"; echo""; echo""; // Si click bouton de prolongation, et prolongation autorisée if($prolonge_id>0 && $opac_pret_prolongation==1){ //Il faut prolonger un livre $prolongation = TRUE; //on recupere les informations du pret $query = "select cpt_prolongation, pret_date, pret_retour, expl_location from pret, exemplaires"; $query .= " where pret_idexpl=expl_id"; $query .= " and pret_idexpl=".$prolonge_id." limit 1"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $cpt_prolongation = $data['cpt_prolongation']; $pret_date = $data['pret_date']; $date_retour = $data['pret_retour']; $expl_location = $data['expl_location']; $duree_prolongation = $opac_pret_duree_prolongation; // Limitation simple du pret if ($pmb_pret_restriction_prolongation==1) { $pret_nombre_prolongation = $pmb_pret_nombre_prolongation; } elseif($pmb_pret_restriction_prolongation==2) { // Limitation du pret par les quotas //Initialisation des quotas pour nombre de prolongations $qt = new quota("PROLONG_NMBR_QUOTA"); //Tableau de passage des paramètres $struct["READER"] = $id_empr; $struct["EXPL"] = $prolonge_id; $pret_nombre_prolongation = $qt -> get_quota_value($struct); //Initialisation des quotas la durée de prolongations $qt = new quota("PROLONG_TIME_QUOTA"); $struct["READER"] = $id_empr; $struct["EXPL"] = $prolonge_id; $duree_prolongation = $qt -> get_quota_value($struct); } $today = sql_value("SELECT CURRENT_DATE()"); $date_prolongation = sql_value("SELECT DATE_ADD('$date_retour', INTERVAL $duree_prolongation DAY)"); $diff = sql_value("SELECT DATEDIFF('$date_retour','$today')"); if($diff<-$duree_prolongation || $diff>$duree_prolongation) { $prolongation = FALSE; echo $msg["loan_extend_false"]."
"; } if($prolongation==TRUE) { $cpt_prolongation++; if ($pmb_utiliser_calendrier) { $req_date_calendrier = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where ouvert=1 and num_location='".$expl_location."' and DATEDIFF(date_ouverture,'$date_prolongation')>=0 order by date_ouverture asc limit 1"; $res_date_calendrier = mysql_query($req_date_calendrier); if (mysql_num_rows($res_date_calendrier) > 0) { $date_prolongation=mysql_result($res_date_calendrier,0,0); } } // Memorisation de la nouvelle date de prolongation $query = "update pret set cpt_prolongation='".$cpt_prolongation."', pret_retour='".$date_prolongation."' where pret_idexpl=".$prolonge_id; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); } } // REQUETE SQL $sql = "SELECT notices_m.notice_id as num_notice_mono, bulletin_id, IF(pret_retour>sysdate(),0,1) as retard, expl_id," ; $sql.= "date_format(pret_retour, '".$msg["format_date_sql"]."') as aff_pret_retour, pret_retour, "; $sql.= "date_format(pret_date, '".$msg["format_date_sql"]."') as aff_pret_date, " ; $sql.= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if(mention_date, concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,if (date_date, concat(' (',date_format(date_date, '".$msg["format_date_sql"]."'),')') ,'')))) as tit, if(notices_m.notice_id, notices_m.notice_id, notices_s.notice_id) as not_id, tdoc_libelle, empr_location "; $sql.= "FROM (((exemplaires LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON expl_notice = notices_m.notice_id ) "; $sql.= " LEFT JOIN bulletins ON expl_bulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) "; $sql.= " LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id), "; $sql.= " docs_type , pret, empr "; $sql.= "WHERE expl_typdoc = idtyp_doc and pret_idexpl = expl_id and empr.id_empr = pret.pret_idempr "; $sql = $sql.$critere_requete; $req = mysql_query($sql) or die("Erreur SQL !
