/* * Stellarium * Copyright (C) 2006 Fabien Chereau * Copyright (C) 2010 Bogdan Marinov (add/remove landscapes feature) * Copyright (C) 2011 Alexander Wolf * Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Reaves * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. */ #include "StelActionMgr.hpp" #include "LandscapeMgr.hpp" #include "Landscape.hpp" #include "Atmosphere.hpp" #include "StelApp.hpp" #include "SolarSystem.hpp" #include "StelCore.hpp" #include "StelLocaleMgr.hpp" #include "StelModuleMgr.hpp" #include "StelFileMgr.hpp" #include "Planet.hpp" #include "StelIniParser.hpp" #include "StelSkyDrawer.hpp" #include "StelPainter.hpp" #include "qzipreader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Class which manages the cardinal points displaying class Cardinals { public: Cardinals(float _radius = 1.); virtual ~Cardinals(); void draw(const StelCore* core, double latitude) const; void setColor(const Vec3f& c) {color = c;} Vec3f get_color() {return color;} void updateI18n(); void update(double deltaTime) {fader.update((int)(deltaTime*1000));} void set_fade_duration(float duration) {fader.setDuration((int)(duration*1000.f));} void setFlagShow(bool b){fader = b;} bool getFlagShow() const {return fader;} private: float radius; QFont font; Vec3f color; QString sNorth, sSouth, sEast, sWest; LinearFader fader; }; Cardinals::Cardinals(float _radius) : radius(_radius), color(0.6,0.2,0.2) { font.setPixelSize(30); // Default labels - if sky locale specified, loaded later // Improvement for gettext translation sNorth = "N"; sSouth = "S"; sEast = "E"; sWest = "W"; } Cardinals::~Cardinals() { } // Draw the cardinals points : N S E W // handles special cases at poles void Cardinals::draw(const StelCore* core, double latitude) const { const StelProjectorP prj = core->getProjection(StelCore::FrameAltAz, StelCore::RefractionOff); StelPainter sPainter(prj); sPainter.setFont(font); if (!fader.getInterstate()) return; // direction text QString d[4]; d[0] = sNorth; d[1] = sSouth; d[2] = sEast; d[3] = sWest; // fun polar special cases if (latitude == 90.0 ) d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = d[3] = sSouth; if (latitude == -90.0 ) d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = d[3] = sNorth; sPainter.setColor(color[0],color[1],color[2],fader.getInterstate()); glEnable(GL_BLEND); sPainter.enableTexture2d(true); // Normal transparency mode glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); Vec3f pos; Vec3f xy; float shift = sPainter.getFontMetrics().width(sNorth)/2; if (core->getProjection(StelCore::FrameJ2000)->getMaskType() == StelProjector::MaskDisk) shift = 0; // N for North pos.set(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f); if (prj->project(pos,xy)) sPainter.drawText(xy[0], xy[1], d[0], 0., -shift, -shift, false); // S for South pos.set(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); if (prj->project(pos,xy)) sPainter.drawText(xy[0], xy[1], d[1], 0., -shift, -shift, false); // E for East pos.set(0.f, 1.f, 0.f); if (prj->project(pos,xy)) sPainter.drawText(xy[0], xy[1], d[2], 0., -shift, -shift, false); // W for West pos.set(0.f, -1.f, 0.f); if (prj->project(pos,xy)) sPainter.drawText(xy[0], xy[1], d[3], 0., -shift, -shift, false); } // Translate cardinal labels with gettext to current sky language and update font for the language void Cardinals::updateI18n() { const StelTranslator& trans = StelApp::getInstance().getLocaleMgr().getAppStelTranslator(); sNorth = trans.qtranslate("N"); sSouth = trans.qtranslate("S"); sEast = trans.qtranslate("E"); sWest = trans.qtranslate("W"); } LandscapeMgr::LandscapeMgr() : atmosphere(NULL) , cardinalsPoints(NULL) , landscape(NULL) , flagLandscapeSetsLocation(false) , flagLandscapeAutoSelection(false) , flagLightPollutionFromDatabase(false) , flagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness(false) , defaultMinimalBrightness(0.01) , flagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness(false) , flagAtmosphereAutoEnabling(false) { setObjectName("LandscapeMgr"); //Note: The first entry in the list is used as the default 'default landscape' in removeLandscape(). packagedLandscapeIDs = (QStringList() << "guereins"); QDirIterator directories(StelFileMgr::getInstallationDir()+"/landscapes/", QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while(directories.hasNext()) { directories.next(); packagedLandscapeIDs << directories.fileName(); } packagedLandscapeIDs.removeDuplicates(); } LandscapeMgr::~LandscapeMgr() { delete atmosphere; delete cardinalsPoints; delete landscape; landscape = NULL; } /************************************************************************* Reimplementation of the getCallOrder method *************************************************************************/ double LandscapeMgr::getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const { if (actionName==StelModule::ActionDraw) return StelApp::getInstance().getModuleMgr().getModule("MeteorMgr")->getCallOrder(actionName)+20; if (actionName==StelModule::ActionUpdate) return StelApp::getInstance().getModuleMgr().getModule("SolarSystem")->getCallOrder(actionName)+10; // GZ The next 2 lines are only required to test landscape transparency. They should be commented away for releases. if (actionName==StelModule::ActionHandleMouseClicks) return StelApp::getInstance().getModuleMgr().getModule("StelMovementMgr")->getCallOrder(actionName)-1; return 0; } void LandscapeMgr::update(double deltaTime) { atmosphere->update(deltaTime); landscape->update(deltaTime); cardinalsPoints->update(deltaTime); // Compute the atmosphere color and intensity // Compute the sun position in local coordinate SolarSystem* ssystem = (SolarSystem*)StelApp::getInstance().getModuleMgr().getModule("SolarSystem"); StelCore* core = StelApp::getInstance().getCore(); Vec3d sunPos = ssystem->getSun()->getAltAzPosApparent(core); // Compute the moon position in local coordinate Vec3d moonPos = ssystem->getMoon()->getAltAzPosApparent(core); atmosphere->computeColor(core->getJDay(), sunPos, moonPos, ssystem->getMoon()->getPhaseAngle(ssystem->getEarth()->getHeliocentricEclipticPos()), core, core->getCurrentLocation().latitude, core->getCurrentLocation().altitude, 15.f, 40.f); // Temperature = 15c, relative humidity = 40% core->getSkyDrawer()->reportLuminanceInFov(3.75+atmosphere->getAverageLuminance()*3.5, true); // Compute the ground luminance based on every planets around // TBD: Reactivate and verify this code!? Source, reference? // float groundLuminance = 0; // const vector& allPlanets = ssystem->getAllPlanets(); // for (vector::const_iterator i=allPlanets.begin();i!=allPlanets.end();++i) // { // Vec3d pos = (*i)->getAltAzPos(core); // pos.normalize(); // if (pos[2] <= 0) // { // // No need to take this body into the landscape illumination computation // // because it is under the horizon // } // else // { // // Compute the Illuminance E of the ground caused by the planet in lux = lumen/m^2 // float E = pow10(((*i)->get_mag(core)+13.988)/-2.5); // //qDebug() << "mag=" << (*i)->get_mag(core) << " illum=" << E; // // Luminance in cd/m^2 // groundLuminance += E/0.44*pos[2]*pos[2]; // 1m^2 from 1.5 m above the ground is 0.44 sr. // } // } // groundLuminance*=atmosphere->getFadeIntensity(); // groundLuminance=atmosphere->getAverageLuminance()/50; // qDebug() << "Atmosphere lum=" << atmosphere->getAverageLuminance() << " ground lum=" << groundLuminance; // qDebug() << "Adapted Atmosphere lum=" << eye->adaptLuminance(atmosphere->getAverageLuminance()) << " Adapted ground lum=" << eye->adaptLuminance(groundLuminance); // compute global ground brightness in a simplistic way, directly in RGB sunPos.normalize(); moonPos.normalize(); float landscapeBrightness=0.0f; if (getFlagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness()) { // Setting from landscape.ini has priority if enabled if (getFlagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness() && landscape->getLandscapeMinimalBrightness()>=0) landscapeBrightness = landscape->getLandscapeMinimalBrightness(); else landscapeBrightness = getDefaultMinimalBrightness(); } // We define the solar brightness contribution zero when the sun is 8 degrees below the horizon. float sinSunAngle = sin(qMin(M_PI_2, asin(sunPos[2])+8.*M_PI/180.)); if(sinSunAngle > -0.1/1.5 ) landscapeBrightness += 1.5*(sinSunAngle+0.1/1.5); // GZ: 2013-09-25 Take light pollution into account! StelSkyDrawer* drawer=StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->getSkyDrawer(); float pollutionAddonBrightness=(drawer->getBortleScaleIndex()-1.0f)*0.025f; // 0..8, so we assume empirical linear brightening 0..0.02 float lunarAddonBrightness=0.f; if (moonPos[2] > -0.1/1.5) lunarAddonBrightness = qMax(0.2/-12.