inner_guide['bl']; $hl=$record->inner_guide['hl']; $info_461=$record->get_subfield("461","t","x"); $info_463=$record->get_subfield("463","t","v","d","e"); $info_530=$record->get_subfield("530","a"); $info_897=$record->get_subfield("897","a","f","k","m","p","s","u"); $info_900=$record->get_subfield("900","a","l","n"); $info_901=$record->get_subfield("901","a"); $titre_ppal_200 = $record->get_subfield('200','h','i'); $champ_210 = $record->get_subfield('210','d','h'); $titre_perio_530a = $record->get_subfield('530','a'); //on vide certains champ en fonction du type de notice... if ($bl == "a" && $hl == "2"){ $serie= array(); $serie_200= array(); }else if ($bl == "s" && $hl == "2") { $serie= array(); $serie_200= array(); }else{ } } // fin recup_noticeunimarc_suite = fin récupération des variables propres à la bretagne function import_new_notice_suite() { global $info_461,$info_463,$info_530; global $info_900,$info_901,$tit_200a; global $info_215,$titre_ppal_200,$champ_210,$titre_perio_530a; global $info_606_a,$info_897; global $notice_id ; global $bull_id; global $bl,$hl; echo "
"; $bull_id = 0; //cas d'un article if ($bl == "a" && $hl == "2"){ //on peut pas découper une date, on a pas de date mais une mention if(decoupe_date($info_463[0]["d"]) == 0 && clean_string($info_463[0]["e"]) == ""){ $info_463[0]["e"] = $info_463[0]["d"]; $info_463[0]["d"] = ""; } $bulletin = array( 'titre' => clean_string($info_463[0]["t"]), 'date' => decoupe_date($info_463[0]["d"]), 'mention' => clean_string($info_463[0]["e"]), 'num' => clean_string($info_463[0]["v"]) ); $perio = array( 'titre' => $info_461[0]['t'], 'code' => $info_461[0]['x'] ); notice_to_article($perio,$bulletin); $update =" update notices set typdoc='t' where notice_id = $notice_id"; mysql_query($update); //cas d'un bulletin }else if ($bl == "s" && $hl == "2") { if(decoupe_date($champ_210[0]['h']) == 0 && clean_string($titre_ppal_200[0]['h']) == ""){ $titre_ppal_200[0]['h'] = $champ_210[0]['h']; $champ_210[0]['h'] = ""; } $bulletin = array( 'titre' => clean_string($titre_ppal_200[0]['i']), 'date' => decoupe_date($champ_210[0]['h']), 'mention' => clean_string($champ_210[0]['d']), 'num' => clean_string($titre_ppal_200[0]['h']) ); $perio = array( 'titre' => $info_461[0]['t'], 'code' => $info_461[0]['x'] ); $bull_id = genere_bulletin($perio,$bulletin); $update =" update notices set typdoc='t' where notice_id = $notice_id"; mysql_query($update); } //on s'occupe des descripteurs; $id_thesaurus = 1; $non_classes = 3; $lang="fr_FR"; $ordre_categ = 0 ; foreach ($info_606_a as $terms){ foreach($terms as $term){ $categ_id = categories::searchLibelle(addslashes($term),$id_thesaurus,$lang); if($categ_id){ //le terme existe $noeud = new noeuds($categ_id); if($noeud->num_renvoi_voir){ $categ_to_index = $noeud->num_renvoi_voir; }else{ $categ_to_index = $categ_id; } }else{ //le terme est à créé $n = new noeuds(); $n->num_thesaurus = $id_thesaurus; $n->num_parent = $non_classes; $n->save(); $c = new categories($n->id_noeud, $lang); $c->libelle_categorie = $term; $c->index_categorie = ' '.strip_empty_words($term).' '; $c->save(); $categ_to_index = $n->id_noeud; } $requete = "INSERT INTO notices_categories (notcateg_notice,num_noeud,ordre_categorie) VALUES($notice_id,$categ_to_index,$ordre_categ)"; mysql_query($requete); $ordre_categ++; } } //on traite le commentaire de gestion $up = "update notices set commentaire_gestion = '".addslashes($info_901[0][0])."' where notice_id = $notice_id"; mysql_query($up); //traitement des Champs perso //classique on commence par cherché l'id foreach ($info_900 as $champperso){ $champ = array( 