".mysql_error()); $nb_elements = mysql_num_rows($req) ; if ($lvl=="late") $class_aff_expl="class='liste-expl-empr-late'" ; $class_aff_expl="class='liste-expl-empr-all'" ; if ($nb_elements) { echo""; echo "" ; if ($lvl!="late") echo "" ; echo ""; if($opac_pret_prolongation==1 && $allow_prol) { echo ""; echo ""; } echo "" ; $odd_even=1; while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($req)) { $id_expl =$data['expl_cb']; $titre = $data['tit']; // ********** $responsab = array("responsabilites" => array(),"auteurs" => array()); // les auteurs $responsab = get_notice_authors($data['not_id']) ; //$this->responsabilites $as = array_search ("0", $responsab["responsabilites"]) ; if ($as!== FALSE && $as!== NULL) { $auteur_0 = $responsab["auteurs"][$as] ; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_0["id"]); $mention_resp = $auteur->isbd_entry; } else { $as = array_keys ($responsab["responsabilites"], "1" ) ; $aut1_libelle = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($as) ; $i++) { $indice = $as[$i] ; $auteur_1 = $responsab["auteurs"][$indice] ; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_1["id"]); $aut1_libelle[]= $auteur->isbd_entry; } $mention_resp = implode (", ",$aut1_libelle) ; } $mention_resp ? $auteur = $mention_resp : $auteur=""; // on affiche les résultats if ($odd_even==0) { $pair_impair="odd"; $odd_even=1; } else if ($odd_even==1) { $pair_impair="even"; $odd_even=0; } if ($data['num_notice_mono']) $tr_javascript=" class='$pair_impair' onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='$pair_impair'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='./index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=".$data['num_notice_mono']."&seule=1';\" style='cursor: pointer' "; else $tr_javascript=" class='$pair_impair' onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='$pair_impair'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='./index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=".$data['bulletin_id']."';\" style='cursor: pointer' "; $deb_ligne = ""; echo $deb_ligne ; /* test de date de retour dépassée */ if ($lvl!="late") if ($data['retard']) echo ""; else echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; if ($data['retard']) echo ""; else echo ""; // Paramètre de l'opac $opac_pret_prolongation autorisant la gestion des prolongations if ($opac_pret_prolongation==1 && $allow_prol) { $prolongation=TRUE; $expl_id = $data['expl_id'] ; $query = "select cpt_prolongation, pret_date,pret_retour, expl_location from pret, exemplaires where expl_id=pret_idexpl and pret_idexpl='".$data['expl_id']."'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $data_expl = mysql_fetch_array($result); $nb_prolongation = $cpt_prolongation = $data_expl['cpt_prolongation']; $pret_date = $data_expl['pret_date']; $date_retour= $data_expl['pret_retour']; $cpt_prolongation++; $duree_prolongation=$opac_pret_duree_prolongation; $today=sql_value("SELECT CURRENT_DATE()"); if ($pmb_pret_restriction_prolongation==0) { // Aucune limitation des prolongations $prolongation=true; $duree_prolongation=$opac_pret_duree_prolongation; } else if ($pmb_pret_restriction_prolongation>0) { $pret_nombre_prolongation=$pmb_pret_nombre_prolongation; if(($pmb_pret_restriction_prolongation==1) && ($cpt_prolongation>$pret_nombre_prolongation)) { // Limitation simple de la prolongation $prolongation=FALSE; } else if($pmb_pret_restriction_prolongation==2) { // Limitation du pret par les quotas //Initialisation des quotas pour nombre de prolongations $qt = new quota("PROLONG_NMBR_QUOTA"); //Tableau de passage des paramètres $struct["READER"] = $id_empr; $struct["EXPL"] = $expl_id; $pret_nombre_prolongation=$qt -> get_quota_value($struct); if($cpt_prolongation>$pret_nombre_prolongation) $prolongation=FALSE; //Initialisation