*ssystem->getMoon()->getVMagnitudeWithExtinction(core),0.)*moonPos[2]; landscapeBrightness += qMax(lunarAddonBrightness, pollutionAddonBrightness); // TODO make this more generic for non-atmosphere planets if(atmosphere->getFadeIntensity() == 1) { // If the atmosphere is on, a solar eclipse might darken the sky // otherwise we just use the sun position calculation above landscapeBrightness *= (atmosphere->getRealDisplayIntensityFactor()+0.1); } // TODO: should calculate dimming with solar eclipse even without atmosphere on // Brightness can't be over 1.f (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/stellarium/+bug/1115364) if (landscapeBrightness>0.95) landscapeBrightness = 0.95; if (core->getCurrentLocation().planetName.contains("Sun")) { // NOTE: Simple workaround for brightness of landscape when observing from the Sun. landscape->setBrightness(1.f, 0.0f); } else { float lightscapeBrightness=0.0f; // night pollution brightness is mixed in at -3...-8 degrees. if (sunPos[2]<-0.14f) lightscapeBrightness=1.0f; else if (sunPos[2]<-0.05f) lightscapeBrightness = 1.0f-(sunPos[2]+0.14)/(-0.05+0.14); landscape->setBrightness(landscapeBrightness, lightscapeBrightness); } } void LandscapeMgr::draw(StelCore* core) { // Draw the atmosphere atmosphere->draw(core); // Draw the landscape landscape->draw(core); // Draw the cardinal points cardinalsPoints->draw(core, StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->getCurrentLocation().latitude); } void LandscapeMgr::init() { QSettings* conf = StelApp::getInstance().getSettings(); Q_ASSERT(conf); atmosphere = new Atmosphere(); landscape = new LandscapeOldStyle(); defaultLandscapeID = conf->value("init_location/landscape_name").toString(); setCurrentLandscapeID(defaultLandscapeID); setFlagLandscape(conf->value("landscape/flag_landscape", conf->value("landscape/flag_ground", true).toBool()).toBool()); setFlagFog(conf->value("landscape/flag_fog",true).toBool()); setFlagAtmosphere(conf->value("landscape/flag_atmosphere", true).toBool()); setAtmosphereFadeDuration(conf->value("landscape/atmosphere_fade_duration",0.5).toFloat()); setAtmosphereLightPollutionLuminance(conf->value("viewing/light_pollution_luminance",0.0).toFloat()); setFlagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase(conf->value("viewing/flag_light_pollution_database", false).toBool()); cardinalsPoints = new Cardinals(); cardinalsPoints->setFlagShow(conf->value("viewing/flag_cardinal_points",true).toBool()); setFlagLandscapeSetsLocation(conf->value("landscape/flag_landscape_sets_location",false).toBool()); setFlagLandscapeAutoSelection(conf->value("viewing/flag_landscape_autoselection", false).toBool()); // Set minimal brightness for landscape. This feature has been added for folks which say "landscape is super dark, please add light". --AW setDefaultMinimalBrightness(conf->value("landscape/minimal_brightness", 0.01).toFloat()); setFlagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness(conf->value("landscape/flag_minimal_brightness", false).toBool()); setFlagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness(conf->value("landscape/flag_landscape_sets_minimal_brightness",false).toBool()); setFlagAtmosphereAutoEnable(conf->value("viewing/flag_atmopshere_auto_enable",true).toBool()); bool ok =true; setAtmosphereBortleLightPollution(conf->value("stars/init_bortle_scale",3).toInt(&ok)); if (!ok) { conf->setValue("stars/init_bortle_scale",3); setAtmosphereBortleLightPollution(3); ok = true; } StelApp *app = &StelApp::getInstance(); connect(app, SIGNAL(languageChanged()), this, SLOT(updateI18n())); connect(app, SIGNAL(colorSchemeChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setStelStyle(const QString&))); QString displayGroup = N_("Display Options"); addAction("actionShow_Atmosphere", displayGroup, N_("Atmosphere"), "atmosphereDisplayed", "A"); addAction("actionShow_Fog", displayGroup, N_("Fog"), "fogDisplayed", "F"); addAction("actionShow_Cardinal_Points", displayGroup, N_("Cardinal points"), "cardinalsPointsDisplayed", "Q"); addAction("actionShow_Ground", displayGroup, N_("Ground"), "landscapeDisplayed", "G"); } void LandscapeMgr::setStelStyle(const QString& section) { // Load colors from config file QSettings* conf = StelApp::getInstance().getSettings(); QString defaultColor = conf->value(section+"/default_color").toString(); setColorCardinalPoints(StelUtils::strToVec3f(conf->value(section+"/cardinal_color", defaultColor).toString())); } bool