const highp float pi = 3.1415926535897931; const highp float ln10 = 2.3025850929940459; // Variable for the xyYTo RGB conversion uniform highp float alphaWaOverAlphaDa; uniform highp float oneOverGamma; uniform highp float term2TimesOneOverMaxdLpOneOverGamma; uniform highp float brightnessScale; // Variables for the color computation uniform highp vec3 sunPos; uniform mediump float term_x, Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, Ex; uniform mediump float term_y, Ay, By, Cy, Dy, Ey; // The current projection matrix uniform mediump mat4 projectionMatrix; // Contains the 2d position of the point on the screen (before multiplication by the projection matrix) attribute mediump vec2 skyVertex; // Contains the r,g,b,Y (luminosity) components. attribute highp vec4 skyColor; // The output variable passed to the fragment shader varying mediump vec3 resultSkyColor; void main() { gl_Position = projectionMatrix*vec4(skyVertex, 0., 1.); highp vec4 color = skyColor; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // First compute the xy color component // color contains the unprojected vertex position in r,g,b // + the Y (luminance) component of the color in the alpha channel if (color[3]>0.01) { highp float cosDistSunq = sunPos[0]*color[0] + sunPos[1]*color[1] + sunPos[2]*color[2]; highp float distSun=acos(cosDistSunq); highp float oneOverCosZenithAngle = (color[2]==0.) ? 9999999999999. : 1. / color[2]; cosDistSunq*=cosDistSunq; color[0] = term_x * (1. + Ax * exp(Bx*oneOverCosZenithAngle))* (1. + Cx * exp(Dx*distSun) + Ex * cosDistSunq); color[1] = term_y * (1. + Ay * exp(By*oneOverCosZenithAngle))* (1. + Cy * exp(Dy*distSun) + Ey * cosDistSunq); if (color[0] < 0. || color[1] < 0.) { color[0] = 0.25; color[1] = 0.25; } } else { color[0] = 0.25; color[1] = 0.25; } color[2]=color[3]; color[3]=1.; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now we have the xyY components in color, need to convert to RGB // 1. Hue conversion // if log10Y>0.6, photopic vision only (with the cones, colors are seen) // else scotopic vision if log10Y<-2 (with the rods, no colors, everything blue), // else mesopic vision (with rods and cones, transition state) if (color[2] <= 0.01) { // special case for s = 0 (x=0.25, y=0.25) color[2] *= 0.5121445; color[2] = pow(abs(color[2]*pi*0.0001), alphaWaOverAlphaDa*oneOverGamma)* term2TimesOneOverMaxdLpOneOverGamma; color[0] = 0.787077*color[2]; color[1] = 0.9898434*color[2]; color[2] *= 1.9256125; resultSkyColor =*brightnessScale; } else { if (color[2]<3.9810717055349722) { // Compute s, ratio between scotopic and photopic vision float op = (log(color[2])/ln10 + 2.)/2.6; float s = op * op *(3. - 2. * op); // Do the blue shift for scotopic vision simulation (night vision) [3] // The "night blue" is x,y(0.25, 0.25) color[0] = (1. - s) * 0.25 + s * color[0]; // Add scotopic + photopic components color[1] = (1. - s) * 0.25 + s * color[1]; // Add scotopic + photopic components // Take into account the scotopic luminance approximated by V [3] [4] float V = color[2] * (1.33 * (1. + color[1] / color[0] + color[0] * (1. - color[0] - color[1])) - 1.68); color[2] = 0.4468 * (1. - s) * V + s * color[2]; } // 2. Adapt the luminance value and scale it to fit in the RGB range [2] // color[2] = std::pow(adaptLuminanceScaled(color[2]), oneOverGamma); color[2] = pow(abs(color[2]*pi*0.0001), alphaWaOverAlphaDa*oneOverGamma)* term2TimesOneOverMaxdLpOneOverGamma; // Convert from xyY to XZY // Use a XYZ to Adobe RGB (1998) matrix which uses a D65 reference white mediump vec3 tmp = vec3(color[0] * color[2] / color[1], color[2], (1. - color[0] - color[1]) * color[2] / color[1]); resultSkyColor = vec3(2.04148*tmp.x-0.564977*tmp.y-0.344713*tmp.z, -0.969258*tmp.x+1.87599*tmp.y+0.0415557*tmp.z, 0.0134455*tmp.x-0.118373*tmp.y+1.01527*tmp.z); resultSkyColor*=brightnessScale; } }