/* * Stellarium Telescope Control Plug-in * * Copyright (C) 2006 Johannes Gajdosik * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Bogdan Marinov * * This module was originally written by Johannes Gajdosik in 2006 * as a core module of Stellarium. In 2009 it was significantly extended with * GUI features and later split as an external plug-in module by Bogdan Marinov. * * This class used to be called TelescopeMgr before the split. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. */ #include "StelUtils.hpp" #include "TelescopeControl.hpp" #include "TelescopeClient.hpp" #include "TelescopeDialog.hpp" #include "SlewDialog.hpp" #include "LogFile.hpp" #include "StelApp.hpp" #include "StelCore.hpp" #include "StelFileMgr.hpp" #include "StelGui.hpp" #include "StelGuiItems.hpp" #include "StelIniParser.hpp" #include "StelLocaleMgr.hpp" #include "StelModuleMgr.hpp" #include "StelMovementMgr.hpp" #include "StelObject.hpp" #include "StelObjectMgr.hpp" #include "StelPainter.hpp" #include "StelProjector.hpp" #include "StelStyle.hpp" #include "StelTextureMgr.hpp" #include "StelActionMgr.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StelModule* TelescopeControlStelPluginInterface::getStelModule() const { return new TelescopeControl(); } StelPluginInfo TelescopeControlStelPluginInterface::getPluginInfo() const { // Allow to load the resources when used as a static plugin Q_INIT_RESOURCE(TelescopeControl); StelPluginInfo info; info.id = "TelescopeControl"; info.displayedName = N_("Telescope Control"); info.authors = "Bogdan Marinov, Johannes Gajdosik"; info.contact = "http://stellarium.org"; info.description = N_("This plug-in allows Stellarium to send \"slew\" commands to a telescope on a computerized mount (a \"GoTo telescope\")."); info.version = TELESCOPE_CONTROL_VERSION; return info; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor and destructor TelescopeControl::TelescopeControl() : toolbarButton(NULL) , useTelescopeServerLogs(false) , useServerExecutables(false) , telescopeDialog(NULL) , slewDialog(NULL) , actionGroupId("PluginTelescopeControl") , moveToSelectedActionId("actionMove_Telescope_To_Selection_%1") , moveToCenterActionId("actionSlew_Telescope_To_Direction_%1") { setObjectName("TelescopeControl"); connectionTypeNames.insert(ConnectionVirtual, "virtual"); connectionTypeNames.insert(ConnectionInternal, "internal"); connectionTypeNames.insert(ConnectionLocal, "local"); connectionTypeNames.insert(ConnectionRemote, "remote"); } TelescopeControl::~TelescopeControl() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods inherited from the StelModule class // init(), update(), draw(), getCallOrder() void TelescopeControl::init() { //TODO: I think I've overdone the try/catch... try { //Main configuration loadConfiguration(); //Make sure that such a section is created, if it doesn't exist saveConfiguration(); //Make sure that the module directory exists QString moduleDirectoryPath = StelFileMgr::getUserDir() + "/modules/TelescopeControl"; if(!StelFileMgr::exists(moduleDirectoryPath)) StelFileMgr::mkDir(moduleDirectoryPath); //Load the device models loadDeviceModels(); if(deviceModels.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: No device model descriptions have been loaded. Stellarium will not be able to control a telescope on its own, but it is still possible to do it through an external application or to connect to a remote host."; } //Unload Stellarium's internal telescope control module //(not necessary since revision 6308; remains as an example) //StelApp::getInstance().getModuleMgr().unloadModule("TelescopeMgr", false); /*If the alsoDelete parameter is set to true, Stellarium crashes with a segmentation fault when an object is selected. TODO: Find out why. unloadModule() didn't work prior to revision 5058: the module unloaded normally, but Stellarium crashed later with a segmentation fault, because LandscapeMgr::getCallOrder() depended on the module's existence to return a value.*/ //Load and start all telescope clients loadTelescopes(); //Load OpenGL textures reticleTexture = StelApp::getInstance().getTextureManager().createTexture(":/telescopeControl/telescope_reticle.png"); selectionTexture = StelApp::getInstance().getTextureManager().createTexture(StelFileMgr::getInstallationDir()+"/textures/pointeur2.png"); //Create telescope key bindings /* StelAction-s with these key bindings existed in Stellarium prior to revision 6311. Any future backports should account for that. */ for (int i = MIN_SLOT_NUMBER; i <= MAX_SLOT_NUMBER; i++) { // "Slew to object" commands QString name = moveToSelectedActionId.arg(i); QString shortcut = QString("Ctrl+%1").arg(i); QString text; text = q_("Move telescope #%1 to selected object").arg(i); addAction(name, N_("Telescope Control"), text, "slewTelescopeToSelectedObject()", shortcut); // "Slew to the center of the screen" commands name = moveToCenterActionId.arg(i); shortcut = QString("Alt+%1").arg(i); text = q_("Move telescope #%1 to the point currently in the center of the screen").arg(i); addAction(name, N_("Telescope Control"), text, "slewTelescopeToViewDirection()", shortcut); } connect(&StelApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(languageChanged()), this, SLOT(translateActionDescriptions())); //Create and initialize dialog windows telescopeDialog = new TelescopeDialog(); slewDialog = new SlewDialog(); addAction("actionShow_Slew_Window", N_("Telescope Control"), N_("Move a telescope to a given set of coordinates"), slewDialog, "visible", "Ctrl+0"); //Create toolbar button StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast(StelApp::getInstance().getGui()); if (gui!