/* This file is part of "reprepro" * Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2007,2008,2009,2012 Bernhard R. Link * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "error.h" #include "mprintf.h" #include "strlist.h" #include "names.h" #include "dirs.h" #include "chunks.h" #include "checksums.h" #include "files.h" #include "uncompression.h" #include "aptmethod.h" #include "filecntl.h" #include "hooks.h" struct tobedone { /*@null@*/ struct tobedone *next; /* must be saved to know where is should be moved to: */ /*@notnull@*/ char *uri; /*@notnull@*/ char *filename; /* in case of redirection, safe to another file first */ /*@null@*/ char *redirected_filename; /* callback and its data: */ queue_callback *callback; /*@null@*/void *privdata1, *privdata2; /* there is no fallback or that was already used */ bool lasttry, ignore; /* how often this was redirected */ unsigned int redirect_count; }; struct aptmethod { /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ struct aptmethod *next; char *name; char *baseuri; /*@null@*/char *fallbackbaseuri; /*@null@*/char *config; int mstdin, mstdout; pid_t child; enum { ams_notstarted=0, ams_waitforcapabilities, ams_ok, ams_failed } status; /*@null@*/struct tobedone *tobedone; /*@null@*//*@dependent@*/struct tobedone *lasttobedone; /*@null@*//*@dependent@*/const struct tobedone *nexttosend; /* what is currently read: */ /*@null@*/char *inputbuffer; size_t input_size, alreadyread; /* What is currently written: */ /*@null@*/char *command; size_t alreadywritten, output_length; /* old (<= squeeze) 103 behavior detected */ bool old103; /* new (>= wheezy) 103 behavior detected, no more workarounds necessary */ bool new103; }; struct aptmethodrun { struct aptmethod *methods; }; static void todo_free(/*@only@*/ struct tobedone *todo) { free(todo->filename); free(todo->redirected_filename); free(todo->uri); free(todo); } static void free_todolist(/*@only@*/ struct tobedone *todo) { while (todo != NULL) { struct tobedone *h = todo->next; todo_free(todo); todo = h; } } static void aptmethod_free(/*@only@*/struct aptmethod *method) { if (method == NULL) return; free(method->name); free(method->baseuri); free(method->config); free(method->fallbackbaseuri); free(method->inputbuffer); free(method->command); free_todolist(method->tobedone); free(method); } retvalue aptmethod_shutdown(struct aptmethodrun *run) { retvalue result = RET_OK, r; struct aptmethod *method, *lastmethod, **method_ptr; /* first get rid of everything not running: */ method_ptr = &run->methods; while (*method_ptr != NULL) { if ((*method_ptr)->child > 0) { if (verbose > 10) fprintf(stderr, "Still waiting for %d\n", (int)(*method_ptr)->child); method_ptr = &(*method_ptr)->next; continue; } else { /*@only@*/ struct aptmethod *h; h = (*method_ptr); *method_ptr = h->next; h->next = NULL; aptmethod_free(h); } } /* finally get rid of all the processes: */ for (method = run->methods ; method != NULL ; method = method->next) { if (method->mstdin >= 0) { (void)close(method->mstdin); if (verbose > 30) fprintf(stderr, "Closing stdin of %d\n", (int)method->child); } method->mstdin = -1; if (method->mstdout >= 0) { (void)close(method->mstdout); if (verbose > 30) fprintf(stderr, "Closing stdout of %d\n", (int)method->child); } method->mstdout = -1; } while (run->methods != NULL || uncompress_running()) { pid_t pid;int status; pid = wait(&status); lastmethod = NULL; method = run->methods; while (method != NULL) { if (method->child == pid) { struct aptmethod *next = method->next; if (lastmethod != NULL) { lastmethod->next = next; } else run->methods = next; aptmethod_free(method); pid = -1; break; } else { lastmethod = method; method = method->next; } } if (pid > 0) { r = uncompress_checkpid(pid, status); RET_UPDATE(result, r); } } free(run); return result; } /******************Initialize the data structures***********************/ retvalue aptmethod_initialize_run(struct aptmethodrun **run) { struct aptmethodrun *r; r = zNEW(struct aptmethodrun); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(r)) return RET_ERROR_OOM; *run = r; return RET_OK; } retvalue aptmethod_newmethod(struct aptmethodrun *run, const char *uri, const char *fallbackuri, const struct strlist *config, struct aptmethod **m) { struct aptmethod *method; const char *p; method = zNEW(struct aptmethod); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(method)) return RET_ERROR_OOM; method->mstdin = -1; method->mstdout = -1; method->child = -1; method->status = ams_notstarted; p = uri; while (*p != '\0' && (*p == '_' || *p == '-' || (*p>='a' && *p<='z') || (*p>='A' && *p<='Z') || (*p>='0' && *p<='9'))) { p++; } if (*p == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "No colon found in method-URI '%s'!