. /** * Strings for component 'repository_boxnet', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package repository_boxnet * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['apikey'] = 'API key'; $string['apiv1migration_message_content'] = 'As part of the recent Moodle upgrade (2.6, 2.5.3, 2.4.7), the Box repository plugin has been disabled. To re-enable it, you need to re-configure it as described in the documentation {$a->docsurl}.'; $string['apiv1migration_message_small'] = 'This plugin has been disabled, as it requires configuration as described in the documentation Box APIv1 migration.'; $string['apiv1migration_message_subject'] = 'Important information regarding Box repository plugin'; $string['boxnet:view'] = 'View Box repository'; $string['cannotcreatereference'] = 'Cannot create a reference, not enough permissions to share the file on Box.'; $string['clientid'] = 'Client ID'; $string['clientsecret'] = 'Client secret'; $string['configplugin'] = 'Box configuration'; $string['filesourceinfo'] = 'Box ({$a->fullname}): {$a->filename}'; $string['information'] = 'Get a client ID and secret from the Box developer page for your Moodle site.'; $string['invalidpassword'] = 'Invalid password'; $string['migrationadvised'] = 'It appears that you were using Box with the API version 1, have you run the migration tool to convert the old references?'; $string['migrationinfo'] = '
As part of the migration to the new API provided by Box, your file references have to be migrated. Unfortunately the reference system is not compatible with the API v2, so we are going to download them and convert them to real files.
Please also be aware that the migration can take a very long time, depending on how many references are used, and how large their files are.
You can run the migration tool by clicking the button below, or alternatively by executing the CLI script: repository/boxnet/cli/migrationv1.php.
Find out more here.
'; $string['migrationtool'] = 'Box APIv1 migration tool'; $string['nullfilelist'] = 'There are no files in this repository'; $string['password'] = 'Password'; $string['pluginname_help'] = 'Repository on Box'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Box'; $string['runthemigrationnow'] = 'Run the migration tool now'; $string['saved'] = 'Box data saved'; $string['shareurl'] = 'Share URL'; $string['username'] = 'Username for Box'; $string['warninghttps'] = 'Box requires your website to be using HTTPS in order for the repository to work.';