inner_directory);$i++) {
switch($cle) {
case "464":
//C'est un périodique donc un dépouillement ou une notice objet
} /* end of switch */
} /* end of for */
} // fin recup_noticeunimarc_suite = fin récupération des variables propres à la bretagne
function import_new_notice_suite() {
global $dbh ;
global $notice_id ;
global $info_464 ;
global $info_606_a;
global $info_900,$info_901,$info_902,$info_903,$info_904,$info_905,$info_906;
global $pmb_keyword_sep;
global $bulletin_ex;
//Cas des périodiques
if (is_array($info_464)) {
$requete="select * from notices where notice_id=$notice_id";
//Notice chapeau existe-t-elle ?
$requete="select notice_id from notices where tit1='".addslashes($info_464[0]['t'])."' and niveau_hierar='1' and niveau_biblio='s'";
if (@mysql_num_rows($resultat)) {
//Si oui, récupération id
//Bulletin existe-t-il ?
$requete="select bulletin_id from bulletins where bulletin_numero='".addslashes($info_464[0]['v'])."' and mention_date='".addslashes($info_464[0]['d'])."' and bulletin_notice=$chapeau_id";
if (@mysql_num_rows($resultat)) {
//Si oui, récupération id bulletin
} else {
//Si non, création bulltin
$bulletin=new bulletinage("",$chapeau_id);
$info['bul_titre']=addslashes("Bulletin N°".$info_464[0]['v']);
if (!$info_464[0]['e']) {
if ($info_904[0]) {
} else {
} else {
//Si non, création notice chapeau et bulletin
$chapeau=new serial();
$bulletin=new bulletinage("",$chapeau_id);
$info['bul_titre']=addslashes("Bulletin N°".$info_464[0]['v']);
if (!$info_464[0]['e']) {
if ($info_904[0]) {
} else {
//Notice objet ?
if ($info_464[0]['z']=='objet') {
//Supression de la notice
$requete="delete from notices where notice_id=$notice_id";
} else {
//Passage de la notice en article
$requete="update notices set niveau_biblio='a', niveau_hierar='2', year='".addslashes($info_464[0]['d'])."', npages='".addslashes($info_464[0]['p'])."', date_parution='".$info['date_date']."' where notice_id=$notice_id";
$requete="insert into analysis (analysis_bulletin,analysis_notice) values($bulletin_id,$notice_id)";
} else $bulletin_ex=0;
//Traitement du thésaurus
$ordre_categ = 0;
for ($i=0; $i";
echo "995\$b =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['b']."
echo "995\$c =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['c']."
echo "995\$d =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['d']."
echo "995\$f =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['f']."
echo "995\$k =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['k']."
echo "995\$m =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['m']."
echo "995\$n =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['n']."
echo "995\$o =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['o']."
echo "995\$q =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['q']."
echo "995\$r =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['r']."
echo "995\$u =".$info_995[$nb_expl]['u']."
} // fin for
} // fin traite_exemplaires TRAITEMENT DES EXEMPLAIRES JUSQU'ICI
// fonction spécifique d'export de la zone 995
function export_traite_exemplaires ($ex=array()) {
global $msg, $dbh ;
$subfields["a"] = $ex -> lender_libelle;
$subfields["c"] = $ex -> lender_libelle;
$subfields["f"] = $ex -> expl_cb;
$subfields["k"] = $ex -> expl_cote;
$subfields["u"] = $ex -> expl_note;
if ($ex->statusdoc_codage_import) $subfields["o"] = $ex -> statusdoc_codage_import;
if ($ex -> tdoc_codage_import) $subfields["r"] = $ex -> tdoc_codage_import;
else $subfields["r"] = "uu";
if ($ex -> sdoc_codage_import) $subfields["q"] = $ex -> sdoc_codage_import;
else $subfields["q"] = "u";
global $export996 ;
$export996['f'] = $ex -> expl_cb ;
$export996['k'] = $ex -> expl_cote ;
$export996['u'] = $ex -> expl_note ;
$export996['m'] = substr($ex -> expl_date_depot, 0, 4).substr($ex -> expl_date_depot, 5, 2).substr($ex -> expl_date_depot, 8, 2) ;
$export996['n'] = substr($ex -> expl_date_retour, 0, 4).substr($ex -> expl_date_retour, 5, 2).substr($ex -> expl_date_retour, 8, 2) ;
$export996['a'] = $ex -> lender_libelle;
$export996['b'] = $ex -> expl_owner;
$export996['v'] = $ex -> location_libelle;
$export996['w'] = $ex -> ldoc_codage_import;
$export996['x'] = $ex -> section_libelle;
$export996['y'] = $ex -> sdoc_codage_import;
$export996['e'] = $ex -> tdoc_libelle;
$export996['r'] = $ex -> tdoc_codage_import;
$export996['1'] = $ex -> statut_libelle;
$export996['2'] = $ex -> statusdoc_codage_import;
$export996['3'] = $ex -> pret_flag;
global $export_traitement_exemplaires ;
$export996['0'] = $export_traitement_exemplaires ;
return $subfields ;