import cairo import os from math import pi as PI PI_OVER_180 = PI / 180 import softwarecenter.paths from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject, GLib from buttons import MoreLink from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.em import StockEms from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.drawing import rounded_rect from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.widgets.spinner import (SpinnerView, SpinnerNotebook) from softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.widgets.buttons import FeaturedTile class FlowableGrid(Gtk.Fixed): MIN_HEIGHT = 100 def __init__(self, paint_grid_pattern=True): Gtk.Fixed.__init__(self) self.set_size_request(100, -1) self.row_spacing = 0 self.column_spacing = 0 self.n_columns = 0 self.n_rows = 0 self.paint_grid_pattern = paint_grid_pattern self._cell_size = None # private def _get_n_columns_for_width(self, width, cell_w, col_spacing): n_cols = width / (cell_w + col_spacing) return n_cols def _layout_children(self, a): if not self.get_visible(): return children = self.get_children() width = a.width #height = a.height col_spacing = 0 row_spacing = 0 cell_w, cell_h = self.get_cell_size() n_cols = self._get_n_columns_for_width(width, cell_w, col_spacing) if n_cols == 0: return cell_w = width / n_cols self.n_columns = n_cols #~ h_overhang = width - n_cols*cell_w - (n_cols-1)*col_spacing #~ if n_cols > 1: #~ xo = h_overhang / (n_cols-1) #~ else: #~ xo = h_overhang if len(children) % n_cols: self.n_rows = len(children) / n_cols + 1 else: self.n_rows = len(children) / n_cols y = 0 for i, child in enumerate(children): x = a.x + (i % n_cols) * (cell_w + col_spacing) #~ x = a.x + (i % n_cols) * (cell_w + col_spacing + xo) #~ if n_cols == 1: #~ x += xo/2 if (i % n_cols) == 0: y = a.y + (i / n_cols) * (cell_h + row_spacing) child_alloc = child.get_allocation() child_alloc.x = x child_alloc.y = y child_alloc.width = cell_w child_alloc.height = cell_h child.size_allocate(child_alloc) # overrides def do_get_request_mode(self): return Gtk.SizeRequestMode.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT def do_get_preferred_height_for_width(self, width): old = self.get_allocation() if width == old.width: old.height, old.height cell_w, cell_h = self.get_cell_size() n_cols = self._get_n_columns_for_width( width, cell_w, self.column_spacing) if not n_cols: return self.MIN_HEIGHT, self.MIN_HEIGHT children = self.get_children() n_rows = len(children) / n_cols # store these for use when _layout_children gets called if len(children) % n_cols: n_rows += 1 pref_h = n_rows * cell_h + (n_rows - 1) * self.row_spacing + 1 pref_h = max(self.MIN_HEIGHT, pref_h) return pref_h, pref_h # signal handlers def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): self.set_allocation(allocation) self._layout_children(allocation) def do_draw(self, cr): if not (self.n_columns and self.n_rows): return if self.paint_grid_pattern: self.render_grid(cr) for child in self: self.propagate_draw(child, cr) # public def render_grid(self, cr): context = self.get_style_context() context.add_class("grid-lines") bg = context.get_border_color(self.get_state_flags()) context.restore() Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, bg) cr.set_line_width(1) a = self.get_allocation() w = a.width / self.n_columns for i in range(1, self.n_columns): cr.move_to(i * w + 0.5, 0) cr.rel_line_to(0, a.height - 1) cr.stroke() w = a.height / self.n_rows for i in range(self.n_rows): cr.move_to(0, i * w + 0.5) cr.rel_line_to(a.width, 0) cr.stroke() cr.restore() def add_child(self, child): self._cell_size = None self.put(child, 0, 0) def get_cell_size(self): if self._cell_size is not None: return self._cell_size w = h = 1 for child in self.get_children(): child_pref_w = child.get_preferred_width()[0] child_pref_h = child.get_preferred_height()[0] w = max(w, child_pref_w) h = max(h, child_pref_h) self._cell_size = (w, h) return w, h def set_row_spacing(self, value): self.row_spacing = value def set_column_spacing(self, value): self.column_spacing = value self._layout_children(self.get_allocation()) def remove_all(self, destroy=True): self._cell_size = None for child in self: self.remove(child) # meh, this should not really be necessary, but e.g. the # TileButtons have pretty high refcounts even after remove (~10) if destroy: #print child.__grefcount__ child.destroy() del child class TileGrid(FlowableGrid): ''' a flowable layout widget that holds a collection of TileButtons ''' __gsignals__ = { "application-activated": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, ), ), } def add_tiles(self, properties_helper, docs, amount): '''Adds application tiles to an ApplicationTileGrid: properties_help -- an instance of the PropertiesHelper object docs -- xapian documents (apps) amount -- number of tiles to add from start of doc range ''' amount = min(len(docs), amount) for doc in docs[0:amount]: tile = FeaturedTile(properties_helper, doc) tile.connect('clicked', self._on_app_clicked, properties_helper.get_application(doc)) self.add_child(tile) # private def _on_app_clicked(self, btn, app): """emit signal when a tile is clicked""" def timeout_emit(): self.emit("application-activated", app) return False GLib.timeout_add(50, timeout_emit) # first tier of caching, cache component assets from which frames are # rendered _frame_asset_cache = {} class Frame(Gtk.Alignment): BORDER_RADIUS = 8 ASSET_TAG = "default" BORDER_IMAGE = os.path.join( softwarecenter.paths.datadir, "ui/gtk3/art/frame-border-image.png") def __init__(self, padding=0): Gtk.Alignment.