= Background = The testsuite is automatically run on the any a server that is responsible for running the DEP8 enabled testsuites for the debian packages. == Running locally == To test locally in a local VM: Build a VM that the tests can be run inside: $ bzr co lp:auto-package-testing $ cd auto-package-testing/bin $ ./prepare-testbed -r quantal i386 [downloads 200mb data and takes a long time to finish] $ ./run-adt-test software-center Login into the VM once and remove cloud-init to prevent delay on startup. Or login into the VM itself: $ kvm -snapshot -m 1024 /tmp/adt/disks/pristine-quantal-i386.img [wait a long time, login as ubuntu/ubuntu] $ bzr co lp:software-center # adt-run --built-tree=. --- adt-virt-null