'libelle' => $champperso['l'], 'nom' => $champperso['n'], 'value' => $champperso['a'] ); recup_champ_perso($champ,"notices",$notice_id); } //gestion des 897$... foreach($info_897 as $docnum){ //si on a pas d'url, on traite pas if($docnum['u']){ //on reprend pas les site web... if($docnum['m'] != "text/html"){ $doc = array( 'titre' => clean_string($docnum['a']), 'mimetype' => $docnum['m'], 'nom_fic' => clean_string($docnum['f']), 'url' => $docnum['u'], ); create_docnum($doc); } } } echo ""; } // fin import_new_notice_suite // TRAITEMENT DES EXEMPLAIRES ICI function traite_exemplaires () {} // fin traite_exemplaires TRAITEMENT DES EXEMPLAIRES JUSQU'ICI // fonction spécifique d'export de la zone 995 function export_traite_exemplaires ($ex=array()) {} function update_notice($bl,$hl){ global $notice_id; $update =" update notices set niveau_biblio = '$bl', niveau_hierar ='$hl' where notice_id = $notice_id"; mysql_query($update); } function notice_to_article($perio_info,$bull_info){ global $notice_id; $bull_id = genere_bulletin($perio_info,$bull_info); update_notice("a","2"); $insert = "insert into analysis set analysis_bulletin = $bull_id, analysis_notice = $notice_id"; mysql_query($insert); } function genere_perio($perio_info){ $search = "select notice_id from notices where tit1 LIKE '".addslashes($perio_info['titre'])."' and niveau_biblio = 's' and niveau_hierar = '1'"; $res = mysql_query($search); if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 0){ //il existe pas, faut le créer $insert = "insert into notices set tit1 = '".addslashes($perio_info['titre'])."', code = '".$perio_info['code']."', niveau_biblio = 's', niveau_hierar = '1'"; $result = mysql_query($insert); $perio_id = mysql_insert_id(); }else $perio_id = mysql_result($res,0,0); return $perio_id; } function genere_bulletin($perio_info,$bull_info,$isbull=true){ global $bl,$hl,$notice_id; //on récup et/ou génère le pério $perio_id = genere_perio($perio_info); //on s'occupe du cas ou on a pas de titre pour le bulletin // num (mention) [date] if($bull_info['titre'] == ""){ $bull_info['titre'] = $bull_info['num'].($bull_info['mention'] ? " (".$bull_info['mention'].") ": " ").($bull_info['date'] ? "[".$bull_info['date']."]" : ""); } $search = "select bulletin_id from bulletins where bulletin_titre LIKE '".addslashes($bull_info['titre'])."' and mention_date LIKE '".$bull_info['mention']."' and bulletin_numero LIKE '".$bull_info['num']."' and bulletin_notice = $perio_id"; $res = mysql_query($search); if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 0){ $insert = "insert into bulletins set bulletin_titre = '".$bull_info['titre']."', date_date = '".$bull_info['date']."', mention_date = '".$bull_info['mention']."', bulletin_numero = '".$bull_info['num']."', bulletin_notice = $perio_id"; if($bl == "s" && $hl == "2") { $insert .=", num_notice = $notice_id"; update_notice("b","2"); } $result = mysql_query($insert); $bull_id = mysql_insert_id(); }else { $bull_id = mysql_result($res,0,0); //on regarde si une notice n'existe pas déjà pour ce bulletin $req = "select num_notice from bulletins where bulletin_id = $bull_id and num_notice != 0"; $res = mysql_query($req); //si oui on retire l'enregistrement en cours, et on continue sur la notice existante... if(mysql_num_rows($res)>0) { notice::del_notice($notice_id); $notice_id = mysql_result($res,0,0); } } return $bull_id; } function create_docnum($doc){ global $bull_id; global $notice_id; $id_rep = 1; $rep = new upload_folder($id_rep); $name = ($doc['nom_fic'] ? $doc['nom_fic'] : $doc['titre']); $filename = strtolower(implode("_",explode(" ",$name))); $filename = checkIfExist($rep->repertoire_path,$filename,$filename); file_put_contents($rep->repertoire_path.