficient responses'; $string['insufficient_responses_help'] = 'There are insufficient responses for this group. To keep the feedback anonymous, a minimum of 2 responses must be done.'; $string['item_label'] = 'Label'; $string['item_name'] = 'Question'; $string['label'] = 'Label'; $string['line_values'] = 'Rating'; $string['mapcourseinfo'] = 'This is a site-wide feedback that is available to all courses using the feedback block. You can however limit the courses to which it will appear by mapping them. Search the course and map it to this feedback.'; $string['mapcoursenone'] = 'No courses mapped. Feedback available to all courses'; $string['mapcourse'] = 'Map feedback to courses'; $string['mapcourse_help'] = 'By default, feedback forms created on your homepage are available site-wide and will appear in all courses using the feedback block. You can force the feedback form to appear by making it a sticky block or limit the courses in which a feedback form will appear by mapping it to specific courses.'; $string['mapcourses'] = 'Map feedback to courses'; $string['mapcourses_help'] = 'Once you have selected the relevant course(s) from your search, you can associate them with this feedback using map course(s). Multiple courses may be selected by holding down the Apple or Ctrl key whilst clicking on the course names. A course may be disassociated from a feedback at any time.'; $string['mappedcourses'] = 'Mapped courses'; $string['max_args_exceeded'] = 'Max 6 arguments can be handled, too many arguments for'; $string['maximal'] = 'maximal'; $string['messageprovider:message'] = 'Feedback reminder'; $string['messageprovider:submission'] = 'Feedback notifications'; $string['mode'] = 'Mode'; $string['modulename'] = 'Feedback'; $string['modulename_help'] = 'The feedback activity module enables a teacher to create a custom survey for collecting feedback from participants using a variety of question types including multiple choice, yes/no or text input. Feedback responses may be anonymous if desired, and results may be shown to all participants or restricted to teachers only. Any feedback activities on the site front page may also be completed by non-logged-in users. Feedback activities may be used * For course evaluations, helping improve the content for later participants * To enable participants to sign up for course modules, events etc. * For guest surveys of course choices, school policies etc. * For anti-bullying surveys in which students can report incidents anonymously'; $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/feedback/view'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Feedback'; $string['movedown_item'] = 'Move this question down'; $string['move_here'] = 'Move here'; $string['move_item'] = 'Move this question'; $string['moveup_item'] = 'Move this question up'; $string['multichoice'] = 'Multiple choice'; $string['multichoicerated'] = 'Multiple choice (rated)'; $string['multichoicetype'] = 'Multiple choice type'; $string['multichoice_values'] = 'Multiple choice values'; $string['multiplesubmit'] = 'Allow multiple submissions'; $string['multiplesubmit_help'] = 'If enabled for anonymous surveys, users can submit feedback an unlimited number of times.'; $string['name'] = 'Name'; $string['name_required'] = 'Name required'; $string['next_page'] = 'Next page'; $string['no_handler'] = 'No action handler exists for'; $string['no_itemlabel'] = 'No label'; $string['no_itemname'] = 'No itemname'; $string['no_items_available_yet'] = 'No questions have been set up yet'; $string['non_anonymous'] = 'User\'s name will be logged and shown with answers'; $string['non_anonymous_entries'] = 'non anonymous entries'; $string['non_respondents_students'] = 'non respondents students'; $string['notavailable'] = 'this feedback is not available'; $string['not_completed_yet'] = 'Not completed yet'; $string['not_started'] = 'not started'; $string['no_templates_available_yet'] = 'No templates available yet'; $string['not_selected'] = 'Not selected'; $string['numeric'] = 'Numeric answer'; $string['numeric_range_from'] = 'Range from'; $string['numeric_range_to'] = 'Range to'; $string['of'] = 'of'; $string['oldvaluespreserved'] = 'All old questions and the assigned values will be preserved'; $string['oldvalueswillbedeleted'] = 'The current questions and all your user\'s responses will be deleted'; $string['only_one_captcha_allowed'] = 'Only one captcha is allowed in a feedback'; $string['overview'] = 'Overview'; $string['page'] = 'Page'; $string['page-mod-feedback-x'] = 'Any feedback module page'; $string['page_after_submit'] = 'Completion message'; $string['pagebreak'] = 'Page break'; $string['parameters_missing'] = 'Parameters missing from'; $string['picture'] = 'Picture'; $string['picture_file_list'] = 'List of pictures'; $string['picture_values'] = 'Choose one or more