des quotas la durée de prolongations $qt = new quota("PROLONG_TIME_QUOTA"); $struct["READER"] = $id_empr; $struct["EXPL"] = $expl_id; $duree_prolongation=$qt -> get_quota_value($struct); } // fin if gestion par quotas } // fin else if pmb_pret_restriction_prolongation>0 $date_prolongation=sql_value("SELECT DATE_ADD('$date_retour', INTERVAL $duree_prolongation DAY)"); $diff=sql_value("SELECT DATEDIFF('$date_retour','$today')"); if($diff<-$duree_prolongation || $diff>$duree_prolongation) { $prolongation=FALSE; } $req_date_calendrier = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where ouvert=1 and num_location='".$data_expl['expl_location']."' and DATEDIFF(date_ouverture,'$date_prolongation')>=0 order by date_ouverture asc limit 1"; $res_date_calendrier = mysql_query($req_date_calendrier); if (mysql_num_rows($res_date_calendrier)) { $date_prolongation=mysql_result($res_date_calendrier,0,0); } // Verif s'il y a des résa et plus d'exemplaire dispo if ($prolongation==TRUE) { if($data['num_notice_mono']) $data['bulletin_id']=0; else $data['num_notice_mono']=0; // chercher le premier (par ordre de rang, donc de date de début de résa, non validé $rqt = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idnotice='".$data['num_notice_mono']."' AND resa_idbulletin='".$data['bulletin_id']."' AND resa_cb='' AND resa_date_fin='0000-00-00' "; $res= mysql_query($rqt); $nbresa = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if($nbresa){ $rqt="SELECT count(1) FROM exemplaires, docs_statut WHERE expl_statut=idstatut and pret_flag=1 and statut_visible_opac=1 AND expl_notice=".$data['num_notice_mono']." AND expl_bulletin=".$data['bulletin_id']." "; if($pmb_location_reservation) { $rqt.=" and expl_location in (select resa_loc from resa_loc where resa_emprloc=".$data['empr_location'].") "; } $res= mysql_query($rqt); $nbexpl = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); $rqt="SELECT count(1) FROM pret,exemplaires WHERE pret_idexpl=expl_id AND expl_notice=".$data['num_notice_mono']." AND expl_bulletin=".$data['bulletin_id']." "; if($pmb_location_reservation) { $rqt.=" and expl_location in (select resa_loc from resa_loc where resa_emprloc=".$data['empr_location'].") "; } $res= mysql_query($rqt); $nbexpl_en_pret = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if(($nbexpl-$nbexpl_en_pret) < $nbresa){ $prolongation=FALSE; } } } echo ""; // Proposer le bouton prolongation if ($prolongation==TRUE) { // Mettre au format affichable $rqt_date = "select date_format('$date_prolongation', '".$msg["format_date_sql"]."') as aff_date_prolongation "; $resultatdate = mysql_query($rqt_date); $res = mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate) ; $aff_date_prolongation= $res->aff_date_prolongation; // Bouton de prolongation if (sql_value("SELECT DATEDIFF('$date_retour','$date_prolongation')") != 0) { $js="onmousedown=\"if (event) e=event; else e=window.event; if (e.target) elt=e.target; else elt=e.srcElement; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false;\" "; //if (elt.nodeName=='A') document.location='./empr.php?prolongation=$aff_date_prolongation&prolonge_id=$expl_id&lvl=$lvl'; return false;\" "; echo ""; } else { $js="onmousedown=\"if (event) e=event; else e=window.event; if (e.target) elt=e.target; else elt=e.srcElement; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();return false;\""; echo ""; } } else { $js= "onmousedown=\"if (event) e=event; else e=window.event; if (e.target) elt=e.target; else elt=e.srcElement; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();return false;\""; echo ""; } } // fin if prolongeable echo "\n"; } // fin du while echo "
".$msg["title"]." ".$msg["author"]." ".$msg["typdoc_support"]."