\n", uri); free(method); return RET_ERROR; } if (*p != ':') { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected character '%c' in method-URI '%s'!\n", *p, uri); free(method); return RET_ERROR; } if (p == uri) { fprintf(stderr, "Zero-length name in method-URI '%s'!\n", uri); free(method); return RET_ERROR; } method->name = strndup(uri, p-uri); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(method->name)) { free(method); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } method->baseuri = strdup(uri); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(method->baseuri)) { free(method->name); free(method); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } if (fallbackuri == NULL) method->fallbackbaseuri = NULL; else { method->fallbackbaseuri = strdup(fallbackuri); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(method->fallbackbaseuri)) { free(method->baseuri); free(method->name); free(method); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } } #define CONF601 "601 Configuration" #define CONFITEM "\nConfig-Item: " if (config->count == 0) method->config = strdup(CONF601 CONFITEM "Dir=/" "\n\n"); else method->config = strlist_concat(config, CONF601 CONFITEM, CONFITEM, "\n\n"); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(method->config)) { free(method->fallbackbaseuri); free(method->baseuri); free(method->name); free(method); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } method->next = run->methods; run->methods = method; *m = method; return RET_OK; } /**************************Fire up a method*****************************/ inline static retvalue aptmethod_startup(struct aptmethod *method) { pid_t f; int mstdin[2]; int mstdout[2]; int r; /* When there is nothing to get, there is no reason to startup * the method. */ if (method->tobedone == NULL) { return RET_NOTHING; } /* when we are already running, we are already ready...*/ if (method->child > 0) { return RET_OK; } method->status = ams_waitforcapabilities; r = pipe(mstdin); if (r < 0) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Error %d creating pipe: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); return RET_ERRNO(e); } r = pipe(mstdout); if (r < 0) { int e = errno; (void)close(mstdin[0]); (void)close(mstdin[1]); fprintf(stderr, "Error %d in pipe syscall: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); return RET_ERRNO(e); } if (interrupted()) { (void)close(mstdin[0]);(void)close(mstdin[1]); (void)close(mstdout[0]);(void)close(mstdout[1]); return RET_ERROR_INTERRUPTED; } f = fork(); if (f < 0) { int e = errno; (void)close(mstdin[0]); (void)close(mstdin[1]); (void)close(mstdout[0]); (void)close(mstdout[1]); fprintf(stderr, "Error %d forking: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); return RET_ERRNO(e); } if (f == 0) { char *methodname; int e; /* child: */ (void)close(mstdin[1]); (void)close(mstdout[0]); if (dup2(mstdin[0], 0) < 0) { e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Error %d while setting stdin: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); exit(255); } if (dup2(mstdout[1], 1) < 0) { e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Error %d while setting stdout: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); exit(255); } closefrom(3); methodname = calc_dirconcat(global.methoddir, method->name); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(methodname)) exit(255); /* not really useful here, unless someone write reprepro * specific modules (which I hope noone will) */ sethookenvironment(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* actually call the method without any arguments: */ (void)execl(methodname, methodname, ENDOFARGUMENTS); e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Error %d while executing '%s': %s\n", e, methodname, strerror(e)); exit(255); } /* the main program continues... */ method->child = f; if (verbose > 10) fprintf(stderr, "Method '%s' started as %d\n", method->baseuri, (int)f); (void)close(mstdin[0]); (void)close(mstdout[1]); markcloseonexec(mstdin[1]); markcloseonexec(mstdout[0]); method->mstdin = mstdin[1]; method->mstdout = mstdout[0]; method->inputbuffer = NULL; method->input_size = 0; method->alreadyread = 0; method->command = NULL; method->output_length = 0; method->alreadywritten = 0; return RET_OK; } /**************************how to add files*****************************/ static inline void enqueue(struct aptmethod *method, /*@only@*/struct tobedone *todo) { todo->next = NULL; if (method->lasttobedone == NULL) method->nexttosend = method->lasttobedone = method->tobedone = todo; else { method->lasttobedone->next = todo; method->lasttobedone = todo; if (method->nexttosend == NULL) method->nexttosend = todo; } } static retvalue enqueuenew(struct aptmethod *method, /*@only@*/char *uri, /*@only@*/char *destfile, queue_callback *callback, void *privdata1, void *privdata2) { struct tobedone *todo; if (FAILEDTOALLOC(destfile)) { free(uri); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } if (FAILEDTOALLOC(uri)) { free(destfile); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } todo = NEW(struct tobedone); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(todo)) { free(uri); free(destfile); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } todo->next = NULL; todo->uri = uri; todo->filename = destfile; todo->redirected_filename = NULL; todo->callback = callback; todo->privdata1 = privdata1; todo->privdata2 = privdata2; todo->lasttry = method->fallbackbaseuri == NULL; todo->ignore = false; todo->redirect_count = 0; enqueue(method, todo); return RET_OK; } retvalue aptmethod_enqueue(struct aptmethod *method, const char *origfile, /*@only@*/char *destfile, queue_callback *callback, void *privdata1, void *privdata2) { return enqueuenew(method, calc_dirconcat(method->baseuri, origfile), destfile, callback, privdata1, privdata2); } retvalue aptmethod_enqueueindex(struct aptmethod *method, const char *suite, const char *origfile, const char *suffix, const char *destfile, const char *downloadsuffix, queue_callback *callback, void *privdata1, void *privdata2) { return enqueuenew(method, mprintf("%s/%s/%s%s", method->baseuri, suite, origfile, suffix), mprintf("%s%s", destfile, downloadsuffix), callback, privdata1, privdata2); } /*****************what to do with received files************************/ static retvalue requeue_or_fail(struct aptmethod *method, /*@only@*/struct tobedone *todo) { retvalue r; if (todo->ignore) return RET_NOTHING; if (todo->lasttry) { if (todo->callback == NULL) r = RET_ERROR; else r = todo->callback(qa_error, todo->privdata1, todo->privdata2, todo->uri, NULL, todo->filename, NULL, method->name); todo_free(todo); return r; } else { size_t l, old_len, new_len; char *s; assert (method->fallbackbaseuri != NULL); old_len = strlen(method->baseuri); new_len = strlen(method->fallbackbaseuri); l = strlen(todo->uri); s = malloc(l+new_len+1-old_len); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(s)) { todo_free(todo); return RET_ERROR_OOM; } memcpy(s, method->fallbackbaseuri, new_len); strcpy(s+new_len, todo->uri + old_len); free(todo->uri); todo->uri = s; todo->lasttry = true; todo->redirect_count = 0; enqueue(method, todo); return RET_OK; } } /* look which file could not be received and remove it: */ static retvalue urierror(struct aptmethod *method, const char *uri, /*@only@*/char *message) { struct tobedone *todo, *lasttodo; lasttodo = NULL; todo = method->tobedone; while (todo != NULL) { if (strcmp(todo->uri, uri) == 0) { /* remove item: */ if (lasttodo == NULL) method->tobedone = todo->next; else lasttodo->next = todo->next; if (method->nexttosend == todo) { /* just in case some method received * files before we request them ;-) */ method->nexttosend = todo->next; } if (method->lasttobedone == todo) { method->lasttobedone = todo->next; } fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod error receiving '%s':\n'%s'\n", uri, (message != NULL)?message:""); /* put message in failed items to show it later? */ free(message); return requeue_or_fail(method, todo); } lasttodo = todo; todo = todo->next; } /* huh? If if have not asked for it, how can there be errors? */ fprintf(stderr, "Method '%s' reported error with unrequested file '%s':\n'%s'!\n", method->name, uri, message); free(message); return RET_ERROR; } /* look which file could not be received and readd the new name... */ static retvalue uriredirect(struct aptmethod *method, const char *uri, /*@only@*/char *newuri) { struct tobedone *todo, *lasttodo; lasttodo = NULL; todo = method->tobedone; while (todo != NULL) { if (strcmp(todo->uri, uri) == 0) { /* with the old 103 behavior, the method will * change the url itself, but report the new one * when done, so rewrite it: */ if (method->old103) { free(todo->uri); todo->uri = newuri; return RET_NOTHING; } /* remove item: */ if (lasttodo == NULL) method->tobedone = todo->next; else lasttodo->next = todo->next; if (method->nexttosend == todo) { /* just in case some method received * files before we request them ;-) */ method->nexttosend = todo->next; } if (method->lasttobedone == todo) { method->lasttobedone = todo->next; } if (todo->redirected_filename == NULL && todo->redirect_count < 2) { if (verbose > 0) fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod redirects '%s' to '%s'\n", uri, newuri); /* readd with new uri */ free(todo->uri); todo->uri = newuri; if (!method->new103) { /* save to a different filename. This is quite * wastefull for index files, as they will be * copied another time, but otherwise an squeeze * http method might download it two times to the * same file, corrupting it */ todo->redirected_filename = mprintf("%s_redirect", todo->filename); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(todo->redirected_filename)) return RET_ERROR_OOM; } todo->redirect_count++; enqueue(method, todo); return RET_OK; } fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod redirects already redirected '%s' again to '%s'\n" "Multiple redirects currently not supported by reprepro", uri, newuri); /* put message in failed items to show it later? */ free(newuri); return requeue_or_fail(method, todo); } lasttodo = todo; todo = todo->next; } /* huh? If if have not asked for it, how can there be errors? */ fprintf(stderr, "Method '%s' reported redirect for unrequested file '%s'-> '%s'\n", method->name, uri, newuri); free(newuri); return RET_ERROR; } /* look where a received file has to go to: */ static retvalue uridone(struct aptmethod *method, const char *uri, const char *filename, /*@only@*//*@null@*/struct checksums *checksumsfromapt) { struct tobedone *todo, *lasttodo; retvalue r; lasttodo = NULL; todo = method->tobedone; while (todo != NULL) { bool expectduplicates = false; if (strcmp(todo->uri, uri) != 0) { lasttodo = todo; todo = todo->next; continue; } if (todo->ignore) { assert (method->old103); assert (todo->redirected_filename != NULL); r = RET_NOTHING; } else { /* This detection (by requesting the redirected file to * another filename and comparing here is a ugly hack * (assuming the method will process the old one before * the new one and causing an unnecessary copy with the * new behaviour...., but there is no way to destinguish * those methods).*/ if (todo->redirected_filename != NULL && strcmp(filename, todo->filename) == 0) { /* this looks like we met a method that gives 103 * but still downloads the file. remember this */ if (!method->old103) fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod '%s' seems to have a obsoleted redirect handling which causes\n" "reprepro to request files multiple times. Work-around activated, but better\n" "only use it for targets not redirecting (or upgrade to apt >= 0.9.4 if\n" "that is the http method from apt)!\n", method->name); method->old103 = true; method->new103 = false; expectduplicates = true; } else if (!method->old103 && todo->redirected_filename != NULL && strcmp(filename, todo->redirected_filename) == 0) { /* nothing hints for a old 103 handling, and the redirected * file was gotten before any redirected was, so assume * this is the new style */ method->new103 = true; } r = todo->callback(qa_got, todo->privdata1, todo->privdata2, todo->uri, filename, todo->filename, checksumsfromapt, method->name); } checksums_free(checksumsfromapt); if (todo->redirected_filename != NULL && strcmp(filename, todo->redirected_filename) == 0) unlink(todo->redirected_filename); if (expectduplicates) { todo->ignore = true; } else { /* remove item: */ if (lasttodo == NULL) method->tobedone = todo->next; else lasttodo->next = todo->next; if (method->nexttosend == todo) { /* just in case some method received * files before we request them ;-) */ method->nexttosend = todo->next; } if (method->lasttobedone == todo) { method->lasttobedone = todo->next; } todo_free(todo); } return r; } /* huh? */ fprintf(stderr, "Method '%s' retrieved unexpected file '%s' at '%s'!\n", method->name, uri, filename); checksums_free(checksumsfromapt); return RET_ERROR; } /***************************Input and Output****************************/ static retvalue logmessage(const struct aptmethod *method, const char *chunk, const char *type) { retvalue r; char *message; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "Message", &message); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; if (RET_IS_OK(r)) { fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod '%s': '%s'\n", method->baseuri, message); free(message); return RET_OK; } r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "URI", &message); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; if (RET_IS_OK(r)) { fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod %s '%s'\n", type, message); free(message); return RET_OK; } fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod '%s': '%s'\n", method->baseuri, type); return RET_OK; } static inline retvalue gotcapabilities(struct aptmethod *method, const char *chunk) { retvalue r; r = chunk_gettruth(chunk, "Single-Instance"); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; // TODO: what to do with this? // if (r != RET_NOTHING) { // fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Single-instance not yet supported!