. require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/scorm/locallib.php'); // Set some vars to use as default values. $userdata = new stdClass(); $def = new stdClass(); $cmiobj = new stdClass(); $cmiint = new stdClass(); if (!isset($currentorg)) { $currentorg = ''; } if ($scoes = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array('scorm' => $scorm->id), 'sortorder, id')) { // Drop keys so that it is a simple array. $scoes = array_values($scoes); foreach ($scoes as $sco) { $def->{($sco->id)} = new stdClass(); $userdata->{($sco->id)} = new stdClass(); $def->{($sco->id)} = get_scorm_default($userdata->{($sco->id)}, $scorm, $sco->id, $attempt, $mode); // Reconstitute objectives. $cmiobj->{($sco->id)} = scorm_reconstitute_array_element($scorm->version, $userdata->{($sco->id)}, 'cmi.objectives', array('score')); $cmiint->{($sco->id)} = scorm_reconstitute_array_element($scorm->version, $userdata->{($sco->id)}, 'cmi.interactions', array('objectives', 'correct_responses')); } } // If SCORM 1.2 standard mode is disabled allow higher datamodel limits. if (intval(get_config("scorm", "scorm12standard"))) { $cmistring256 = '^[\\u0000-\\uFFFF]{0,255}$'; $cmistring4096 = '^[\\u0000-\\uFFFF]{0,4096}$'; } else { $cmistring256 = '^[\\u0000-\\uFFFF]{0,64000}$'; $cmistring4096 = $cmistring256; } $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.scorm_api.init', array($def, $cmiobj, $cmiint, $cmistring256, $cmistring4096, scorm_debugging($scorm), $scorm->auto, $scorm->id, $CFG->wwwroot, sesskey(), $scoid, $attempt, $mode, $id, $currentorg, $scorm->autocommit)); // Pull in the debugging utilities. if (scorm_debugging($scorm)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/scorm/datamodels/debug.js.php'); echo html_writer::script('AppendToLog("Moodle SCORM 1.2 API Loaded, Activity: '. $scorm->name.', SCO: '.$sco->identifier.'", 0);'); }