get_source_params($source_id); if ($params["PARAMETERS"]) { $vars=unserialize($params["PARAMETERS"]); $params["PARAMETERS"]=$vars; } return $params; } function get_libelle($message) { if (substr($message,0,4)=="msg:") return $this->msg[substr($message,4)]; else return $message; } function source_get_property_form($source_id) { return ""; } function make_serialized_source_properties($source_id) { $this->sources[$source_id]["PARAMETERS"]=serialize(array()); } //Récupération des proriétés globales par défaut du connecteur (timeout, retry, repository, parameters) function fetch_default_global_values() { $this->timeout=5; $this->repository=2; $this->retry=3; $this->ttl=1800; $this->parameters=""; } //Formulaire des propriétés générales function get_property_form() { global $charset; $this->fetch_global_properties(); //Affichage du formulaire en fonction de $this->parameters if ($this->parameters) { $keys = unserialize($this->parameters); $login= $keys['login']; $mdp=$keys['mdp']; } else { $login=""; $mdp=""; } $r="
"; return $r; } function make_serialized_properties() { global $login, $mdp; //Mise en forme des paramètres à partir de variables globales (mettre le résultat dans $this->parameters) $keys = array(); $keys['login']=$login; $keys['mdp']=$mdp; $this->parameters = serialize($keys); } function enrichment_is_allow(){ return true; } function getEnrichmentHeader(){ $header= array(); $header[]= ""; $header[]= ""; return $header; } function getTypeOfEnrichment($source_id){ $type['type'] = array( "citation", "critique" ); $type['source_id'] = $source_id; return $type; } function getEnrichment($notice_id,$source_id,$type="",$enrich_params=array(),$page=1){ $enrichment= array(); $this->noticeToEnrich = $notice_id; $this->enrichPage = $page; //on renvoi ce qui est demandé... si on demande rien, on renvoi tout.. $rqt="select code from notices where notice_id = '$notice_id'"; $res=mysql_query($rqt); if(mysql_num_rows($res)){ $code = mysql_result($res,0,0); $code = preg_replace('/-|\.| /', '', $code); } $this->typeOfEnrichment = $type; switch ($this->typeOfEnrichment){ case "citation" : $enrichment['citation']['content'] = $this->getInfos(2,$code); break; case "critique" : $enrichment['critique']['content'] = $this->getInfos(1,$code); break; default : $enrichment['citation']['content'] = $this->getInfos(2,$code); $enrichment['critique']['content'] = $this->getInfos(1,$code); break; } $enrichment['source_label']=$this->msg['babelio_enrichment_source']; return $enrichment; } function getInfos($type,$isbn){ global $charset; if(!$isbn) return ""; $return = ""; $t = time(); $url = "$isbn&type=$type&page=".$this->enrichPage."&auth=".$this->getHash($t)."×tamp=$t"; $curl = new Curl(); $xmlToParse = $curl->get($url); $xmlToParse = utf8_decode($xmlToParse); $xmlToParse=$this->cp1252Toiso88591($xmlToParse); $xmlToParse = str_replace("utf-8","iso-8859-1",$xmlToParse); $xml = _parser_text_no_function_($xmlToParse,"URLSET"); $return = $this->formatEnrichmentResult($xml); $return.= $this->getEnrichmentPagin($xml['SOMMAIRE'][0]); return $return; } function getHash($t){ $keys = unserialize($this->parameters); return md5($keys['login'].md5($keys['mdp'])."PMB".$t); } function getEnrichmentPagin($sommaire){ $current = $sommaire['PAGE'][0]['value']; $nb_page = ceil($sommaire['NB_RESULTATS'][0]['value']/$sommaire['RESULTATS_PAR_PAGE'][0]['value']); $ret = ""; if($current > 1) $ret .= ""; else $ret .= ""; $ret .=" ".$current."/$nb_page "; if($current < $nb_page) $ret .= ""; else $ret .= ""; return "
"; } function formatEnrichmentResult($xml){ $result = ""; foreach($xml['URL'] as $url){ $d = explode("T",$url['DT'][0]['value']); $date = formatdate($d[0]); $result.="
". $this->msg['babelio_enrichment_publish_date']." ".$date; if($this->typeOfEnrichment == 'critique') $result.= " ".$this->stars($url['NOTE'][0]['value']) ; $result.="
"; foreach($url['SNIPPET'] as $content){ $result.= $content['value']; } $result.="
"; } return $result; } // Gestion des étoiles pour les notes function stars($note) { $etoiles_moyenne=""; $cpt_star = 5; for ($i = 1; $i <= $cpt_star; $i++) { if($note >= $i) $etoiles_moyenne.=""; else $etoiles_moyenne.=""; } return $etoiles_moyenne; } // fin stars() function cp1252Toiso88591($str){ $cp1252_map = array( "\x80" => "EUR", /* EURO SIGN */ "\x82" => "\xab", /* SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ "\x83" => "\x66", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK */ "\x84" => "\xab", /* DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ "\x85" => "...", /* HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS */ "\x86" => "?", /* DAGGER */ "\x87" => "?", /* DOUBLE DAGGER */ "\x88" => "?", /* MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT */ "\x89" => "?", /* PER MILLE SIGN */ "\x8a" => "S", /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON */ "\x8b" => "\x3c", /* SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION */ "\x8c" => "OE", /* LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE */ "\x8e" => "Z", /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON */ "\x91" => "\x27", /* LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x92" => "\x27", /* RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x93" => "\x22", /* LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x94" => "\x22", /* RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x95" => "\b7", /* BULLET */ "\x96" => "\x20", /* EN DASH */ "\x97" => "\x20\x20", /* EM DASH */ "\x98" => "\x7e", /* SMALL TILDE */ "\x99" => "?", /* TRADE MARK SIGN */ "\x9a" => "S", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON */ "\x9b" => "\x3e;", /* SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION*/ "\x9c" => "oe", /* LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE */ "\x9e" => "Z", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON */ "\x9f" => "Y" /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS*/ ); return strtr($str, $cp1252_map); } } ?>