\n"); // } r = chunk_gettruth(chunk, "Send-Config"); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; if (r != RET_NOTHING) { assert(method->command == NULL); method->alreadywritten = 0; method->command = method->config; method->config = NULL; method->output_length = strlen(method->command); if (verbose > 11) { fprintf(stderr, "Sending config: '%s'\n", method->command); } } else { free(method->config); method->config = NULL; } method->status = ams_ok; return RET_OK; } static inline retvalue goturidone(struct aptmethod *method, const char *chunk) { static const char * const method_hash_names[cs_COUNT] = { "MD5-Hash", "SHA1-Hash", "SHA256-Hash", "Size" }; retvalue result, r; char *uri, *filename; enum checksumtype type; char *hashes[cs_COUNT]; struct checksums *checksums = NULL; //TODO: is it worth the mess to make this in-situ? r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "URI", &uri); if (r == RET_NOTHING) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing URI header in uridone received from '%s' method!\n", method->name); r = RET_ERROR; method->status = ams_failed; } if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "Filename", &filename); if (r == RET_NOTHING) { char *altfilename; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "Alt-Filename", &altfilename); if (r == RET_NOTHING) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing Filename header in uridone received from '%s' method!\n", method->name); r = urierror(method, uri, strdup( "")); } else { r = urierror(method, uri, mprintf( "", altfilename)); free(altfilename); } free(uri); return r; } if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { free(uri); return r; } if (verbose >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "aptmethod got '%s'\n", uri); result = RET_NOTHING; for (type = cs_md5sum ; type < cs_COUNT ; type++) { hashes[type] = NULL; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, method_hash_names[type], &hashes[type]); RET_UPDATE(result, r); } if (RET_IS_OK(result) && hashes[cs_md5sum] == NULL) { /* the lenny version also has this, better ask for * in case the old MD5-Hash vanishes in the future */ r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "MD5Sum-Hash", &hashes[cs_md5sum]); RET_UPDATE(result, r); } if (RET_WAS_ERROR(result)) { free(uri); free(filename); for (type = cs_md5sum ; type < cs_COUNT ; type++) free(hashes[type]); return result; } if (RET_IS_OK(result)) { /* ignore errors, we can recompute them from the file */ (void)checksums_init(&checksums, hashes); } r = uridone(method, uri, filename, checksums); free(uri); free(filename); return r; } static inline retvalue goturierror(struct aptmethod *method, const char *chunk) { retvalue r; char *uri, *message; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "URI", &uri); if (r == RET_NOTHING) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing URI header in urierror received from '%s' method!\n", method->name); r = RET_ERROR; } if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "Message", &message); if (r == RET_NOTHING) { message = NULL; } if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { free(uri); return r; } r = urierror(method, uri, message); free(uri); return r; } static inline retvalue gotredirect(struct aptmethod *method, const char *chunk) { char *uri, *newuri; retvalue r; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "URI", &uri); if (r == RET_NOTHING) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing URI header in uriredirect received from '%s' method!\n", method->name); r = RET_ERROR; } if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; r = chunk_getvalue(chunk, "New-URI", &newuri); if (r == RET_NOTHING) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing New-URI header in uriredirect received from '%s' method!\n", method->name); r = RET_ERROR; } if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { free(uri); return r; } r = uriredirect(method, uri, newuri); free(uri); return r; } static inline retvalue parsereceivedblock(struct aptmethod *method, const char *input) { const char *p; retvalue r; #define OVERLINE {while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n') p++; if (*p == '\n') p++; } while (*input == '\n' || *input == '\r') input++; if (*input == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected number of newlines from '%s' method!