LandscapeMgr::setCurrentLandscapeID(const QString& id) { if (id.isEmpty()) return false; // We want to lookup the landscape ID (dir) from the name. Landscape* newLandscape = createFromFile(StelFileMgr::findFile("landscapes/" + id + "/landscape.ini"), id); if (!newLandscape) { qWarning() << "ERROR while loading default landscape " << "landscapes/" + id + "/landscape.ini"; return false; } if (landscape) { // Copy display parameters from previous landscape to new one newLandscape->setFlagShow(landscape->getFlagShow()); newLandscape->setFlagShowFog(landscape->getFlagShowFog()); delete landscape; landscape = newLandscape; } currentLandscapeID = id; if (getFlagLandscapeSetsLocation() && landscape->hasLocation()) { StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->moveObserverTo(landscape->getLocation()); StelSkyDrawer* drawer=StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->getSkyDrawer(); if (landscape->getDefaultFogSetting() >-1) { setFlagFog((bool) landscape->getDefaultFogSetting()); landscape->setFlagShowFog((bool) landscape->getDefaultFogSetting()); } if (landscape->getDefaultBortleIndex() > 0) { setAtmosphereBortleLightPollution(landscape->getDefaultBortleIndex()); drawer->setBortleScaleIndex(landscape->getDefaultBortleIndex()); } if (landscape->getDefaultAtmosphericExtinction() >= 0.0) { drawer->setExtinctionCoefficient(landscape->getDefaultAtmosphericExtinction()); } if (landscape->getDefaultAtmosphericTemperature() > -273.15) { drawer->setAtmosphereTemperature(landscape->getDefaultAtmosphericTemperature()); } if (landscape->getDefaultAtmosphericPressure() >= 0.0) { drawer->setAtmospherePressure(landscape->getDefaultAtmosphericPressure()); } else if (landscape->getDefaultAtmosphericPressure() == -1.0) { // compute standard pressure for standard atmosphere in given altitude if landscape.ini coded as atmospheric_pressure=-1 // International altitude formula found in Wikipedia. double alt=landscape->getLocation().altitude; double p=1013.25*std::pow(1-(0.0065*alt)/288.15, 5.255); drawer->setAtmospherePressure(p); } } // else qDebug() << "Will not set new location; Landscape location: planet: " << landscape->getLocation().planetName << "name: " << landscape->getLocation().name; return true; } bool LandscapeMgr::setCurrentLandscapeName(const QString& name) { if (name.isEmpty()) return false; QMap nameToDirMap = getNameToDirMap(); if (nameToDirMap.find(name)!=nameToDirMap.end()) { return setCurrentLandscapeID(nameToDirMap[name]); } else { qWarning() << "Can't find a landscape with name=" << name << endl; return false; } } // Change the default landscape to the landscape with the ID specified. bool LandscapeMgr::setDefaultLandscapeID(const QString& id) { if (id.isEmpty()) return false; defaultLandscapeID = id; QSettings* conf = StelApp::getInstance().getSettings(); conf->setValue("init_location/landscape_name", id); return true; } void LandscapeMgr::updateI18n() { // Translate all labels with the new language if (cardinalsPoints) cardinalsPoints->updateI18n(); } void LandscapeMgr::setFlagLandscape(const bool displayed) { if(landscape->getFlagShow() != displayed) { landscape->setFlagShow(displayed); emit landscapeDisplayedChanged(displayed); } } bool LandscapeMgr::getFlagLandscape() const { return landscape->getFlagShow(); } bool LandscapeMgr::getIsLandscapeFullyVisible() const { return landscape->getIsFullyVisible(); } bool LandscapeMgr::getFlagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase() const { return flagLightPollutionFromDatabase; } void LandscapeMgr::setFlagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase(const bool usage) { if (flagLightPollutionFromDatabase != usage) { flagLightPollutionFromDatabase = usage; emit lightPollutionUsageChanged(usage); } } void LandscapeMgr::setFlagFog(const bool displayed) { if (landscape->getFlagShowFog() != displayed) { landscape->setFlagShowFog(displayed); emit fogDisplayedChanged(displayed); } } bool LandscapeMgr::getFlagFog() const { return landscape->getFlagShowFog(); } void LandscapeMgr::setFlagLandscapeAutoSelection(bool enableAutoSelect) { flagLandscapeAutoSelection = enableAutoSelect; } bool LandscapeMgr::getFlagLandscapeAutoSelection() const { return flagLandscapeAutoSelection; } void LandscapeMgr::setFlagAtmosphereAutoEnable(bool