__init__(self) # set padding + some additional padding to factor in the # dropshadow+border width # padding is (top, bottom, left, right) self.set_padding(padding, padding + 3, padding + 3, padding + 3) self._cache_art_assets() # second tier of caching, cache resultant surface of # fully composed and rendered frame self._frame_surface_cache = None self._allocation = Gdk.Rectangle() self.connect("size-allocate", self.on_size_allocate) self.connect("style-updated", self.on_style_updated) # workaround broken engines (LP: #1021308) self.emit("style-updated") def on_style_updated(self, widget): self._frame_surface_cache = None def on_size_allocate(self, *args): old = self._allocation cur = self.get_allocation() if cur.width != old.width or cur.height != old.height: self._frame_surface_cache = None self._allocation = cur return return True def _cache_art_assets(self): global _frame_asset_cache at = self.ASSET_TAG assets = _frame_asset_cache if at in assets: return assets def cache_corner_surface(tag, xo, yo): sw = sh = cnr_slice surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, sw, sh) cr = cairo.Context(surf) cr.set_source_surface(border_image, xo, yo) cr.paint() assets[tag] = surf del cr def cache_edge_pattern(tag, xo, yo, sw, sh): surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, sw, sh) cr = cairo.Context(surf) cr.set_source_surface(border_image, xo, yo) cr.paint() ptrn = cairo.SurfacePattern(surf) ptrn.set_extend(cairo.EXTEND_REPEAT) assets[tag] = ptrn del cr # register the asset tag within the asset_cache assets[at] = 'loaded' # the basic stuff border_image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(self.BORDER_IMAGE) assets["corner-slice"] = cnr_slice = 10 w = border_image.get_width() h = border_image.get_height() # caching .... # north-west corner of border image cache_corner_surface("%s-nw" % at, 0, 0) # northern edge pattern cache_edge_pattern("%s-n" % at, -cnr_slice, 0, w - 2 * cnr_slice, cnr_slice) # north-east corner cache_corner_surface("%s-ne" % at, -(w - cnr_slice), 0) # eastern edge pattern cache_edge_pattern("%s-e" % at, -(w - cnr_slice), -cnr_slice, cnr_slice, h - 2 * cnr_slice) # south-east corner cache_corner_surface("%s-se" % at, -(w - cnr_slice), -(h - cnr_slice)) # southern edge pattern cache_edge_pattern("%s-s" % at, -cnr_slice, -(h - cnr_slice), w - 2 * cnr_slice, cnr_slice) # south-west corner cache_corner_surface("%s-sw" % at, 0, -(h - cnr_slice)) # western edge pattern cache_edge_pattern("%s-w" % at, 0, -cnr_slice, cnr_slice, h - 2 * cnr_slice) # all done! return assets def do_draw(self, cr): self.on_draw(cr) cr.restore() def on_draw(self, cr): a = self.get_allocation() self.render_frame(cr, a, self.BORDER_RADIUS, _frame_asset_cache) for child in self: self.propagate_draw(child, cr) def render_frame(self, cr, a, border_radius, assets): # we cache as much of the drawing as possible # store a copy of the rendered frame surface, so we only have to # do a full redraw if the widget dimensions change if self._frame_surface_cache is None: surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, a.width, a.height) _cr = cairo.Context(surf) at = self.ASSET_TAG width = a.width height = a.height cnr_slice = assets["corner-slice"] # paint north-west corner _cr.set_source_surface(assets["%s-nw" % at], 0, 0) _cr.paint() # paint north length _cr.set_source(assets["%s-n" % at]) _cr.rectangle(cnr_slice, 0, width - 2 * cnr_slice, cnr_slice) _cr.clip() _cr.paint() _cr.restore() # paint north-east corner _cr.set_source_surface(assets["%s-ne" % at], width - cnr_slice, 0) _cr.paint() # paint east length _cr.translate(width - cnr_slice, cnr_slice) _cr.set_source(assets["%s-e" % at]) _cr.rectangle(0, 0, cnr_slice, height - 2 * cnr_slice) _cr.clip() _cr.paint() _cr.restore() # paint south-east corner _cr.set_source_surface(assets["%s-se" % at], width - cnr_slice, height - cnr_slice) _cr.paint() # paint south length _cr.translate(cnr_slice, height - cnr_slice) _cr.set_source(assets["%s-s" % at]) _cr.rectangle(0, 0, width - 2 * cnr_slice, cnr_slice) _cr.clip() _cr.paint() _cr.restore() # paint south-west corner _cr.set_source_surface(assets["%s-sw" % at], 0, height - cnr_slice) _cr.paint() # paint west length _cr.translate(0, cnr_slice) _cr.set_source(assets["%s-w" % at]) _cr.rectangle(0, 0, cnr_slice, height - 2 * cnr_slice) _cr.clip() _cr.paint() _cr.restore() # fill interior rounded_rect(_cr, 3, 2, a.width - 6, a.height - 6, border_radius) context = self.get_style_context() bg = context.get_background_color(self.get_state_flags()) Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(_cr, bg) _cr.fill_preserve() lin = cairo.