/* This file is part of "reprepro" * Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2009,2012 Bernhard R. Link * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "error.h" #include "ignore.h" #include "filecntl.h" #include "strlist.h" #include "checksums.h" #include "names.h" #include "checkindeb.h" #include "reference.h" #include "binaries.h" #include "files.h" #include "guesscomponent.h" #include "tracking.h" #include "override.h" #include "hooks.h" /* This file includes the code to include binaries, i.e. to create the chunk for the Packages.gz-file and to put it in the various databases. Things to do with .deb's checkin by hand: (by comparison with apt-ftparchive) - extract the control file (that's the hard part -> extractcontrol.c ) - check for Package, Version, Architecture, Maintainer, Description - apply overwrite if neccesary (section, priority and perhaps maintainer). - add Size, MD5sum, Filename, Priority, Section - remove Status (warning if existant?) - check for Optional-field and reject then.. */ struct debpackage { /* things to be set by deb_read: */ struct deb_headers deb; /* things that will still be NULL then: */ component_t component; /* with deb_calclocations: */ const char *filekey; struct strlist filekeys; }; void deb_free(/*@only@*/struct debpackage *pkg) { if (pkg != NULL) { binaries_debdone(&pkg->deb); if (pkg->filekey != NULL) strlist_done(&pkg->filekeys); } free(pkg); } /* read the data from a .deb, make some checks and extract some data */ static retvalue deb_read(/*@out@*/struct debpackage **pkg, const char *filename, bool needssourceversion) { retvalue r; struct debpackage *deb; deb = zNEW(struct debpackage); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(deb)) return RET_ERROR_OOM; r = binaries_readdeb(&deb->deb, filename, needssourceversion); if (RET_IS_OK(r)) r = properpackagename(deb->deb.name); if (RET_IS_OK(r)) r = propersourcename(deb->deb.source); if (RET_IS_OK(r) && needssourceversion) r = properversion(deb->deb.sourceversion); if (RET_IS_OK(r)) r = properversion(deb->deb.version); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { deb_free(deb); return r; } *pkg = deb; return RET_OK; } static retvalue deb_preparelocation(struct debpackage *pkg, component_t forcecomponent, const struct atomlist *forcearchitectures, const char *forcesection, const char *forcepriority, packagetype_t packagetype, struct distribution *distribution, const struct overridedata **oinfo_ptr, const char *debfilename){ const struct atomlist *components; const struct overridefile *binoverride; const struct overridedata *oinfo; retvalue r; if (packagetype == pt_udeb) { binoverride = distribution->overrides.udeb; components = &distribution->udebcomponents; } else { binoverride = distribution->overrides.deb; components = &distribution->components; } oinfo = override_search(binoverride, pkg->deb.name); *oinfo_ptr = oinfo; if (forcesection == NULL) { forcesection = override_get(oinfo, SECTION_FIELDNAME); } if (forcepriority == NULL) { forcepriority = override_get(oinfo, PRIORITY_FIELDNAME); } if (!atom_defined(forcecomponent)) { const char *fc; fc = override_get(oinfo, "$Component"); if (fc != NULL) { forcecomponent = component_find(fc); if (!atom_defined(forcecomponent)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unparseable component '%s' in $Component override of '%s'\n", fc, pkg->deb.name); return RET_ERROR; } } } if (forcesection != NULL) { free(pkg->deb.section); pkg->deb.section = strdup(forcesection); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(pkg->deb.section)) { return RET_ERROR_OOM; } } if (forcepriority != NULL) { free(pkg->deb.priority); pkg->deb.priority = strdup(forcepriority); if (FAILEDTOALLOC(pkg->deb.priority)) { return RET_ERROR_OOM; } } if (pkg->deb.section == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No section given for '%s', skipping.\n", pkg->deb.name); return RET_ERROR; } if (pkg->deb.priority == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No priority given for '%s', skipping.\n", pkg->deb.name); return RET_ERROR; } if (strcmp(pkg->deb.section, "unknown") == 0 && verbose >= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: strange section '%s'!\n", pkg->deb.section); } /* decide where it has to go */ r = guess_component(distribution->codename, components, pkg->deb.name, pkg->deb.section, forcecomponent, &pkg->component); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; if (verbose > 0 && !atom_defined(forcecomponent)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: component guessed as '%s'\n", debfilename, atoms_components[pkg->component]); } /* some sanity checks: */ if (forcearchitectures != NULL && pkg->deb.architecture != architecture_all && !atomlist_in(forcearchitectures, pkg->deb.architecture)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot add '%s', as it is architecture '%s' and you specified to only include ", debfilename, atoms_architectures[pkg->deb.architecture]); atomlist_fprint(stderr, at_architecture, forcearchitectures); fputs(".\n", stderr); return RET_ERROR; } else if (pkg->deb.architecture != architecture_all && !atomlist_in(&distribution->architectures, pkg->deb.architecture)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Error looking at '%s': '%s' is not one of the valid architectures: '", debfilename, atoms_architectures[pkg->deb.architecture]); (void)atomlist_fprint(stderr, at_architecture, &distribution->architectures); (void)fputs("'\n", stderr); return RET_ERROR; } if (!atomlist_in(components, pkg->component)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error looking at %s': Would be placed in unavailable component '%s'!