b) { flagAtmosphereAutoEnabling = b; } bool LandscapeMgr::getFlagAtmosphereAutoEnable() const { return flagAtmosphereAutoEnabling; } /********************************************************************* Retrieve list of the names of all the available landscapes *********************************************************************/ QStringList LandscapeMgr::getAllLandscapeNames() const { QMap nameToDirMap = getNameToDirMap(); QStringList result; // We just look over the map of names to IDs and extract the keys foreach (QString i, nameToDirMap.keys()) { result += i; } return result; } QStringList LandscapeMgr::getAllLandscapeIDs() const { QMap nameToDirMap = getNameToDirMap(); QStringList result; // We just look over the map of names to IDs and extract the keys foreach (QString i, nameToDirMap.values()) { result += i; } return result; } QStringList LandscapeMgr::getUserLandscapeIDs() const { QMap nameToDirMap = getNameToDirMap(); QStringList result; foreach (QString id, nameToDirMap.values()) { if(!packagedLandscapeIDs.contains(id)) { result += id; } } return result; } QString LandscapeMgr::getCurrentLandscapeName() const { return landscape->getName(); } QString LandscapeMgr::getCurrentLandscapeHtmlDescription() const { QString desc = getDescription(); desc+="

"; desc+=""+q_("Author: ")+""; desc+=landscape->getAuthorName(); desc+="
"; desc+=""+q_("Location: ")+""; if (landscape->getLocation().longitude>-500.0 && landscape->getLocation().latitude>-500.0) { desc += StelUtils::radToDmsStrAdapt(landscape->getLocation().longitude * M_PI/180.); desc += "/" + StelUtils::radToDmsStrAdapt(landscape->getLocation().latitude *M_PI/180.); desc += QString(q_(", %1 m")).arg(landscape->getLocation().altitude); QString planetName = landscape->getLocation().planetName; if (!planetName.isEmpty()) { desc += "
"+q_("Planet: ")+""+ q_(planetName); } desc += "

"; } return desc; } //! Set flag for displaying Cardinals Points void LandscapeMgr::setFlagCardinalsPoints(const bool displayed) { if (cardinalsPoints->getFlagShow() != displayed) { cardinalsPoints->setFlagShow(displayed); emit cardinalsPointsDisplayedChanged(displayed); } } //! Get flag for displaying Cardinals Points bool LandscapeMgr::getFlagCardinalsPoints() const { return cardinalsPoints->getFlagShow(); } //! Set Cardinals Points color void LandscapeMgr::setColorCardinalPoints(const Vec3f& v) { cardinalsPoints->setColor(v); } //! Get Cardinals Points color Vec3f LandscapeMgr::getColorCardinalPoints() const { return cardinalsPoints->get_color(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Atmosphere //! Set flag for displaying Atmosphere void LandscapeMgr::setFlagAtmosphere(const bool displayed) { if (atmosphere->getFlagShow() != displayed) { atmosphere->setFlagShow(displayed); StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->getSkyDrawer()->setFlagHasAtmosphere(displayed); emit atmosphereDisplayedChanged(displayed); if (StelApp::getInstance().getSettings()->value("landscape/flag_fog", true).toBool()) setFlagFog(displayed); // sync of visibility of fog because this is atmospheric phenomena } } //! Get flag for displaying Atmosphere bool LandscapeMgr::getFlagAtmosphere() const { return atmosphere->getFlagShow(); } //! Set atmosphere fade duration in s void LandscapeMgr::setAtmosphereFadeDuration(const float f) { atmosphere->setFadeDuration(f); } //! Get atmosphere fade duration in s float LandscapeMgr::getAtmosphereFadeDuration() const { return atmosphere->getFadeDuration(); } //! Set light pollution luminance level void LandscapeMgr::setAtmosphereLightPollutionLuminance(const float f) { atmosphere->setLightPollutionLuminance(f); } //! Get light pollution luminance level float LandscapeMgr::getAtmosphereLightPollutionLuminance() const { return atmosphere->getLightPollutionLuminance(); } //! Set the light pollution following the Bortle Scale void LandscapeMgr::setAtmosphereBortleLightPollution(const int bIndex) { // This is an empirical formula setAtmosphereLightPollutionLuminance(qMax(0.,0.0004*std::pow(bIndex-1, 2.1))); emit lightPollutionChanged(); } //! Get the light pollution following the Bortle Scale int LandscapeMgr::getAtmosphereBortleLightPollution() const { return (int)std::pow(getAtmosphereLightPollutionLuminance()/0.0004, 1./2.1) + 1; } void LandscapeMgr::setZRotation(const float d) { if (landscape) landscape->setZRotation(d); } float