\n", method->name); return RET_NOTHING; } p = input; switch ((*(input+1)=='0')?*input:'\0') { case '1': switch (*(input+2)) { /* 100 Capabilities */ case '0': OVERLINE; if (verbose > 14) { fprintf(stderr, "Got '%s'\n", input); } return gotcapabilities(method, input); /* 101 Log */ case '1': if (verbose > 10) { OVERLINE; return logmessage(method, p, "101"); } return RET_OK; /* 102 Status */ case '2': if (verbose > 5) { OVERLINE; return logmessage(method, p, "102"); } return RET_OK; /* 103 Redirect */ case '3': OVERLINE; return gotredirect(method, p); default: fprintf(stderr, "Error or unsupported message received: '%s'\n", input); return RET_ERROR; } case '2': switch (*(input+2)) { /* 200 URI Start */ case '0': if (verbose > 5) { OVERLINE; return logmessage(method, p, "start"); } return RET_OK; /* 201 URI Done */ case '1': OVERLINE; return goturidone(method, p); default: fprintf(stderr, "Error or unsupported message received: '%s'\n", input); return RET_ERROR; } case '4': switch (*(input+2)) { case '0': OVERLINE; r = goturierror(method, p); break; case '1': OVERLINE; (void)logmessage(method, p, "general error"); method->status = ams_failed; r = RET_ERROR; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error or unsupported message received: '%s'\n", input); r = RET_ERROR; } /* a failed download is not a error yet, as it might * be redone from another source later */ return r; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected data from '%s' method: '%s'\n", method->name, input); return RET_ERROR; } } static retvalue receivedata(struct aptmethod *method) { retvalue result; ssize_t r; char *p; int consecutivenewlines; assert (method->status != ams_ok || method->tobedone != NULL); if (method->status != ams_waitforcapabilities && method->status != ams_ok) return RET_NOTHING; /* First look if we have enough room to read.. */ if (method->alreadyread + 1024 >= method->input_size) { char *newptr; if (method->input_size >= (size_t)128000) { fprintf(stderr, "Ridiculously long answer from method!\n"); method->status = ams_failed; return RET_ERROR; } newptr = realloc(method->inputbuffer, method->alreadyread+1024); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(newptr)) { return RET_ERROR_OOM; } method->inputbuffer = newptr; method->input_size = method->alreadyread + 1024; } assert (method->inputbuffer != NULL); /* then read as much as the pipe is able to fill of our buffer */ r = read(method->mstdout, method->inputbuffer + method->alreadyread, method->input_size - method->alreadyread - 1); if (r < 0) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Error %d reading pipe from aptmethod: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); method->status = ams_failed; return RET_ERRNO(e); } method->alreadyread += r; result = RET_NOTHING; while(true) { retvalue res; r = method->alreadyread; p = method->inputbuffer; consecutivenewlines = 0; while (r > 0) { if (*p == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected Zeroes in method output!\n"); method->status = ams_failed; return RET_ERROR; } else if (*p == '\n') { consecutivenewlines++; if (consecutivenewlines >= 2) break; } else if (*p != '\r') { consecutivenewlines = 0; } p++; r--; } if (r <= 0) { return result; } *p ='\0'; p++; r--; res = parsereceivedblock(method, method->inputbuffer); if (r > 0) memmove(method->inputbuffer, p, r); method->alreadyread = r; RET_UPDATE(result, res); } } static retvalue senddata(struct aptmethod *method) { size_t l; ssize_t r; if (method->status != ams_ok) return RET_NOTHING; if (method->command == NULL) { const struct tobedone *todo; /* nothing queued to send, nothing to be queued...*/ todo = method->nexttosend; if (todo == NULL) return RET_OK; if (interrupted()) return RET_ERROR_INTERRUPTED; method->alreadywritten = 0; // TODO: make sure this is already checked for earlier... assert (strchr(todo->uri, '\n') == NULL && strchr(todo->filename, '\n') == NULL); /* http-aptmethod seems to loose the last byte, * if the file is already in place, * so we better unlink the target first... * but this is done elsewhere already unlink(todo->filename); */ method->command = mprintf( "600 URI Acquire\nURI: %s\nFilename: %s\n\n", todo->uri, (todo->redirected_filename==NULL) ?todo->filename :todo->redirected_filename); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(method->command)) { return RET_ERROR_OOM; } if (verbose > 20) fprintf(stderr, "Will sent: '%s'\n", method->command); method->output_length = strlen(method->command); method->nexttosend = method->nexttosend->next; } l = method->output_length - method->alreadywritten; r = write(method->mstdin, method->command + method->alreadywritten, l); if (r < 0) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Error %d writing to pipe: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); //TODO: disable the whole method?? method->status = ams_failed; return RET_ERRNO(e); } else if ((size_t)r < l) { method->alreadywritten += r; return RET_OK; } free(method->command); method->command = NULL; return RET_OK; } static retvalue checkchilds(struct aptmethodrun *run) { pid_t child;int status; retvalue result = RET_OK, r; while ((child = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0) { struct aptmethod *method; for (method = run->methods ; method != NULL ; method = method->next) { if (method->child == child) break; } if (method == NULL) { /* perhaps an uncompressor terminated */ r = uncompress_checkpid(child, status); if (RET_IS_OK(r)) continue; if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { result = r; continue; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected child died (maybe gpg died if signing/verifing was done): %d\n", (int)child); continue; } } /* Make sure we do not cope with this child any more */ if (method->mstdin != -1) { (void)close(method->mstdin); method->mstdin = -1; } if (method->mstdout != -1) { (void)close(method->mstdout); method->mstdout = -1; } method->child = -1; if (method->status != ams_failed) method->status = ams_notstarted; /* say something if it exited unnormal: */ if (WIFEXITED(status)) { int exitcode; exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(status); if (exitcode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Method %s://%s exited with non-zero exit code %d!\n", method->name, method->baseuri, exitcode); method->status = ams_notstarted; result = RET_ERROR; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Method %s://%s exited unnormally!\n", method->name, method->baseuri); method->status = ams_notstarted; result = RET_ERROR; } } return result; } /* *workleft is always set, even when return indicated error. * (workleft < 0 when critical)*/ static retvalue readwrite(struct aptmethodrun *run, /*@out@*/int *workleft) { int maxfd, v; fd_set readfds, writefds; struct aptmethod *method; retvalue result, r; /* First calculate what to look at: */ FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_ZERO(&writefds); maxfd = 0; *workleft = 0; for (method = run->methods ; method != NULL ; method = method->next) { if (method->status == ams_ok && (method->command != NULL || method->nexttosend != NULL)) { FD_SET(method->mstdin, &writefds); if (method->mstdin > maxfd) maxfd = method->mstdin; (*workleft)++; if (verbose > 19) fprintf(stderr, "want to write to '%s'\n", method->baseuri); } if (method->status == ams_waitforcapabilities || (method->status == ams_ok && method->tobedone != NULL)) { FD_SET(method->mstdout, &readfds); if (method->mstdout > maxfd) maxfd = method->mstdout; (*workleft)++; if (verbose > 19) fprintf(stderr, "want to read from '%s'\n", method->baseuri); } } if (*workleft == 0) return RET_NOTHING; // TODO: think about a timeout... v = select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, &writefds, NULL, NULL); if (v < 0) { int e = errno; //TODO: handle (e == EINTR) && interrupted() specially fprintf(stderr, "Select returned error %d: %s\n", e, strerror(e)); *workleft = -1; // TODO: what to do here? return RET_ERRNO(e); } result = RET_NOTHING; maxfd = 0; for (method = run->methods ; method != NULL ; method = method->next) { if (method->mstdout != -1 && FD_ISSET(method->mstdout, &readfds)) { r = receivedata(method); RET_UPDATE(result, r); } if (method->mstdin != -1 && FD_ISSET(method->mstdin, &writefds)) { r = senddata(method); RET_UPDATE(result, r); } } return result; } retvalue aptmethod_download(struct aptmethodrun *run) { struct aptmethod *method; retvalue result, r; int workleft; result = RET_NOTHING; /* fire up all methods, removing those that do not work: */ for (method = run->methods; method != NULL ; method = method->next) { r = aptmethod_startup(method); /* do not remove failed methods here any longer, * and not remove methods having nothing to do, * as this breaks when no index files are downloaded * due to all already being in place... */ RET_UPDATE(result, r); } /* waiting for them to finish: */ do { r = checkchilds(run); RET_UPDATE(result, r); r = readwrite(run, &workleft); RET_UPDATE(result, r); // TODO: check interrupted here... } while (workleft > 0 || uncompress_running()); return result; }