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, max(300, a.height)) lin.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 1, 1, 1, 0.02) lin.add_color_stop_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.06) _cr.set_source(lin) _cr.fill() self._frame_surface_cache = surf del _cr # paint the cached surface and apply a rounded rect clip to # child draw ops A = self.get_allocation() xo, yo = a.x - A.x, a.y - A.y cr.set_source_surface(self._frame_surface_cache, xo, yo) cr.paint() #~ rounded_rect(cr, xo+3, yo+2, a.width-6, a.height-6, border_radius) #~ cr.clip() class SmallBorderRadiusFrame(Frame): BORDER_RADIUS = 3 ASSET_TAG = "small" BORDER_IMAGE = os.path.join( softwarecenter.paths.datadir, "ui/gtk3/art/frame-border-image-2px-border-radius.png") def __init__(self, padding=3): Frame.__init__(self, padding) class FramedBox(Frame): def __init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing=0, padding=0): Frame.__init__(self, padding) =, spacing) Gtk.Alignment.add(self, def add(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def pack_start(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def pack_end(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) class HeaderPosition: LEFT = 0.0 CENTER = 0.5 RIGHT = 1.0 class FramedHeaderBox(FramedBox): MARKUP = '%s' # pages for the spinner notebook (CONTENT, SPINNER) = range(2) def __init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing=0, padding=0, show_spinner=False): FramedBox.__init__(self, Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing, padding) # make the header self.header =, spacing) self.header_alignment = Gtk.Alignment() self.header_alignment.add(self.header), False, False, 0) # make the content box self.content_box =, spacing) # finally, a notebook for the spinner and the content box to share self.spinner_notebook = SpinnerNotebook(self.content_box, spinner_size=SpinnerView.SMALL) # make the "More" button, but don't add it to the header unless/until # we get a header_implements_more_button self.more = MoreLink() def on_draw(self, cr): a = self.get_allocation() self.render_frame(cr, a, Frame.BORDER_RADIUS, _frame_asset_cache) a = self.header_alignment.get_allocation() self.render_header(cr, a, Frame.BORDER_RADIUS, _frame_asset_cache) for child in self: self.propagate_draw(child, cr) def add(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.content_box.add(*args, **kwargs) def pack_start(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.content_box.pack_start(*args, **kwargs) def pack_end(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.content_box.pack_end(*args, **kwargs) def set_header_position(self, position): alignment = self.header_alignment alignment.set(position, 0.5, alignment.get_property("xscale"), alignment.get_property("yscale")) def set_header_label(self, label): if not hasattr(self, "title"): self.title = Gtk.Label() self.title.set_padding(StockEms.MEDIUM, StockEms.SMALL) context = self.title.get_style_context() context.add_class("frame-header-title") self.header.pack_start(self.title, False, False, 0) self.title.set_markup(self.MARKUP % label) def header_implements_more_button(self): if self.more not in self.header: self.header.pack_end(self.more, False, False, 0) def remove_more_button(self): if self.more in self.header: self.header.remove(self.more) def render_header(self, cr, a, border_radius, assets): if self.more in self.header: context = self.get_style_context() # set the arrow fill color context = self.more.get_style_context() bg = context.get_background_color(self.get_state_flags()) Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, bg) # the arrow shape stuff r = Frame.BORDER_RADIUS - 1 ta = self.more.get_allocation() y = ta.y - a.y + 2 h = ta.height - 2 if self.get_direction() == Gtk.TextDirection.RTL: x = ta.x - a.x + 3 w = ta.width + StockEms.MEDIUM cr.new_sub_path() cr.arc(r + x, r + y, r, PI, 270 * PI_OVER_180) cr.line_to(x + w, y) cr.line_to(x + w - StockEms.MEDIUM, y + h / 2) cr.line_to(x + w, y + h) cr.line_to(x, y + h) cr.close_path() cr.fill() cr.move_to(x + w, y) cr.line_to(x + w - StockEms.MEDIUM, y + h / 2) cr.line_to(x + w, y + h) else: x = ta.x - a.x - StockEms.MEDIUM w = ta.width + StockEms.MEDIUM + 3 cr.move_to(x, y) cr.arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, 270 * PI_OVER_180, 0) cr.line_to(x + w, y + h) cr.line_to(x, y + h) cr.line_to(x + StockEms.MEDIUM, y + h / 2) cr.close_path() cr.fill() cr.move_to(x, y) cr.line_to(x + StockEms.MEDIUM, y + h / 2) cr.line_to(x, y + h) bc = context.get_border_color(self.get_state_flags()) Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, bc) cr.set_line_width(1) cr.stroke() cr.restore() # paint the containers children for child in self: self.propagate_draw(child, cr)