Task-Per-Derivative: 1 Task-Section: user Task-Description: Xubuntu desktop Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the Xubuntu desktop environment. Task-Key: xubuntu-desktop Task-Name: xubuntu-desktop Task-Seeds: desktop-common = Network Services = Basic network services and Windows integration. * (avahi-autoipd) # IPv4 link-local interface configuration support * (network-manager-gnome) # see NetworkRoaming spec * (network-manager-pptp) * (network-manager-pptp-gnome) = GUI infrastructure = * xterm # Provide a backup terminal and complete X env. * (libnotify-bin) # various scripts need notify-send (such as .bashrc's "alert") Extra fonts (should be common, but not so for space reasons): * (fonts-droid) * (fonts-nanum) * (fonts-opensymbol) * (fonts-liberation) Input methods: * (im-config) = Desktop Xfce Apps = Common with Ubuntu: * (apport-gtk) * (whoopsie) # http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker * (desktop-file-utils) * (file-roller) * (gnome-calculator) * lightdm # Proposed GDM replacement for Oneiric, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-lightdm * (software-center) * (app-install-data-partner) * (transmission-gtk) # simple GNOME frontend for bittorrent downloads * (system-config-printer-gnome) * (libpam-gnome-keyring) * (gnome-system-tools) * (gucharmap) # SebastienBacher * language-selector-gnome # MichaelVogt * (firefox) * (xul-ext-ubufox) # ubuntu firefox tweaks - AlexanderSack * software-properties-gtk # default GUI sources.list editor / extra drivers * update-manager * (update-notifier) * zenity * (xdg-utils) # useful utilities * xdg-user-dirs * xdg-user-dirs-gtk * (gvfs-fuse) # let non-GNOME apps see GVFS via fuse * (gvfs-backends) # otherwise no network tab * pm-utils # needed for sane power management Xfce core: * xfwm4 * xfdesktop4 * xfce4-panel * xfce4-settings * xfce4-session * thunar * xfce4-appfinder * tumbler * thunar-volman * (libxfce4ui-utils) # for xfce4-about Xfce goodies: * (xfce4-xkb-plugin) * (xfce4-mailwatch-plugin) * (xfce4-verve-plugin) * (xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin) * (xfce4-weather-plugin) * (xfce4-cpugraph-plugin) * (xfce4-systemload-plugin) * (xfce4-netload-plugin) * (xfce4-screenshooter) * (xfce4-notes-plugin) * (xfce4-dict) * (xfce4-places-plugin) * (thunar-archive-plugin) * (thunar-media-tags-plugin) * (xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin) * (xfce4-volumed) * (xfce4-terminal) * (orage) * (ristretto) * (xfce4-power-manager) * (gigolo) * (xfce4-taskmanager) * (xfburn) * (parole) * xfce4-notifyd Indicator/Ayatana stuff: * (xfce4-indicator-plugin) * (indicator-application) * (indicator-sound) * (indicator-messages) * (indicator-power) Games: We only ship a few by default. # * (aisleriot) [!powerpc] # * (gnome-mahjongg) [!powerpc] * (gnomine) [!powerpc] * (gnome-sudoku) [!powerpc] Themes: * gtk2-engines-pixbuf # Required by some themes the user might install * dmz-cursor-theme The gstreamer0.10 packages we want to install: * (gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio) * (gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps) * libasound2-plugins Accessibility tools: * (gnome-accessibility-themes) * (onboard) * (brltty) * (brltty-x11) * (xcursor-themes) * (espeak) * (speech-dispatcher) = Other Desktop GUI Apps = * (simple-scan) * (gimp) * (gnumeric) * (abiword) * (abiword-plugin-grammar) * (abiword-plugin-mathview) * (light-locker) * (light-locker-settings) * (catfish) * (gmusicbrowser) * (thunderbird) * (pidgin) # * (pidgin-microblog) Mostly broken LP: #1190406 * (pidgin-otr) * (xchat) * (mousepad) * (evince) * (blueman) * (menulibre) # menu editor * (mugshot) # user config * (pavucontrol) # mixer * (gtk-theme-config) = Documentation = * doc-base # integrates with scrollkeeper * (xubuntu-docs) = Development = Here we provide a minimal development environment sufficient to build kernel drivers, so that this is possible on the live CD and in scenarios where it is problematic to get these packages onto the installed system in order to compile a driver. -mdz * (gcc) * (make) = Other = * xubuntu-desktop # metapackage for everything here * xubuntu-default-settings * xubuntu-artwork * lightdm-gtk-greeter * (xubuntu-community-wallpapers) * (pastebinit) * (apt-offline) * xserver-xorg-lts-vivid * libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-vivid * xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-vivid * xserver-xorg-video-geode-lts-vivid [i386]