$filename,file_get_contents($doc['url'])); $ext_fichier = extension_fichier($filename); if($doc['mimetype'] == ""){ create_tableau_mimetype(); $mimetype = trouve_mimetype($filename,$ext_fichier); }else $mimetype = $doc['mimetype']; $insert = "insert into explnum set "; if($bull_id != 0) $insert.= "explnum_bulletin = $bull_id, "; else $insert.= "explnum_notice = $notice_id, "; $insert.= "explnum_nom = '".$doc['titre']."', "; $insert.= "explnum_mimetype = '$mimetype', "; $insert.= "explnum_nomfichier = '".$filename."', "; $insert.= "explnum_extfichier = '$ext_fichier', "; $insert.= "explnum_repertoire = $id_rep, "; $insert.= "explnum_path = '/'"; $result = mysql_query($insert); $explnum_id = mysql_insert_id(); return $explnum_id; } function checkIfExist($path,$file){ $ind = 0; do { if($ind == 0) $fileName = $file; else $fileName = substr($file,0,strripos($file,"."))."_$ind".substr($file,strripos($file,".")); if(file_exists($path.$fileName) == false) break; else $ind++; }while (true); return $fileName; } function recup_champ_perso($champ,$table,$notice_id,$create=false){ $id_champ = trouve_champ_perso($champ['nom'],$table); if ($id_champ){ //on récup de le type de champ $type = "select type from ".$table."_custom where idchamp=$id_champ"; $res = mysql_query($type); $type = mysql_result($res,0,0); renseigne_champ_perso($champ['nom'],$type,$champ['value'],$notice_id,$table); }else if($create){ //on l'a pas, on crée //enfin on verra ca plus tard... } } //trouve un champ perso et renvoi son id function trouve_champ_perso($nom,$table="notices") { $rqt = "SELECT idchamp FROM ".$table."_custom WHERE name='" . addslashes($nom) . "'"; $res = mysql_query($rqt); if (mysql_num_rows($res)>0) return mysql_result($res,0); else return 0; } //Pour renseigner les champs perso function renseigne_champ_perso($nom,$type,$value,$notice_id,$table="notices") { if(!trim($value) or !trim($nom) or !trim($notice_id) )return false; // On sort si la valeur ou le nom du champ sont vide $mon_champ=trouve_champ_perso($nom,$table); if ($mon_champ){ switch ($type) { case "small_text": $requete="insert into ".$table."_custom_values (".$table."_custom_champ,".$table."_custom_origine,".$table."_custom_small_text) values('".$mon_champ."','".$notice_id."','".addslashes(trim($value))."')"; if(!mysql_query($requete)) return false; break; case "integer": $requete="insert into ".$table."_custom_values (".$table."_custom_champ,".$table."_custom_origine,".$table."_custom_integer) values('".$mon_champ."','".$notice_id."','".addslashes(trim($value))."')"; if(!mysql_query($requete)) return false; break; case "text": $rqt = "select datatype from ".$table."_custom where idchamp = $mon_champ"; $res = mysql_query($rqt); $datatype = @mysql_result($res,0,0); if($datatype == "small_text"){ $requete="insert into ".$table."_custom_values (".$table."_custom_champ,".$table."_custom_origine,".$table."_custom_small_text) values('".$mon_champ."','".$notice_id."','".addslashes(trim($value))."')"; }else{ $requete="insert into ".$table."_custom_values (".$table."_custom_champ,".$table."_custom_origine,".$table."_custom_text) values('".$mon_champ."','".$notice_id."','".addslashes(trim($value))."')"; } if(!mysql_query($requete)) return false; break; case "date": $requete="insert into ".$table."_custom_values (".$table."_custom_champ,".$table."_custom_origine,".$table."_custom_date) values('".$mon_champ."','".$notice_id."','".addslashes(trim($value))."')"; if(!mysql_query($requete)){ echo "requete : ".$requete."