=NULL) { toolbarButton = new StelButton(NULL, QPixmap(":/telescopeControl/button_Slew_Dialog_on.png"), QPixmap(":/telescopeControl/button_Slew_Dialog_off.png"), QPixmap(":/graphicGui/glow32x32.png"), "actionShow_Slew_Window"); gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarButton, "065-pluginsGroup"); } } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl::init() error: " << e.what(); return; } GETSTELMODULE(StelObjectMgr)->registerStelObjectMgr(this); //Initialize style, as it is not called at startup: //(necessary to initialize the reticle/label/circle colors) setStelStyle(StelApp::getInstance().getCurrentStelStyle()); connect(&StelApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(colorSchemeChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setStelStyle(const QString&))); } void TelescopeControl::translateActionDescriptions() { StelActionMgr* actionMgr = StelApp::getInstance().getStelActionManager(); for (int i = MIN_SLOT_NUMBER; i <= MAX_SLOT_NUMBER; i++) { QString name; QString description; name = moveToSelectedActionId.arg(i); description = q_("Move telescope #%1 to selected object").arg(i); actionMgr->findAction(name)->setText(description); name = moveToCenterActionId.arg(i); description = q_("Move telescope #%1 to the point currently in the center of the screen").arg(i); actionMgr->findAction(name)->setText(description); } } void TelescopeControl::deinit() { //Destroy all clients first in order to avoid displaying a TCP error deleteAllTelescopes(); QHash::const_iterator iterator = telescopeServerProcess.constBegin(); while(iterator != telescopeServerProcess.constEnd()) { int slotNumber = iterator.key(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->close(); #else telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->terminate(); #endif telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->waitForFinished(); delete telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]; qDebug() << "TelescopeControl::deinit(): Server process at slot" << slotNumber << "terminated successfully."; ++iterator; } //TODO: Decide if it should be saved on change //Save the configuration on exit saveConfiguration(); } void TelescopeControl::update(double deltaTime) { labelFader.update((int)(deltaTime*1000)); reticleFader.update((int)(deltaTime*1000)); circleFader.update((int)(deltaTime*1000)); // communicate with the telescopes: communicate(); } void TelescopeControl::draw(StelCore* core) { const StelProjectorP prj = core->getProjection(StelCore::FrameJ2000); StelPainter sPainter(prj); sPainter.setFont(labelFont); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_BLEND); reticleTexture->bind(); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Normal transparency mode foreach (const TelescopeClientP& telescope, telescopeClients) { if (telescope->isConnected() && telescope->hasKnownPosition()) { Vec3d XY; if (prj->projectCheck(telescope->getJ2000EquatorialPos(core), XY)) { //Telescope circles appear synchronously with markers if (circleFader.getInterstate() >= 0) { sPainter.setColor(circleColor[0], circleColor[1], circleColor[2], circleFader.getInterstate()); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); foreach (double circle, telescope->getOculars()) { sPainter.drawCircle(XY[0], XY[1], 0.5 * prj->getPixelPerRadAtCenter() * (M_PI/180) * (circle)); } glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } if (reticleFader.getInterstate() >= 0) { sPainter.setColor(reticleColor[0], reticleColor[1], reticleColor[2], reticleFader.getInterstate()); sPainter.drawSprite2dMode(XY[0],XY[1],15.f); } if (labelFader.getInterstate() >= 0) { sPainter.setColor(labelColor[0], labelColor[1], labelColor[2], labelFader.getInterstate()); //TODO: Different position of the label if circles are shown? //TODO: Remove magic number (text spacing) sPainter.drawText(XY[0], XY[1], telescope->getNameI18n(), 0, 6 + 10, -4, false); //Same position as the other objects: doesn't work, telescope label overlaps object label //sPainter.drawText(XY[0], XY[1], scope->getNameI18n(), 0, 10, 10, false); reticleTexture->bind(); } } } } if(GETSTELMODULE(StelObjectMgr)->getFlagSelectedObjectPointer()) drawPointer(prj, core, sPainter); } void TelescopeControl::setStelStyle(const QString& section) { if (section == "night_color") { setLabelColor(labelNightColor); setReticleColor(reticleNightColor); setCircleColor(circleNightColor); } else { setLabelColor(labelNormalColor); setReticleColor(reticleNormalColor); setCircleColor(circleNormalColor); } telescopeDialog->updateStyle(); } double TelescopeControl::getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const { //TODO: Remove magic number (call order offset) if (actionName == StelModule::ActionDraw) return StelApp::getInstance().getModuleMgr().getModule("MeteorMgr")->getCallOrder(actionName) + 2.; return 0.; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods inherited from the StelObjectModule class // QList TelescopeControl::searchAround(const Vec3d& vv, double limitFov, const StelCore* core) const { QList result; if (!getFlagTelescopeReticles()) return result; Vec3d v(vv); v.normalize(); double cosLimFov = cos(limitFov * M_PI/180.); foreach (const TelescopeClientP& telescope, telescopeClients) { if (telescope->getJ2000EquatorialPos(core).dot(v) >= cosLimFov) { result.append(qSharedPointerCast(telescope)); } } return result; } StelObjectP TelescopeControl::searchByNameI18n(const QString &nameI18n) const { foreach (const TelescopeClientP& telescope, telescopeClients) { if (telescope->getNameI18n() == nameI18n) return qSharedPointerCast(telescope); } return 0; } StelObjectP TelescopeControl::searchByName(const QString &name) const { foreach (const TelescopeClientP& telescope, telescopeClients) { if (telescope->getEnglishName() == name) return qSharedPointerCast(telescope); } return 0; } QStringList TelescopeControl::listMatchingObjectsI18n(const QString& objPrefix, int maxNbItem, bool useStartOfWords) const { QStringList result; if (maxNbItem==0) return result; QString tn; bool find; foreach (const TelescopeClientP& telescope, telescopeClients) { tn = telescope->getNameI18n(); find = false; if (useStartOfWords) { if (objPrefix.toUpper()==tn.mid(0, objPrefix.size()).toUpper()) find = true; } else { if (tn.contains(objPrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) find = true; } if (find) { result << tn; } } result.sort(); if (result.size()>maxNbItem) { result.erase(result.begin() + maxNbItem, result.end()); } return result; } QStringList TelescopeControl::listMatchingObjects(const QString& objPrefix, int maxNbItem, bool useStartOfWords) const { QStringList result; if (maxNbItem==0) return result; QString tn; bool find; foreach (const TelescopeClientP& telescope, telescopeClients) { QString tn = telescope->getEnglishName(); find = false; if (useStartOfWords) { if (objPrefix.toUpper()==tn.mid(0, objPrefix.size()).toUpper()) find = true; } else { if (tn.contains(objPrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) find = true; } if (find) { result << tn; } } result.sort(); if (result.size()>maxNbItem) { result.erase(result.begin() + maxNbItem, result.end()); } return result; } bool TelescopeControl::configureGui(bool show) { if(show) { telescopeDialog->setVisible(true); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc methods (from TelescopeMgr; TODO: Better categorization) void TelescopeControl::setFontSize(int fontSize) { labelFont.setPixelSize(fontSize); } void TelescopeControl::slewTelescopeToSelectedObject() { // Find out for which telescope is the command if (sender() == NULL) return; int slotNumber = sender()->objectName().right(1).toInt(); // Find out the coordinates of the target StelObjectMgr* omgr = GETSTELMODULE(StelObjectMgr); if (omgr->getSelectedObject().isEmpty()) return; StelObjectP selectObject = omgr->getSelectedObject().at(0); if (!selectObject) // should never happen return; Vec3d objectPosition = selectObject->getJ2000EquatorialPos(StelApp::getInstance().getCore()); telescopeGoto(slotNumber, objectPosition); } void TelescopeControl::slewTelescopeToViewDirection() { // Find out for which telescope is the command if (sender() == NULL) return; // XXX: we could use a QSignalMapper instead of this trick. int slotNumber = sender()->objectName().right(1).toInt(); // Find out the coordinates of the target Vec3d centerPosition = GETSTELMODULE(StelMovementMgr)->getViewDirectionJ2000(); telescopeGoto(slotNumber, centerPosition); } void TelescopeControl::drawPointer(const StelProjectorP& prj, const StelCore* core, StelPainter& sPainter) { #ifndef COMPATIBILITY_001002 //Leaves this whole routine empty if this is the backport version. //Otherwise, there will be two concentric selection markers drawn around the telescope pointer. //In 0.10.3, the plug-in unloads the module that draws the surplus marker. const QList newSelected = GETSTELMODULE(StelObjectMgr)->getSelectedObject("Telescope"); if (!newSelected.empty()) { const StelObjectP obj = newSelected[0]; Vec3d pos = obj->getJ2000EquatorialPos(core); Vec3d screenpos; // Compute 2D pos and return if outside screen if (!prj->project(pos, screenpos)) return; const Vec3f& c(obj->getInfoColor()); sPainter.setColor(c[0], c[1], c[2]); selectionTexture->bind(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Normal transparency mode sPainter.drawSprite2dMode(screenpos[0], screenpos[1], 25., StelApp::getInstance().getTotalRunTime() * 40.); } #endif //COMPATIBILITY_001002 } void TelescopeControl::telescopeGoto(int slotNumber, const Vec3d &j2000Pos) { //TODO: See the original code. I think that something is wrong here... if(telescopeClients.contains(slotNumber)) telescopeClients.value(slotNumber)->telescopeGoto(j2000Pos); } void TelescopeControl::communicate(void) { if (!telescopeClients.empty()) { QMap::const_iterator telescope = telescopeClients.constBegin(); while (telescope != telescopeClients.end()) { logAtSlot(telescope.key());//If there's no log, it will be ignored if(telescope.value()->prepareCommunication()) { telescope.value()->performCommunication(); } telescope++; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods for managing telescope client objects // void TelescopeControl::deleteAllTelescopes() { //TODO: I really hope that this won't cause a memory leak... //foreach (TelescopeClient* telescope, telescopeClients) // delete telescope; telescopeClients.clear(); } bool TelescopeControl::isExistingClientAtSlot(int slotNumber) { return (telescopeClients.contains(slotNumber)); } bool TelescopeControl::isConnectedClientAtSlot(int slotNumber) { if(telescopeClients.contains(slotNumber)) return telescopeClients.value(slotNumber)->isConnected(); else return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods for managing telescope server process objects // void TelescopeControl::loadTelescopeServerExecutables(void) { telescopeServers = QStringList(); //TODO: I don't like how this turned out if(serverExecutablesDirectoryPath.isEmpty()) return; //As StelFileMgr is quite limited, use Qt's handy methods (I love Qt!) //Get all executable files with names beginning with "TelescopeServer" in this directory QDir serverDirectory(serverExecutablesDirectoryPath); if(!serverDirectory.exists()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: No telescope server directory has been found."; return; } QList telescopeServerExecutables = serverDirectory.entryInfoList(QStringList("TelescopeServer*"), (QDir::Files|QDir::Executable|QDir::CaseSensitive), QDir::Name); if(!telescopeServerExecutables.isEmpty()) { foreach(QFileInfo telescopeServerExecutable, telescopeServerExecutables) telescopeServers.append(telescopeServerExecutable.baseName());//This strips the ".exe" suffix on Windows } else { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: No telescope server executables found in" << serverExecutablesDirectoryPath; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods for reading from and writing to the configuration file void TelescopeControl::loadConfiguration() { QSettings* settings = StelApp::getInstance().getSettings(); Q_ASSERT(settings); settings->beginGroup("TelescopeControl"); //Load display flags setFlagTelescopeReticles(settings->value("flag_telescope_reticles", true).toBool()); setFlagTelescopeLabels(settings->value("flag_telescope_labels", true).toBool()); setFlagTelescopeCircles(settings->value("flag_telescope_circles", true).toBool()); //Load font size #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 setFontSize(settings->value("telescope_labels_font_size", 13).toInt()); //Windows Qt bug workaround #else setFontSize(settings->value("telescope_labels_font_size", 12).toInt()); #endif //Load colours reticleNormalColor = StelUtils::strToVec3f(settings->value("color_telescope_reticles", "0.6,0.4,0").toString()); reticleNightColor = StelUtils::strToVec3f(settings->value("night_color_telescope_reticles", "0.5,0,0").toString()); labelNormalColor = StelUtils::strToVec3f(settings->value("color_telescope_labels", "0.6,0.4,0").toString()); labelNightColor = StelUtils::strToVec3f(settings->value("night_color_telescope_labels", "0.5,0,0").toString()); circleNormalColor = StelUtils::strToVec3f(settings->value("color_telescope_circles", "0.6,0.4,0").toString()); circleNightColor = StelUtils::strToVec3f(settings->value("night_color_telescope_circles", "0.5,0,0").toString()); //Load server executables flag and directory useServerExecutables = settings->value("flag_use_server_executables", false).toBool(); serverExecutablesDirectoryPath = settings->value("server_executables_path").toString(); //If no directory is specified in the configuration file, try to find the default one if(serverExecutablesDirectoryPath.isEmpty() || !QDir(serverExecutablesDirectoryPath).exists()) { //Find out if the default server directory exists QString serverDirectoryPath = StelFileMgr::findFile("servers", StelFileMgr::Directory); if (serverDirectoryPath.isEmpty()) { //qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: No telescope servers directory detected."; useServerExecutables = false; serverDirectoryPath = StelFileMgr::getUserDir() + "/servers"; } else { serverExecutablesDirectoryPath = serverDirectoryPath; } } //Load logging flag useTelescopeServerLogs = settings->value("flag_enable_telescope_logs", false).toBool(); settings->endGroup(); } void TelescopeControl::saveConfiguration() { QSettings* settings = StelApp::getInstance().getSettings(); Q_ASSERT(settings); settings->beginGroup("TelescopeControl"); //Save display flags settings->setValue("flag_telescope_reticles", getFlagTelescopeReticles()); settings->setValue("flag_telescope_labels", getFlagTelescopeLabels()); settings->setValue("flag_telescope_circles", getFlagTelescopeCircles()); //Save colours settings->setValue("color_telescope_reticles", QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(reticleNormalColor[0], 0, 'f', 2).arg(reticleNormalColor[1], 0, 'f', 2).arg(reticleNormalColor[2], 0, 'f', 2)); settings->setValue("night_color_telescope_reticles", QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(reticleNightColor[0], 0, 'f', 2).arg(reticleNightColor[1], 0, 'f', 2).arg(reticleNightColor[2], 0, 'f', 2)); settings->setValue("color_telescope_labels", QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(labelNormalColor[0], 0, 'f', 2).arg(labelNormalColor[1], 0, 'f', 2).arg(labelNormalColor[2], 0, 'f', 2)); settings->setValue("night_color_telescope_labels", QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(labelNightColor[0], 0, 'f', 2).arg(labelNightColor[1], 0, 'f', 2).arg(labelNightColor[2], 0, 'f', 2)); settings->setValue("color_telescope_circles", QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(circleNormalColor[0], 0, 'f', 2).arg(circleNormalColor[1], 0, 'f', 2).arg(circleNormalColor[2], 0, 'f', 2)); settings->setValue("night_color_telescope_circles", QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(circleNightColor[0], 0, 'f', 2).arg(circleNightColor[1], 0, 'f', 2).arg(circleNightColor[2], 0, 'f', 2)); //Save telescope server executables flag and directory settings->setValue("flag_use_server_executables", useServerExecutables); if(useServerExecutables) { settings->setValue("server_executables_path", serverExecutablesDirectoryPath); } else { settings->remove("server_executables_path"); } //Save logging flag settings->setValue("flag_enable_telescope_logs", useTelescopeServerLogs); settings->endGroup(); } void TelescopeControl::saveTelescopes() { //Open/create the JSON file QString telescopesJsonPath = StelFileMgr::findFile("modules/TelescopeControl", (StelFileMgr::Flags)(StelFileMgr::Directory|StelFileMgr::Writable)) + "/telescopes.json"; if (telescopesJsonPath.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Error saving telescopes"; return; } QFile telescopesJsonFile(telescopesJsonPath); if(!telescopesJsonFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly|QFile::Text)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Telescopes can not be saved. A file can not be open for writing:" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(telescopesJsonPath); return; } //Add the version: telescopeDescriptions.insert("version", QString(TELESCOPE_CONTROL_VERSION)); //Convert the tree to JSON StelJsonParser::write(telescopeDescriptions, &telescopesJsonFile); telescopesJsonFile.flush();//Is this necessary? telescopesJsonFile.close(); } void TelescopeControl::loadTelescopes() { QVariantMap result; QString telescopesJsonPath = StelFileMgr::findFile("modules/TelescopeControl", (StelFileMgr::Flags)(StelFileMgr::Directory|StelFileMgr::Writable)) + "/telescopes.json"; if (telescopesJsonPath.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Error loading telescopes"; return; } if(!QFileInfo(telescopesJsonPath).exists()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl::loadTelescopes(): No telescopes loaded. File is missing:" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(telescopesJsonPath); telescopeDescriptions = result; return; } QFile telescopesJsonFile(telescopesJsonPath); QVariantMap map; if(!telescopesJsonFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: No telescopes loaded. Can't open for reading" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(telescopesJsonPath); telescopeDescriptions = result; return; } else { map = StelJsonParser::parse(&telescopesJsonFile).toMap(); telescopesJsonFile.close(); } //File contains any telescopes? if(map.isEmpty()) { telescopeDescriptions = result; return; } QString version = map.value("version", "0.0.0").toString(); if(version < QString(TELESCOPE_CONTROL_VERSION)) { QString newName = telescopesJsonPath + ".backup." + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss"); if(telescopesJsonFile.rename(newName)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: The existing version of telescopes.json is obsolete. Backing it up as " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(newName); qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: A blank telescopes.json file will have to be created."; telescopeDescriptions = result; return; } else { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: The existing version of telescopes.json is obsolete. Unable to rename."; telescopeDescriptions = result; return; } } map.remove("version");//Otherwise it will try to read it as a telescope //Make sure that there are no telescope clients yet deleteAllTelescopes(); //Read telescopes, if any int telescopesCount = 0; QMapIterator node(map); bool ok; while(node.hasNext()) { node.next(); QString key = node.key(); //If this is not a valid slot number, remove the node int slot = key.toInt(&ok); if(!ok || !isValidSlotNumber(slot)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl::loadTelescopes(): Deleted node unrecogised as slot:" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } QVariantMap telescope = node.value().toMap(); //Essential parameters: Name, connection type, equinox //Validation: Name QString name = telescope.value("name").toString(); if(name.