"; echo""; } else { // fin du if nb_elements switch($lvl) { case 'all': print $msg["empr_no_loan"] ; break; case 'late': print $msg["empr_no_late"] ; break; } } if($opac_show_group_checkout) aff_pret_groupes(); function aff_pret_groupes(){ global $msg,$id_empr,$lvl,$dbh; global $opac_pret_prolongation,$opac_pret_duree_prolongation, $allow_prol; $req_groupes="SELECT * from groupe where resp_groupe=$id_empr order by libelle_groupe"; $res = mysql_query($req_groupes); while ($r_goupe = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($lvl=="late"){ $titre_goup=sprintf($msg['empr_group_late'],$r_goupe->libelle_groupe); $class_aff_expl="class='liste-expl-empr-late'" ; $critere_requete=" AND pret_retour < '".date('Y-m-d')."' order by pret_retour "; }else{ $titre_goup=sprintf($msg['empr_group_loans'],$r_goupe->libelle_groupe); $class_aff_expl="class='liste-expl-empr-all'" ; $critere_requete=" order by pret_retour"; } $sql = "SELECT notices_m.notice_id as num_notice_mono, bulletin_id, IF(pret_retour>sysdate(),0,1) as retard, expl_id, empr.id_empr as emprunteur, " ; $sql.= "date_format(pret_retour, '".$msg["format_date_sql"]."') as aff_pret_retour, pret_retour, "; $sql.= "date_format(pret_date, '".$msg["format_date_sql"]."') as aff_pret_date, " ; $sql.= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if(mention_date, concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,if (date_date, concat(' (',date_format(date_date, '".$msg["format_date_sql"]."'),')') ,'')))) as tit, if(notices_m.notice_id, notices_m.notice_id, notices_s.notice_id) as not_id, tdoc_libelle "; $sql.= "FROM (((exemplaires LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON expl_notice = notices_m.notice_id ) "; $sql.= " LEFT JOIN bulletins ON expl_bulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) "; $sql.= " LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id), "; $sql.= " docs_type , pret, empr,empr_groupe "; $sql.= "WHERE expl_typdoc = idtyp_doc and pret_idexpl = expl_id and empr.id_empr = pret.pret_idempr and empr_groupe.empr_id = empr.id_empr and groupe_id=". $r_goupe->id_groupe; $sql.= $critere_requete; $req = mysql_query($sql) or die("Erreur SQL !
".mysql_error()); $nb_elements = mysql_num_rows($req) ; if ($nb_elements) { echo"


"; echo""; echo "" ; if ($lvl!="late") echo "" ; echo ""; echo "" ; $odd_even=1; while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($req)) { $id_expl =$data['expl_cb']; $titre = $data['tit']; // on affiche les résultats if ($odd_even==0) { $pair_impair="odd"; $odd_even=1; } else if ($odd_even==1) { $pair_impair="even"; $odd_even=0; } if ($data['num_notice_mono']) $tr_javascript=" class='$pair_impair' onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='$pair_impair'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='./index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=".$data['num_notice_mono']."&seule=1';\" style='cursor: pointer' "; else $tr_javascript=" class='$pair_impair' onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='$pair_impair'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='./index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=".$data['bulletin_id']."';\" style='cursor: pointer' "; $deb_ligne = ""; echo $deb_ligne ; /* test de date de retour dépassée */ if ($lvl!="late") if ($data['retard']) echo ""; else echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $empr=get_info_empr($data['emprunteur']); echo ""; echo ""; if ($data['retard']) echo ""; else echo ""; echo "\n"; } // fin du while echo "
".$msg["title"]." ".$msg["typdoc_support"]."
".$empr['nom']." ".$empr['prenom']."
"; } } } function get_info_empr($id){ $req="SELECT * FROM empr, docs_location where id_empr=$id and empr_location=idlocation "; $info_eleve=array(); $resultat=mysql_query($req); if($r=mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $info_eleve['id']=$id; $info_eleve['nom']=$r->empr_nom; $info_eleve['prenom']=$r->empr_prenom; $info_eleve['location_libelle']=$r->location_libelle; } return $info_eleve; } function sql_value($rqt) { $result=mysql_query($rqt); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; }