. /** * Box.net APIv1 migration tool. * * This tool is intended to migrate the references of the APIv1 of Box.net * as this API is going end of life in December 14th 2013. As there is no * way to support the references in the APIv2, we will convert those old * references to local files. * * This operation can take a long time depending on the number of references * used and their size. * * @package repository_boxnet * @copyright 2013 Frédéric Massart * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @todo Deprecate/remove this tool after the 14th of December 2013. */ define('NO_OUTPUT_BUFFERING', true); require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/boxnet/locallib.php'); require_login(); require_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance()); $title = get_string('migrationtool', 'repository_boxnet'); $PAGE->set_context(context_system::instance()); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('maintenance'); $PAGE->set_title($title); $PAGE->set_heading($title); $PAGE->set_url(new moodle_url('/repository/boxnet/migrationv1.php')); $PAGE->navbar->add($title); $confirm = optional_param('confirm', false, PARAM_BOOL); echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading('Reference migration tool'); if ($confirm && confirm_sesskey()) { echo html_writer::start_tag('pre', array()); repository_boxnet_migrate_references_from_apiv1(); echo html_writer::end_tag('pre', array()); } else { $a = new stdClass(); $a->docsurl = get_docs_url('Box.net_APIv1_migration'); echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('migrationinfo', 'repository_boxnet', $a)); $execurl = new moodle_url('/repository/boxnet/migrationv1.php', array('confirm' => 1, 'sesskey' => sesskey())); $button = new single_button($execurl, get_string('runthemigrationnow', 'repository_boxnet')); echo $OUTPUT->render($button); } echo $OUTPUT->footer();