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope: No name specified at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } //Validation: Connection QString connection = telescope.value("connection").toString(); if(connection.isEmpty() || !connectionTypeNames.values().contains(connection)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope: No valid connection type at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } ConnectionType connectionType = connectionTypeNames.key(connection); QString equinox = telescope.value("equinox", "J2000").toString(); if (equinox != "J2000" && equinox != "JNow") { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope: Invalid equinox value at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } QString hostName("localhost"); int portTCP = 0; int delay = 0; QString deviceModelName; QString portSerial; if (connectionType == ConnectionInternal) { //Serial port and device model deviceModelName = telescope.value("device_model").toString(); portSerial = telescope.value("serial_port").toString(); if(deviceModelName.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope: No device model specified at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } //Do we have this server? if(!deviceModels.contains(deviceModelName)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope at slot" << slot << "because the specified device model is missing:" << deviceModelName; map.remove(key); continue; } if(portSerial.isEmpty() || !portSerial.startsWith(SERIAL_PORT_PREFIX)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope: No valid serial port specified at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } } if (connectionType == ConnectionRemote) { //Validation: Host name hostName = telescope.value("host_name").toString(); if(hostName.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl::loadTelescopes(): No host name at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } } if (connectionType != ConnectionVirtual) { //Validation: TCP port portTCP = telescope.value("tcp_port").toInt(); if(!telescope.contains("tcp_port") || !isValidPort(portTCP)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope: No valid TCP port at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } //Validation: Delay delay = telescope.value("delay", 0).toInt(); if(!isValidDelay(delay)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to load telescope: No valid delay at slot" << key; map.remove(key); continue; } } //Connect at startup bool connectAtStartup = telescope.value("connect_at_startup", false).toBool(); //Validation: FOV circles QVariantList parsedJsonCircles = telescope.value("circles").toList(); QList internalCircles; for(int i = 0; i< parsedJsonCircles.size(); i++) { if(i >= MAX_CIRCLE_COUNT) break; internalCircles.append(parsedJsonCircles.value(i, -1.0).toDouble()); } if(internalCircles.isEmpty()) { //If the list is empty or invalid, make sure it's no longer in the file telescope.remove("circles"); map.insert(key, telescope); } else { //Replace the existing list with the validated one QVariantList newJsonCircles; for(int i = 0; i < internalCircles.size(); i++) newJsonCircles.append(internalCircles.at(i)); telescope.insert("circles", newJsonCircles); map.insert(key, telescope); } //Initialize a telescope client for this slot //TODO: Improve the flow of control if(connectAtStartup) { if (connectionType == ConnectionInternal) { //Use a sever if necessary if(deviceModels[deviceModelName].useExecutable) { if(startClientAtSlot(slot, connectionType, name, equinox, hostName, portTCP, delay, internalCircles)) { if(!startServerAtSlot(slot, deviceModelName, portTCP, portSerial)) { stopClientAtSlot(slot); qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to launch a telescope server at slot" << slot; } } else { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to create a telescope client at slot" << slot; //Unnecessary due to if-else construction; //also, causes bug #608533 //continue; } } else { addLogAtSlot(slot); logAtSlot(slot); if(!startClientAtSlot(slot, connectionType, name, equinox, QString(), 0, delay, internalCircles, deviceModelName, portSerial)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to create a telescope client at slot" << slot; //Unnecessary due to if-else construction; //also, causes bug #608533 //continue; } } } else { if(!startClientAtSlot(slot, connectionType, name, equinox, hostName, portTCP, delay, internalCircles)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to create a telescope client at slot" << slot; //Unnecessary due to if-else construction; //also, causes bug #608533 //continue; } } } //If this line is reached, the telescope at this slot has been loaded successfully telescopesCount++; } if(telescopesCount > 0) { result = map; qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Loaded successfully" << telescopesCount << "telescopes."; } telescopeDescriptions = result; } bool TelescopeControl::addTelescopeAtSlot(int slot, ConnectionType connectionType, QString name, QString equinox, QString host, int portTCP, int delay, bool connectAtStartup, QList circles, QString deviceModelName, QString portSerial) { //Validation if(!isValidSlotNumber(slot) || name.isEmpty() || equinox.isEmpty() || connectionType <= ConnectionNA || connectionType >= ConnectionCount) return false; //Create a new map node and fill it with parameters QVariantMap telescope; telescope.insert("name", name); telescope.insert("connection", connectionTypeNames.value(connectionType)); telescope.insert("equinox", equinox);//TODO: Validation! if (connectionType == ConnectionRemote) { //TODO: Add more validation! if (host.isEmpty()) return false; telescope.insert("host_name", host); } if(connectionType == ConnectionInternal) { if (!deviceModels.contains(deviceModelName)) return false; telescope.insert("device_model", deviceModelName); if (portSerial.isEmpty()) return false; telescope.insert("serial_port", portSerial); } if (connectionType != ConnectionVirtual) { if (!isValidPort(portTCP)) return false; telescope.insert("tcp_port", portTCP); if (!isValidDelay(delay)) return false; telescope.insert("delay", delay); } telescope.insert("connect_at_startup", connectAtStartup); if(!circles.isEmpty()) { QVariantList circleList; for(int i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++) circleList.append(circles[i]); telescope.insert("circles", circleList); } telescopeDescriptions.insert(QString::number(slot), telescope); return true; } bool TelescopeControl::getTelescopeAtSlot(int slot, ConnectionType& connectionType, QString& name, QString& equinox, QString& host, int& portTCP, int& delay, bool& connectAtStartup, QList& circles, QString& deviceModelName, QString& portSerial) { //Validation if(!isValidSlotNumber(slot)) return false; //Read the node at that slot QVariantMap telescope = telescopeDescriptions.value(QString::number(slot)).toMap(); if(telescope.isEmpty()) { telescopeDescriptions.remove(QString::number(slot)); return false; } //Read the parameters name = telescope.value("name").toString(); equinox = telescope.value("equinox", "J2000").toString(); host = telescope.value("host_name").toString(); portTCP = telescope.value("tcp_port").toInt(); delay = telescope.value("delay", DEFAULT_DELAY).toInt(); connectAtStartup = telescope.value("connect_at_startup", false).toBool(); QVariantList circleList = telescope.value("circles").toList(); if(!circleList.isEmpty() && circleList.size() <= MAX_CIRCLE_COUNT) { for(int i = 0; i < circleList.size(); i++) circles.append(circleList.value(i, -1.0).toDouble()); } QString connection = telescope.value("connection").toString(); connectionType = connectionTypeNames.key(connection, ConnectionVirtual); if(connectionType == ConnectionInternal) { deviceModelName = telescope.value("device_model").toString(); portSerial = telescope.value("serial_port").toString(); } return true; } bool TelescopeControl::removeTelescopeAtSlot(int slot) { //Validation if(!isValidSlotNumber(slot)) return false; return (telescopeDescriptions.remove(QString::number(slot)) == 1); } bool TelescopeControl::startTelescopeAtSlot(int slot) { //Validation if(!isValidSlotNumber(slot)) return false; //Read the telescope properties QString name; QString equinox; QString host; ConnectionType connectionType; int portTCP; int delay; bool connectAtStartup; QList circles; QString deviceModelName; QString portSerial; if(!getTelescopeAtSlot(slot, connectionType, name, equinox, host, portTCP, delay, connectAtStartup, circles, deviceModelName, portSerial)) { //TODO: Add debug return false; } if(connectionType == ConnectionInternal && !deviceModelName.isEmpty()) { if(deviceModels[deviceModelName].useExecutable) { if (startClientAtSlot(slot, connectionType, name, equinox, host, portTCP, delay, circles)) { if(!startServerAtSlot(slot, deviceModelName, portTCP, portSerial)) { //If a server can't be started, remove the client too stopClientAtSlot(slot); return false; } emit clientConnected(slot, name); return true; } } else { addLogAtSlot(slot); logAtSlot(slot); if (startClientAtSlot(slot, connectionType, name, equinox, QString(), 0, delay, circles, deviceModelName, portSerial)) { emit clientConnected(slot, name); return true; } } } else { if (startClientAtSlot(slot, connectionType, name, equinox, host, portTCP, delay, circles)) { emit clientConnected(slot, name); return true; } } return false; } bool TelescopeControl::stopTelescopeAtSlot(int slot) { //Validation if(!isValidSlotNumber(slot)) return false; //If there is a server... if(telescopeServerProcess.contains(slot)) { if(!stopServerAtSlot(slot)) { //TODO: Add debug return false; } } return stopClientAtSlot(slot); } bool TelescopeControl::stopAllTelescopes() { bool allStoppedSuccessfully = true; if (!telescopeClients.empty()) { QMap::const_iterator telescope = telescopeClients.constBegin(); while (telescope != telescopeClients.end()) { allStoppedSuccessfully = allStoppedSuccessfully && stopTelescopeAtSlot(telescope.key()); telescope++; } } return allStoppedSuccessfully; } bool TelescopeControl::isValidSlotNumber(int slot) { return ((slot < MIN_SLOT_NUMBER || slot > MAX_SLOT_NUMBER) ? false : true); } bool TelescopeControl::isValidPort(uint port) { //Check if the port number is in IANA's allowed range return (port > 1023 && port <= 65535); } bool TelescopeControl::isValidDelay(int delay) { return (delay > 0 && delay <= MICROSECONDS_FROM_SECONDS(10)); } bool TelescopeControl::startServerAtSlot(int slotNumber, QString deviceModelName, int portTCP, QString portSerial) { //Validate if(!isValidSlotNumber(slotNumber) || !isValidPort(portTCP)) return false; //TODO: Validate the serial port? (Is this method going to be public?) if(!deviceModels.contains(deviceModelName)) { //TODO: Add debug return false; } QString slotName = QString::number(slotNumber); QString serverName = deviceModels.value(deviceModelName).server; if (telescopeServers.contains(serverName)) { QString serverExecutablePath = StelFileMgr::findFile(serverExecutablesDirectoryPath + TELESCOPE_SERVER_PATH.arg(serverName), StelFileMgr::File); if (serverExecutablePath.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Error starting telescope server: Can't find executable:" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(serverExecutablePath); return false; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 QString serialPortName; if(portSerial.right(portSerial.size() - SERIAL_PORT_PREFIX.size()).toInt() > 9) serialPortName = "\\\\.\\" + portSerial;//"\\.