. /** * coursetagslib.php * * @package core_tag * @copyright 2007 j.beedell@open.ac.uk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/tag/lib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/tag/locallib.php'; /** * Returns an ordered array of tags associated with visible courses * (boosted replacement of get_all_tags() allowing association with user and tagtype). * * @package core_tag * @category tag * @param int $courseid A course id. Passing 0 will return all distinct tags for all visible courses * @param int $userid (optional) the user id, a default of 0 will return all users tags for the course * @param string $tagtype (optional) The type of tag, empty string returns all types. Currently (Moodle 2.2) there are two * types of tags which are used within Moodle, they are 'official' and 'default'. * @param int $numtags (optional) number of tags to display, default of 80 is set in the block, 0 returns all * @param string $unused (optional) was selected sorting, moved to tag_print_cloud() * @return array */ function coursetag_get_tags($courseid, $userid=0, $tagtype='', $numtags=0, $unused = '') { global $CFG, $DB; // get visible course ids $courselist = array(); if ($courseid === 0) { if ($courses = $DB->get_records_select('course', 'visible=1 AND category>0', null, '', 'id')) { foreach ($courses as $key => $value) { $courselist[] = $key; } } } // get tags from the db ordered by highest count first $params = array(); $sql = "SELECT id as tkey, name, id, tagtype, rawname, f.timemodified, flag, count FROM {tag} t, (SELECT tagid, MAX(timemodified) as timemodified, COUNT(id) as count FROM {tag_instance} WHERE itemtype = 'course' "; if ($courseid > 0) { $sql .= " AND itemid = :courseid "; $params['courseid'] = $courseid; } else { if (!empty($courselist)) { list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($courselist, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $sql .= "AND itemid $usql "; $params = $params + $uparams; } } if ($userid > 0) { $sql .= " AND tiuserid = :userid "; $params['userid'] = $userid; } $sql .= " GROUP BY tagid) f WHERE t.id = f.tagid "; if ($tagtype != '') { $sql .= "AND tagtype = :tagtype "; $params['tagtype'] = $tagtype; } $sql .= "ORDER BY count DESC, name ASC"; // limit the number of tags for output if ($numtags == 0) { $tags = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); } else { $tags = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, 0, $numtags); } // prepare the return $return = array(); if ($tags) { // avoid print_tag_cloud()'s ksort upsetting ordering by setting the key here foreach ($tags as $value) { $return[] = $value; } } return $return; } /** * Returns an ordered array of tags * (replaces popular_tags_count() allowing sorting). * * @package core_tag * @category tag * @param string $unused (optional) was selected sorting - moved to tag_print_cloud() * @param int $numtags (optional) number of tags to display, default of 20 is set in the block, 0 returns all * @return array */ function coursetag_get_all_tags($unused='', $numtags=0) { global $CFG, $DB; // note that this selects all tags except for courses that are not visible $sql = "SELECT id, name, tagtype, rawname, f.timemodified, flag, count FROM {tag} t, (SELECT tagid, MAX(timemodified) as timemodified, COUNT(id) as count FROM {tag_instance} WHERE tagid NOT IN (SELECT tagid FROM {tag_instance} ti, {course} c WHERE c.visible = 0 AND ti.itemtype = 'course' AND ti.itemid = c.id) GROUP BY tagid) f WHERE t.id = f.tagid ORDER BY count DESC, name ASC"; if ($numtags == 0) { $tags = $DB->get_records_sql($sql); } else { $tags = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, null, 0, $numtags); } $return = array(); if ($tags) { foreach ($tags as $value) { $return[] = $value; } } return $return; } /** * Returns javascript for use in tags block and supporting pages * * @package core_tag * @category tag * @return null */ function coursetag_get_jscript() { global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE; $PAGE->requires->js('/tag/tag.js'); $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(array('jserror1', 'jserror2'), 'block_tags'); if ($coursetags = $DB->get_records('tag', null, 'name ASC', 'name, id')) { foreach ($coursetags as $key => $value) { $PAGE->requires->js_function_call('set_course_tag', array($key)); } } $PAGE->requires->js('/blocks/tags/coursetags.js'); return ''; } /** * Returns