* Pointer Coordinates plug-in for Stellarium
* Copyright (C) 2014 Alexander Wolf
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "StelGui.hpp"
#include "StelModule.hpp"
class QPixmap;
class StelButton;
class PointerCoordinatesWindow;
class PointerCoordinates : public StelModule
Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled
READ isEnabled
WRITE enableCoordinates)
//! @enum CoordinatesPlace
//! Available places of string with coordinates
enum CoordinatesPlace
TopCenter, //!< The top center of the screen
TopRight, //!< In center of the top right half of the screen
RightBottomCorner //!< The right bottom corner of the screen
virtual ~PointerCoordinates();
virtual void init();
virtual void deinit();
virtual void update(double) {;}
virtual void draw(StelCore *core);
virtual double getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const;
virtual bool configureGui(bool show);
//! Set up the plugin with default values. This means clearing out the PointerCoordinates section in the
//! main config.ini (if one already exists), and populating it with default values.
void restoreDefaultConfiguration(void);
//! Read (or re-read) settings from the main config file. This will be called from init and also
//! when restoring defaults (i.e. from the configuration dialog / restore defaults button).
void loadConfiguration(void);
//! Save the settings to the main configuration file.
void saveConfiguration(void);
//! Is plugin enabled?
bool isEnabled() const
return flagShowCoordinates;
//! Get font size for messages
int getFontSize(void)
return fontSize;
bool getFlagEnableAtStartup(void)
return flagEnableAtStartup;
bool getFlagShowCoordinatesButton(void)
return flagShowCoordinatesButton;
QPair getCoordinatesPlace(QString text);
public slots:
//! Enable plugin usage
void enableCoordinates(bool b);
//! Enable plugin usage at startup
void setFlagEnableAtStartup(bool b)
//! Set font size for message
void setFontSize(int size)
//! Display plugin button on toolbar
void setFlagShowCoordinatesButton(bool b);
//! Set the current place of the string with coordinates
void setCurrentCoordinatesPlace(CoordinatesPlace place)
currentPlace = place;
//! Get the current place of the string with coordinates
CoordinatesPlace getCurrentCoordinatesPlace() const
return currentPlace;
//! Get the current place of the string with coordinates
QString getCurrentCoordinatesPlaceKey(void) const;
//! Set the current place of the string with coordinates from its key
void setCurrentCoordinatesPlaceKey(QString key);
PointerCoordinatesWindow* mainWindow;
QSettings* conf;
StelGui* gui;
// The current place for string with coordinates
CoordinatesPlace currentPlace;
QFont font;
bool flagShowCoordinates;
bool flagEnableAtStartup;
bool flagShowCoordinatesButton;
Vec3f textColor;
Vec3d coordinatesPoint;
int fontSize;
StelButton* toolbarButton;
#include "StelPluginInterface.hpp"
//! This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
class PointerCoordinatesStelPluginInterface : public QObject, public StelPluginInterface
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "stellarium.StelGuiPluginInterface/1.0")
virtual StelModule* getStelModule() const;
virtual StelPluginInfo getPluginInfo() const;