setDomain(1); $acces_m = $dom_1->getRights($PMBuserid,$serial_id,8); } if ($acces_m==0) { if (!$bul_id) { error_message('', htmlentities($dom_1->getComment('mod_seri_error'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), 1, ''); } else { error_message('', htmlentities($dom_1->getComment('mod_bull_error'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), 1, ''); } } else { // script d'update d'un bulletinage // nettoyage des valeurs du form // les valeurs passees sont mises en tableau pour etre passees // a la methode de mise a jour $table = array(); $table['bul_no'] = clean_string($bul_no); $table['bul_date'] = clean_string($bul_date); $table['date_date'] = extraitdate($date_date_lib) ; $table['bul_cb'] = clean_string($bul_cb); $table['bul_titre'] = $bul_titre ; // mise a jour de l'entete de page echo str_replace('!!page_title!!', $msg[4000].$msg[1003].$msg['catalog_serie_modif_bull'], $serial_header); // nettoyage des valeurs du form $f_tit1 = clean_string($f_tit1); $f_tit3 = clean_string($f_tit3); $f_tit4 = clean_string($f_tit4); //$f_n_gen = clean_string($f_n_gen); //$f_n_resume = clean_string($f_n_resume); //$f_indexation = clean_string($f_indexation); $f_lien = clean_string($f_lien); $f_eformat = clean_string($f_eformat); // les valeurs passees sont mises en tableau pour etre passees // a la methode de mise à jour //$table = array(); $table['typdoc'] = $typdoc; $table['statut'] = $form_notice_statut; $table['commentaire_gestion'] = $f_commentaire_gestion ; $table['thumbnail_url'] = $f_thumbnail_url ; $table['code'] = $f_cb; $table['tit1'] = $table["bul_no"].($table["bul_date"]?" - ".$table["bul_date"]:"").($table["bul_titre"]?" - ".$table["bul_titre"]:""); $table['tit3'] = $f_tit3; $table['tit4'] = $f_tit4; // auteur principal $f_aut[] = array ( 'id' => $f_aut0_id, 'fonction' => $f_f0_code, 'type' => '0', 'ordre' => 0 ); // autres auteurs for ($i=0; $i<$max_aut1; $i++) { $var_autid = "f_aut1_id$i" ; $var_autfonc = "f_f1_code$i" ; $f_aut[] = array ( 'id' => $$var_autid, 'fonction' => $$var_autfonc, 'type' => '1', 'ordre' => $i ); } // auteurs secondaires for ($i=0; $i<$max_aut2 ; $i++) { $var_autid = "f_aut2_id$i" ; $var_autfonc = "f_f2_code$i" ; $f_aut[] = array ( 'id' => $$var_autid, 'fonction' => $$var_autfonc, 'type' => '2', 'ordre' => $i ); } $table['aut'] = $f_aut; /* * Les liens entre notices */ $f_rel=array(); for ($i=0; $i<$max_rel; $i++) { $f_rel_type_dir="f_rel_type_".$i; $f_rel_type_dir=explode('-', ${$f_rel_type_dir}); $f_rel_id="f_rel_id_".$i; $f_rel_rank="f_rel_rank_".$i; $f_rel_type=$f_rel_type_dir[0]; $f_rel_direction=$f_rel_type_dir[1]; $f_rel_rank=${$f_rel_rank}; $f_rel_id=${$f_rel_id}; $f_rel[]=array( 'relation_direction'=>$f_rel_direction, 'id_notice'=>$f_rel_id, 'rank'=>$f_rel_rank, 'relation_type'=>$f_rel_type); } $table['rel']=$f_rel; $table['ed1_id'] = $f_ed1_id; $table['ed2_id'] = $f_ed2_id; $table['n_gen'] = $f_n_gen; $table['n_contenu'] = $f_n_contenu; $table['n_resume'] = $f_n_resume; // categories if($tab_categ_order){ $categ_order=explode(",",$tab_categ_order); $order=0; foreach($categ_order as $old_order){ $var_categid = "f_categ_id$old_order" ; if($var_categid){ $f_categ[] = array ( 'id' => $$var_categid, 'ordre' => $order ); $order++; } } }else{ for ($i=0; $i< $max_categ ; $i++) { $var_categid = "f_categ_id$i" ; $f_categ[] = array ( 'id' => $$var_categid, 'ordre' => $i ); } } $table['categ']=$f_categ; $table['indexint'] = $f_indexint_id; $table['index_l'] = clean_tags($f_indexation); $table['lien'] = $f_lien; $table['eformat'] = $f_eformat; $table['niveau_biblio'] = $b_level; $table['niveau_hierar'] = $h_level; $table['ill'] = $f_ill; $table['size'] = $f_size; $table['prix'] = $f_prix; $table['accomp'] = $f_accomp; $table['npages'] = $f_npages; $table['indexation_lang'] = $indexation_lang; if($table['date_date'] == '0000-00-00' || !isset($date_date_lib)) $table['year'] = ""; else $table['year'] = substr($table['date_date'],0,4); $table['date_parution'] = $table['date_date']; $p_perso=new parametres_perso("notices"); $nberrors=$p_perso->check_submited_fields(); $table['force_empty'] = $p_perso->presence_exclusion_fields(); if($_FILES['f_img_load']['name'] && $pmb_notice_img_folder_id){ $table['force_empty'] = "f_img_load"; } //Pour la synchro rdf if($pmb_synchro_rdf){ require_once($class_path."