indexint_id = $id; } else { if ($rech_cote) $this->name=$rech_cote; $this->indexint_id = 0; } $this->getData(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // getData() : récupération infos // --------------------------------------------------------------- function getData() { global $dbh; if(!$this->indexint_id) { if ($this->name) { // rech par cote et non par $id $requete = "SELECT indexint_id,indexint_name,indexint_comment,num_pclass FROM indexint WHERE indexint_name='".$this->name."' " ; $result = mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die ($requete."
".mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->indexint_id = $temp->indexint_id; $this->name = $temp->indexint_name; $this->comment = $temp->indexint_comment; $this->pclass = $temp->num_pclass; if ($this->comment) $this->display = $this->name." ($this->comment)" ; else $this->display = $this->name ; } else { // pas de titre avec cette clé $this->indexint_id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->comment = ''; $this->pclass = 0; $this->display=""; } } else { // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide $this->indexint_id =0; $this->name =''; $this->comment =''; $this->pclass = 0; $this->display=""; } } else { $requete = "SELECT indexint_id,indexint_name,indexint_comment,num_pclass FROM indexint WHERE indexint_id='".$this->indexint_id."' " ; $result = mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die ($requete."
".mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->indexint_id = $temp->indexint_id; $this->name = $temp->indexint_name; $this->comment = $temp->indexint_comment; $this->pclass = $temp->num_pclass; if ($this->comment) $this->display = $this->name." ($this->comment)" ; else $this->display = $this->name ; } else { // pas de titre avec cette clé $this->indexint_id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->comment = ''; $this->pclass = 0; $this->display=""; } } $this->cherche_child(); } function has_notices() { global $dbh; $query = "select count(1) from notices where indexint=".$this->indexint_id; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); return (@mysql_result($result, 0, 0)); } function cherche_direct_child() { // fonction réduite à un seul niveau de récursivité par rapport à cherche_child. gm global $dbh; global $pmb_indexint_decimal ; $this->childs = array(); if (!$pmb_indexint_decimal) { $this->has_child = 0 ; return ; } /* calcul de l'arbo : si 3ème carac != 0 niveau 3 sinon si 2eme carac != 0 niveau 2 sinon prendre le premier carac rechercher quand même avec les trois carac entiers */ if (pmb_strlen($this->name)>3) { $clause = " indexint_name regexp '^".$this->name.".$'"; } else { $carac1 = substr($this->name, 0 , 1); $carac2 = substr($this->name, 1 , 1); $carac3 = substr($this->name, 2 , 1); $entier = substr($this->name, 0 , 3); if ($carac3 != "0") { $clause = " indexint_name regexp '^".$entier."..$' " ; } elseif ($carac2 != "0") { $clause = " indexint_name regexp '^".$carac1.$carac2.".$' " ; } else { if ($carac1 != "1") { $clause = " indexint_name regexp '^".$carac1.".$' " ; } else $clause = " indexint_name regexp '^.00$' "; } } $query = "select indexint_id,indexint_name,indexint_comment from indexint where ".$clause." order by indexint_name "; $res = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $this->has_child=mysql_num_rows($res) ; if ($this->has_child) { while ($obj=mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $this->childs[]=array( 'idchild' => $obj->indexint_id, 'namechild' => $obj->indexint_name, 'commentchild' => $obj->indexint_comment) ; } } return ; } function cherche_child() { global $dbh; global $pmb_indexint_decimal ; $this->childs = array(); if (!$pmb_indexint_decimal) { $this->has_child = 0 ; return ; } /* calcul de l'arbo : si 3ème carac != 0 niveau 3 sinon si 2eme carac != 0 niveau 2 sinon prendre le premier carac rechercher quand même avec les trois carac entiers */ $entier = substr($this->name, 0 , 3); if (pmb_strlen($this->name)>3){ $clause = " indexint_name like '".$entier."%'"; }else { $carac1 = substr($this->name, 0 , 1); $carac2 = substr($this->name, 1 , 1); $carac3 = substr($this->name, 2 , 1); if ($carac3 != "0"){ $clause = " indexint_name like '".$entier."%' " ; }elseif ($carac2 != "0"){ $clause = " indexint_name like '".$carac1.$carac2."%' " ; }else{ $clause = " indexint_name like '".$carac1."%' " ; } } if($this->pclass){ $clause.= " AND num_pclass='".$this->pclass."' " ; } // avec affichage de l'indexation parente // $query = "select indexint_id,indexint_name,indexint_comment from indexint where ".$clause." order by indexint_name "; // sans affichage de l'indexation parente $query = "select indexint_id,indexint_name,indexint_comment from indexint where ".$clause." and indexint_name <> '".addslashes($this->name)."' order by indexint_name "; $res = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $this->has_child=mysql_num_rows($res) ; if ($this->has_child) while ($obj=mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $this->childs[]=array( 'idchild' => $obj->indexint_id, 'namechild' => $obj->indexint_name, 'commentchild' => $obj->indexint_comment) ; } return ; } function child_list($image='./images/folder.gif',$css, $dest=0) { global $css; global $dbh; global $nb_col_scat; global $main; while(list($cle, $valeur) = each($this->childs)) { $libelle = $valeur['namechild']." ".$valeur['commentchild']; $id = $valeur['idchild']; $l .= " ".$libelle.""; $l .= "
"; } $l = "
"; return $l; } } # fin de définition de la classe indexint } # fin de délaration