\COMxx", not sure if it will work else serialPortName = portSerial; #else QString serialPortName = portSerial; #endif //Q_OS_WIN32 QStringList serverArguments; serverArguments << QString::number(portTCP) << serialPortName; if(useTelescopeServerLogs) serverArguments << QString(StelFileMgr::getUserDir() + "/log_TelescopeServer" + slotName + ".txt"); qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Starting tellescope server at slot" << slotName << "with path" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(serverExecutablePath) << "and arguments" << serverArguments.join(" "); //Starting the new process telescopeServerProcess.insert(slotNumber, new QProcess()); //telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->setStandardOutputFile(StelFileMgr::getUserDir() + "/log_TelescopeServer" + slotName + ".txt");//In case the server does not accept logfiles telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->start(serverExecutablePath, serverArguments); //return telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->waitForStarted(); //The server is supposed to start immediately return true; } else qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Error starting telescope server: No such server found:" << serverName; return false; } bool TelescopeControl::stopServerAtSlot(int slotNumber) { //Validate if(!isValidSlotNumber(slotNumber) || !telescopeServerProcess.contains(slotNumber)) return false; //Stop/close the process #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->close(); #else telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->terminate(); #endif //Q_OS_WIN32 telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]->waitForFinished(); delete telescopeServerProcess[slotNumber]; telescopeServerProcess.remove(slotNumber); return true; } bool TelescopeControl::startClientAtSlot(int slotNumber, ConnectionType connectionType, QString name, QString equinox, QString host, int portTCP, int delay, QList circles, QString deviceModelName, QString portSerial) { //Validation if(!isValidSlotNumber(slotNumber)) return false; //Check if it's not already running //Should it return, or should it remove the old one and proceed? if(telescopeClients.contains(slotNumber)) { //TODO: Add debug. Update logic? return false; } QString initString; switch (connectionType) { case ConnectionVirtual: initString = QString("%1:%2:%3").arg(name, "TelescopeServerDummy", "J2000"); break; case ConnectionInternal: if(!deviceModelName.isEmpty() && !portSerial.isEmpty()) initString = QString("%1:%2:%3:%4:%5").arg(name, deviceModels[deviceModelName].server, equinox, portSerial, QString::number(delay)); break; case ConnectionLocal: if (isValidPort(portTCP)) initString = QString("%1:TCP:%2:%3:%4:%5").arg(name, equinox, "localhost", QString::number(portTCP), QString::number(delay)); break; case ConnectionRemote: default: if (isValidPort(portTCP) && !host.isEmpty()) initString = QString("%1:TCP:%2:%3:%4:%5").arg(name, equinox, host, QString::number(portTCP), QString::number(delay)); } //qDebug() << "initString:" << initString; TelescopeClient* newTelescope = TelescopeClient::create(initString); if (newTelescope) { //Add FOV circles to the client if there are any specified if(!circles.isEmpty() && circles.size() <= MAX_CIRCLE_COUNT) for (int i = 0; i < circles.size(); ++i) newTelescope->addOcular(circles[i]); telescopeClients.insert(slotNumber, TelescopeClientP(newTelescope)); return true; } return false; } bool TelescopeControl::stopClientAtSlot(int slotNumber) { //Validation if(!isValidSlotNumber(slotNumber)) return false; //If it doesn't exist, it is stopped :) if(!telescopeClients.contains(slotNumber)) return true; //If a telescope is selected, deselect it first. //(Otherwise trying to delete a selected telescope client causes Stellarium to crash.) //TODO: Find a way to deselect only the telescope client that is about to be deleted. const QList newSelected = GETSTELMODULE(StelObjectMgr)->getSelectedObject("Telescope"); if(!newSelected.isEmpty()) { GETSTELMODULE(StelObjectMgr)->unSelect(); } telescopeClients.remove(slotNumber); //This is not needed by every client removeLogAtSlot(slotNumber); emit clientDisconnected(slotNumber); return true; } void TelescopeControl::loadDeviceModels() { //qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Loading device model descriptions..."; //Make sure that the device models file exists bool useDefaultList = false; QString deviceModelsJsonPath = StelFileMgr::findFile("modules/TelescopeControl", (StelFileMgr::Flags)(StelFileMgr::Directory|StelFileMgr::Writable)) + "/device_models.json"; if(!QFileInfo(deviceModelsJsonPath).exists()) { if(!restoreDeviceModelsListTo(deviceModelsJsonPath)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to find " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(deviceModelsJsonPath); useDefaultList = true; } } else { QFile deviceModelsJsonFile(deviceModelsJsonPath); if(!deviceModelsJsonFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Can't open for reading " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(deviceModelsJsonPath); useDefaultList = true; } else { //Check the version and move the old file if necessary QVariantMap deviceModelsJsonMap; deviceModelsJsonMap = StelJsonParser::parse(&deviceModelsJsonFile).toMap(); QString version = deviceModelsJsonMap.value("version", "0.0.0").toString(); if(version < QString(TELESCOPE_CONTROL_VERSION)) { deviceModelsJsonFile.close(); QString newName = deviceModelsJsonPath + ".backup." + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss"); if(deviceModelsJsonFile.rename(newName)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: The existing version of device_models.json is obsolete. Backing it up as " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(newName); if(!restoreDeviceModelsListTo(deviceModelsJsonPath)) { useDefaultList = true; } } else { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: The existing version of device_models.json is obsolete. Unable to rename."; useDefaultList = true; } } else deviceModelsJsonFile.close(); } } if (useDefaultList) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Using embedded device models list."; deviceModelsJsonPath = ":/telescopeControl/device_models.json"; } //Open the file and parse the device list QVariantList deviceModelsList; QFile deviceModelsJsonFile(deviceModelsJsonPath); if(deviceModelsJsonFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { deviceModelsList = (StelJsonParser::parse(&deviceModelsJsonFile).toMap()).value("list").toList(); deviceModelsJsonFile.close(); } else { return; } //Compile a list of the available telescope server executables loadTelescopeServerExecutables(); if(telescopeServers.isEmpty()) { //deviceModels = QHash(); //return; qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Only embedded telescope servers are available."; } //Clear the list of device models - it may not be empty. deviceModels.clear(); //Cicle the list of telescope deifinitions for(int i = 0; i < deviceModelsList.size(); i++) { QVariantMap model = deviceModelsList.at(i).toMap(); if(model.isEmpty()) continue; //Model name QString name = model.value("name").toString(); if(name.isEmpty()) { //TODO: Add warning continue; } if(deviceModels.contains(name)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Skipping device model: Duplicate name:" << name; continue; } //Telescope server QString server = model.value("server").toString(); //The default behaviour is to use embedded servers: bool useExecutable = false; if(server.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Skipping device model: No server specified for" << name; continue; } if(useServerExecutables) { if(telescopeServers.contains(server)) { qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Using telescope server executable for" << name; useExecutable = true; } else if(EMBEDDED_TELESCOPE_SERVERS.contains(server)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: No external telescope server executable found for" << name; qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Using embedded telescope server" << server << "for" << name; useExecutable = false; } else { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Skipping device model: No server" << server << "found for" << name; continue; } } else { if(!EMBEDDED_TELESCOPE_SERVERS.contains(server)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Skipping device model: No server" << server << "found for" << name; continue; } //else: everything is OK, using embedded server } //Description and default connection delay QString description = model.value("description", "No description is available.").toString(); int delay = model.value("default_delay", DEFAULT_DELAY).toInt(); //Add this to the main list DeviceModel newDeviceModel = {name, description, server, delay, useExecutable}; deviceModels.insert(name, newDeviceModel); //qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: Adding device model:" << name << description << server << delay; } } const QHash& TelescopeControl::getDeviceModels() { return deviceModels; } QHash TelescopeControl::getConnectedClientsNames() { QHash connectedClientsNames; if (telescopeClients.isEmpty()) return connectedClientsNames; foreach (const int slotNumber, telescopeClients.keys()) { if (telescopeClients.value(slotNumber)->isConnected()) connectedClientsNames.insert(slotNumber, telescopeClients.value(slotNumber)->getNameI18n()); } return connectedClientsNames; } bool TelescopeControl::restoreDeviceModelsListTo(QString deviceModelsListPath) { QFile defaultFile(":/telescopeControl/device_models.json"); if (!defaultFile.copy(deviceModelsListPath)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to copy the default device models list to" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(deviceModelsListPath); return false; } QFile newCopy(deviceModelsListPath); newCopy.setPermissions(newCopy.permissions() | QFile::WriteOwner); qDebug() << "TelescopeControl: The default device models list has been copied to" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(deviceModelsListPath); return true; } const QString& TelescopeControl::getServerExecutablesDirectoryPath() { return serverExecutablesDirectoryPath; } bool TelescopeControl::setServerExecutablesDirectoryPath(const QString& newPath) { //TODO: Reuse code. QDir newServerDirectory(newPath); if(!newServerDirectory.exists()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Can't find such a directory: " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(newPath); return false; } QList telescopeServerExecutables = newServerDirectory.entryInfoList(QStringList("TelescopeServer*"), (QDir::Files|QDir::Executable|QDir::CaseSensitive), QDir::Name); if(telescopeServerExecutables.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: No telescope server executables found in" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(serverExecutablesDirectoryPath); return false; } //If everything is fine... serverExecutablesDirectoryPath = newPath; stopAllTelescopes(); loadDeviceModels(); return true; } void TelescopeControl::setFlagUseServerExecutables(bool useExecutables) { //If the new value is the same as the old, no action is required if(useServerExecutables == useExecutables) return; useServerExecutables = useExecutables; stopAllTelescopes(); loadDeviceModels(); } void TelescopeControl::addLogAtSlot(int slot) { if(!telescopeServerLogFiles.contains(slot)) // || !telescopeServerLogFiles.value(slot)->isOpen() { //If logging is off, use an empty stream to avoid segmentation fault if(!useTelescopeServerLogs) { telescopeServerLogFiles.insert(slot, new QFile()); telescopeServerLogStreams.insert(slot, new QTextStream(telescopeServerLogFiles.value(slot))); return; } QString filePath = StelFileMgr::getUserDir() + "/log_TelescopeServer" + QString::number(slot) + ".txt"; QFile* logFile = new QFile(filePath); if (!logFile->open(QFile::WriteOnly|QFile::Text|QFile::Truncate|QFile::Unbuffered)) { qWarning() << "TelescopeControl: Unable to create a log file for slot" << slot << ":" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath); telescopeServerLogFiles.insert(slot, logFile); telescopeServerLogStreams.insert(slot, new QTextStream(new QFile())); } telescopeServerLogFiles.insert(slot, logFile); QTextStream * logStream = new QTextStream(logFile); telescopeServerLogStreams.insert(slot, logStream); } } void TelescopeControl::removeLogAtSlot(int slot) { if(telescopeServerLogFiles.contains(slot)) { telescopeServerLogFiles.value(slot)->close(); telescopeServerLogStreams.remove(slot); telescopeServerLogFiles.remove(slot); } } void TelescopeControl::logAtSlot(int slot) { if(telescopeServerLogStreams.contains(slot)) log_file = telescopeServerLogStreams.value(slot); }