" . $msg[transferts_circ_menu_titre] . " > " . $msg[transferts_circ_menu_refuse] . "";
echo affiche_liste_valide(
"SELECT num_notice, num_bulletin, " .
"expl_cb as val_ex, lender_libelle, location_libelle as val_source, " .
"transferts_demande.date_creation as val_date_creation, date_visualisee as val_date_refus," .
"motif_refus as val_refusMotif, empr_cb as val_empr " .
"FROM transferts " .
"INNER JOIN transferts_demande ON id_transfert=num_transfert " .
"INNER JOIN exemplaires ON num_expl=expl_id " .
"INNER JOIN lenders ON idlender=expl_owner " .
"INNER JOIN docs_location ON num_location_source=idlocation " .
"LEFT JOIN resa ON resa_trans=id_resa " .
"LEFT JOIN empr ON resa_idempr=id_empr " .
"id_transfert IN (!!liste_numeros!!) ".
"AND etat_demande=4",
case "supp":
//on supprime les transferts sélectionner
case "aff_redem" :
$transferts_refus_redemande_global = "
//affiche l'ecran pour proposer de relancer une nouvelle demande de transfert
echo "" . $msg[transferts_circ_menu_titre] . " > " . $msg[transferts_circ_menu_refuse] . " ";
//on recupere les id de l'exemplaire
$idNotice = pmb_sql_value("SELECT num_notice FROM transferts WHERE id_transfert=".$transid);
$idBulletin = pmb_sql_value("SELECT num_bulletin FROM transferts WHERE id_transfert=".$transid);
//on genere la liste des sites ou un exemplaire est disponible
$rqt = "SELECT DISTINCT expl_location,location_libelle " .
"FROM exemplaires " .
"INNER JOIN docs_location ON expl_location=idlocation " .
"WHERE " .
"expl_notice=".$idNotice." ".
"AND expl_bulletin=".$idBulletin." ".
$res = mysql_query($rqt);
$tmpOpt = "";
while ($value = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
$tmpOpt .= "" . $value[1] . " ";
$rqt = "SELECT ".
"trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if (mention_date, concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,''))) as tit, ".
"expl_cb, ".
"location_libelle, ".
"expl_id ,
lender_libelle ".
"FROM (((exemplaires ".
"LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON expl_notice=notices_m.notice_id) ".
"LEFT JOIN bulletins ON expl_bulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) ".
"LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id) ".
"INNER JOIN docs_location ON expl_location=idlocation ".
"INNER JOIN docs_statut ON expl_statut=idstatut ".
"INNER JOIN lenders ON idlender=expl_owner " .
"pret_flag=1 ".
"and transfert_flag=1 ".
"AND expl_notice=".$idNotice." ".
"AND expl_bulletin=".$idBulletin." ".
"AND expl_location<>".$deflt_docs_location." ".
"ORDER BY transfert_ordre";
//echo $rqt;
$res = mysql_query($rqt);
$st = "odd";
while (($data = mysql_fetch_array($res))) {
$req_res = "select count(1) from resa where resa_cb='".addslashes($data[1])."' and resa_confirmee='1'";
$req_res_result = mysql_query($req_res, $dbh);
if(mysql_result($req_res_result, 0, 0)) {
$req_pret = "select date_format(pret_retour, '".$msg["format_date"]."') as aff_pret_retour from pret where pret_idexpl='".$data[3]."' ";
$req_pret_result = mysql_query($req_pret, $dbh);
if(mysql_num_rows($req_pret_result)) {
$statut=$msg[358]." ".mysql_result($req_pret_result, 0,0);
// transfert demandé
$req="select count(1) from transferts_demande, transferts where etat_demande ='0' and num_expl='".$data[3]."' and etat_transfert=0 and id_transfert=num_transfert ";
$r = mysql_query($req, $dbh);
if(mysql_result($r, 0, 0)) {
if($statut)$statut.=". ";
if ($st=="odd")
$st = "even";
$st = "odd";
if($sel_expl) {
$liste .= "
} else{
$liste .= "
$global = "
" . $msg["transferts_circ_resa_lib_choix_expl"] . "
" . $msg["transferts_circ_resa_titre_cb"] . "
" . $msg["transferts_circ_resa_titre_localisation"] . "
$tmpOpt= str_replace("!!liste!!",$liste,$global);
// print $tmpOpt;
$tmpString = str_replace("!!liste_sites!!",$tmpOpt,$transferts_refus_redemande_global);
// $tmpString = str_replace("!!liste_sites!!",$tmpOpt,$transferts_refus_redemande_global);
//le titre
$tmpString = str_replace("!!detail_notice!!",aff_titre($idNotice,$idBulletin),$tmpString);
//l'action du formulaire
$tmpString = str_replace("!!action_formulaire!!","circ.php?categ=trans&sub=". $sub,$tmpString);
//on y met la date de pret par defaut
$date_pret = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")+$transferts_nb_jours_pret_defaut, date("Y"));
$date_pret_aff = date("Y-m-d", $date_pret);
$tmpString = str_replace("!!date_retour_mysql!!", $date_pret_aff, $tmpString);
$date_pret_aff = date("d/m/Y", $date_pret);
$tmpString = str_replace("!!date_retour!!", $date_pret_aff, $tmpString);
//l'id de la transaction
$tmpString = str_replace("!!trans_id!!",$transid,$tmpString);
echo pmb_bidi($tmpString);
case "redem":
//enregistre la nouvelle demande
//transfert::creer_transfert(2, "", $id_expl, 1, $dest_id, $date_retour, $motif);
$action = "";
if ($action == "") {
$rqt="select id_transfert, num_expl from transferts,transferts_demande, pret where pret_idexpl=num_expl and id_transfert=num_transfert and etat_transfert=0 AND etat_demande=4";
$res = mysql_query($rqt);
if (mysql_num_rows($res)) {
$liste_transfert[]= $r->id_transfert;
//pas d'action donc affichage de la liste des transferts refusés
echo "" . $msg[transferts_circ_menu_titre] . " > " . $msg[transferts_circ_menu_refuse] . " ";
$filtres = " ".$msg["transferts_circ_reception_filtre_source"].str_replace("!!nom_liste!!","f_source",$transferts_liste_localisations_tous);
$filtres = str_replace("!!liste_localisations!!", do_liste_localisation($f_source), $filtres);
$req = "FROM transferts " .
"INNER JOIN transferts_demande ON id_transfert=num_transfert " .
"INNER JOIN exemplaires ON num_expl=expl_id " .
"INNER JOIN lenders ON idlender=expl_owner " .
"INNER JOIN docs_location ON num_location_source=idlocation " .
"LEFT JOIN resa ON resa_trans=id_resa " .
"LEFT JOIN empr ON resa_idempr=id_empr " .
"WHERE etat_transfert=0 " . //pas fini
"AND type_transfert=1 " . //aller-retour
"AND etat_demande=4 " . //Refus
"AND num_location_dest=".$deflt_docs_location; //pour le site de l'utilisateur
if ($f_source)
$req .= " AND num_location_source=".$f_source;
echo affiche_liste(
"SELECT num_notice, num_bulletin, id_transfert as val_id, " .
"expl_cb as val_ex, lender_libelle, location_libelle as val_source, " .
"transferts_demande.date_creation as val_date_creation, date_visualisee as val_date_refus," .
"motif_refus as val_refusMotif, empr_cb as val_empr " ,