\n", debfilename, atoms_components[pkg->component]); /* this cannot be ignored * as there is not data structure available */ return RET_ERROR; } r = binaries_calcfilekeys(pkg->component, &pkg->deb, packagetype, &pkg->filekeys); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) return r; pkg->filekey = pkg->filekeys.values[0]; return RET_OK; } retvalue deb_prepare(/*@out@*/struct debpackage **deb, component_t forcecomponent, architecture_t forcearchitecture, const char *forcesection, const char *forcepriority, packagetype_t packagetype, struct distribution *distribution, const char *debfilename, const char * const givenfilekey, const struct checksums * checksums, const struct strlist *allowed_binaries, const char *expectedsourcepackage, const char *expectedsourceversion){ retvalue r; struct debpackage *pkg; const struct overridedata *oinfo; char *control; struct atomlist forcearchitectures; assert (givenfilekey != NULL); assert (checksums != NULL); assert (allowed_binaries != NULL); assert (expectedsourcepackage != NULL); assert (expectedsourceversion != NULL); /* First taking a closer look in the file: */ r = deb_read(&pkg, debfilename, true); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { return r; } if (!strlist_in(allowed_binaries, pkg->deb.name) && !IGNORING(surprisingbinary, "'%s' has packagename '%s' not listed in the .changes file!\n", debfilename, pkg->deb.name)) { deb_free(pkg); return RET_ERROR; } if (strcmp(pkg->deb.source, expectedsourcepackage) != 0) { /* this cannot be ignored easily, as it determines * the directory this file is stored into */ fprintf(stderr, "'%s' lists source package '%s', but .changes says it is '%s'!\n", debfilename, pkg->deb.source, expectedsourcepackage); deb_free(pkg); return RET_ERROR; } if (strcmp(pkg->deb.sourceversion, expectedsourceversion) != 0 && !IGNORING(wrongsourceversion, "'%s' lists source version '%s', but .changes says it is '%s'!\n", debfilename, pkg->deb.sourceversion, expectedsourceversion)) { deb_free(pkg); return RET_ERROR; } forcearchitectures.count = 1; forcearchitectures.size = 1; forcearchitectures.atoms = &forcearchitecture; r = deb_preparelocation(pkg, forcecomponent, &forcearchitectures, forcesection, forcepriority, packagetype, distribution, &oinfo, debfilename); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { deb_free(pkg); return r; } if (strcmp(givenfilekey, pkg->filekey) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Name mismatch: .changes indicates '%s', but the file itself says '%s'!\n", givenfilekey, pkg->filekey); deb_free(pkg); return RET_ERROR; } /* Prepare everything that can be prepared beforehand */ r = binaries_complete(&pkg->deb, pkg->filekey, checksums, oinfo, pkg->deb.section, pkg->deb.priority, &control); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { deb_free(pkg); return r; } free(pkg->deb.control); pkg->deb.control = control; *deb = pkg; return RET_OK; } retvalue deb_addprepared(const struct debpackage *pkg, const struct atomlist *forcearchitectures, packagetype_t packagetype, struct distribution *distribution, struct trackingdata *trackingdata) { return binaries_adddeb(&pkg->deb, forcearchitectures, packagetype, distribution, trackingdata, pkg->component, &pkg->filekeys, pkg->deb.control); } /* insert the given .deb into the mirror in in the * putting things with architecture of "all" into architectures> (and also * causing error, if it is not one of them otherwise) * if component is NULL, guessing it from the section. */ retvalue deb_add(component_t forcecomponent, const struct atomlist *forcearchitectures, const char *forcesection, const char *forcepriority, packagetype_t packagetype, struct distribution *distribution, const char *debfilename, int delete, /*@null@*/trackingdb tracks) { struct debpackage *pkg; retvalue r; struct trackingdata trackingdata; const struct overridedata *oinfo; char *control; struct checksums *checksums; causingfile = debfilename; r = deb_read(&pkg, debfilename, tracks != NULL); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { return r; } r = deb_preparelocation(pkg, forcecomponent, forcearchitectures, forcesection, forcepriority, packagetype, distribution, &oinfo, debfilename); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { deb_free(pkg); return r; } r = files_preinclude(debfilename, pkg->filekey, &checksums); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { deb_free(pkg); return r; } /* Prepare everything that can be prepared beforehand */ r = binaries_complete(&pkg->deb, pkg->filekey, checksums, oinfo, pkg->deb.section, pkg->deb.priority, &control); checksums_free(checksums); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { deb_free(pkg); return r; } free(pkg->deb.control); pkg->deb.control = control; if (tracks != NULL) { assert(pkg->deb.sourceversion != NULL); r = trackingdata_summon(tracks, pkg->deb.source, pkg->deb.sourceversion, &trackingdata); if (RET_WAS_ERROR(r)) { deb_free(pkg); return r; } } r = binaries_adddeb(&pkg->deb, forcearchitectures, packagetype, distribution, (tracks!=NULL)?&trackingdata:NULL, pkg->component, &pkg->filekeys, pkg->deb.control); RET_UPDATE(distribution->status, r); deb_free(pkg); if (tracks != NULL) { retvalue r2; r2 = trackingdata_finish(tracks, &trackingdata); RET_ENDUPDATE(r, r2); } if (RET_IS_OK(r) && delete >= D_MOVE) { deletefile(debfilename); } else if (r == RET_NOTHING && delete >= D_DELETE) deletefile(debfilename); return r; }