LandscapeMgr::getLuminance() const { return atmosphere->getRealDisplayIntensityFactor(); } float LandscapeMgr::getAtmosphereAverageLuminance() const { return atmosphere->getAverageLuminance(); } Landscape* LandscapeMgr::createFromFile(const QString& landscapeFile, const QString& landscapeId) { QSettings landscapeIni(landscapeFile, StelIniFormat); QString s; if (landscapeIni.status() != QSettings::NoError) { qWarning() << "ERROR parsing landscape.ini file: " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(landscapeFile); s = ""; } else s = landscapeIni.value("landscape/type").toString(); Landscape* ldscp = NULL; if (s=="old_style") ldscp = new LandscapeOldStyle(); else if (s=="spherical") ldscp = new LandscapeSpherical(); else if (s=="fisheye") ldscp = new LandscapeFisheye(); else if (s=="polygonal") ldscp = new LandscapePolygonal(); else { qDebug() << "Unknown landscape type: \"" << s << "\""; // to avoid making this a fatal error, will load as a fisheye // if this fails, it just won't draw ldscp = new LandscapeFisheye(); } ldscp->load(landscapeIni, landscapeId); return ldscp; } QString LandscapeMgr::nameToID(const QString& name) const { QMap nameToDirMap = getNameToDirMap(); if (nameToDirMap.find(name)!=nameToDirMap.end()) { Q_ASSERT(0); return "error"; } else { return nameToDirMap[name]; } } /**************************************************************************** get a map of landscape name (from landscape.ini name field) to ID (dir name) ****************************************************************************/ QMap LandscapeMgr::getNameToDirMap() const { QMap result; QSet landscapeDirs = StelFileMgr::listContents("landscapes",StelFileMgr::Directory); foreach (const QString& dir, landscapeDirs) { QString fName = StelFileMgr::findFile("landscapes/" + dir + "/landscape.ini"); if (!fName.isEmpty()) { QSettings landscapeIni(fName, StelIniFormat); QString k = landscapeIni.value("landscape/name").toString(); result[k] = dir; } } return result; } QString LandscapeMgr::installLandscapeFromArchive(QString sourceFilePath, const bool display, const bool toMainDirectory) { Q_UNUSED(toMainDirectory); if (!QFile::exists(sourceFilePath)) { qDebug() << "LandscapeMgr: File does not exist:" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFilePath); emit errorUnableToOpen(sourceFilePath); return QString(); } QDir parentDestinationDir; parentDestinationDir.setPath(StelFileMgr::getUserDir()); if (!parentDestinationDir.exists("landscapes")) { //qDebug() << "LandscapeMgr: No 'landscapes' subdirectory exists in" << parentDestinationDir.absolutePath(); if (!parentDestinationDir.mkdir("landscapes")) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Unable to install landscape: Unable to create sub-directory 'landscapes' in" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(parentDestinationDir.absolutePath()); emit errorUnableToOpen(QDir::cleanPath(parentDestinationDir.filePath("landscapes")));//parentDestinationDir.absolutePath() return QString(); } } QDir destinationDir (parentDestinationDir.absoluteFilePath("landscapes")); QZipReader reader(sourceFilePath); if (reader.status() != QZipReader::NoError) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Unable to open as a ZIP archive:" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFilePath); emit errorNotArchive(); return QString(); } //Detect top directory QString topDir, iniPath; QList infoList = reader.fileInfoList(); foreach(QZipReader::FileInfo info, infoList) { QFileInfo fileInfo(info.filePath); if (fileInfo.fileName() == "landscape.ini") { iniPath = info.filePath; topDir = fileInfo.dir().path(); break; } } if (topDir.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Unable to install landscape. There is no directory that contains a 'landscape.ini' file in the source archive."; emit errorNotArchive(); return QString(); } //Determine the landscape's identifier QString landscapeID = QFileInfo(topDir).fileName(); if (landscapeID.length() < 2) { // If the archive has no top level directory // use the first 65 characters of its file name for an identifier QFileInfo sourceFileInfo(sourceFilePath); landscapeID = sourceFileInfo.baseName().left(65); } //Check for duplicate IDs if (getAllLandscapeIDs().contains(landscapeID)) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Unable to install landscape. A landscape with the