/synchro_rdf.class.php"); $synchro_rdf=new synchro_rdf(); if($bul_id){ $synchro_rdf->delRdf(0,$bul_id); } } if (!$nberrors) { $myBulletinage = new bulletinage($bul_id, $serial_id); $result = $myBulletinage->update($table); } else { error_message_history($msg["notice_champs_perso"],$p_perso->error_message,1); exit(); } // vignette de la notice uploadé dans un répertoire if($_FILES['f_img_load']['name'] && $pmb_notice_img_folder_id && $myBulletinage->bull_num_notice){ $poids_fichier_max=1024*1024;//Limite la taille de l'image à 1 Mo $req = "select repertoire_path from upload_repertoire where repertoire_id ='".$pmb_notice_img_folder_id."'"; $res = mysql_query($req,$dbh); if(mysql_num_rows($res)){ $rep=mysql_fetch_object($res); $filename_output=$rep->repertoire_path."img_".$myBulletinage->bull_num_notice; } if (($fp=@fopen($_FILES['f_img_load']['tmp_name'], "rb")) && $filename_output) { $image=""; $size=0; $flag=true; while (!feof($fp)) { $image.=fread($fp,4096); $size=strlen($image); if ($size>$poids_fichier_max) { $flag=false; break; } } if ($flag) { if ($img=imagecreatefromstring($image)) { if(!($pmb_notice_img_pics_max_size*1)) $pmb_notice_img_pics_max_size=100; $redim=false; if (imagesx($img) >= imagesy($img)) { if(imagesx($img) <= $pmb_notice_img_pics_max_size){ $largeur=imagesx($img); $hauteur=imagesy($img); }else{ $redim=true; $largeur=$pmb_notice_img_pics_max_size; $hauteur = ($largeur*imagesy($img))/imagesx($img); } } else { if(imagesy($img) <= $pmb_notice_img_pics_max_size){ $hauteur=imagesy($img); $largeur=imagesx($img); }else{ $redim=true; $hauteur=$pmb_notice_img_pics_max_size; $largeur = ($hauteur*imagesx($img))/imagesy($img); } } if($redim){ $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($largeur,$hauteur); imagecopyresampled($dest, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $largeur, $hauteur,imagesx($img),imagesy($img)); imagepng($dest,$filename_output); imagedestroy($dest); }else{ imagepng($img,$filename_output); } imagedestroy($img); $thumbnail_url=$opac_url_base."getimage.php?noticecode=&vigurl=¬ice_id=".$myBulletinage->bull_num_notice; $req = "update notices set thumbnail_url='".$thumbnail_url."' where notice_id ='".$myBulletinage->bull_num_notice."'"; $res = mysql_query($req,$dbh); } } } } $update_result=$myBulletinage->bull_num_notice; if ($update_result) { //Traitement des liens $requete=" DELETE notices_relations FROM notices_relations LEFT OUTER JOIN bulletins ON bulletins.num_notice=notices_relations.num_notice AND bulletins.bulletin_notice=notices_relations.linked_notice WHERE (notices_relations.num_notice=$update_result OR notices_relations.linked_notice=$update_result) AND (bulletin_notice IS NULL OR bulletins.bulletin_notice!=$serial_id)"; mysql_query($requete); foreach($table['rel'] as $rel){ if ($rel['id_notice']) { if($rel['relation_direction']=='up'){ $requete="INSERT INTO notices_relations VALUES('$update_result','".$rel['id_notice']."','".$rel['relation_type']."','".$rel['rank']."')"; @mysql_query($requete); }elseif($rel['relation_direction']=='down'){ $requete="INSERT INTO notices_relations VALUES('".$rel['id_notice']."','$update_result','".$rel['relation_type']."','".