javascript to create the links in the tag block footer. * * @package core_tag * @category tag * @param string $elementid the element to attach the footer to * @param array $coursetagslinks links arrays each consisting of 'title', 'onclick' and 'text' elements * @return string always returns a blank string */ function coursetag_get_jscript_links($elementid, $coursetagslinks) { global $PAGE; if (!empty($coursetagslinks)) { foreach ($coursetagslinks as $a) { $PAGE->requires->js_function_call('add_tag_footer_link', array($elementid, $a['title'], $a['onclick'], $a['text']), true); } } return ''; } /** * Returns all tags created by a user for a course * * @package core_tag * @category tag * @param int $courseid tags are returned for the course that has this courseid * @param int $userid return tags which were created by this user */ function coursetag_get_records($courseid, $userid) { global $CFG, $DB; $sql = "SELECT t.id, name, rawname FROM {tag} t, {tag_instance} ti WHERE t.id = ti.tagid AND ti.tiuserid = :userid AND ti.itemid = :courseid ORDER BY name ASC"; return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('userid'=>$userid, 'courseid'=>$courseid)); } /** * Stores a tag for a course for a user * * @package core_tag * @category tag * @param array $tags simple array of keywords to be stored * @param int $courseid the id of the course we wish to store a tag for * @param int $userid the id of the user we wish to store a tag for * @param string $tagtype official or default only * @param string $myurl (optional) for logging creation of course tags */ function coursetag_store_keywords($tags, $courseid, $userid=0, $tagtype='official', $myurl='') { global $CFG; if (is_array($tags) and !empty($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); if (strlen($tag) > 0) { //tag_set_add('course', $courseid, $tag, $userid); //deletes official tags //add tag if does not exist if (!$tagid = tag_get_id($tag)) { $tag_id_array = tag_add(array($tag), $tagtype); $tagid = $tag_id_array[core_text::strtolower($tag)]; } //ordering $ordering = 0; if ($current_ids = tag_get_tags_ids('course', $courseid)) { end($current_ids); $ordering = key($current_ids) + 1; } //set type tag_type_set($tagid, $tagtype); //tag_instance entry tag_assign('course', $courseid, $tagid, $ordering, $userid, 'core', context_course::instance($courseid)->id); } } } } /** * Deletes a personal tag for a user for a course. * * @package core_tag * @category tag * @param int $tagid the tag we wish to delete * @param int $userid the user that the tag is associated with * @param int $courseid the course that the tag is associated with */ function coursetag_delete_keyword($tagid, $userid, $courseid) { tag_delete_instance('course', $courseid, $tagid, $userid); } /** * Get courses tagged with a tag * * @global moodle_database $DB * @package core_tag * @category tag * @param int $tagid * @return array of course objects */ function coursetag_get_tagged_courses($tagid) { global $DB; $courses = array(); $ctxselect = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx'); $sql = "SELECT c.*, $ctxselect FROM {course} c JOIN {tag_instance} t ON t.itemid = c.id JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = c.id WHERE t.tagid = :tagid AND t.itemtype = 'course' AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel ORDER BY c.sortorder ASC"; $params = array('tagid' => $tagid, 'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($rs as $course) { context_helper::preload_from_record($course); if ($course->visible == 1 || has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', context_course::instance($course->id))) { $courses[$course->id] = $course; } } return $courses; } /** * Course tagging function used only during the deletion of a course (called by lib/moodlelib.php) to clean up associated tags * * @package core_tag * @param int $courseid the course we wish to delete tag instances from * @param bool $showfeedback if we should output a notification of the delete to the end user */ function coursetag_delete_course_tags($courseid, $showfeedback=false) { global $DB, $OUTPUT; if ($taginstances = $DB->get_fieldset_select('tag_instance', 'tagid', "itemtype = 'course' AND itemid = :courseid", array('courseid' => $courseid))) { tag_delete(array_values($taginstances)); } if ($showfeedback) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('deletedcoursetags', 'tag'), 'notifysuccess'); } }