. /** * This file defines a base class for all grading strategy editing forms. * * @package mod_workshop * @copyright 2009 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/formslib.php'); // parent class definition /** * Base class for editing all the strategy grading forms. * * This defines the common fields that all strategy grading forms need. * Strategies should define their own class that inherits from this one, and * implements the definition_inner() method. * * @uses moodleform */ class workshop_edit_strategy_form extends moodleform { /** strategy logic instance that this class is editor of */ protected $strategy; /** * Add the fields that are common for all grading strategies. * * If the strategy does not support all these fields, then you can override * this method and remove the ones you don't want with * $mform->removeElement(). * Stretegy subclassess should define their own fields in definition_inner() * * @return void */ public function definition() { global $CFG; $mform = $this->_form; $this->workshop = $this->_customdata['workshop']; $this->strategy = $this->_customdata['strategy']; $mform->addElement('hidden', 'workshopid', $this->workshop->id); // workshopid $mform->setType('workshopid', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'strategy', $this->workshop->strategy); // strategy name $mform->setType('strategy', PARAM_PLUGIN); $this->definition_inner($mform); // todo - tags support //if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) { // $mform->addElement('header', 'tagsheader', get_string('tags')); // $mform->addElement('tags', 'tags', get_string('tags')); //} $buttonarray = array(); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'saveandcontinue', get_string('saveandcontinue', 'workshop')); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'saveandpreview', get_string('saveandpreview', 'workshop')); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'saveandclose', get_string('saveandclose', 'workshop')); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('cancel'); $mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', array(' '), false); $mform->closeHeaderBefore('buttonar'); } /** * Add any strategy specific form fields. * * @param stdClass $mform the form being built. */ protected function definition_inner(&$mform) { // By default, do nothing. } }