// Strip down core bootstrap for editor. // Core variables and mixins. @import "bootstrap/variables.less"; // Modify this for custom colors, font-sizes, etc. @import "bootstrap/mixins.less"; // CSS Reset. @import "bootstrap/reset.less"; // Base CSS. @import "bootstrap/scaffolding.less"; @import "bootstrap/type.less"; @import "bootstrap/code.less"; @import "bootstrap/tables.less"; // Components: common. @import "bootstrap/sprites.less"; @iconSpritePath: ~"[[pix:theme|glyphicons-halflings]]"; @iconWhiteSpritePath: ~"[[pix:theme|glyphicons-halflings-white]]"; @import "bootstrap/wells.less"; // Components: Buttons & Alerts. @import "bootstrap/buttons.less"; @import "bootstrap/alerts.less"; // Note: alerts share common CSS with buttons and thus have styles in buttons.less. // Components: Misc. @import "bootstrap/thumbnails.less"; @import "bootstrap/labels-badges.less"; // Utility classes. @import "bootstrap/utilities.less"; // Has to be last to override when necessary. // Moodle override. @import "moodle/editor.less"; // The final override.