ID" << landscapeID << "already exists."; emit errorNotUnique(landscapeID); return QString(); } //Read the .ini file and check if the landscape name is unique QTemporaryFile tempLandscapeIni("landscapeXXXXXX.ini"); if (tempLandscapeIni.open()) { QByteArray iniData = reader.fileData(iniPath); tempLandscapeIni.write(iniData); tempLandscapeIni.close(); QSettings confLandscapeIni(tempLandscapeIni.fileName(), StelIniFormat); QString landscapeName = confLandscapeIni.value("landscape/name").toString(); if (getAllLandscapeNames().contains(landscapeName)) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Unable to install landscape. There is already a landscape named" << landscapeName; emit errorNotUnique(landscapeName); return QString(); } } //Copy the landscape directory to the target //This case already has been handled - and commented out - above. :) if(destinationDir.exists(landscapeID)) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: A subdirectory" << landscapeID << "already exists in" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(destinationDir.absolutePath()) << "Its contents may be overwritten."; } else if(!destinationDir.mkdir(landscapeID)) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Unable to install landscape. Unable to create" << landscapeID << "directory in" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(destinationDir.absolutePath()); emit errorUnableToOpen(QDir::cleanPath(destinationDir.filePath(landscapeID))); return QString(); } destinationDir.cd(landscapeID); foreach(QZipReader::FileInfo info, infoList) { QFileInfo fileInfo(info.filePath); if (info.isFile && fileInfo.dir().path() == topDir) { QByteArray data = reader.fileData(info.filePath); QFile out(destinationDir.filePath(fileInfo.fileName())); if (out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { out.write(data); out.close(); } else { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: cannot open " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); } } } reader.close(); //If necessary, make the new landscape the current landscape if (display) { setCurrentLandscapeID(landscapeID); } //Make sure that everyone knows that the list of available landscapes has changed emit landscapesChanged(); qDebug() << "LandscapeMgr: Successfully installed landscape directory" << landscapeID << "to" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(destinationDir.absolutePath()); return landscapeID; } bool LandscapeMgr::removeLandscape(const QString landscapeID) { if (landscapeID.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Error! No landscape ID passed to removeLandscape()."; return false; } if (packagedLandscapeIDs.contains(landscapeID)) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Landscapes that are part of the default installation cannot be removed."; return false; } qDebug() << "LandscapeMgr: Trying to remove landscape" << landscapeID; QString landscapePath = getLandscapePath(landscapeID); if (landscapePath.isEmpty()) return false; QDir landscapeDir(landscapePath); foreach (QString fileName, landscapeDir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if(!landscapeDir.remove(fileName)) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Unable to remove" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName); emit errorRemoveManually(landscapeDir.absolutePath()); return false; } } landscapeDir.cdUp(); if(!landscapeDir.rmdir(landscapeID)) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Error! Landscape" << landscapeID << "could not be removed. " << "Some files were deleted, but not all." << endl << "LandscapeMgr: You can delete manually" << QDir::cleanPath(landscapeDir.filePath(landscapeID)); emit errorRemoveManually(QDir::cleanPath(landscapeDir.filePath(landscapeID))); return false; } qDebug() << "LandscapeMgr: Successfully removed" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(landscapePath); //If the landscape has been selected, revert to the default one //TODO: Make this optional? if (getCurrentLandscapeID() == landscapeID) { if(getDefaultLandscapeID() == landscapeID) { setDefaultLandscapeID(packagedLandscapeIDs.first()); //TODO: Find what happens if a missing landscape is specified in the configuration file } setCurrentLandscapeID(getDefaultLandscapeID()); } //Make sure that everyone knows that the list of available landscapes has changed emit landscapesChanged(); return true; } QString LandscapeMgr::getLandscapePath(const QString landscapeID) const { QString result; //Is this necessary? This function is private. if (landscapeID.isEmpty()) return result; result = StelFileMgr::findFile("landscapes/" + landscapeID, StelFileMgr::Directory); if (result.