$rel['rank']."')"; @mysql_query($requete); } } } // traitement des auteurs $rqt_del = "DELETE FROM responsability WHERE responsability_notice='$update_result' "; $res_del = mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh); $rqt_ins = "INSERT INTO responsability (responsability_author, responsability_notice, responsability_fonction, responsability_type, responsability_ordre) VALUES "; $i=0; while ($i<=count ($f_aut)-1) { $id_aut=$f_aut[$i]['id']; if ($id_aut) { $fonc_aut=$f_aut[$i]['fonction']; $type_aut=$f_aut[$i]['type']; $ordre_aut = $f_aut[$i]['ordre']; $rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$id_aut','$update_result','$fonc_aut','$type_aut', $ordre_aut) " ; $res_ins = @mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); } $i++; } // traitement des categories $rqt_del = "DELETE FROM notices_categories WHERE notcateg_notice='$update_result' "; $res_del = mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh); $rqt_ins = "INSERT INTO notices_categories (notcateg_notice, num_noeud, ordre_categorie) VALUES "; while (list ($key, $val) = each ($f_categ)) { $id_categ=$val['id']; if ($id_categ) { $ordre_categ = $val['ordre']; $rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$update_result','$id_categ', $ordre_categ ) " ; $res_ins = @mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); } } // traitement des langues // langues $f_lang_form = array(); $f_langorg_form = array() ; for ($i=0; $i< $max_lang ; $i++) { $var_langcode = "f_lang_code$i" ; if ($$var_langcode) $f_lang_form[] = array ('code' => $$var_langcode,'ordre' => $i); } // langues originales for ($i=0; $i< $max_langorg ; $i++) { $var_langorgcode = "f_langorg_code$i" ; if ($$var_langorgcode) $f_langorg_form[] = array ('code' => $$var_langorgcode,'ordre' => $i); } $rqt_del = "delete from notices_langues where num_notice='$update_result' "; $res_del = mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh); $rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue, ordre_langue) VALUES "; while (list ($key, $val) = each ($f_lang_form)) { $tmpcode_langue=$val['code']; if ($tmpcode_langue) { $tmpordre_langue = $val['ordre']; $rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$update_result',0, '$tmpcode_langue', $tmpordre_langue) " ; $res_ins = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); } } // traitement des langues originales $rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue, ordre_langue) VALUES "; while (list ($key, $val) = each ($f_langorg_form)) { $tmpcode_langue=$val['code']; if ($tmpcode_langue) { $tmpordre_langue = $val['ordre']; $rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$update_result',1, '$tmpcode_langue', $tmpordre_langue) " ; $res_ins = @mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); } } //Traitement des champs perso $p_perso->rec_fields_perso($update_result); // Mise à jour de la table notices_global_index notice::majNoticesGlobalIndex($update_result); // Mise à jour de la table notices_mots_global_index notice::majNoticesMotsGlobalIndex($update_result); if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $myBulletinage->bull_num_notice) { //mise a jour des droits d'acces user_notice (idem notice mere perio) if ($gestion_acces_user_notice==1) { $q = "replace into acces_res_1 select $myBulletinage->bull_num_notice, res_prf_num, usr_prf_num, res_rights, res_mask from acces_res_1 where res_num=".$myBulletinage->bulletin_notice; mysql_query($q, $dbh); } //mise a jour des droits d'acces empr_notice if ($gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $dom_2 = $ac->setDomain(2); if ($bul_id) { $dom_2->storeUserRights(1, $myBulletinage->bull_num_notice, $res_prf, $chk_rights, $prf_rad, $r_rad); } else { $dom_2->storeUserRights(0, $myBulletinage->bull_num_notice, $res_prf, $chk_rights, $prf_rad, $r_rad); } } } } //Pour la synchro rdf if($pmb_synchro_rdf){ $synchro_rdf->addRdf(0,$myBulletinage->bulletin_id); } if($result) { print "