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Error! Unable to find" << landscapeID; return result; } return result; } QString LandscapeMgr::loadLandscapeName(const QString landscapeID) { QString landscapeName; if (landscapeID.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Error! No landscape ID passed to loadLandscapeName()."; return landscapeName; } QString landscapePath = getLandscapePath(landscapeID); if (landscapePath.isEmpty()) return landscapeName; QDir landscapeDir(landscapePath); if (landscapeDir.exists("landscape.ini")) { QString landscapeSettingsPath = landscapeDir.filePath("landscape.ini"); QSettings landscapeSettings(landscapeSettingsPath, StelIniFormat); landscapeName = landscapeSettings.value("landscape/name").toString(); } else { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Error! Landscape directory" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(landscapePath) << "does not contain a 'landscape.ini' file"; } return landscapeName; } quint64 LandscapeMgr::loadLandscapeSize(const QString landscapeID) const { quint64 landscapeSize = 0; if (landscapeID.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "LandscapeMgr: Error! No landscape ID passed to loadLandscapeSize()."; return landscapeSize; } QString landscapePath = getLandscapePath(landscapeID); if (landscapePath.isEmpty()) return landscapeSize; QDir landscapeDir(landscapePath); foreach (QFileInfo file, landscapeDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { //qDebug() << "name:" << file.baseName() << "size:" << file.size(); landscapeSize += file.size(); } return landscapeSize; } QString LandscapeMgr::getDescription() const { QString lang, desc, descFile, locDescriptionFile, engDescriptionFile; bool hasFile = true; lang = StelApp::getInstance().getLocaleMgr().getAppLanguage(); locDescriptionFile = StelFileMgr::findFile("landscapes/" + getCurrentLandscapeID(), StelFileMgr::Directory) + "/description." + lang + ".utf8"; engDescriptionFile = StelFileMgr::findFile("landscapes/" + getCurrentLandscapeID(), StelFileMgr::Directory) + "/description.en.utf8"; // OK. Check the file with full name of locale if (!QFileInfo(locDescriptionFile).exists()) { // Oops... File not exists! What about short name of locale? lang = lang.split("_").at(0); locDescriptionFile = StelFileMgr::findFile("landscapes/" + getCurrentLandscapeID(), StelFileMgr::Directory) + "/description." + lang + ".utf8"; } // Check localized description for landscape if (!locDescriptionFile.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(locDescriptionFile).exists()) { descFile = locDescriptionFile; } // OK. Localized description of landscape not exists. What about english description of its? else if (!engDescriptionFile.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(engDescriptionFile).exists()) { descFile = engDescriptionFile; } // That file not exists too? OK. Will be used description from landscape.ini file. else { hasFile = false; } if (hasFile) { QFile file(descFile); if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&file); in.setCodec("UTF-8"); desc = in.readAll(); file.close(); } } else { desc = QString("


").arg(q_(landscape->getName())); desc += landscape->getDescription(); } return desc; } /* // GZ: Addition to identify landscape transparency. Used for development and debugging only, should be commented out in release builds. // Also, StelMovementMgr l.382 event->accept() must be commented out for this here to work! void LandscapeMgr::handleMouseClicks(QMouseEvent *event) { switch (event->button()) { case Qt::LeftButton : if (event->type()==QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { Vec3d v; StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->getProjection(StelCore::FrameAltAz, StelCore::RefractionOff)->unProject(event->x(),event->y(),v); v.normalize(); float trans=landscape->getOpacity(v); qDebug() << "Landscape opacity at screen X=" << event->x() << ", Y=" << event->y() << ": " << trans; } break; default: break; } // do not event->accept(), so that it is forwarded to other modules. return; } */